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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1903)
4 1 :- ' i - m m ru:v' VOL. XVI. DALLAS, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 4, 1903 NO, 25. t f ... 0 (ill fpij 4 r-- f u Our Continues H Having removed our entire stock to Falls City, our Clearance 8alc will continue in the departments where we arc overstocked. Our Bargain Count ers there will he tilled with things you can use. You can huy from us at Wholesale Prices. : : : We Want Your Produce And will pay you for coming to trade at our new store. Remem ber that we carry everything, and always at the lowest prices. BryanLucas Lumber ompany Palls City, gon OREGON'S I)!Q TREE Us Lumber Will Be Used in World's Fair Building. the Have You Seen The Sea Serpent? Watch for the unique apfjeateby pamphlet just issued by the General Passenger Department of the Astoria whjch tells a little Summer tale about the Summer Girjs, Sea Serpents and Sunsets at Seaside, The 6tory is Bhort but well told and handsomely illustrated. Place your order early and avoid the July run. Copies mailed free upon application to J. C. MAYO, G. P. & P. A.,-Astoria, Oregon. OREGON'S BLUE RipBON STATE FAIR SALEM September H 19, 1903 THE, 0LD.TJA1E CIRCUS Was Small Affair Compared With Ppnderoqs Aggregations Traveli Today. WW RATES ARE GRANTED ailrpads. dp the Handsome Thing for Portland's Big Carnival. The Greatest Exposition and Live Stock Show on the Pacific Coast High Class Eacing every p. m. $12,000 CASH PREMIUMS on Live Stock and Farm Products All Exhibits hauled free over the Southern Pacific Keduced transportation rates on all lines LIVE STOCK AUCTION SALE held 'n connection with Fair Fine camping ground free and reduced rates on camper's tickets. Come and bring your families. Fo.r further informa tion, write D. WISDOM, Secretary Portland, Oregon M Excursion Rates To Yaquina Bay. On June 1, the Southern Pacific Company resumed the sale of Ex cursion tickets to Newport and Yaquina Bay. This resort is be coming more popular every year, and hotel accommodations are better than ever before, and at reasonable rates. Season tickets from Derry to Newport $4.50; to Yaquina 14.00; Saturday-to-Mon-day tickets to Newport $2.65. You Know What You Ara Taking When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula Is plainly printed on every bottle; showing that It la simply Iron and Quinine la a taste less tsra. TTo Core. Io I&y. tOc The circus of today is a ponderous affair, compared to that of forty years ago. but there is a doubt about its ability to cater more sue cessfully to tastes of the small boy Forty years ago the circus traveled over tne count"' in wagons, and there were not many wagons need ed, either. Half a dozen four-horse teamsf ould haul the troupe and the tent, and the side-shows, and as there was but one circus ring and one tent, the outfit was usually ready for business wjthjn aq hour a,fter it struck a tqwn, Everybody went to the circus then, $s now; the older ones going, of course, for the sole purpose of bringing the children. There was but one clown at the beginning of the perform ance, but soon a rudely behaved countryman, apparently the worse for liquor, would appear at the entrance and denounce the show as being a fizzle. He was ordered out by the clown, but was finally per mitted to enter the ring and assist ed in mounting a horse, the spec tators expecting to see him break his neck. He would then begin throwing off coats and vests, until about sixteen suits of clothes had been thrown into the ring, when the acrobat in tights discovered himself to the audience, and the noisy drunken countryman of a few minutes before proved to be the best "bareback rider" of them all. The circus now, with its three great rings which bewilder the beholder, is the outgrowth of the earlier times, and has kept pace with the expansion of the country Telegram. The Pleasure of Eating. Pel sons suffering from indiges tion, dyspepsia or other stomach trouble will find that Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat and makes the stomajh sweet. This remedy is a never failing cure for Indigestion and Dyspepsia and all complaints affecting the glands or membranes of the stomach or digestive tract. When you take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure everything you eat tastes good, and every bit of the nutriment that your food contains is assimilated and appro priated by the blood and tissues. Sold by Belt & Cherrington, " "Very TowTa tes ha ve been granted by the railroads for Portland's big Fall Carnival, September 14 to 26 inclusive, and many from tins sec tion will take advantage of this opportunity to visit Portland. Ten tnousana uoiiars is tne sum being expended by the Multnomah Ama teur Club, under whose auspices it is given, and the best attraction ever brought to the coast will be seen. Every day will be a specia day, and this in itself is an innova tion in the way of 9 Carnival, Fred Stump threshed from eight acres of ground, 200 bushels vetch, for which he finds ready sale at $1.50 per bushel, or $37.50 per acre, and still some say there is no money in farming. lnde pendence Enterprise. '1.79 Pays for the OBSERVER and the Weekly Oregonian one year. In order to take advantage of this liberal offer, your subscription to the Obsbhveb must be paid up to date. Now is the time to subscribe. sge Of Insanity Despite Doctor's Care, Nervous Cramps in Hands and Feet. Df, Miles' Neryine Vas My Salvation, Sleeplessness is at once a rvmctom and a disease. Just as soon as the nerves become deranged the patient suffers from sleepless ness. Deprived of their natural rest the nerves soon lose ail force and vitality and while sleeplessness is a symptom in such cases it frequently becomes chronic and remains the chief effect of disordered nerves. Dr. Miles Nervine quiets the nerves and strengthens them; soothes the tired brain and permits sleep; restores lost energy and vitality and brings sleep, health and strength. "Previous to our coming to the territory three years ago, we lived in Virginia, and it was there that I got acquainted with the wonderful powers of Dr. Miles' Nervine. I had been under the doctor's care and taking his medicine for over two years, butthe nerv ous trouble that was gnawing my life away grew steadily worse. I had nervous cramps in my hands and legs, which would draw up and pain me so that I could not sleep at night. Often I never closed my eyes for davs and nights together. The doctor finally told n.e he could do nothing more for me and that I was on the verge of insanity. He toid me I might try your Nervine as a last resort and it proved to be my salvation. When 1 find used four bottles of the remedy together with the Nerve and Liver Pills ' I had re former gained my former c KTHA I. SHKPFKR, O ood health." Mas, mer, Oklahoma. SfTo-Bse for fifty Cera. Guaranteed tobacco habit core, make weak men strong, tuood pure, sue ft- All drugget Ail jJrejjjnjts sell and guarantee first bot t Dr. M lies' Remedies. Send for free book 0:1 jV?rvous and Heart Diseases. Address Dr. Miles Medical Ux, Elkhart, Ind. The largest fir treo in the world will supply a portion of the lumber for the construction of Oregon's State building at the World's Fair at St. Louis. The Oregon building will occupy a site immediately north of th JNew York State building. The Slate Legislature has made an ap propnation of $50,000 fur the World's Fair, but a much greate sum will be available. Five hun dred thousand dollars have been appropriated by Oiegon for the Lewis and Clark Exposition, to be held in Portland, in 1905. The same commissioners will handle the exhibits for both fairs. Many valuable exhibits prepared for the Portland Exposition will be first displayed at the World's Fair at St. Louis. In fish and forestry, Oregon's ex hibits will be especially rich. The Columbia River salmon fisheries, the richest in the world, will furnish an unrivalled exhibit. The processes of catching! the salmon, and how they are handled, will be shown in detail. The average size of the salmon of Oregon commerce is from 15 to 20 pounds, and they sometimes reacn the enormous weight of 60 to 75 j pounds. The fish come in from the Pacific Ocean, and ascend the Columbia River to spawn. .When the eggs hatch, the ittle salmon go out to sea, and re main until they attain full siae. hen instinct leads them back to their natural waters, The fish are caught in traps, Great shutes have been built, leading from the fish trans to the canning factories. The salmon virtually oatch themselves, and once in the toils there is no escape. They can only follow the flqrnes. jtnd end thitr cir"' ;n the tin cans ivhk'Jj .ut v. cvi,i;in fish dealers provide for their, re ception. The sturgeon and flounder are also caught in large quantities, and the black bass, fostered by the United States Government Fish Commission, is gaining in im portance each year. Splendid timber grows abund antly all over Oregon, but it is the Douglas fir that is known the world over. The largest specimen of this timber in Oregon will be exhibited at the World's Fair. The tree is 300 feet high, and 40 feet in circumference at the base. It is 118 feet from the ground to the first limb. The age of this giant of the Oregon pines is estimated to be 400 years, More ships carry maets of Oregon Pouglas fir than any other timber The largest and best flag staffs are supplied bv trees from the same forests. Other timbers and lumber will be shown, including, especially maple, oak and ash. Oregon's display of agricultura and horticultural products will be large. The prune industry of the State is exceedingly important, the crop in 1902 being valued, at more than $3,000,000. The Oregon fruit compares favorably with thefamous French product. Small fruits also thrive in the State. In agriculture, the exhibit will be largely based on wheat, oats, barley and grasses. WHAT GIRLS CAN DO Enns Sisters Cleared $1750 on Their Prune Crop Last Year. Out on the Salem road, one mile East of Dallas, is one of the thriftiest prune orchards in the Willamette Valley. Strangers and other passers-by stop to admire and comment upon its neat, well- kept appearance, and invariably express great surprise when in formed that it is cultivated and managed by two "young ladies not yetoutof their "teens." The sister took charge of the orchard after the death of their father, a few years ago, and have FINE INDUSTRIAL DISPLAY At I "Hand's Fall Carnival by Mer jints and Manufacturers. - Industrial Street at Portland's big Fall Carnival, September 14 to 26 inclusive, will be a revelation It has been many years since, the merchants and manufacturers of Portland have had an opportunity of making an exhibit of their pro ducts and wares. Considerable rivalry is being entered into and much money spent to make the ex hibits as unique and attractive as possible. Many magnificent booths are being erected and this feature of the carnival alone will be worth double what it will cost to see everything. SICK HEADACHE ABSOLUTELY and permanently cured by using Mokl Tea. A pleasant berb drink. Cures constipation and Indigestion, makea you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 23 eta. and 60 eta. Belt Cherrington, Dallas, Oregon. managed with such splendid success as to call forth expressions of admiration from all who hear the story of thei 1 11 1 inaomuauie piucit ana energy From a recent number of the Salem Statesman we clip the following: "There are two young ladies liv ing between Dallas and balem, in Polk county, who deserve honorable mention in the class of successful men and women of Oregon. "They are sisters. A little over two years ago their father died, eaving them a small farm on wnicn were twelve acres ol prune trees. There was a $1500 mortgage on the place. These young ladies were not out of their 'teens' then, but they did not sit down and give up hope. They did not allow the ittle home to be eaten up by the mortgage, and sold out by the sheriff. They did not propose to have such a record. They had strong hands and good health, though they were not possessed of ny money with which to hire help. But they could work with their own hands, and they went at it. "hey trimmed Up and put in fine hape the prune orchard, and in other ways tended the farm in 'a manner becoming thrifty husbandmen. ,'DuTfngfiomi3o"overfd'yearsr since their father died these young ladies have paid off the $1500 mortgage, and they have besides built an $800 house, and in other ways added to the appearance and comfort of their home. They are entirely out of debt. "Their net profit from their prune crop of last year was $1750 cash. "This shows two or three things It shows, first, what willing hand and stout hearts can do, even against odds. And it shows tha the state of Uregon, and more especially the Willamette valley, is the place for workers. And shows, in addition, that there is money in the business of raising prunes here. The prunes did large part in paying off the mortgage. "There is no country under the sun that offers better advantages for the small farmer than are offer ed right here in the Willamette valley. The crops here are sure as sure as they are in any country under the sun and it does not cost all one can make throughout the twelve months to get one through the cold winters and the hot summers, as it does in the states east of the Rocky mountains. "Oregon and the Willamette valley are all light. These young ladies between Salem and Dallas, whoBe accomplishments made the occasion or this article, are all right," TELEPHONES AND FARMERS A Modern Convenience That is Rapidly Growing in Popularity. Have you ever thought how many hours out of every week can be saved for yourself, your family and your teams by the assistance of the telephone? Have you ever calculated the minutes that can be gained in caseof sickness or business emergencies? Have you ever thought of the dollars that you might gain were you only in close touch with the markets? Can you conceive tlie pleasure to be derived from having in your home means of immediate communication with relatives, neighbors or friends though situated miles awuy? The telephone will pay for itself by getting better market prices. It will 6ave several dollars every month by avoiding needless trips to towii. It will deliver and receive tele grams and important messages immediately and without extra expense. It will keep you informed on weather predictions. It will order repairs instantly when machines break down. It will do the visiting and make social cal.'s without the trouble of 'dressing up" and making a dusty, sultry or freezing ride. It will get a doctor on a moment's notice, and maybe savea loved one's ife. It will get election returns as soon as they are in. It will keep away insolent tramps and prowling burglars. It will keep the boys on the farm, and also the daughters. It will make homes happier, brighter and better and more de- ightful in a thousnnd different ways. Progressive farmers throughout le country are installinsr tele- phbfferTn-nrmrr-nxmves, ana m the near future every agriculturist will have a direct means of communica tion with the outside world. THE OLD nsUACLE K i i . ,n f nif Absolutely Paro THERE fS NQ SUBSTITUTE NEW DISTRICTS NOT LIABLE Old Districts Must AsSillUA A II In. debtedness When Division Is Made. CHITTIM BARK IN THE AIR One Hundred and Eighty Dollars a Ton Being Paid For It. The Genuine vs. Counterfeits. The genuine is always better than a counterfeit, but the truth of thisstatementis nevermore forcibly realized ormore thoroughly appre ciated than when you compare the genuine DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve with the" many counterfeits and worthless substitutes that are on the market. W. S. Ledbetter, of Shreveptfrt, La., says: "After using numerous other remedies without benefit, one box of De Witt's Hazel Salve cured me." For blind, bleeding, itching and pro truding piles no remedy is equal to DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Sold by Belt & Cherrington. EXPERIENCE 13 THE BEST teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy In any case of coughs, cold or croup. Should It fall to givt Immediate relief money re funded. K er, n w cts. Belt Cher rington, Dallas, Oregon. The selling mark for Oregon chittim bulk has in former years sold at the home market at from $40 to $50 a ton; early this fall i went up to $80 to $90 or 4 to 44 cents a pound. During the last week, however the price of bark is booming. It has been a strenuous time for both buyers and sellers and the end is not yet. There is much maneuvering and span ing for advantages among all parties interested, and it is difficult to state the exact situation. Ba was selling at 4 and 4J cents a week ago and the price gradually came up to 5 and 6 cents. The latter was regarded as a high price for the product and much of it was disposed of at that figure. But the price continued to go up under the influence of competition until 8 to 8l cents was offered. At the latter figure a large quantity of bark was sold in Corvallis. The 8.J was said to be the price but it was rumored that a better figure was offered by buyers in Albany and Toledo, and only a. half dozen sacks were bought at that price. It is said 9 cents a pound is now offered for the bark, which would make $190 a ton.r Albany Herald. On Tuesday, September 1, there were advertised letters in the Falls City postoffice for J. Taylor, F. S. Warner, Louis Ilusser (Foreign), Mr. Leech, Mrs. Lucy West (2), John H. Haggett and George Iloll- ngs worth (5). M. L. Thompson, wovujaobvi m Those who are paining flesh and etrntrth by regular treat ment with Scctt's Emulsion should continue the treatment in hot weather) smaller dose end a little cool milk with It will do away with any objection which Is attached to fatty pro ducts during the heated season. Rend lor free unple. SCOTT & BOWJN'E, Cbembts, 409-415 Pearl Street, New York, y. and f i.oo ; ill Jiuija. For some time officials have been in doubt about the status of new school districts, when formed by the division of old districts. Several such districts have been fnrm,1 recently, and Superintendent of Public Instruction J.H. Ackerman, being unable to decide thequestion for himself, submitted to Attorney General Crawford the following proposition: "Whether or not a new district, which has been created in part out of a bonded district remains liable for its proportional part of the bonded indebtedness in which it was formerly a part." The Attorney General held that the Legislature had the right to change the boundaries of school districts, or to prescribe the manner in which they may bechanged, and may also make such provisions re specting property and obligations as it may deem equitableor proper. Otherwise, when the boundaries of a.iieflLdistrict ureluilD-firl bv farm. ing ti new district out of territory of the original, or by transferring a part thereof to another district, in the absence of any legislative pro vision on the subject, the old district would be entitled to all the propei ty and be solely liable for the obligations of the original districts. This seems a very just and reasonable view to take of theques tion. When u district is divided. all of the bchool property remains in the possession of the old district, and the new district iscompelled to raise money with which to con struct buildings and equip them, hence it is right and proper for the people retaining "possession of the property to assume the indebtedness of the district. Bishop Hamilton, of San Fran cisco, will preside over the Oregon Conference of the Methodist Episco pal church to be held in Salem the last of next month. The conference comes to Salem this year as a pari of the campaign to build up Wil- amette University. Over 200 per sons will attend the conference from abroad, including ministers and laymen of the Methodist church. At a great educational meeting addresses are to be made by Bishop Hamilton, Dr. J. II. Coleman, Hon. R. A. Booth and I. T. McDanieJ. The Bishop will also deliver his famous lecture 011 "Marauders, Miracles and Men of Mexico." A Puzzle Fable. From the Smart Set. 1 An American heireps was wooed by a foreign prince, who urgently besought her to become his wife. In order to test the sincerity of his love, she asked: "Will you still marry me if I give away all my money for charity and become as poor as yourself?" The prince considered a while, and then responded: "Yes, pro vided you will still marry me if I renounce my title and become a plain republican like yourself." Query Did Bhe agree to his proposition? Observer legal blanks are best. DTSPEPSIA CAN BE CURED BT using Acker's Dyspepsia Teblets. One llttl Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Sold In handsome tin boxes t K cents. Belt CherriTistnn, Da!l23, Oregon.