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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1903)
Poll County Observer J. C. HAYTER, EDITOR ANT PUBLISmCR. Published Weekly at One Dollar per Veal, Strictly in Advance. DALLAS, OREGON, December 11,1003 The way to build up Dallas is to pat ronize Dallas people. gfr . " PRUNE SALE AT THREE CENTS R. L. Chapman Disposes of His Crop to Portland Buyers. E. L. Chapman, a leading prune grower of this district, sold his 1903 crop to Mason, Ehrnian & Co., of Portland, at 3 cents per pound, Wed nesday. The yield of his orchard this year was between 75,000 and 100,000 pounds, and the fruit Is extra choice. This is the first sale of importance that has been made in Dallas this year. " H. S. Oilo, of the Willamette Valley Prune Association, was in Dallas, Saturday, and made contracts with a number of small growers, whereby their crops are placed In the hands of the association for sale. M. M. Ellis has not yet sold the crop from his 50-acre orchard. He has re ceived several offers for his crop, which Is of finest quality, and will doubtless receive the top market price when he decides to sell. He now has several offers under consideration. S. P. Kimball is another large grower who has not sold. He has a force of hands at work this week pack ing his prunes in 25 and 50 pound . boxes. The prune market i3 taking on a healthier tone, and it is not unlikely that the crop will be cleaned up with in the next two or three weeks. Have you received your $18 book? ! Born, Decembor 8, to Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Miller, of this city, a daughter. The collego literary societies will give a joint program iu the chapel, December 18. Two thousand feet of new picture moulding at L. D. Daniel's. Call and see the new designs. Gus Woods, of Atlanta, Georgia, is visiting at the home of his grand parents, Dr. and Mrs. L. N. Woods. Oscar Hayter leaves for Toledo this morning to attend Circuit Court. He will return home about the mydlo of next week. H. L. Fonton, secretary of the Polk County Mohair Association wishes to notify the mohair growers that the books are now open for the listing of goats for the 1904 pool. Growers will please report at their earliest conveni ence the number of fleeces they will furnish to the pool. ISAAC MADISON DEAD A part of the Coast Range Lumber ing Company's locomotive arrivod Tuesday and preparations were imme diately made to convey it to the mill. Revival meetings are being held at the M. E. church this week and will be continued indefinitely. Miss Bertha Frlnk, who has been here visiting her parents for the past two weeks, has returned to Dallas to resume her duties at the Cottage hotel. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mover returnod Saturday from a months' visit at the home of their daughter, Mrs. I. L. Smith, at Fort Canby, Wash. Miss Emma Dempsoy, of Dallas, was a guest of Mrs. Edgar Bryan a fow days the last of the week. Miss Mabel Carter, of Portland, visited at the Bryan residence between trains last Thursday. Fire started in tho roof of tho M. E. Church parsouage from a dofective flue lastTuosday, but was extinguished before much damago was done. On account of tho recent drop in lumber, both of the mill companies hore have cut tho wages of their employes. M. L. Thompson was in Portland this week on business. Ex-Mayor Stark, of Independence, is in town for a fow days on business in connection with the Falls City Mercantile Company. He reports the weather noticeably warmer here than at homo. Gat the Most Out of Your Food You don't und can't if your stomach i weak. A wei-.k stomach does not di-pe.-t all that is ordinarily taken into it. It gets tired easily, and what it fails to ditfet-t is wasted. Among the signs of a weak stomach arc uneasiness after eating, titr t,f ner vous headache, and disagreeable belch in.'. "I have taken Hood's Sarsaparllla at (".ifl'Tcnt t intra for stmuuih troubles, oml a ' ""in !.wn tm'!Hin n. tin system, and hnv I y n grwttly bnoiit by It .e. I Would be without it In my family. I am trou K; er'l!Hy In nronr w it weak atom a... i aitti ii.u:. :i a ..1 ihul II.ioJ feirsapurlll Invaluable." K. U.Hhkyun, V .Chester. Pr Hood's Sarsapcrilln and Pills Strengthen and tone the stomach and U. 1aoJ disUve sj'ateia. Passed Away at His Home in Inde pendence Last Friday, Aged J Of Itain, Isaac Madison died at his residence in Independence, Friday, December 4, at the age of 81 years, after a several months illness of cancer of the stomach. Tho funeral services were held In the Presbyterian church, and were conducted by Rev. E. J. Thomp son, Sunday. Mr. Madison was born In Oswego, New York. He went from thero at the acre of 25 to Canada, where he married Miss Lovina Parker in 1847, In 1882 he came to Oregon and settled at Inde pendence, near which place he has lived continuously since that time. Mr. Madison was a member of the Presbyterian church. His aged wife and five sons survive him. Tho sons are: Charles, Henry ard Alanson Madison, of Independence; William Madison, of ABtoria, and D. A. Madi son, of Dallas. Mr. Madison was a quiet, unassum ing gentleman, and enjoyed the respect of his neighbors and towns men, Before becoming enfeebled by age, he took an active Interest in the advancement and welfare of the com munity in which he lived, and he was always found on the side of morality and good citizenship. Ho retained his cheerful and sunny temperament In his o.d age and always had a pleasant word for his friends and acquaintances. The people of Inde pendence will miss "Uncle Ike" Madison. SHORT TERM OF COURT Judge Burnett's Department in Ses sion Less Than Two Days. The December docket of Circuit Court for Polk County, Department No. 1, was quickly disposed of, the session of court opening Monday morning and closing Tuesday morn ing. Only one jury case was tried, that of Haydon vs. Steele. The jury retired for deliberation late in the afternoon, but did not reach an agree ment until 11 o'clock at night, when a verdict for the defendant was found. Bert Gordon pleaded guilty to a charge of petit larceny and was fined $50 and costs. In default of payment of his fine, he was committed to jail. Emmett Guar, who assaulted Albert Rpiif with a club near Independence last Summer, also pleaded guilty and was fined $100 and costs, tiaar paid tho amount of his fine and was re loasod from custody. Tho cases of Laure Adkins vs City of Monmouth and Joseph Guthrie vs. Coast Range Lumbering Company, both actions for damages, were con tinued to tho next regular term of court. Tho bailiffs appointed by Judge Burnett were H. 13. Cosper and Charles Farley. Ordors wore entered in tho docket as follows : 1 Bon Haydon vs A T Steele, ap peal from County Court; Holmes & Holmes for plff ; Butler & Coad for deft. Jury trial ; verdict for defendant , judgment for defendant on verdict. . 2 Caleb Hushes vs Geo. E Lowis, administrator, et al, action for money ; Bonham & Martin for plft; Uonait K Bingham for deft. Continued to next regular term. 3 Thomas Burrows vs A. Heise, action at law; L. H. McMahon for plff. Continued. 4 Lena ASchindlervs JohnSchin- dler et al, action for money ; Kaiser & Slator for plff. Settled. 5 Win, Wilson vsWQ Elliott etux, action for damages ; Mann &Monden- hall for plff. Nonsuit by plaintiff. 6 E C Keyt vs Ed Biddlo et al, action at law ; Townsend & Hart for plff ; Oscar Hayter for deft. Settled. 7 Laura Adkins vs City of Mon mouth, action for damages; Holmes & Holmos for plff; Butler & Coad and M. L. Pipes for deft. Continued. 8 Polk County Bank vs C L Alder man, action for money ; Butlor & Coad for plff. Nonsuit by plff. 9 J L Coutu vs Elmer Emmons, action at law ; Butlor & Coad for plff. Default and judgment. 10 J L Guthrie vs Coast Range Lumber Company, action for dam ages; Sibley & Eakin and Holmes & Holmes for plff. Continued. 11 State of Oregon vs Bert Gordon, petit larceny ; J. N. Hart for plff. De fendant pleads guilty; sontenced to pay fine of 550 and costs. 12 State of Oreeron vs Emmett Gaar, assault; J. N. Hart for plff. Defendant pleads guilty; lined $100 and costs. "WILFUL The Trail of the Moon on the Sea. 1 saw lt-opalesrent, glimmering and gleaming Like a golden lancet trailing Far. far, out on the iilvery sea. How ill green-gray weirdnets beckoned to me. I tried to grasp it glorioui splendor with my liandK, Hut they tilled only with the shilling Hands. Lizzie M. Bi:ali Dallas, Oregon, Dec. 10, l'Aa. "; -.4. ' Wi" t er w e mt Si. i MAKES " f1 y vmnr." That old copybook maxim finds Its most forceful application in the waste of vitality, which is called "burning the candle at both ends." A woman is often tempted beyond her strength by domestic cr social demands. Some day she awakens from this waste of strength to the woeful want of it. She has be come weak, nervous and miserable. For weak, nervous, run-down women, there is no better tonic and nervine than Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It restores the appetite, quiets the nerves and gives refreshing sleep. It cures local diseases peculiarly womanly which undermine the general health. It makes weak women strong, sick women well. "No doubt you have forgotten me, but after (roil read uiv letter yon will remember me," writes Mrs. Annie K. MoriiiR, of 238 7th Avenue, B w., Roanoke. Va. "In the year 1897, I wrote to vou for advice, which you gave me free of cha'rge. When I wrote to you I was a wreck : I could not walk straight for pains in my abdo men ; could not sit down, lie down, or get any ease at all. I had what was called the best doc tor here, but did not get any better until I went through a course of your medicine. I took eight bottles each of ' Favorite Prescription and 'Golden Medical Discovery.' and ten bottles of the ' Pleasant Pellets.' I tell you the mediciue made a curt of me." Weak and sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. All correspondence is held as strictly private. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pietce's Pellets cure biliousness. COURT HOUSE NOTES COUNTY COURT In tho matter of tho adoption of Bernice McDonald, and Arden Mc Donald, minors, by W. N. Mc Laughlinpetition dismissed. CLAIMS ALLOWED (Continued from Lust Week) W D Gilliam, lumber $23.10 Wm Faull, jail acct 18 90 Win Brown, tax error 3 35 J B Teal, commissioner 23 20 Seth Rigtrs, same 15 60 COMMISSIONERS' COURT Ordered that warrant Issue for the collection of delinquent taxes for the year 1902. In the matter of the public gate way asked for by Mary Kemp, the Court held that the report of the Board of County Road viewers was unjust on the ground that the damages allowed Joseph .W. Brown, $100, were inadequate ; refused to again send out viewers to assess damages, aod dis missed tho proceeding. NOTARIAL COMMISSION Lee Rowell, of Butler. . DENTAL CERTIFICATE Dr. Herbert L. Toney, of Dallas. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Almira Rebekah Lodge, No. 20, to 0 L Starr, cemetery lot No. 64, $10. J T Ford, sheriff, to B F Mulkey, lots 7 and 8, block 16, Thorp's Inde pendence, tax deed, $11.50. B F Mulkey et ux to H Stumberg, lots 7. and 8, block 16, Thorp's Inde pendence, $25. B S Griffin et ux to W L Cook, 501.25 acres, t G s, r i w, $10,000. IN Woods etux to Mary V Kirk- patrick, 100 by 150 feet in Dallas, $700. Mary E Miller and hd to Maude E Lowis, 11.05 acres, t 8 s, r 5 w, $200. Clell Haydon to Rosa J Hall, 7.64 acres, t 8 s, r 4 w, $2G0. Jacob Rhodabarger to Ora M Mur phy, lot 24, block K, Falls City, $50. II Hirschberg to Emma D Fennoll, part of lot 3, block 4, Hill's Inde pendence, $170. E F Sargent to Lora E Alfrey, 60 acres, 1 6 s, r 5 w, $1. Charles DTiceto Fountain Murphy, lots 1 and 2, block P, south side, Falls City, $100. State of Oregon to J I Thompson, 40 acres, t 8 s, r 5 w, $50. Wm Flickingeret al to W K Shinn, lots 3 and 4, block 4, Patterson's 1st add to Independence, $500. Sarah D Dodson to Peter Hansen, R Catlin and J R Linn, 70 acres, 1 7 s, r 5 w, $450. Stella E Lowe et al to J M Dennis, lots 3 and 4, block A, Falls City, $175. G W Johnson to O O Smith, lot3 22, 23, 24 and 25, block L, West Salem, $133.33. CF Conger etux to J B Teal, lots 11, 12 and 13, block n, 1st add to Falls City, $285. C O Burgess et ux to Geo T Porter, 1 acre, 1 6 s, r 6 w, $100. Wm McGhie et ux to E G and E S Latham, j acre, 1 6 s, r 6 w, $25. J A Veness et ux to II Hirschberg, lot 5, block 18, Hill's Independence, $150. . A J Goodman et al to H Hirschberg part of lot 2, block 4, Hill's Inde- The Lone Star State. Down in Texas at Yoakum, is a big dry goods firm of which Mr. J. M Haller Is tho head. Mr. Haller on one of her trips East to buy goods said to a friend who was with him in the palace car, "Here, take ono of these Little Early Risers upon re tiring and you will be up early in the morning and feeling good." For the "dark brown" taste, headache and that locv feeling DeWitl's LI' tie Ear y Risers are the best pills to use. Sold by Belt & Cherrlngton. f.cicl Dyspepsia Curo Coasts what you eat DALLAS SHOE SHOP repairing WHILE YOU WAIT V j eat it LA ft Ta I r r 1 ' AW LADIES' REPAIRING A SPECIALTY 11 ' " 1 ' ' I WEST OP WILSON DRUG STORE Frederick Levin, dallas, oregon pendence, $256. .! .PROBATE. Guardianship of Bertha Ohms, a minor Emma A. Ohms appointed guardian ; bond of $700 filed and ap proved : Wm. Herron. J. L. Fishback and Charles Haines appointed ap praisers. Estate of Marion Brower Weider, deceased cause continued. Estate of Hankerson Read, de ceased Melinda Syron appointed ad ministratrix ; bond fixed at $2400. Estate of David J. Whiteaker, de ceasedsale of real property confirmed. Card of Thanks. We take this method to express our sincere thanks to our many friends and neighbors, who so kindly and generously gave us their aid ana svmnathv during the sickness and death of our dear and much-loved wife and mother, and who so kindly sympathize with us in our great be reavement. . J. C. Adams and Family. ,.4::iiiiwni!;;';'j'"';:!!!:i Urifvl fill do different games all new one in each package of ion OovsoD at your Grocer. CHRISTMAS GIFTS OF QUALITY Beautiful and Lasting such as good taste dictates E M B L E M a o o D s c H A I N S R I N G S L O 0 K E T S W A T 0 H E S 0 L 0 0 K S K O D A K S FENNIG c u T G L A S S L ? Ea R W A R E JEWELER &. OPTICIAN WILSON BLOCK .... will secure any article until time DIAMONDS A small deposit for presentation Weak Hearts Are due to indigestion. Ninety-nine of every one hundred people who have heart troubli can remember when it was simple Indiges tion. It Is a scientific fact that all cases ol heart disease, not organic, are not only traceable to, but re the direct result of indi gestion. All food taken into the stomach Which fails of perfect digestion ferments and swells the stomach, putting It up against the heart. This interferes with the action ol the heart, and in the course of time that delicate but vital organ becomes diseased. Mr. D. Kauble, of Nevada, O., says: I had stomach trouble and was in a bad state as I had heart trouble with It. i took Kodol Dyspepsia Cure for about foul months and it cured me. Kodol Digests What You Eat and relieves the stomach of all nervous strain and the heart of all pressure. Bottles only. $ 1 .00 Size holding 2H time the trial size, which sells for bOC. Prepared by E. O. DeWITT & CO., OHIOAQa BELT & CHERRINGTON A. Haldeman will buy your poultry, eggs and turkeys and pay the highest cash price. It will pay you to bring poultry to him at Dallas. REAL ESTATE Prtrflnnrl vaci.lonpft tn tTHflo for a good farm in the valley ; worth $2000. VVnat nave you to ouer in exeuuuger Steam cleaning and dyeing works in Portland to trade for valley farm worth $1000. What have you to offer? WnnWl n. fl rst-nl ss dairvinsr farm of 100 acres or thereabouts immedi ately. If you have a good one for sale reasonable I have a buyer. T wn tit. 1mm pfliatelv about 10 acres of land that has already been arranged for chickens. Where is it and whats your price? I have a nice little 10 acre fruit farm for sale at $800. It is in Italian and Petite Prunes. I have 10 acres of lands with build- intra n nrl nrrfn 1 n fruit. 2 acres in clover, balance in oats. For sale at $800. Whnt hftvrt vnn to trade. I have some fine properties that parties will trade with you for. I have a store building in Eastern Oregon, that is worth $2000. I will trade this for a farm worth $5500 and pay the difference or a property of less value, and pay the difference. FOR PARTICULARS ADDRESS G. A. HURLEY REAL E8T ATE OFFICE Independence, - - Oregon FOLDING SAWING THE ONE MAN SAW. Runs Easy no back-ache folds up like a pocket knife, and is easily carried. SAWS DOWN TREES. Everyone who has wood to saw should have one. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICE8. M D. TEATS AGENT, DALLAS, OR. HARNESS AHD SADDhES. I have just received a Fine New Stock of Harness and Saddles and invite- you to call and examine them as to style, workmanship and price. I have the finest line of saddles ever shown in Polk uounty. They are strictly "down-to-date" in every respect. HORSE BLANKETS A bi assortment prices according to quali'f all fitted with "Double Sur cingles," a new feature whu-b every horseman will readily appreciate. Gome and see them. HARNESS OIL, Best Grade, WHIPS and KOBES. Fi'niiU A. Stile I MAIN ST.. DALLAS. ORE. Watch For C. H. -Morris9 Holiday Announcements Salem, Falls City & West ern Railway Co. TIME-TABLE, Effective November 23. Dally except Sunday. West-Bound: A.M. P.M. Lv. DALLAS .-7:45 1:20 Teats" Siding '..8:00 1:36 Gilliams 8:03 1:39 Bridaeport 8:10 1:45 Ar. FALLS CITY 8:20 1:55 East-Boun.l: A.M. P.M. Lv. FALLS CITY , 9 20 4:00 Bridgeport 9:30 4:10 Gillisms 9:36 4:1 7 Teats' Siding 9:39 4:20 Ar. DALLAS 9:55 4:45 Traiua Stop on Signal only. L. GERLISGER, Jr.. General Manager. w e have oa t some attention TO THE CUT PRICES offered, and we notice, without exception, that where they go down from $2.00 to, say, $1.65, the price has been with us all the time, and the same proportion all the way IN ALL LINES A We have the goods, and we sell cheaper because we buy cheaper. WE DO THE BUSI NESS. Our clerks are accommodating, and, although they are overworked, you shall be waited on. Of course, we have to take in a new clerk every, few days, but that is all right. Our busi ness warrants it. V You can accommodate yourself by trading with us. H f I Main Street DALLAS OREGON J. Q. Van Orsdel n Notary Public John P. Van Orsdel Surveying, Logging Roads, Dams and Flumes a Specialty J. G. VanOrsdel & Son -DEALERS IN farms, Stock Ranches, timber Eand$ and 0ty Property . We offer a great bargain in a 200-acre farm, 1J miles from Dallas; good Improvements; fine land. Price $8000. This is a first-class farm. ROOM I, (upstairs) Wilson Building, Dallas, Ore. WJ V v AGNER BROS. CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF I Single Shovel Plows, Double Shovel Plows, Wing Shovel I Plows, Five-Tooth Cultivators, Disc Cultivators, Peg Tooth arrows, Spring Tooth Harrows, Disc Harrows, reversible I with Extension Head. ::::::::::::: f All kinds of Plows, Harrows, Cultivators and everything needed to S cultivate a hopyard or orchard. 3 rti i ac rvrnrxnw g COR. OAK and MAIN STREETS. viv-VJVfn. J) CENTRAL MARKET Knox & Murrell, Prop'rs. FRESH AND SALT MEATS of All Kinds. Fish, Game and Chickens ICE FOR SALE. Farmers will find it to their advantage to bring us their Poultry and Eggs, as we pay t the highest cash price for same at all times. EAST SIDE OF HAIN STREET Dallas, Oregon. 'Icilc! Bys-iopsfa Cro Digests what you cat. Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic hes stood tho test 25 yesrs. Avcnrro Anrut Sales over Oaa cii a Half I bottles. Docs this record cf cent cped to you? No Cere, No Pay. adose4 wub every frottk is a Ten Cent package of Crove's Block Root. Liver PiUs. on