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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1903)
J 7, 7Jk 4 1 J ?clk Bounty Observer J. C. IIAYTKR, JODITOR. AND PUBUSHKR. Published Weekly at One Dollar per Yeai Strictly in Advance. DALLAS, OREGON, AUGUST 28, 1903 The way to build up Dallas is to pat ronize Dallas people. HOW TO BECOME A CITIZEN Tinder the renuirementa cf "An , . ... . 4; f - - aci lo regulate ujo imiii.gruu.. u aliens into the United States," the rules governing the issuance of citizenship papers in this country aro much more stringent and bind- ,, The applicant for citizenship papers must now declare mai tie was not born with any hereditary title and that he is not of nf the orders of Nobilit v any in the kingdom or state he came; that for from five TVUlVfll lie vears he has been a resident of the United States, and for the year immediately preceeding the date of making the application hns been a resident of the state in which he applies for citizenship papers; that he will support the constitution of the United States, renouncing all allegiance to the country from which he came; that he was not excluded from that country: that at the time of his admission to this country he was not an idiot nor an insane person, nor had he been in Bane for five years preceeding that date; that he never had two attacks at one time; that he was not a knrrmir nnr litnlir in hufnmo a nnh1if u u . u m- . a charge; that he was not afflicted with any loathsome or contagious disease; that he was never con- victed of felony or other crime or misdemeanor involving turnitude: . 0 l j that he is not a u.jixi.o, u. " anarcnist; mat ne aisoeneves in the assassination of public officials; that he never brought a prostitute nr nt.her women inr.n t.nis iw inirv . . . I .1 . ,;,,: j tUI i pu.p-oo ui piunuiuuuu, uuu that for one year prior to his nd- mission to this country he had not been deported as being under offers, solicitations, nromises or aeree- . . . , ,, i,;,i ' o I Wlthlll the United States. Accompanying these declarations bv the annlicant there must be depositions by two witnesses to the effect that the statements are true. Heretofore it has only been neces sary for the applicant for citizen' ship papers to make oath that he has lived a required residence in the country or state, and that he will support the constitution of the United States, renouncing all allegiance to his native country. Deliver us from sentimental notions of pity for convicts! De liver us from the silliness of "scientific penologv." Excess of this stuff produces results like that of Tracy in Oregon last year and thatof the California affair. "Prison reform" has gone far and away be yond the bounds of common sense. The prison should be a hard place, The harder the better. Theoretically "prison reform" and "scientific penology" may serve for a senti- mental exercise, to those who have nothing better to do; hut they would better be fishing or cutting nnrdiv.m.? Mantima lr no nr.. t i v . r "V . .7 T " , , ' niiu bcieiHiuo penoiogy, anu oevote ourselves to making the prison and penitentiary an undesirable place nf .BiMna Ki-uo;,, i i under restraint strict and severe. in tins country no man goes to prison unless he elects the way of life that leadi to it. When he reaches the result to which his life has led. he should have what he has earned. The country has had enough for the present of "prison reform" and of "scientific pen ology." The time has come to enforce the penalties. It is up to the judges, juries and executives, and to that public opinion or sentiment which controls all. Wrungell, (Alaska), St-ntinci. Legal Office. blanks fr. sale at this EXPRrUFNCE IS THK HKPT tfcher Use Acker's Kt'.g.Wh Remedy In any ! of ronchs, cold or croun. Should It fail to !ve Immediate relief money re funded. 15 eta. and 60 ctsv Belt & CLer fUsgton, Dallas, Oregon. WILL CREATE SINKING FUND Council Makes Provisions for Meet ing City City Hall Debt When Same Falls Due. The City Council hold an adjourned session Monday evening and trans acted a considerable amount of busi ness. An ordinance creating a "City Hall Reserve Fund" passed Its first reading, and an ordinance providing for the punishment of persons placing obstructions on sidewalks or cross walks was also read the first time. The first-named ordinance provides that a fund to be known as the City Hall fund shall be created, and that It shall bo increased from time to time as the finances of the city shall per rait. This fund i3 to be loaned at interest to help offatand the Interest on the City Hail bonds. Five hundred dollars is to be transferred from the general fund to the sinking fund at tv,in Uma U'hon tlin hnnrts hfttsome duo three vears hence, the fund so created, with compound interest, is to . . i it,n rwf 1.1 a I pe usea in puyiutf uu " v-j ...... Tfc hnliflVed that by careful management the city will be j able to wipe out the entire debt in this manner without imposing a Heavy burden on the taxpayers. The city is in excellent snape uuauuiauj, m(mey m thetrea9ury out at interest to help offset the interest that the city is obliged to pay on these bonds, and at the same time provide lunasiorwo Payment of the bonded aent ineu. The members of the council present were JMuir, w imams, ouuw aim Cosper. The absentees were Boals, Belt and Fuller. The quarterly reports of the Auditor and Treasurer were adopted. A general summary of these reports was printed in the Obsebveb two weeks ago. Muir. chairman of the Finance Committee, reported that the Dallas Vity JjanK nas expressea a wnuufj ness to pay 4 per cent interest on $500 of the City Hall sinking fund for one year. Claims against the city were allowed as follows : JEEichter, labor... $ 4 37 W J Stow, hauling 1 25 Ed Plaster, hauling gravel. 3 15 John9on Lumber Co., lumber 4 08 11105 22 40 D P Stouffor, auditor's fees W G Vassall, treasuier's fees WATER FUND, Butler & Goad, legal services... $50 00 A j; Campbell, witness fees 3 40 Eobert Howe, right-of-way 75 00 Wm Kraber, reservoir site 15000 ESLevens, right-of-way 450 00 Castle & Shaw, right-of-way 1 00 1 00 l 00 Tnvi,lTT..V.hflrrl. rioht-of-wav . The council decided by resolution to order the construction of a 6-foot side walk on the west side of E. R. Tuttlo's nrnruiffir -i n HI n 1 n atmlt i"1"; " - An ordinance providing for the con nkWmlks alonir the Lroporty of the M. E. Church and Mrs. Eliza Morrison was read first time An ordinance creating a fund of the .. . i t iu. 11 1 1 ii -n- cm 10 1)8 Known s ura unj nun no sorvo Fund," and providing for the lntmon(;tlirnnf. unrl nnnrnnrintincr i " "-uu..v ww r i 1 o $500 from the General Fund of the city to such Iteserve Fund was read first time. An ordinanco providing for the prevention and removal of obstrua tions from sidowalks, crosswalks and pavements was read first time, An ordinance to revoke the license of saloon-keepers permitting minors to frequent or loitor in thoir places of business was read seoond time and passed, the council voting as follows Aye, Muir, Williams, Cosper, Shaw; no, none : absent, Boals, Bolt, Fuller. On motion of Cosper, the street com mittee was Instructed to examine the race cover and condition of the ruce between Church and Levens streets, and recommend some foasible plan for rendering the same safe. On motion of Muir, the street com mittoe was ordered to confer with the Southern Pacific Company concerning putting in sufficient crossings at Oak, Mill Court and Ash streets. The Auditor was instructed to notify the Middle Salt Crook & Dallas Mutual Telophono Company that tho brush and extrtt poles on Bobb street must bo removed without delay. Tho next meeting of tho council will bo hclJ Monday, September 7. Tho Observkb has ordered two of tile handsomest and IllOSt USCf ul faCCS of type known to the printer's trade the Post Condensed and the Roycroft, Xhose with the Jen80U8i Card Mer cnntilo, Bradley, French Old Style, Cuahing and DeVinnes, make our job dopurtmout f ally ca mil to auy of the largo city offices wheu it comes to . e, J . . , , ... , turning out up-to-date pr nting. Tho Obsebveb office is equipped for print- ing any kind of commercial or society work, and it is a tAtioeablo fact that no orders for printing are seat away rrom liome. On the contrary, our business is steadily reaching out to other towns and counties, and many hundred dollars of outside money aro brought to Dallas every year through work ordered from this office. What are Humors? They are vitiated or morbid fluids eours tn the veins and affecting the tissues. They are commonly due to defective diges tion but are sometimes Inherited. How do they manifest themselves t In many forms of cataneous eruption. salt rheum or tenia, pimples and bolls. and in weakness, languor, general debilitv. IIow are thpy expelled f By Hood's Sarsaparilla which also builds up the system that has suffered from them. Itji Ui Utt K&da let aU taaors, shackles. a nuestion of his winning a race, but a question ot being able only to keep afloat. The man who is suffering f. -m malnutrition is like the fettered swimmer. His stomach and its allied organs ot digestion and nutri tion ara diseased. It is r a question with linn of winning in the race for busi ness but of simply keeping up under any circumstances. Whenever disease affects the stomach it is affecting also the blood and the health of every or gan of the body. For blood is only food converted into nutrition and nutri tion is the life of the lody and every organ of if. Doctor Pjerce's O old en Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutri tion. It purifies the blood and enables the perfect nutrition of the body which means perfect health. "For six lonpr years I suffered with ludigef Hon and my liver and kidney, which baffled tl.e best doctors in our country," writes E. I. Ran oell. Esq.. of Woolsey, Prince William Co., Va. I suffered with my stomach and back for a long; time, and after taking a ' cart-load ' of medicine jrom three doctors I grew so bad I could hardly rto a dav'9 work. Would have death-like pains in the ti le, and blind spells. I began tamii: ir tMrp r.nMen Medical Discovery aw .piimi Pellet..' flfore I had taken halfol the second bottle I began to feel relieved, I got six more bottles and used them, and am nappy to say I owe my life to Dr. I'ierce." Accept no substitute for "Golden Med ical Discovery." There is nothing "just as good" for disease of the stomach, blood and lungs. The Common .Sense Medical Adviser, IooS large pages, in paper covers, is sent tree on receint of 21 one-cent stamps to nav exoense of mailing only, Addresfl Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y COURT HOUSE NOTES KEAL ESTATE TRANBFEES. Clara and A Sampson to W D Estcll, 14.08 acres, 1 8 s, r C w, $500. W D Gilliam et ux to Salem, Falls City & Western By Co,, tract for depot and yard purposes, $1. W L Gilson et ux to Louisa C Mur ohv. lot 5. block G. first add to Falls City, $05. H B Taylor et ai to A P McKinley 80 acres, 1 6 s, r 4 w, $000, L M Case et ux to Josle Wheeler, 812 acres, 1 9 s, r i and 5 w, $5000. L II Starr et ux to A Quasdorf, east half lots 7 and 8. block 18, Inde pendence, $725. J T Guthrie et ux to Salem, Falls City & Western By Co., tract In t 8 s r 5 w, $1. A W Teats et ux to Salem, Falls City & Western By Co., tract in t 8 s. r 5 w, $1. Warren Wright to Henry G Wright, 174.92 acres, t 9 s, r 8 w, $2600. H G Campbell to J M Farley, lots and 3, block 19, Ellis' add to Dallas $100. H S and Bosa B Fudge to Jessie Fairgrave, . lots 4 and 6, block Saling's add to Ballston, $1. W L Whitlock et ux to Ira C Powell lots In Monmouth, $100. A J Nelson et ux to John D Nelson lot 2, block 27, Thorp's Independence, $20. J E Ward et ux to Sarah J Ward lots 3 and 4, block 24, Thorp's d 1 c in Independence, $1. United States to Geo Hall, 120 acres, 1 8 s, r 6 w, patent. Eobert Howe to City of Dallas, right-of-way for water conduit, $75. O E Dennis et ux to City of Dallas, right-of-way for water conduit, $1. John Castle et al to City of Dallas, right-of-way for water conduit, $1. M D Hubbard to City of Dallas, right-of-way for water conduit, $1. W H Kraber et ux to City of Dallas, one acre of land and right-of-way for water conduit, $150. , Mary A Dougan and hd to City of Dallas, right-of-way for water conduit, $1. E S Levens et al to City of Dallas, right-of-way for water conduit, $150, HOPS ARE NOT DAMAGED Good Weather Came In Save the Crop. Time to The rains of Monday and Tuesday did very little damage in the hop yards around Dallas, and should the present warm dry weather continue, a fine crop will be harvested. The damp weather caused much, alarm among tho growers, many of whom an nounced their intention to begin pick Ing ns early as Saturday of this week if the rain continued. But the showers ended with the very weather that the growers have beon praying for, and picking will not generally begin be fore next Wednesday. Hops In West ern roiK uounty are or excellent quality, and an average yield is promised. J. Viggers, who will bo remembered as tue man responsible to a very great degree for the champion basket ball team placed in the field by Dallas College last year, Is visitinsr friends in this city. For the past few months he has boon one of the leading athletes with Arnold's Carnival Company, and has just completed a very successful engagement at the Astoria Begatta. Mr. Viggers will be with the Dallas team again next year, if it is possible for him to arrange other business matters. "Josh's" many friends are glad to see his familiar figure on the streets again. SLR Fays tor the OBSERVER and the Weekly Oregonian one year. In order to take h.1 vimfM.-e uf Uiii liU-ru! offer, your subscription to the Obskkvkb mnst le paid m to date. Now i th time to snbseribe. A HAN Cffi'TsrKt"' m - I'! r,, A -r t v nr i t i ' f ht i r J til , ' f; ''vw-X -t.:J; r m.'i i - ,-- M-.wJHg itJSSVa!0ae!? 3i HAS NO INTRINSIC VALUE Yet Millions of Dollars Have Been Spent in Endeavor to Capture America's Cup. For a thing of comparatively little intrinsic value, the America's Cup, for which the contest between the yachts, "Beliance" and "Shamrock III" Is now on, appears to be attract ing the attention of much of the civil ized world. It is described as an old tarnished flagon of silver, not un. mixed with pewter, and is neither useful, or, if experts are to be believed,, ornajnental. In the first place it has no bottom, being a hollow cylinder, incapable of holding liquid. Seamen consider this a disqualifying feature, and artists say so far as beauty is concerned it has none. But while all this may be true, there never was an old metal pot in the world's history that has excited such eager competl. tion or occasioned the expenditure of so many millions since 1831,' as has this tarnished flagonthe prize of the yacht, "America." Formerly the yachtsmen of Boston and New York bore all the expense of defending America's pup, This year the money ed interest of the whole oountry, in eluding bankers, railway magnates, Standard Oil, steel trust and other magnates entered into powerful com bination to prevent Sir Thomas from "lifting" the antiquated trophy. If Sir Thomas Lipton does not "lift" the cup, and it would seem that he is about to score another failure to capture the coveted trophy, he will have the satisfaction of knowing that he has spent more money, worked harder and behaved better thn any body who has had designs against the much desired prize. Besides, be gets a bit of advertising out of it all for his business. Of all the yacht men who have challenged for America's cup, Sir Thomas is easily the most popular with every one. His visitors' book on the "Erin" Is filled with the names of illustrious and dls tinguished men and women who have enjoyed bis hospitality, including King Edward of England. ; Dr. M. L. Thompson, of Falls City, was in Dallas, Thursday, J. W. Yost was down from Pedoe on a business visit, Thursday. Mrs, Edgar J. Bryan returned home Tuesday from an extended outing at Newport. Miss Ora Collins left on Monday for South Dakota, where she will spend theWfnter. , Mr. and Mrs. B. Gildner arrived home this week from Newport, where they spent several weeks. W. B. Daggett has moved his family to Dallas from Eola, and will take up the study of law this winter. Fred Koser, an enterprising farmer and hopgrower of Kickreall, was in town yesterday laying in hop supplies. The many friends of Will Starr will be pained to hear that he is confined to his room by an attack of typhoid fever. Twenty thousand dollars will be re quired to redeem the hop checks printed at the Observer office this week, and we have orders to print as many more. T. A. Biggs and H. B. Plummer have bought 74 tons of chittim bark this Summer, having taken in most of the product of Polk, Yamhill and Lincoln counties. An enjoyable social was given at theM. E. Church, Tuesday evening, A nice program was rendered, after which refreshments were served by the Epworth League. T. A. Biggs' new baker has arrived, and is now at work. He is an expert in his line, and will please the store's many patrons. Leave your orders for bread, cake and fancy pastry, and it will be promptly delivered. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Townsend were up from Perrydaie yesterday making arrangements to move their household good3 to their farm. Mr. Townsend is much improved in health, and spent the day greeting his many friends and acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs. Townsend will stay at the farm for at least a year. Guardian's Sale. Notice la hereby eiven thut iu pursuance nd by virtue of n order and license to tell, duly made and entered In the county court of folk county, Ort'iron, on Atnruat -'7, 1SHH, in the matter of the guardianship uf Viva V. Courier, a minor, I. r.v iinnson, as Kunriiinn 01 emu minor, will proceed to sell at private Snle for cash (subject to confirmution of paid court) on uu alter SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1903, (the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., all the risht, title, and Interest of siiid minor in and to the following- described real property, to-wit: Lots IS, 19 and 2ii, in Hloek "1" in the town of tails uv. 1'olk county, Oregon: also the f ot lie Southeast 1 ., and the Southwest 'i of the n of f-ec. H. T. S S.. U W. of tl.e Will. .Mer . in l'olk Cotintr. Oregon. Bids for said property are to be made for each trait seiwrNtely, and presented to nie at th-' oilice of j. .v nart, rooms 1 and 2, osttcM limiuiue, Pallas. Oregon. listed at Illas, Oregon, this 2sth day of UKitot, l!w, . ! EVA HAN. Vuardtan of said minor. ACKER'S DTSrEPSIA TABLETS art oM on a positive guarantee. Cures ! ! burn, raising of the food, distress aftor eating or any form of dyspepsia. On : little tablet gives unmeomte mitf. et. and W cts. Belt & Cherrlnston i Dallas. Oregon Stale MONMOUTH, OREGON Training School for Teachers' courses ar ranged especially for training teachers for all branches of the profession. Most approv ed methods for erniled mid ungraded work taught in actual district school. Thedemand for graduates of this school far exceeds the supply. The Trail. ing Department, which consists of a nine-grade public school of ubout 2-50 pupils, Is well equipped in all its branches, includiuir music, drawing and Ehyslcal training. The Normal course in the est and quickest way tu a Ktate certificate. Fall term opens September 22. For cata- logue or information, address E. 1). UESSI.EK, or J. B. V. BKTLEK, President Secretary Watches Clocks - Jewelry Optical Goods Kodaks & Photo Supplies All Goods Fully Guaranteed Prices lowest consistent with quality PFENNIG JEWELER & OPTICIAN Wilson Block. Dallas IF a woman is in love, That's Her Business. If a man is irr love, That's His Business. But if they are both in love, and want a wedding ring, That's My Business! C. II. MORRIS, JEWELER and OPTICIAN .' ' ' 7 S S S 7 S . ffl Biggest Bars In Town For A Nickel.. You can't afford to buy elsewhere Main St., Dallas, Ore. HARNESS AflD SADDLiES. I have just received a Fine New Stock of Harness and Saddles and invite you to call and examine them as to etyle, workmanship and price. I have the finest line of saddles ever shown in Tolk county. They are strictly "down-to-date" in every respect. HORSE BLANKETS A big assortment prices according to quality all fitted with "Double Sur cingles," a new feature which every horseman will readily appreciate. Come and see them. HARNESS OIL, Best Grade, WHIPS and ROBES. Frank A. utiles MAIN ST.. DALLAS, ORE. Dyspepsia Cure sr X 1.-1. This preparation contains all cf tba digestants and digests all kinds ot food. It gi ves Instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gas on the stom ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dietingunnecessary. Pleasant to take. II can't help but da you good PrpparrO. oiil ly K. O. Pe Witt & Ca, Chicago ,u (L bouie contains i'-i times the 50c BELT A- CHEKRINGTON BBffH mm i imuyMi soapH B 1 1 fces stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over Ons end a Half r.L-ica bottles. Docs this record of merit crpecJ to you ? f o Cure, No Pay, 50c Enclosed wiib every WHITE Shirt Waists, IT n 1SC39 TWa- SiiiiiEiicr Hress floods and the like are going to be sold and out of the way before me fliotfe Do you want your share of these? That prices cut no lignrc. In a case like this it is not 34 cents and up. We are going to sell them Main DALLAS yANORSDEL, DEALERS IN. IRea! YOU WIU. FINO IT TO YOUR ADVANTAQf TO tIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US. ROOM I, (upstairs) Wilson Building, Dallas, Ore. WAGNER BROS. I CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF I. Single Shovel Plows, Double Shovel Plows, Wing Shovel Plows, Five-Tooth Cultivators, Disc Cultivators, Peg Tooth Harrows, Spring Tooth Harrows, Disc Harrows, reversible with Extension Head. ::::::::::::: All kinds of Plows, Harrows, cultivate a hopyard or orchard. OR. OAK and MAIN STREETS. CENTRAL MARKET Haldeman & Murrell, Prop'rs. FRESH AND SALT MEATS of Ail Kinds. Fish, Game and Chickens ICE FOR SALE. Farmers will find it to their advantage to bring us their Poultry and Eggs, as we pay the highest cash price for same at all times. EAST SIDE OF HAIN STREET Dallas, Oregon. Grovefs Tasteless Chill fcoUle is a Ten Cent, pack a to of Grov! I AAlr WSTk B Wi SUH.) Street OREGON Hayes & Co. Estate FARMS, STOCK RANCHES, TIMBER LANDS ano CITY PROPERTY. Cultivators and everything needed to J PALLAS, OREGON. Tonic Liock Koot, Liv" FHU.