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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1904)
o polft County bsevver Raffia for basket work at Mrs, Metzger'a. H. G. Campbell, agent McMinnville Insurance Co. New April magazines are now on sale at Meisers.' Try some of those sweet pickles and olives at Eigg's. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lacey visited in Portland during the week. Ladies, it is no trouble to make bread with Crusade flour. Riggs Mrs. Louis Gerlinger, Jr., visited relatives in Portland over Sunday. Easter services will be held in the M. E. Church next Sunday evening. Mrs. J. B. Stump, of Monmouth, visited relatives in Dallas Wednesday. Ont you eat our cakes and home madlejaread, you will have no other. Kigus." , - . D. W. Sears, the well-known capital ist of Independence, was a Dallas visitor, Tuesday. 4' A. L. Porter, of Norton's, Lincoln county, was a business visitor in Dallas, Wednesday. Fine line of Rebekah emblem pins soon to arrive at C. J. Pugh's jewelry store, Falls City, Or. Mrs. Metzgor will hereafter carry Standard patterns in stock, and the ladies are invited to call. E. W. Staats, a substantial young farmer of the Luckiamute country, was in Dallas, Saturday. Mrs. Carl Roe, of Enterprise, Ore gon, is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. M. E. Weaver. G. A. Hurley, the Independence attorney and real estate dealer, was a business visitor in Dallas, Friday. Rev. I. N. Mulkey, of McCoy, was in town Monday, being on his way home from Antioch, where he preached on Sunday. Mrs. Gertrude Roach and Mrs. Samuel Elliott, of Portland, are visit ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Elliott. New lines of Shoes at Pollock's. Those who have bought of us will come again. We hope to make many new customers this year. C. D. Gabrielson, spe'..l agent of the Phoenix Insurance Company, and a prominent business man of Salem, was in Dallas, Tuesday. We have Ladies' Shoes at $2 and $2.50 solid, substantial, with plenty of style. Our $3.50 shoe needs no comment. Pollock's Cash Store. Trixl Have you played it? Easy to learn ; scientific ; instructive ; amus ing. Nix, played with Trix cards, is another interesting game. AtMeiser3.' Dr. H. L. Toney, dentist ; graduate of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Office up stairs Uglow building. Hours 8 to 12 and 1 to 5. Examinations free. Phone 45. Leonard Wells, aged i years, died at the home of his parents, Judge and Mrs. W. L. Wells, in Halsey, Oregon, last Thursday night, of stomach trouble. His illness lasted only a few hours. Ho was a bright little boy, and bis death is a sad blow to the , family. j Blank notes for sale here. Read the new ad of the Hub Cloth ing Company. Frank Gilliam was down from Pe dee on a business visit yesterday. Miss Bertha Collins invites an in spection of her large stock of Spring millinery. Read and profit by the ad of the Hub Clothing Company on the first page of this paper. R. H. Steffy killed a fox in the hills south of town Wednesday. The youug man's father killed one in the same vicinity last week. John Castle has sold his homestead in Douglas precinct. He says he is tired of the hard trips to the mountains and is happy to be a citizen of Dallas once more. Wanted : To exchange lumber or wood for heavy draft teams, harness, 3 or heavier lumber wagons, hay or grain. Oregon Lumber, Wood & Light Co., Falls City, Or. H. Glaze and family, who have been living on the Dolph farm north of Dallas, moved to the house recently vacated by R. L. Dashiell and family in the east end of town this week. It is up to you if the children have not been photographed lately. Is it not your duty to have it done now? They have no voice in the matter. Childhood is short and the little tots' pictures increase in value. T. J. Cherrington, Dallas, Oregon. W. V. Fuller, who is interested in a sawmill and shingle mill at Cicero, Wash., visited his family in Dallas this week. He was accompanied by M. J. Clark, a prominent capitalist of Grand Rapids, Mich., who owns several large tracts of timber in Polk county. Wagner Brothers invite you to call and inspect their stock of bath-tubs, sinks, toilets, etc, as they now carry the largest stock on the West Side. They have engaged the services of a first-class plumber, and would be pleased to call and figure with you on any work you may have in the way of water pipes or plumbing of any kind for your house, store or office. The finest and most skillful work guaran teed. THURSDAY, APRIL 7, at 2 o'clock P. M. Thirty-five members of the Order of Eastern Star from Independence and Monmouth paid a fraternal visit to Naomi Chapter, No. 22, of this city, Tuesday night. The visitors came on a special motor, and were met at the depot and escorted to the lodge room, where they were met at the door by Mrs. D. M. Metzger, worthy matron, and A.B.Muir worthy patron. After in itiation of candidates, talks were made by the members and a fine supper was j served in the banquet hall. A book j guessing contest caused much merri-j ment, the first prize being won by Mrs. ! John Klrkland, of Independence, and f the boobies falling to Dr. Mark Hay ter and Prof. C. L. Starr. The visitors departed for home shortly before midnight. Mrs. G. N. Cherrington in visiting relatives in Portland. The Observer office wants the print ing you are particular about. Hon. J. M. Stark, of Independence, was a Dallas visitor yesterday. A beautiful line of Spring millinery now on display at Mrs. HH. Chace's, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nichols left on their long journey to the Philippine Islands, Monday. District Attorney J. N. Hart attend ed a session of Circuit Court iu Yam hill county this week. Elmer Hall, of Buena Vista, has ranted Mrs. F. H. Conkey's property and will move his family to Dallas in a few weeks. Alfred Haldeman has opened a neat erocerv store and market in the Collins building on Court street. He will make a specialty of handling eggs and poultry. Mrs. Frank Muscott, of Dallas, is in Albany, the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cal Headley. Mrs. Headley has been seriously ill, but is now improving. Albany Herald. A. J. Engdahl, traveling repre sentative for the well-known musip house of George C. Will," of Salem, is in Dallas this week. He has several fine piano3 on display at Harris' jewelry store. R. L. Chapman has received his certificate as an undertaker, having passed the required examination be fore the State Board of Health. As an undertaker and funeral director, Mr. Chapman has few equals among men of his age. An enjoyable feature of the Epworth convention was the vocal solo by Mrs. George Conkey, of Independence. Mrs. Conkey recently received instruct tion from one of the leading vocalists of San Francisco, and has made splendid progress in her studies. The demand for Canyon Creek water is great, and. the plumbers and pipe-layers are kept busy supplying the business houses and dwellings with the necessary pipes and fittings. After drinking muddy well water all winter, the clear mountain water comes as a welcome change, and it is safe to predict that before many months a large majority of the homes of Dallas will be using Canyon creek water. John C. Uglow returned to Dallas yesterday after an absence of years, most of which time was spent in Seattle and South Bend, Wash. He was accompanied by Mrs. Uglow. John and his father will open up a fine stock of clothing and gent's furnishing goods in the Uglow build ing in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Uglow have many friends in Dallas, and all are glad to welcome them home again. . Early Potatoes For Sale. Early seed potatoes for sale. H. Butz, Dallas, Or. S. Mohair Sale Postponed. Owing to the backward spason, the of sale the Polk con nty Mohair pooljhas been postponed from Saturday, April 8, to Saturday, April 15. Growers will please lake notice. rcryg-! "J ll'r""nri ' lllll"TTn "I "Hill ''-w'mmmm, t&T - " """"M"M"m ' " " """"""1m"'rr""'"""r"""' "' mm " "" "' """ ' "" The Tailored Suits we are showing are un questionabty the Season's Most Remarkable Values and eclipse all former efforts either our own or any other dealers. There is nothing in these gar ments that we do not guar antee. The cloth, the price the make, the shape and everything that goes toward making high grade depend able garments. The New Raglans Raincoats now here, comes in greys, olives and mixed effects; the cloth will resist unusual wear and with stand the effects of any shower; very popular garment for spring Butterick Patterns for April .M 1Si S Just get the Delinator 15c. Ilk. fJTU Ir.ii. Wii'O' Jit 4 !n 1 A full line of UndersKirts stylish, both in the 'Sorosis' and 'Maternich' makes, also Silk Taffeta Skirts Walk ing Skirts f every descrip tion, plain and mixed goods. THE BEE HIVE STORE Dallas, Oregon. jfalle Gits Botes Miss Maude Moyer has been visiting her parents for the past week. Bruce Burnett, who has been clerk ing in M. L. Thompson's drugstore, has moved to Corvallls. Deputy Assessor George Siefarth has been around, visiting those hav ing property, and is making rapid progress with his work. Steel & Freeman's moving picture show was given to crowded houses on Monday and Tuesday nights. Every one was well pleased with the exhibi tion. Mr. Dunsmore and Mr. Luckey are making rapid progress in the con struction of their dwelling houses. Mr. Luckey has already moved into his house. Special services will be hold in the Christian and Methodist churches on Easter evening. Good programs have been prepared at each place, and all are invited to attend. ' Dr. Perry has one of the neatest offices in the county. It is built on the lot purchased from J, C. Hayter, of the Observer, and is an office that would be a credit to any town, A stock of general merchandise be longing to Mr, Cburter has been pur chased by the Oregon Lumber, Wood & Light Company. They have moved the goods to the building opposite the Em mitt store. Dan Poling and Prof. Dunkel berger. of Dallas, were in town Satur day, paying a visit to Henry Pfand- hoefer, who has been very sick, but who is able to be out again. The public school will give a basket social at the Bryan-Lucas hall on Friday, April 1, at 8 p. m. The pro ceeds from the social will be used to purchase a flag for the schoolhouse. Everybody come. The Vick brothers, who have rented the Jacob Rhodabarger farm, are building in the heart of the town a large creamery whloh will handle the milk from over one hundred cows. This is a grand Improvement for the town, and will be a great industry for the farmers living in this vicinity. The delegates from Falls City to the Epworth League convention in Dallas report an enjoyable and profitable time. All agree that they cannot say enough in praise of the manner in which the people of Dallas opened their homes to them and made them feel welcome. The pupils of the school who will wear Liberty Bell medals for the next three months are Delia Boydston, Lee Decker, Dora Donahue, Eva Chapiu, Myrl Bondurant, Cecil Dodd, Otto Elkins, Cora Page and Fern Ray mond. Those medals are given to the pupil in each grade who makes the best, average iu all Aie3 for three months. V J The report of the Falls City school for the month ending March 25 is as follows : Number enrolled, 132 ; aver uge daily attendance, 126; number of tardies, 5; number of visitors, 25; number neither absent nor tardy, 75. Teachers, H. C. Seymour, Lydia Campbell, Mrs. C. L. Hopkins and Jessie Bryant. On the morning of March 21, School Superintendent C. L. Starr visited the school here, and, upon the invitation of Principal Seymour, gave a twenty- minute talk to all the pupils and teachers assembled in the two upper rooms. The talk was instructive and pleasing. Superintendent Starr knows how to please the children as well as the older people, and they are all glad when they see him coming to the school. Mrs. C. L. Hopkins entertained her Sunday School class of young people at her pleasant home Friday evening. A dainty lunch was served after several hands of flinch and other merry games had been played. Mrs. Hopkins is a charming hostess, and is much beloved by her class. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hop kins, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Seymour, Misses Sara Myer, Fern Raymond, Josie Moyer, Mina Alderman, Francis Luckey, Bessie Milne, Alma Husely, Viola Gardner, Irene Dodd, Althea Gardner ; Messrs. Oscar Sampson, C. Hartung, P. L. Calkins, C. Moyer, Percy Dodd and Russell Davenport. Have You Registered. Until the books are closed in May, the Observer will print the total num ber of voters registered in the several precincts each week. In the following table, the first column shows the num ber of the precinct; the second column the name of the precinct; the third column, the total number of voters registered in 1902, and the fourth column, the number of voters who have registered to date. No. Precinct 1902 1904 1 Douglas 125 45 2 Jackson 107 64 3 Salt Lake 70 32 4 Spring Valley 78 56 5 Eola ... 12G 89 6 Rickreall ...118 66 7 South Independence.. 137 72 8 South Monmouth 115 79 9 Buena Vista 99 .. ..16 10 Suver 41 11 11 Luckiamute 176 104 12 Bridgeport 73 42 13 East Dallas 203 130 14 McCoy .... 89 62 15 South Dallas 155 .. .119 16 North Independence.. 206 97 17 North Dallas 154 92 18 Rock Creek 23 5 20 North Monmouth 102 55 21 Falls City . 139. .. 176 Total 2336 .1412 DeWltt's JEJif Salvo For Piles. Burns, Sores Notice of Dissolution of Copartnership. Notice is hereby given to whom it may concern that the copartnership heretofore existing between E. C. Kirkpatrick and R. E. Williams, dealers in hops and applies, under the firm name and style of Kirk patrick & Williams, is this day dis solved by mutual assent. Dated this 29th day of March, 1904. E. C. Kirkpatrick. R. E. Williams. Notice. The partnership heretofore existing between Kirkpatrick & Williams hav ing this day been dissolved, I hereby notify all persons concerned that I have purchased the interest of E. C. Kirkpatrick in all hop yards run by Kirkpatrick & Williams, and will hereafter have entire control of the same. I will also fill all orders for twine, cloth, sulphur and other sup plies which have been placed with Kirkpatrick & Williams. Dated this 29th day of March, 1904. R. E. Williams. Notice to Hopgrowers. The firm of Kirkpatrick & Williams havjng been dissolved, I desire to say that I will be found at the old office prepared at all times to pay the highest market prices for hops of all grades. My connections both in Lon don and America place me in a posi tion to insure you equal treatmont and leading prices as heretofore. Thank ing all growers for past favors, and inviting you to call and see me at all times, wh,ere you will be met either by myself or Mr. J. M. Grant, I am, Respectfully yours, E. C, Kirkpatrick. I BUSINESS LOCALS. I - Go to Wilson Drug Company for books and school supplies. L. D. Brown, Notary Public; type writing. With J. N. Hart. Dr. Hayter, Dentist. Office over Wilson's Drug Store. Dallas, Oregon. One of the best horse-shoers in the state will be found working at Wagner Bros.' shop. Give him a trial and be convinced. Pioneer Employment Company fur nishes all kinds of help on short notice free to employers. 215 Mor rison St., Portland, Or. Go and see those fine bath tubs, sinks and lavatories at Wagner Bros. A first-class plumber is in their em ploy, and will satisfactorily do your work. Wood Haulers Wanted. Wanted, men to contract to haul cord wood from the timber to Falls City, a distance of one-half mile. Apply to Salem, Falls City & Western Ry. Co. Durham Bull For Sale. Full blooded Red Durham bull for sale. Address George Siefarth, Falls City, Oregon. Hack For Sale Two-seated Studebaker hack, almost as good as new. Price $45. Frank Rowell, Dallas, Or. Eggs For Sale. S. C. White Leghorns, great layers of large white eggs. Eggs, CO cents for 13. W. S. MuiR, Dallas, Oregon. Milk Cows For Sale Two fresh milk cows for sale. Burford, Dallas, Or . J. M. Horses Wanted. Four or five head of good work horses wanted; suitable for logging purposes. Address, Box 205, Inde pendence, Or. aerman Coach Stallion. The imported German Coach stallion "Albion" will make the season of 1904 in Dallas. J. R. Hubbard, W. H. McDaniel. Eggs For Sale. Brown Leghorn eggs for sale; CO cents for setting of 15. S. R. Kennedy, Dallas, Oregon. For Sale. I have over 500 acres of good, im proved land for sale. C. W. Leonard, Monmouth, Oregon. Stallion For Service. The imported English Shire stallion "Dunsmore Prince 3011, (7146)," owned by Geo. H. Bronson, of Lewisville, will make the season of 1904 at Dallas and in the vicinity of Bridgeport, Lewisville and Airlie. Posters later. A. IS. KKOWft DEALKK IX LIVESTOCK liuya and ships lUve, Muttun and Stock Sheep. Highest market price paid at al. times. Address, b. r. d. no. 1, DALLAS, OREGON TbT! in toot Cttarrb in this trtion of tb country tbn i.l o!itr dieni put tog-ether, .nJ yiiT il t.. 1 4e-t ' vars puprvwd to r9 iii' iirst'ie. 1- ' : k" 1 t, aiif ears doctor, pro noii.'i"".: ji it i .-' oi . ami vrescribed local rt :ns''i :w . i ':' 'jj .tanny laiiiniiocurwuo icc.l t!ta'-i.-i4t, proiiou peed il incurable, , 8ci tnc I n iiMVf a rnurrh to b a constitutional d.sriie. unu, therefore, require! constitutional t f : " i . Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured br V. .1. heri' T Co., Toledo. Ohio, istlieonly .-instil i; r-.ire on the market. Jt is takes ir.teraa.'.c !i .!c" s f.- 'rn U d'ir to a tanoon 1.1. Jt ci'.s dlrort'T r n tV.e b'"d and rt-ucnoa rirfacesotfceimrtem. Tneyolfrr on hundred cioilarj for any case it f jiia to cure. Bend tot circulars and testimonial. Ad'lreaa. V. i. CUE-NET CO., Tolio, o WBold Dnerff. 75e. HaU'a family Fills arc the bast. Get Ready The water-works will be completed soon, and you For Comfort wiU need water in your homes and stores and offices We have just opened a complete line of PLUMPING SUPPLIES Such as liath Tubs, Toilets, Sinks, Lavatories, Range Boilers, and fixtures for all these goods. None but experienced workmen employed, and we will do your plumbing as it should be done. YOU CANNOT BE TOO PARTICULAR about the plumbing in your house. Call at the store on Mill street and let us talk it over. VAUGHN WEAVER, dallas, ore. WALjL PAPER Our Spring line of Wall Paper is now arriving from ' the Eastern Factories and our stock of papers is more complete than ever before Trices are the same as 1903 from 10c to 50c per double roll. You wLl do well to call and look them over. .. LARGEST STOCK ON THE WEST SIDE CHAPMAN'S Telephone 133. MILL STREET. 1 for ffi il1; at Roy's Confectionery Store BEEF, CHICKEN AND CLAM TEA SERVED AT ALL HOURS. ALL LEADING BRANDS OF CIGARS AND TOBACCO SALEM STAGE OFFICE and AGENT FOR SALEM LAUNDRY. Walter f?oy, ugiow Bunding, Dallas, Ote. rrive At the. Dallas Boot and Shoe Store a full line of Men's lust Walll-Over' Shoes also a full line of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes and Slippers Cecilia' Shoes for Iridic'. JLsidics9 and Men's IPateiat ILeatlier Sliocs DALLAS BOOT AND SHOE STORE MRS. J. C. GAYNOR, Proprietor. Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done. H. G. CAMPBELL LOANS, INSURANCE MILL STREET, NORTH OF COURTHOUSE Dallas, Oregon LET US REMIND YOU That no matter how small or how large your order, we are prepared to fill it. Anything in the Stoves and Ranges Included Our store is now crowded with goods, and still we have more ordered and must make room for them. A new line of mattings, carpets and rugs just in. The only place in Dallas where you can get a complete housekeeping outfit. KERSLAKE'S FURNITURE STORE. PHONE MAIN 63. MAIN STREET DeWltt's Jffi Salvo Elodol Dyspepsia Clto Fop Piles, Burn Sores. Digests what you eat. )