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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1903)
Ipolfc (Eountt! bserver Moss W. Walker was an Albany visitor this week. The Observer job office wants the printing you are particular about.' City MarshaU. M. Grant made a business trip to Dayton, Monday. The Oregon Dairymen's Association will hold their annual meeting in Corvallis on December 15, 16, 1903. Ex-Governor T. T. Geer has ac quired an interest in the Salem States man, and is now its managing editor, Mrs. W. K. Hollister, of Portland, is visiting her son, G. W. Hollister. manager of the Hub Clothing Store George E. Johnson, manager of the W. W. Johnson Lumber Company's sawmill in this city, was in Portland on a business visit this week! Dr. H. L. Toney will go to McMiun- ville tomorrow afternoon and return Monday noon. His office will be closed during his absence. Mrs. Weaver has a beautiful burnt wood Writing Desk which she now offers for $5.00. Call at the studio and see it before buying elsewhere. Have you seen the new Lace Collars at Pollock's Cash Store? Very, very swell. Special price for two days only. The Lewis and Clark Club will meet at the home of Mrs. George E. John son next Tuesday afternoon. All members are requested to be present. Dr. Tyler Smith, State Senator from Yamhill county, accompanied by Mrs. Smith, visited over Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Craven. Mrs. L. B. Grubbs, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Walling, of Zena, died while undergoing a surgical operation in Selba, California, Satur day. She was 42 years old, and leaves a husband and one son. Dr. H. L. Toney, dentist; a gradu ate from the College of Dental Surgery at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Office up stairs in the Uglow building. All work guaranteed to give satisfaction. Office hours, 8 to 12 and 1 to 5. Ex aminations free. Andrew Holman, who has been in poor health for several years from the effects of an attack of appendicitis, submitted to a fourth operation in Portland this week. Satisfactory re ports of his condition were received by his family yesterday, and it is thought he will be able to return home soon. GeergeK. Eogers. general organizer of the Woodmen of the World, will visit Dallas Camp, No. 209, on Thurs day evening, December 17. Mr. Eogers is a popular member of the order, and his visits are always looked forward to with much pleasure, so it is certain that he will be greeted by a large number of Woodmen on the occasion of his visit here next Thursday. D. E. Gilman, a former well-known resident of Dallas, and now engaged in the real estate business in Heppner, writes us that the people of Morrow county are enjoying fine weather. The Fall was open and .mild, with plenty of rain to wet the ground to a good depth. A large acreage has been sown to wheat, and prospects are bright for a good crop in 1904. Second-hand 3 inch wagon for sale, Inquire of Wm. Tatom. Newest novelties in Ladies' Neck wear at Pollock's Cash Store. Wanted: Cook in 'sawmill board ing house; must be thoroughly com petent; 20 to 30 men. Address the Observer. If you don't watch Mrs. Cnaoe's window, you will miss something pretty, for new and pleasing novelties in Burnt work are being displayed and sold every day. The most popular art of the day. Gentlemen wishing to purchase an elegant Christmas gift for wife or lady friend should take a look at that beautiful burnt-wood tea table (Dutch style) at the Wilson drugstore. It is finely executed and of latest design, and will be offered for a limited time at an extremely low figure. W. L. Soehren took a gang of men to the mountains and began laying the water pipe from the intake in Can yon creek, Monday morning. The pipe for the mountain end of the line has about all been hauled and dis tributed alone the route, and pipe- laying from Canyon creek to the Hallock mill will be finished within the next ten days or two weeks. Mr. Gates has taken personal charge of the ditching gang in Dallas, and is superintending the laying of pipe and placing of the hydrants. The fair weather has been very favorable to the prosecution of the work, and, with anything like an open Winter, the plant will be completed early in the Spring. Only a few weeks ago the Observer purchased a large amount of new job tv.Pe and this week another big order was placed with a leading foundry. The last order includes the newest things known to the printer's art, and upon its arrival in a few days we will be better prepared than ever before to turn out elegant printing. The people of Dallas, and all others who have their printing done in this office, may rest assured that they are getting work as up-to-date in every respect as can be had anywhere in the United States. No old-style, out-of-date, country printing is done in this shop. We buy everything new that is good n the way of type and machinery, and we have'printers that know how to use this material in turning out fine work. The Observer office wants the printing you are particular about. Among the Dallas people register ing at Portland hotels this week were the following : Hotel Perkins. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Vassall, J. M. Davis, Conrad ' Stafrin, Ed Biddle, E. E. Williams, Mrs. D. M. Metzger, J. C. Adams, J. H. Hart, Mrs. H. H. Chace, Miss Jennie Muscott, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Eowell, Mrs. J. D. Smith, Miss Lina Stouffer, Mrs. F. H. Morrison, Mrs. Anny Dunn, Miss Eetta Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Fisher, W. H. Gaynor, C. L. Starr; Imperial Hotel, Dr. and Mrs. Mark Hayter, George E. Johnson; The Portland, L. F. Daly; Esmond Hotel, L. E. Braley. I. H. Whealdon, J. H. Marks ; St. Charles, G. McDonald, C. H. Smith. WOODMEN MINSTRELS McMinnville Camp Will Put On Its Big Show in Dallas Tuesday Night. Arrangements were completed yes terday for the appearance of the Mc Minnville Woodmen Minstrels at the Dallas City Hall next Tuesday eve niiii;. The boys played to crowd houses two nights in McMinnville last week, and the papers of that city say it was the most enjoyable minstrel entertainment ever given there. The McMinnville News says: "As a usual thing an amateur min strel show never fulfills the expecta tioDs of the public. But it falls tothe local camp of Woodmen, under the supervision of D. A. Doty, to not only come up to general expectation but to accomplish what is seldom done in McMinnville reproduce the same bill a second evening and greet a house On Thanksgiving evening the opera house was filled to overflowing. "After the opening number by the company, Delwin Warren rendered 'Is It Love? in a very satisfactory man ner, and responded to an encore. Fred Boardman followed in a beautiful bass solo, 'When You are Here, Love,' and sang the last verse softly as an encore, M. m so Tired o Llvln,' was the title of Dave Doty's song, but he didn't act like it; he, too, had to ap pease the audience with a second pro' duction, as did Mr. Wheeler in the 'Song of the Anvil.' Wm. T. Macey sang 'Only a Soldier Boy,' in his ususual easy and pleasing style. Of course the 'end men' kept everyone aware of their presence between songs, i'H. S. Park 'and his African harp' entertained the audience previous to the appearance of the 'Woodmen' quartet which consisted of Dell Wheeler, Bill Logan, Dell Warren and Dave Doty. They rendered 'Down in the Deep,' in a most captivating way, responding to twoencores. Harry Woodrum, Will Kingery, C. Hender shott and B. F. Cannon became in volved in some awful predicaments in a sketch entitled 'Absent Minded.' Dr. H. L. Toney, champion U. of M. Gym. team, performed on the flying rings, winning round after round of applause. Elmer Cummins was not improperly designated on the pro gram as slackwire equilibrist. His feats are simply wonderful. In 'The Haunted Music Room,' Messrs. Park and Doty made everyone laugh until their sides ached. D. W. Feely, Harry Connoway on the cornet, Dell Warren, on the saxophone and Howard Kauff- man on the trombone, greatly pleased their auditors in three selections. The Woodmen drill team concluded the program with their drill. The affair was well advertised and well managed from conception to completion." Admission, 25, 35 and 50 cents. Seats now selling at Belt & Cherring-ton's. IMPORTANT NOTICE OF Santa Claus A AlM Alio j. wuiig of Dallas and Vicinity He has made the Hub Clothing Store his main place for all Mens and Boys Uoodsoi which you will hnd an elegant assortment for Presents and Gifts for Christmas as follows: Mufflers, Neck Ties of all styles and kinds, Gloves both Tan and Yarn, Cuff and Collar" Buttons, Sock Supporters, Handker chiefs both Silk and Linen with colored and fancy bor ders, hemstitched and init ial, Cuffs, Collars j Suspend- ers, Socks, Fancy Shirts, Hats, Caps, Umbrellas, Suit Cases, Underwear, Shoes, Rain Coats, Overcoats, and a nice stock oi up-to-date Suits for Men and Boys, Watches, Watch Chains and Fobs, Brushes, in fact anything for Men and Boys. SMOKING JACKETS COME TO A MAN'S STORE FOR MEN'S COODS We know what is right and cor rect, and we know what men like and will help you to make a good selection if you wish us to. Our prices we positively say are lower than you will find anywhere for the class of goods. Call on us. mmmmm Uglow Building Mill Street R. JACOBSON & CO. O.W. HOLLISTER, n.niger Dallas, Oregon SEE OUR WINDOWS. J. S. COOPER FOR MAYOR Elected to Succeed J. M. Stark Independence, Monday. at Only one ticket was in the field at the annual election held in Inde pendence, Monday, and as a result a light vote was cast. J. S Cooper was elected Mayor, and Eecorder W. O, Sharman and Marshal A. J. Tupper were chosen to succeed themselves. The new Councilmen areD. B.Taylor, Charles Mattison and W. A. Messner. FIRE AT NORMAL SCHOOL Big Building Saved From Destruction After a Hard Struggle. You can buy Christmas gifts suit able for every member of your family without coiner away from the Bee Hive Store. They carry everything in stock suitable for old and young. Go and make your selections early while the stock is complete and the store is not crowded with the rush that always comes on Christmas week. Fancy Baskets Work Baskets Celluloid Novel ties, Collar and Cuff Boxes Handkerchief Boxes, Fancy Stationery Linen Hand kerchiefs, Silk Mufflers, Gents Gloves, Hose, Silk Suspend ers, Fancy Underwear Silk Waist Pat terns, and Silk Waists, Furs, Fancy Slippers Felt Oxfords Pillow Tops Etc., Etc., Etc. H Great Display Of oSiciay Goods GRAND DISPLAY OF PICTURES We carry this Iiiic only for the Holiday Season and our prices are much lower than in regular stocks. COME EAKJLV and get the BEST SELECTIONS - Toys of every description Card Games Colored Artists Lotto Games Authors, Me chanical Toys Bulb Toys Blackboards Bells, Metalo Targets, Log Cabins, Chimes Tool Chests Banks, Croquet Sets, Felt Ani mals, Buiding Blocks, Reins Horns, Brown Ladders, Doll Buggies, Rat tlers, Drums ABC Blocks Slates, and Dallas was thrown into a state of great excitement at 1 o'clock Tuesday afternoon by a telephone message from Monmouth saying that the Ore gon State Normal School building was burning and asking for help from this city. Ob account of the absence of transportation facilities, it was impossible to send any part of the fire apparatus, but a large crowd of men and boys boarded the motor and were soon speeding toward Monmouth at a lively rate. The run of seven miles was quickly made, and when the train arrived in the Normal town the Dallas people rushed to the aid of their neighbors, who, by heroic work, however, had gotten the flames under control. The Independence hook and ladder company arrived on the scene a few minutes later and lent valuable aid in putting out the fire. The fire started on the roof on the West side of the building and burned over about one-third of the surface. The interior of the building was dam aged to the extent of about $1000 by smoke and water. The total damage Is estimated at $2500, covered by in surance. The are originated rrom a heating pipe. acnool will be reopened as soon as tne repairs, to tne building can be made. The good work of the students and citizens in saving this valuable building is entitled to the highest praise. Good for Children. The pleasant to take and harmless One Minute Cough Cure gives Imme diato relief in all cases of Cough, Croup and LaGrippe because it does not pass immediately into the stomach, but takes effect right at the seat of the trouble. It draws out the inflanima tion, tieais and sootnes and cures permanently by enabling the lungs to contribute pure, life-giving and life sustaining oxygen to the blood and tissues. Dr. Armstrong of Delia, Tex., prescribes it daily and says there is no better cough remedy made. Sold by Belt & Cherrington. PAGE STANDARD WOVE Wire Fence plllligllllilj Double-Strength, High Carbon Spring Steel Wire. I furnish the tools and help put up the fence without extra charge. 10-Bar, 40-inch Fence, 40 cents per rod. NO OTHER FENCE OOMPANV WILL DO THIS. Call or Write To Me for Catalogue and Prices. U. 8. Grant, Agent, Dallas, Oregon HUNDREDS OF OTHER ARTICLES TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION HERE I. O. 0. F. Corner Main Street J. B. Wirt, owner of the Pacific Nursery, at Tangent, Oregon, is in Dallas this week taking orders for fruit trees and replacing at half-price all stock sold by him that has died during the year. Mr. Wirt s nursery enjoys a large patronage from Polk county. The Epworth League bazaar was opened at City Hall last night with a large attendance and a fine program. The doors will be open today, and the bazaar will close with a special pro gram and chicken-pie supper tonight. All are invited. The Bee Hive Store is showing a profusion of books, dolls and toys that will bring delight to the hearts of the little folks. The biggest and best assortment in town to select from. The furnace in the M. E. Church has been re-lined and repaired, and the congregations will no longer suffer the discomforts of smoke and a cold room. Read F. J. Chapman's holiday ad. Mrs. Julia Condoway is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Coad. Beware of Ointments for Catarrk tk4 contain Kereory, u mercury will tmnlf dastmy th min M imeil and completely derail s tkt whol irttea when entering it through the mucous nrtace. Bach articles should new b mod except OS prescriptions from reputable phyiidsns, f tbt damage they lrfil io H t" 1" T" cm possibly drrire from them. Hall's Catarrh Cnre, manufactured by V. i. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O., contains o mercury, and is takes internally, acting directly noon Ike blood and moconaaurfaceaof theinnwrn. Is bayincHaJl'S Catarrh Cnre be sore yua r'-t the name. It Is takes internally and is inaae is Toledo. Ohio, by V. 1. Cheney Co. 1 e;imoiijai ff. Mf Sold by Ururyift. puce 7ac. per UU. E&U'i Family Pi .la art T5T TCTKTT700 T rr A T O -- Trespass notices printed on cloth for sale at this office. L. D. Brown, Public Stenographer, With J. N. Hart. Fine line of table delicacies at Dunn Grocery Company's store. Go to Wilson Drug Company for books and school supplies. Everything new in the grocery line at Dunn Grocery Company's store. Holiday toys, games and books, best assortment in the city atOsfleld's. Dr. Hayter, Dentist. Office over Wilson's Drug Store. Dallas, Oregon " Don't you buy your boy or girl a Christmas present until you have seen Osfleld's stock. One of the best horse-shoers in the state will be found working at Wagner Bros.' shop. Give him a trial and be convinced. Persons desiring to remember their friends with a photograph for Christ mas should place their order now. T. J. Chebbinoton, Dallas. Go and see those fine bath tubs, sinks and lavatories at Wagner Bros. A first-class plumber is in their em ploy, and will satisfactorily do your work. WANTED Trustworthy lady or gentleman to manage business in this County and adjoining territory for house of solid financial standing. $20 straight cash salary and exponses paid each Monday direct from head quarters. Expense money advanced ; position permanent. Address Mana ger, 60S, Monon Bldg., Chicago. Letter Lost. Lost, in Dallas, a letter addressed to "W. F. Nichols, Dallas, Oregon." Finder will please return to the Post office or to Mr. Nichols. A Testimonial. Knowing Dr. E. E. Jackson, V. 3., of Salem, I would recommend him to anyone needing a veterinary surgeon, as he has treated my horses for the past year with the best of success. I have seen cases that he has handled that were very critical ones that he brought throuprh with his skillful treatment and knowledge. The people of Dallas often need such a man. Give him a trial and say the same as I do. J. J. FlDLF.B. At Melser'a. Games from 5 cents up. Toys of all descriptions. German, French and Japanese China. Bohemian and American Glassware. Matted Pictures and Medallions. At Meiser's. For Sale. 40 acres of improved land on railroad near Bridgeport. F. T. SHTJTE, Dallas, Oregon. the Good Farm at a Bargain. 286-acre farm, 4 miles from Dallas; 50 acres in cultivation; 10 acres In hops ; good hop house ; plenty of fruit ; well watered by living water; 3everal springs on place; good pastures, and plenty of timber ; one mile from Ball- road; bouse, barn and outbuildings. A nice home, and a great bargain at $15 per acre. Call on, or address W. A. AY RES, Dallas, Oregon. CI;5U what you eat. THE HOLIDA ARE COMING The Most Attractive Line of Holiday Goods ever put on display by this store is undoubtedlyshown this season. It embraces everything useful as well as ornamental. Remember that a very little cash outlay is required to buy a big amount of articles FINE CHINA Salad Sets, Chocolate Sets, Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Cream Pitchers, Cracker Jars, Cake Plates, Salad Dishes, Olive Dishes, Cups and Saucers. DECORATED LAMPS All the new styles. A pleasing variety to select from. Nothing more suit able for Christmas Gifts. TOYS AND GAMES Dolls, Magic Lanterns Stoves, Animals, Archarene Boards, Wagons, Doll Car riages and Hammocks, Sol dier Suits, Drums, Horns. HOLIDAY BOOKS Books for Young and Old. Bright and attractive pic ture books fur the little folks, and popular fiction for the older people. CHRISTMAS IS ONLY THREE WEEKS AWAY. Now is the time to do your Holiday Shopping, while the itocK U complete. Gift lelectinrf it beat done right bow. Come and looK over our StocK. WHITE FRONT GROCERY T. A. RIGGS, Proprietor, Main St., Dallas, Ore Did You Ever Stop To Think? when buying Holiday Presents, why not get something that will add to the furnishing of your home, and at the same time please the recipient? We have striven harder aivl, we think, liave been more successful in pro curing our different lines, and are euro that we can please the most fastidious. We think there is nothing nicer than a comfortable Roeker. We have them in all the newest finishes and patterns. Our lines of Dining Room Furniture are complete. We are showing a full line of Buffets, China Closets, Pedestal Extension Tables, Tabourettes, Etc. We "sell Pictures all the year," so do not need to bring out the old ones, dnst them off and call them new ones. We have a complete assortment just in fro m one of the biggest nouses in the United States. They are priced reas onable. It keeps one man busy in our Picture Framing department. Do not neglect placing your order for Christmas framing. Come in and let us talk it over. We can't write ads, but can show you'our g" CHAPMAN'S Telephone 133. MILL STREET. 1' m 1 m mi at Roy's Confectionery Store BEEF, CHICKEN AND CLAM TEA SERVED AT ALL HOURS. ALL LEADING BRANDS OF CIGARS AND TOBACCO SALEM STAGE OFFICE and AGENT FOR SALEM LAUNDRY. Walter Roy, ugiow Bunding, Dallas, Oic. Wake Up, Mr, Doubter, A WORD WITH YOU Have you seen our new line of Geo. E. Keith Gents' and Boys' Shoes? In style and, finish they have no superior. In Ladies' Shoes we' carry the Utz & Dunn and Green, Wheeler lines. In fit, fin ish and quality they are fine. In Children's Shoes we carry the Kee ner, Scott ; the most durable School Shoe sold in Valley. In Heavy Goods we have the Buekinham & Hecht Boots and Shoes, well known for their wearing qualities. Rubber Goods in Gents' and Ladies'. Dallas Boot and Shoe Store MRS. J. C GAYNOR, Prop. Merry Christmas We were never in better shape to make this a Merry Christmas for you and your friends, and we ask you to come in and look over our lines CROK1NOLE BOARDS Are always acceptable presents. $1.00 buys the best one you ever saw for the price. Many other games are to be found at our store CELLULOID NOVELTIES Our Celluloid Novelties also arrived this week. The Roods are right. What's more the prices are right. Come in and see them CHRISTMAS BOOKS W76 have added a line of Books for Christmas ; they are going fast The prices are the lowest you ever heard of for standard books CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS for old and young. Also remember that we carry a line of .staple uoods suitable tor presents. Hrlng tne little folks to see the dolls, toys and other things of interest to them c. WILSON BLOCK Main Street. DALLAS, ORXCON s. DODSON H. G. CAMPBELL FARM 1LANOS LOANS, INSURANCE WILL STREET, NORTH OF COURTHOUSE Dallas, Oregon