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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1904)
Poifi bounty Observer J. C. HAYTER, EDITOR. AND PUBLISHKH. Published Weekly at 1.00 per Strictly in Advance. Yem. DALLAS, OREGON, APRIL 1, 1904, The way to build up Dallas is to pat ronize Dallas people. Manv a !;:-.irison has heeu forced to pive un Hi'; iitrht ami hanar out the white- flag of'j!iirrciiU?r, when lack of foci has weakened Ilia men pasi an power 10 continue the struggle. Many a man is similarly starved out of business, His digestion is impaired. His food does li'it nourish him, and for lack of There has been a lot of noise and talk both of which are cheap but when the votes are counted next Thursday afternoon it will be found that E. C. Kirkpatrick has a good, substantial majority in every pre cinct in Dallas. The boasts of his opponents fall Hat when one observes the frantic efforts they are making to get votes for their Bide The people of Dallas will never turn down as loyal a friend as E. C. Kirkpatrick, a man who has worked for every public improve ment, and whose purse is always open when money for securing important industries is needed, and who, by the way, never fails or refuses to pay his subscription after these industries are established. Mr. Kirkpatrick has always been true to his home town, and his friends are going to join in nomi nating him for fetate senator be cause they know he will he just as loyal to all of folk county, and because he is capable of filling the office to which he aspires. A vote for E. C. Kirkpatrick is a vote for a man who will work to build up every institution in Polk county and tear down none. It is a vote for a man who is broad minded enough to rise above all factions and personal ends and labor earnestly tor the best interests . of Polk county and tho State of Oregon. It is a vote for a man who is not pledged to any man or set of men and who would go to the Legislature free to vote and act as his best judgment and the needs of the people would dictate. It is a vote for a man who is not seeking the high oflice of State Senator merely to tecure some Federal ap pointment or other employment after his term in the Legislature expires. It is a vote for a man who would be able to stand on the floor of the Senate and champion the cause of the people when measures " affecting their interests were being considered by that august body. It is a vote ior a man wno desires an election solely for the good that he might be able to do in promoting the welfare and prosperity of the people of Oregon. These are the points worthy of the serious con sideration of every Republican when casting his ballot in the pri maries next Thursday. Voters, remember that the Republican precinct pnmar Ml 1 11 . aval ies win oe nem next rnurs day afternoon at 2 o'clock All should be on hand promptly at the hour named -to 1 iS strength to carry on the struggle he turns his store over to an other. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and other or gans of digestion and nutrition. It re; tores strength to weak, nerv ous, run-down men and women. "About ten vears ago I beRau to be aiHictvl with stomach trouble, rsIi.:o diar rhea." writes Mr. Wm. Walters, of Aiitiim, Mo. "In warm weather it grew worae. until it would throw nie into a cramping chill. Was troubled .10 often that 1 sometimes thought my end had come. Tried many remedies, but thev gave only temporary relief. In November, 1199, thought I would try D-jctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. I Rot six bottles and took fiveln succession then thought I would wait for a time and take the one left. Soon found I had symptoms of the trouble coming back, so took the sixth ij jtlle and it cured me. I have enjoyed the be-:t of health this summer, and the credit all hi-loni; to your 'Golden Medical Discovery. ' I can't express my ninny thanks to Dr. Pierce for his remedy, for it did so much for me. Words can not express how severely I suffered, "If any doubt the above statement let them address me. and I will take great pleasure in ItiweriuR." Dr. Tierce's Pleasant Peilets cleanse t'ne bowels and stimulate the sluggish liver. HAVE DONE GOOD WORK Citizen Gives Reasons Why Dallas Councilmefi Should Be Elected. While the opponents of E. C. Kirkpatrick have worked strenuous ly to defeat him for the oflice to which he aspires, not one of them has questioned his ability or in tegrity. His business career has been honoraLle, and the success he has achieved in his private affairs leads the voters to believe that he be woulda useful man in guarding the best interests of the people of Polk county, if elected to a seat in the State Senate. Polk county hns for many years enjoyed the dis tinction of being ably represented in the Oregon Senate, and her citizens will make no mistake when they nominate and elect Mr. Kirk patrick to this important position. REPUBLICAN PRIMARIES Thursday, April 7, at 2 o'clock P. M. Men who seek ollico merelv to advance their own personal ends or those of some certain faction are unworthy of consideration at the hands of the voters. A public oflice is too often regarded its a private snap, and tho people have to pay the hills and get nothing in return. Merit alone should count in the choice of candidates. Voters should consider well this fact when casting their ballots in the Republican primaries next Thursday afternoon. DALLAS, Or., March 31 (To the Editor.) As a citizen and taxpayer of Dallas, I desire to express my appre ciation of the effective work that has been done by the city council during tho past two years in helping to make Dallas a live and progressive town. More substantial and needed improve ments have been made by the present council than by any set of men that ever held tho office before. These men have proved that they had tho right kind of qualities in them by the firm manner in which they refused to allow themselves to be bluffed or in fluenced by the enemies of the water works improvement, and now, that the city has a splendid water supply un equalled elsewhere in the Willamette Valley, the people are all rejoicing that the city officers fought their way through to success in the face of every discouragement that could be offered. No sooner were the water-works com pleted than the council turned their attention to another matter of vital importance to the health and cleanli ness of the city that of a sewerage system. There is no doubt that they will carry forward this improvement in a manner as prompt and satis factory to the people as they did in the construction of water-works. Their plan to assess none but the property directly benefited by the sowers will meet the hearty approval of the tax payers and is a plan that is fair and equitable to all. The councilmen seem to be workiDg together harmoniously, and, as they are more familiar with the work they have in hand than any new men could hope to be for a long time, it would seem unwise to make any change in the board at this particular time. Tho councilmen give tho city much of their valuable time and make uocliargo for their work, and it would seem only a just and gracious recognition of the good work they have already done to reward them with another term of office. All the candidates on the peti tions are good men, but it seems to be a general opinion that a mistake would be made in not re-electing the old councilmen to finish tho good work they have begun. Will you please give this communication a space in your valuable paper, and obligo A CITIZEN. Good Farm at a Bargain. 28G-acre farm, 4 miles from Dallas, 50 acres in cultivation; 10 acres in hops ; good hop house ; plenty of fruit ; well Wittered by living water; several springs on place; good pastures, and plenty of timber; one mile from Kail road ; house, barn and outbuildings. A nice home, and a groat bargain at $15 per acre. Call on, or address W. A. AYEE3, . Dallas. Oregon. COURT HOUSE NOTES PROBATE. Estate of Joseph Loe, deceased final account approved. Guardianship of W. E. Wann, in competent sale confirmed, and guar dian directed to make deed. Guardianship of C. C. and M. H Settlemier guardian discharged as to C. C. Settlemier. Estate of Gilbert McCabe, deceased- petition to sell personal property granted. Estate of Sarah E. Fisher, deceased hearing of final account continued until April 23, 1904; administrator given until April 2 in which to file amended final account and proof of claims; the objectors to have until April 9 to file objections. EEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS, Avery Hinshaw to Havila Hinshaw 144.54 acres, 1 6 s, r 6 w, $1800. G W Johnson et ux to Arthu Glover, lots 13, 14 and 15, block C, West Salem, $125. II li Plummer, trustee, to Mrs M C Furminger, lot 3, block 23, Imp Co add to Dallas, $50. E N Branson et ux to Allyn Yocom 102 .17 acres, 1 6 s, r 0 w, $3600. E B Gobat et ux to W A McLean 100 acres, t 6 8, r G w, $2000. W A Bates et ux to J M Taber, acre, t 6 s, r 6 w, $10. John E Miller et ux to P H Johnson tract in Monmouth, $34. Essie Hawley to A L Wallace, lots 5 and 6, block 27, Thorp's Independence, $125. William Ellis, administrator, to C W Campbell et al, tract in t 7 and s, r 5 w, $1G3.45. H S Montgomery et ux to Oregon Lumber, AVood & Light Co., tracts in t 8 s, r 6 w, $4000. Seth Riggs et al, referees, to Chas S Rugo, 100 acres, 1 7 s, r 3 w, $5300. R F Robinson et ux to A W Lambert, 15!).50 acres, t 8 s, r G w, $2500. John D Cameron et ux to Susie M Montgomery, part of lot 8, block B, Cameron add to Falls City, $35. Julia B Jones et al to I N Mulkey, 5 acres, t 6 s, r 4 w, $275. John D Cameron to Maude Cameron, tract in t 8 s, r 6 w, $400. C W Miller et ux to W N Mc Laughlin, 42 acres, t 9 s, r 4 w, $1. Riley W Swink et ux to Mrs C E McLaue, lots 5 and G, block 1, Suver, $350. C L Starr to II E Starr, 11.77 acres, t 8 s, r G w, $800. Henry Hill et ux to Sherman Lem mon, lot 7, block 12, Hill's add to Hill's Independence, $1. F A Douty to A J Gortmaker, lot 1, block G, Hill's add to Independence, $75. The Democrats have as usual set their convention one week later than the Republican convention hoping thereby to profit by any mistake that their opponents may happen to make. This policy of tho minority party sometimes gives them a chance to slip in a few omcers here and there in fact, it is about the only chance they have and, therelore, it is not bad politics I here is only one way for the Re publicans to beat the came, and that is, not to make any mistakes this year. It is to be earnestly hoped that there will be a largo attendance o: votci-9 at the Republican primaries to be held in all the precincts of Polk county next Thursday after noon. I he good of tho countv de mands that representative men be chosen as delegates to the county convention, and it is the plain duty of every Republican to attend the primaries and vote for men who will exercise wisdom and dis cretion in making up the countv ticket. Jill Humors Arc impure matters which the skin, liver, kidneys and other o;-:,ans can not take care of without help, there is such au accumulation of them. They litter the whole system. Pimples, boils, eczema and other eruptions, loss of appetite, ti...t tired feeling, bilious turns, fits of indues tion, dull headaches and many other troubles are due to them. Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills Remove all humors, overcome all their effects, strengthen, tono and Invigorate the whole system. I had salt rheum on my htirls o that I could not work. I took Hood's bsrsapRrUla nd it drove out the humor. I continued Its U99 till the sores disai.;xared." JIbs. Iba O. Bkowit, Kuruford Fails, Mo. Hood's Sarsaparilla promises to cure and keeps the promise. Hon. B. F. Mulkey, whoso name has been mentioned in connection with the Congressional nomination, says his professional work asPresi dent of tho Southern Oregon Normal School absorbs his entire energies and that he has no time to engage in politics. To the Oregonian correspondent at Ashland, he said: "I am grateful to my friends who have been kind enough to think of me in connection with this high position, but must decline to mingle with politics directly remotely." . or FIRST STEP TAKEN Council Decides to Lay Sewers Mill and Court Streets. on Tho city council has decided to bo gin work on tho sewerago system as soon ns tho property-owners iu interest can bo notified and the contract let. This decision was reached at a special meeting held on Wednesday evening of this week, aud the motion to begin i . ... me improvement, was carried by a unauunous vote. While plans aud estimates for every street in tho city have been prepared, no attempt will be made to sewer auy but the busiuoss district and two residence streets this year. Tho Court Street sewer will extend from Hayter street to the outlet on the county road near Abel Uglow's dwell ing house, and will reach till property as far south . as the postoffice on JUain streot. Tho Mill street sewer will be built from Hayter street to Lyle street, (the old Way mire corner),and south on Lyle street to the sewer on Court street. E. C. Kirkpat rick will graut the city a free right-of- way across his property for tho outlet, which will bo about 5u0 feet iu length. The only practical outlet that can be had is at the foot of Court street, and all tho pipe that is laid now or in the future will have to empty iuto this main. Having secured the right-of-way rrom Mr. Kirkpatrick, tho city will never bo handicapped in extend ing the system to all parts of town as rapidly as the people desire. The council will meet on Monday, April 18, at 7 :30 o'clock p. in., to hear uy and all objections that may be made to the proposed improvement bv the owners of the property proposed to benefited by thesis sewer-. Try Oiisniivra legal blanks. Codol Dyspepsia Curo Digosts what you eat. City Election Next Monday. Tho annual city election will be held next Monday. One councilman from each ward is to be elected. The candi dates in the First Ward are W. H. Boals and J. G. VanOrsdel ; in tho Second Ward, C. E. Shaw and H. E. Kozcr. In the Third Ward there is but one candidate in the field, and tho only name to bo voted on will be that of Charles F. Belt, tho present in cumbent. No ward conventions were held this year, all the candidates be ing nominated by petition. F W Din-bin et ux to B O Schuc'king, 87.44 acres, t G s, r 3 w, $1G00. Julia A Ellis to C W and Delia uampneii, tract in i y ana 8 s, r 5 w, $1. Henry Howe to Dell Byerley, 1 acre, John Lewis d 1 c, $100. Doll Byerley to Henry Howe, 1 acre, John Lewis d'l c, $100. Martha J Hyde to Edwin W Dorton, lots 5 and G, block 9, Ball's 4th add to Ballston, $00. Henry Howe to J R Wood, 5 acres, John Lewis d 1 c, $500. W N McLaughlin to G W Harlev et al, 27.31 acres, t 9 s, r 4 w, $1200. Henry II Turner to J T Bowman, 13.24 acres, t 7 s, r 3 w, $370. J T Bowman et ux to W G Stanton, 13.24 acres, t 7 s, r 3 w, $1100. s ' 'J 1 tie cliffe noes FOR WOMEN The peer of any shoes at S2.50 Frederick Levin CUSTOM SHOEflAKER All Kinds of Leather and Rubber Goods repaired sub stantially and at reasonable rates. West of Wilson Block, Dallas, Ore. !i J. 1DI DEALER IN LADIES and CHILDRENS FURNISH ING GOODS. The largest and best stock of Materials for Fancy Work in the city. COLLINS BUILDING Dallas, Oregon PAGE STANDARD WOVE Wire Fence Double-Strength, High Carbon Spring Steel Wire. I furnish the tools and help put up the fence without extra charge. 10-Bar, per rod 40-inch Fence, 40 cents NO OTHER FENCE COMPANY WILL DO THIS. Call or Write To Me for Catalogue and Prices. Agent, Dallas, Oregon Weak Are due to Indigestion. Ninety-nine of every one nunarea people wno nave Heart troubU can remember when It was simple indices- tion. It Is a scientific fact that all cases ol heart disease, not organic, are not only traceable to, but re the direct result of Indi gestion. All food taken Into the stomach Which fails of perfect digestion ferments and swells the stomach, puffing It up against the heart. This Interferes with the action ol ths heart, and In tho course of time thai delicate but vital organ becomes diseased. Mr. D. Kauble. of Nevada. O.. mi! I fc.H rtn..fc trouble and was In a bad state aa I had heart troubla With It. I took Kodol DvsDeDsla Cura far hmir months and It cured me. Kodol Digests What You Eat and relieves the stomach of all nervous strain and the heart of all pressure. Bottles only. $ 1 .00 SIzs holding 2M times ths trial size, which sells for 50c. Prepared by E. O. DeWITT OO., CHIOAQO. iKIf & CHERRINUTON wv W rE have closed one of the most satisfactory month's KiiQinfisa it. 1ms fvfir hfifln our nleasure to ex perience. We have not made a cent, but we have sent more happy people out of our store than ever went out in Oregon during the same length of time, and the nice part of it is, they are all coming back again. Now for Business in Earnest Our Spring stock is beginning to arrive, and we will show the finest Spring Stock of Goods that will be seen in Oregon this year outside of Portland. The whole business comes from Missouri instead of New York this year. We bought our goods in Missouri better goods, more stitches to the inch, and longer yards. We will have them all in during the month. Yours Truly, ELLIS $ KEYT Phone 246. flain Street M J- O. Van Orsdel Notary Public Pays for the OBSERVER and the Weekly Oregonian one year. In order to take advantage of this hoeral offer, your subscription to the Observeb must ho paid up to date. Now is the time to subscribe. John P. Van Orsdel Surveying, Logging Roads, Dams kl .1 f " I ...... . f ..!..!.. and Flumes a Specialty J. G. VanOrsden & Son DEALERS IN- The Anchor rand Shoes FX FOR MEN AND BOYS Honest and solid throughout. Try a pair. S. C. Dodson & Co. DALLAS, OREGON. Salem, Falls City & West era Railway Co. TIME-TABLE, Ellective April 1. Daily except Sunday. West-Bound: A.M. l.v. DALLAS 7:30 Tents' Siding 7:JG OilLiams 7:J9 Bridgeport 7:55 Ar. FALLS CITY 8:05 Eflst-Bound: A.M. Lv. FALLS CITY 9:20 Bridgeport 9:30 Uilliams 9:3fi Teats' Siding 9:39 Ar. DALLAS 9:55 Trains Stop on Signal only. L. GERLINGER, Jr.. General Manager. P. M. 1:20 1:36 1:39 1:45 1:55 P. M. 4:35 4:45 4:51 4:54 5:10 Toldittfl Sawing MACHINE THE ONE MAN SAW. Runs Easy no hack-aehe folds up like a pocket knife, and is easily carried. SAWS DOWN TREES. Everyone who has wood to saw should have one. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICES. M. D. TEATS AGENT, DALLAS, OR. farms, stock Rancftes, timber Eands and City Property We offer a great bargaio in a 200-acre farm, 1 miles from Dallas; good improvements; fine land. Price $8000. This is a first-class farm. 1, (upstairs) Wilson Building, Dallas, Ore. ZTT. XXI WW I j 0 AGNER BROS. CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF Single Shovel Plows, Double Shovel Plows, Wing Shovel Plows, Five-Tooth Cultivators, Disc Cultivators, Peg Tooth Harrows, Spring Tooth Harrows, Disc Harrows, reversible with Extension Head. ::::::::::::: All kinds of Plows, Harrows, Cultivators and everything needed to cultivate a hopyard or orchard. COR. OAK and MAIN STREETS. DALLAS, OKLUOIN. 4 CENTRAL MARKET Knox & Murrell, Prop'rs. FRESH AND SALT MEATS of AH Kinds. Fish, Game and Chickens ICE FOR SALE. Farmers will find it to their advantage to bring us their Poultry and Eggs, as we pav the highest cash price for same at all times EAST SIDE OF HAIN STREET Dallas, Oregon. I Grove's Tasteless Chili Tonic has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One end a Half ? bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to you? No Cral No Pav sS? Enclose with every fcottle U . Ten rckefa o? Crov'. ESkS'l 5'