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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1903)
Pels County Observer J. C. HAYTER, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. Published Weekly at One Dollar per Veai. Strictly In Advance. DALLAS, ORKGON, JoKK 12, 1903. The way to build up Dallas is to pat ronize Dallas people. THE BIG FOUR Mitchell, Fulton, Williamson, and Hermann I What more can Oregon want in the way of renre sentation? If things do not come our wav it will not be because we have not been good to ourselves i the matter of choosing able men to look after the interests of our state at the national Capitol. If the knockers will keep their hands ol or possibly in spite of them, th state should in the next ten years enjoy very beneficial results from having these wise and efficient leaders where they can do the most eood. In such matters as river and harbor improvements, artificia propagation of fish, forest preserva tion, irrigation and dozens of other important questions relating this state, and in all the great affairs of other stales and of th country at large the influence of the Oregon legislators will be potent But able legislators alone cannot make a good state. It is high time a lot of Oresonians woke up to th fact that if this neck of the wood is to take her rightful place in the front rank it must be because of the sterling qualities, the lively enterprise and the manly and womanly virtues of her citizens as much as by reason of her great natural resources. -Astonan. BIG FLUME IS COMPLETED Cheap and Easy Method of Trans porting Lumber to Market. The big flume of the Benton County Lumber Company has reached its terminus at the spur of the 0. & E. railroad company nea Philomath. Its construction began about the 1st of March, and, ac cordingly, has occupied about three months of time, during which a force of from 8 to 20 men has been employed. It involved the use of about 700,000 feet of lumber which was cut at the mill and floated down the flume as construction proceeded. Its length is six and three-fourths miles. The cost of the flume is understood to have been between $6,000 and $7,000 Its construction and operation practically locates the big saw mil of the company at the railroad aid 'ing. The flume has a capacity of 25, 000 feet per hour. I he mill cuts about 30,000 per day. In an hour and a half, the cut of the mill for a whole day can be started on its way to Philomath. It takes two hours for a piece of lumber to go from the mill to Philomath. Ac cordingly in three and a half hours after the first stick in a day's lum ber cut is placed in the flume at the mill, the last stick of the day's cut is in rhilomath, having been transported there by the action of water at practically no expense. The lumber floats along inside the flume at the average rate of three and a half miles an hour, a little fjster than most men can walk. In some places the speed is greater than in others. Big timber makes the passage of the flume even more satisfactorily than do the smallest pieces. Already there have been sent through it eight by eight sticks hity feet m length. The flume is V shaped, with sides 24 inches deep. Its width across the top is about 36 inches. Lumber floats best when the flume is about one-third full of water. The flume is constructed entirely of sawed lumber, and is first-class through out, lwo or three small boys pa tiol its length while lumber is run ning to keep it free from jams. Harvey E. Lounsbury, traveling freight agent of the Southern raciflc Company, was in Dallas, Wednesday. Ho made his first trip over the new railroad to Falls City In the afternoon, and is well pleased with tho outlook Tor business from that part of the country. The evident determination of the business men of Dallas to keep the streets and sidewalks clean in front of their respective premises Is most commendable. That's the way to make an attractive, healthy town. When Dallas gets the water-works, tho task will be easier. Scrofula tew r.rc t'ltiroly friHMtroui ic It may develop so slowly na t c." Uttle i: iiiy disturbance duiin iho v,i. J. ;'...: produce JrrPZuVrit-. r-ini:i' h :.nd txm-.-ls. clvtiier;.i. ih : nd txmvis. dVHieri.i. .urn m::.-. . a nn.lO'iry to concur..: i iOi bt-.utr' iist-lf in muciicui.i.ijiou ens! :n or eland :!.;.- swulliii-r. J' i hf-st tc t-5 sur that Ton e-a o:'.i .'rco irtiu it, end lor a compiovo crRC.o.. Hon you can rely on CARNIVAL IS OVER Big Show Comes to Successful Close on Saturday Evening. The W. O. W. Carnival came to a close in a blaze of glory Saturday night. The four days entertainment attracted thousands of visitors to Dallas during the week, and is voted to be the most successful affair of its kind ever given in the Willamette Valley. The competitive drill between Wood men teams from six Valley towns, which was in nrocress as we went to press last week, was won by Mon mouth, Second place was awarded to Amity. The prizes were $50 and $25, respectively. The judges were J. M. Woodworth, of Multnomah Camp No. 77; Herman Sleade, of No. 107, Port land, and J. M. Cleurbman, Camp 296, Sheridan. The chief attraction Thursday was the balloon ascenston and parachute jump by Prof. Frank Miller. The bal loon was cut loose at 11 o'clock in the morning and made a beautiful flight of 3500 feet. At this elevation the mon ster air bag appeared as a mere speck in the sky. When the daring aero naut dropped from the balloon with his parachute and descend grace fully to the earth, the crowd applaud ed wildly. The ascension was without doubt one of the best ever made in Oregon. PIONEER DAY. Saturday was Pioneer Day, and the attendance compared favorably with the three preceding days of the Carni val. At 10 o'clock the procession was formed on Main street. The Wood men people did much to add to the imposing appearance of the parade, bringing in many features of the Woodman day. The parade, headed by the Mon mouth brass band and the orators of the day, ex-Governor Geer and Hon. W. H. Holmes, followed by the few pioneers, Woodmen, Sheridan brass band, citizens, etc., made a very im posing display. The march was direct to the city park, where the usual ceremonies were had, and two fine orations were delivered by the orators of the day. The unique feature of the day was the song and speech of John Smith, a Grande Konde Indian, who sang and spoke in jargon. Hon. J. H. Hawley was re-elected as president of the association, and J. W. Lewis was re-elected secretary and treasurer for the ensuing year. Hon S. T. Burch and G. W. McBee were appointed delegates to the State re union to be held in Portland. The executive committee elected by the association is: G. W. McBee. of Dallas : F. M. Collins, of Dallas, and Hon. Geo. Myer, of Smithfleld. The rocking chair, awarded to the oldest couple, was won by Mr. and Mrs. George Brown, of Dallas. The chair given to the oldest individual pioneer was awarded to Mrs. Eliza Emmons, of Dallas. Eighty-seven pioneers enrolled their names with Secretary Lewis during the day. A vote of thanks was given to Mrs, H. H. Chace and her assistants for the excellent musical program render ed. In the absence of President Hawley, William Grant was chosen President of the Day. The Fourteenth Annual Reunion of the Polk Countv Pioneers was one of the most enjoyable In the history of the Association, the day being one of unalloyed pleasure to all the old people present. A large number of people visited the Carnival attractions in the afternoon, and wore entertained by an excellent performance by Mr. Arnold's com pany. A feature of the afternoon program was the Baby Show given in the big tent. Fifteen babies were on exhibition, and W. A. Wash, J. B Smith and Prof. Horn, the only men in the crowd with nerve enough to act as judges, started down the line tode- tannine which fond mamma's darling was entitlod to the prize for good looks, After a quarter of an hour of the hardest work any of them ever did in tholr lives, they finally mustered up sufficient courage to announce their decision. The lucky youngster re ceiving the $10 cash prize given by the Woodmen of the World was the Infant son of Rev. and Mrs. J. It. G. Russoll. Saturday night was Confetti Night, and tho big tent was packed almost to suffocation. Dallas people turned out full force at this performance, many of the business men of the city not having had an opportunity to at tend the show during the week. Many visitors were present from Inde pendence and Monmouth. Mirth and good-feeling reigned supreme, and a general, old-fashioned neighborly time was enjoyed. At the close of the regular performance, tho big tout was thrown open and the fun began. The camels were brought out from the menagerie, and the Arab drivers gathered in a rich harvest of dimes from those who wished to take a ride around the tent on the ungainly old ships of the desert." Confetti filled the air, everybody, young and old, en gaging in the pretty and harmless pastime of showering their friends and acquaintances with handfuls of highly-colored paper cut in small bits. There was no roughness or rude be- avior, and innocent fun ran riot to a degree never before witnessed in Polk's capital town. At midnight the big crowd filed slowly out of the tent, and the Carnival was over. As is the case in everything that Dallas undertakes, the Carnival was ell managed from the beginning, and was carried through to a highly TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggist refund the money II It (alls to cure. E. W. Orove'e signature successful termination. Thousands of people were pleasantly entertained during the four days; the merchants of Dallas enjoyed a heavy increase in business as a result of the festival the town, was advertised abroad as never before in its history ; the busi ness relations between Mr. Arnold and the managers of the Carnival were of the most pleasant character, and neat sum of money was netted to the treasury of the Dallas Camp of Wood men, under whose auspices the big show was given. It has been demonstrated that Carnival and Street Fair can be made a financial success in Dallas, and the Observer hopes to see an entertain ment of this character given here every Summer in the future. Expression of Appreciation. Dallas, Ob., June 8, 1903 Mr. E. J. Arnold, Esteemed Neighbor: The Dallas Woodman Carniva Committee, at the close of our sue cessful gathering, desire to express to you their appreciation of the very thorough and satisfactory manner in which you fulfilled you amusement contract. We also wish to express to you our appre ciation oi tne courteous and gentlemanly manner in which you carried on all negotiations. The amusements iurmshed were so superior, and your attaches 60 con siderate and trustworthy, that we wish, through you, to express to them our satisfaction with every detail in which they participated i rusting success may attend your future engagements, we remain, Respectfully, Dallas W. O. W. Carnival Com V. P. Fiske, Chairman W. G. Vassall, Sec. G. N. Cherrington. C. L. Hubbard. F. H. Muscott. F. G. Elliott. F. Kerslake. Look up the Bee Hive's shirt waist ad. o. Li. urown, or stayton, was a Dallas visitor this week. Shirt waists at any price to close them out, at the Bee Hive. Dan Poling and Chester . Gates re turned this week from a ten days' out ing at Gearhart Park. Be sure and attend our big Shirt Waist sale. See ad in this issue. The Bee Hive. E. E. Turner, of Perrydale, left this week for a five weeks' visit to his old home in Pike county, Illinois. New line of Shoes to close out at cost for a short time. Pollock's Cash Store, TJglow block. $5 to $16 a week addressing en velopes evenings. Stamp for full particulars, W. A. Elkins, Stayton, Oregon. Dan W. Kaup, special agent of the Mutual Life Insurance Company, of New York, is in Dallas this week. Miss Nellie O'Brien, of Portland was a guest over Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Eich. Paul Belt who is working in Port land has been sick and in the hospital for the past two weeks, but is improv ing now. Sheridan Sun. The annual campmeeting of the United Evangelical Church will be held in Dallas from June 19 to 29 in clusive. A large attendance is ex pected. Let all who can attend during the entire session. C. C. Poling and H. L. Pratt are the presiding elders, On next Sunday afternoon the Dallas Camp of Woodman will ob serve Decoration Day. All Woodman are requested to meet at the hall at one o'clock, with their flowers, and march in a body to the cemetery. The public generally is invited to be present. Shirt waists at your own price at the Bee Hive. See ad. Burglars entered the house of Dr, Mark Hayter last Friday night and stole $7 from the Doctor s trousers pockets. They also broke into U. S. Grant's house just across the street, but were frightened away before se curing anything of value. From the nature of thoir work, it is believed that the thieves aro members of a gang that has been operating in Salem, Corvallis and other valley towns. Col. H. L. Day, who did so much toward making the carnival a success, left the first of the wok for Corvallis. The Colonel threw himself into the Carnival work with his characteristic energy, and Iont much valuable aid to the committees in carrying out their plans. The value of such a man to any fraternal order cannot be over estimated, and Col. Day is justly popular with the Woodmen. He is a prince of good follows, besides, and will always find a warm place in the hearts of the people of Dallas. Shoes at Wholesale Cost while they last, at Pollock's Cash Store. Portland is the Mecca of Masons from all points in Oregon this week. The grand lodge, A. F. & A. M. con vened Wednesday, and the Grand Chapter of Eoyal Arch Masons is now in session. There is also the Grand Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star. The semi-annual reunion of the Scottish Bite Masons is now in session at the new cathedral there and the week will close with the semi annual festivities of the Nobles of the Mystio Shrine on Saturday evening. Quite a delegation of Willamette Valley people are in attendance upon these various gatherings. You Know What You Are Taking When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula Is plainly printed on every bottle, showing that it Is simply Iron and Quinine In a taste ft h.:. . - Fantastic l I lW niagic mirrors in I I ' P wh'ch the futur i V I I was reveflled. If t ' ' m(.i a fliirinr vara possible many s) bright - faced bride would shrink from the revelation of her self, stripped of all her loveliness. If there is one thing which would make a woman shrink from marriage it is to see the rapid physical deterioration which comes to so many wives. The cause is generally due to womanly diseases. Lost health and lost comeliness are restored by the use of Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription. It cures irregular ity and dries weakening drains. It heals inflammation and ulceration, and cures female weakness. . "It is with th greatest pleasure that I tell you what Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and "Golden Medical Discovery ' have done for me," writes Mrs. Emma L. Baukes. of 1951 North 7th Street, Harrisburg, Pa. "They have done me a world or good. I had leraaie weakness lor six years; sometimes would feel so badly I did not Know wnat 10 ao, uui 1 iohuu reuci ui iusi, thanks to Dr. Pierce for his kind advice. I have this medicine still in my house aud will always keep It." If you are led to the purchase of "Favorite Prescription" because of its remarkable cures of other women, do not accept a substitute which has none 01 tnese cures to us creau. Free. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Or for cloth-bound volume send 31 stamps. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. INJURIES PROVED FATAL Orin Coulter, Who Was Kicked by Fractious Horse, Died Friday Morning:. Orin Coulter, the ten-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Coulter, who live just north of town, died Friday morn ing from the effects of a kick received in the side by a vicious horse Wednes day evening. Death was caused by internal hemorrhage. Anexamination of the boy's body just after the acci dent occurred disclosed no particular bruises or marks of violence, and the extent of his injuries could not be ascertained. The little fellow was able to sit up in bed Thursday, and it was thought that he would be out again in a day or two. Early Friday morning his condition took a sudden turn for the worse, and all efforts to relieve his suffering proved futile. Death occurred at 2 o'clock a. m. The funeral services were held from the house on Saturday afternoon. Orin was a bright and manly boy and his tragic death is a sad blow to his fond parents. "THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY" Noted Drama Will Be Presented at Monmouth Tomorrow Night. "The District Attorney" will be the offering of the Normal Dramatic Club at Monmouth tomorrow evening, at 8 o'clock. The cast of characters for this interesting drama is as follows : District Attorney. .. W. A. Kutherford Matthew Brainerd E. S. Evenden General Buggies J. B. V. Butler Wellington Gridley Wm. Metzger Frank Pierson A. C. Hampton Daniel McGrath H. H. Belt Williams J. H. Coffey Vernore Holt G. N. Murdock Maxwell J. B. Bidgood Jamison .J. S. Lacey Corrigan G. N. Murdock Watson A. E. Wheelock Grace Brainerd. .Miss Olga Boatman Madge Brainerd. . . .Miss Edith Owen Helen Knight. Miss Gertrude Vernon Elsie ....Miss Martha Paldanius Policemen, jurors, etc. COURT HOUSE NOTES COMMISSIONEES' COUET In the matter of repairing the Thiel- sen, Urunk, Williams and linoaes bridges bids were received as follows C. F. Royal & Son.. $1390 E. M. Gilbert Son $1420 E. Braley $1499 IraMehrling $1398 The contract was awarded to C. F. Eoyal & Son. In the matter of the application of C. Hill and others to change boundaries of School Districts 10, 41 and 58 ordered that prayer of peti tioners be granted. CLAIMS ALLOWEp J G VanOrsdel, tax rebate $10 40 John Hughes, bridge acct 1 53 A Eobertson, pauper acct 10 00 Mrs M A Tetherow, same 7 00 D G Meador, same 8 00 F Freunduner, same 7 00 CE Huntley, same 8 00 H J Osfield, same 5 45 Western Clay MfgCo., supplies. 180 83 L N Woods, ex insane 5 00 Glass & Prudhomme, supplies. . 109 80 John Simons, gravel 318 Kirkpatrick & Fenton, tax error 11 31 WSCary, coroner's fees 3215 Irwin-Hodson Co., supplies 44 50 T J Fryer, stock inspector 12 50 W E Martin, road acct 13 10 Lynch & Eowell, same 11 50 L Ground, same 10 20 John Schaller, same 6 20 Eowell Bros., same 41 05 Williams, same 18 05 M D Ellis, electric lights 17 40 H B Cosper, election acct 7 50 EHHosner, same 2 00 A Wolf, same 2 00 T Ford, salary and expense.. .142 58 U S Loughary, same 189 01 OASTOTIIA. Sigaatu WF Nichols, salary 65 00 WB Daggett, same 65 00 F E Myer, same 78 00 A Huston, same 65 00 E V Dalton, same 68 30 Milo Woods, same 40 50 CL Starr, same 86 88 J W Butler, same 95 00 J E Sibley, same 66 65 E Hayter, same 65 00 J B Teal, same 18 20 Seth Eiggs, same 12 35 J J Williams, courthouse acct. . 1 0 Observer, printing 42 30 WM Welch, supplies 15 00 Jack & Timberlake, same.: . .... 62 02 Joe Flannery, same 6 85 TB Huntley, same T.486 50 August Fleischman, same 137 90 J B Teal, same 2 80 W A Wash, printing 14 00 Election Judges and Clerks 395 40 Jury for May term 4G2 00 PEOBATE. Estate of Marion Brower, deceased ordered that growing crop wrong fully inventoried in said estate be stricken from inventory. Estate of J. Jay Brown, deceased final account heard and estate closed Estate of Sarah E. Fisher, deceased certain real property ordered sold at private sale. Guardianship of Theodore Dodson an incompetent person petition for sale of real property set for hearing July 6, at 10 o'clock a. m. Estate of A. D. Babcock, deceased- final receipts filed and estate closed. estate or .Henry C'oad, deceased re port filed and approved. Guardianship of Wm. Beall, s minor semi-annual report appved Guardianship of J. H. Twnsend insane Alice E. Townsend to be ap pointed guardian upon filing of bond in sum of $2000. NOTABY PUBLIC Ed F. Coad, of Dallas. EEAL ESTATE TEANSFEES. John Walling et ux to Lincoln Tent, K. O. T. M., tract In Lincoln, $1. I M Simpson et ux to Isabella Hilte- brand, 82.03 acres, 1 9 s, r 5 w, $2050, Portia E Mulkey and hd to Sarah J Ground, 93-100 acres, Monmouth, $100. E W Hogue et ux to Eugene Mauld ing, 70 acres, 1 6 s, r 6 w, $840. T A Yost et ux to F W Kau, 160 acres, 1 9 s, r 6 w, $1200. F A Patterson et ux to Independence National Bank, tract in t 8 s, r 4 w, correction deed, $1. M V Prather et ux to P W Prather, 30 acres, 1 10 s, r 4 w, $180. H H McSheery et ux to A F Courter, lots 14 and 15, block H, 1st add to Falls City, $50. H C Hannon et ux to George Jones, 162 by 200 feet, Hill's Independence, $225. United States to John Ehoades, 160 acres, 1 9 s, r 8 w, patent. C A Miller et ux to Cass Gibson, 40 acres, 1 7 s, r 4 w ; 20 acres, 1 7 s, r 6 w, $1500. T P Grant et ux to Theodore Dod son, 20 acres, 1 6 s, r 6 w, $650. J B Trullinger et ux to T D Hodges, 320.68 acres, 1 6 s, r 7 w, $5000. DALLAS COLLEGE EXERCISES Closing of Successful Year's Work Observed With Appropriate Program. The commencement exercises of Dallas College began last evening with a literary program by the Homo literary society. This (Fri day) evening the Sorosis society will give its public entertainment. On Sunday, June 14, at 11 a. m., President Poling will preach the baccalaureate sermon, and at 8 p. m. Rev. L. M. Boozer, of Port land, will preach the annual sermon to the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. Both these services will be held in the M. E. Church. The two associ ations will hold their farewell meeting in joint session at the chapel Sunday afternoon. Monday evening the annual lecture will be delivered before the Literary societies by Rev. D. V. Poling, of The Dalles. Tuesday evening the annual musical recital will be given under the management of Prof. Kantner, and two young ladies will graduate from the Teachers' Course in Music. Wednesday is commencement day. At 10:30 a. m.,thegraduating class will deliver their orations, and Dr. W, C. Kantner, of Salem, will deliver the class address. President Poling will present the diplomas and confer the degrees. Wednesday evening the Alumni Association will give its program and hold the annual banquet. These services will be held in the College chapel. To all the exercises, the public is cordially invited. Let the people turn out and enjoy this feast of commencement week. In connection with the annual address before the Literary societies, Miss Edna Parrish, the newly elected teacher of Expression and Grove's hss stood the test 25 years. Averse Annual Sales over Ona cn i a Half LHHIca kottlas. Docs this record cf cent ered to yctj? Uo Cizre, tto Psy. 50c E&clased with every YanOrsdel, IN- IReal YOU WILL FIND IT TO VOUft ADVANTAGE TO LI8T YOUR PROPERTY WITH US. ROOM 1, (upstairs) Wilson Building, Dallas, Ore. WAGNER BROS. CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF Single Shovel Plows, Double Shovel Plows, Wing Shovel Plows, Five-Tooth Cultivators, Disc Cultivators, Peg Tooth Harrows, Spring Tooth Harrows, Disc Harrows, reversible with Extension Head. ::::::::::::: All kinds of Plows, Harrows, Cultivators and everything needed to cultivate a hopyard or orchard. : mi 1 o AncrtnM COR. OAK and MAIN STREETS. Oratory, will give several readings, which the public will no doubt appreciate. Miss Parrish, who will take her position next Fall as a member of the faculty, recently took part in the commencement exercises of the Willamette College of Oratory, and speaking of her work the Salem Statesman says: "Miss Edna Parrish has always been popular with Salem audiences, and her rendition of 'A Bear Story' and 'Almost Beyond Endurance' by James Whitcomb Riley, was specially taking. They were both juvenile stories, a style to which she is especially adapted, and her interpretation of 'The Bear Story' was simply perfect. The people of Dallas may well congratulate themselves on securing such ex ceptional talent as an addition to the faculty of Dallas College." IF . a woman is in love, That's Her Business. If a man is in love, That's His Business. But if they are both in love, and want a wedding ring, That's My Business! C. II. MORRIS, JEWELER and OPTICIAN WE HAVE Business Chances TO TRADE FOR FARMS. What have You to Offer? Some of the best farms in Polk County for sale. We want more. Write for our list. Property listed with us in con fidence. We advertise no busi ness chances openly. If unable to close a deal with a prospective buyer, call on us. We will act as agent for you and help consummate the deal. Cooper & Hurley REAL E8TATE OFFICE Independence, - Oregon Contest Notice. United Statei land Office, Oregon City, Oreton, My 18, 1903. A siiflicient contest affidavit baring been filed in this office by Albert Harring-ton, contestant, against homestead entry No. 13661, made May 14, 1901, for the N. . Section 10, Township 9 S., Range 8 W.t by Francis W. Elliott Contestee, in which it is alleged that Contestant is well acquainted with said tract of land and knows the present condition of the same; "also that said Francis W. lliott has wholly abandoned said land, and especially for the six months last past, and has not complied with the Home stead laws of the United States as regards said land as to cultivation, residence and improve ments, and that said alleged absence from the said land was not due to his employment in the Army, Navy or Marine Corps' of the United States as a private soldier, officer, seaman or marine, during the war with Spain, or during any other war in which the United States may be engaged." Said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said alteration at 10 o'clock a. m. on July IS, 1903, before the Register and Receiver at the United States Land Office in Oregon City, Ore gon. GEO. W. BIBEE. Receiver. Tasteless Chill tattle it a Tea Cent, jck:ct cf Crove't Hayes & Co. Estate FARMS, STOCK RANCHES, TIMBER LANDS and CITY PROPERTY. UtL,Lt&, UrvL,UUn. JEWELRY PHOTO GOODS PRICES ALWAYS RIGHT PFENNIG JEWELER AND OPTICIAN wm wm Biggest Bars In Town For A Nickel.. Ynn fifln't. ftflfhrrl 10 duv cisewnere Main St., Dallas, Ore. SflDDliES. I have just received a Fine New Stock of Harness and Saddles and invite you to call and examino them as to style, workmanship and price. I have the finest line of saddles ever shown in Polk county. They are strictly "down-to- date" in every reBpect. HORSE BLANKETS A big assortment prices according to quality all fitted with. "Double Sur cingles," a new feature which every horseman will readily appreciate. Come and see them. HARNESS OIL, Best Grade, WHIPS and ROBES. Frank A Stiles MAIN ST.. DALLAS, ORE. BRIGHTS DISEASE. The largest sum ever paid for a pre scription, changed hands in San Fran cisco, August 30, 1901. The transfer in volved in coin and stock $112,500,00 and was paid by a party of business men for a specific for Bright's Disease and Dia betes, hitherto incurable diseases. They commenced the serious investi gation of the specific Nov. 15, 1900. They interviewed scores of the cured and tried it out on its merits by putting oyer three dozen cases on the treatment and watching them. They also got phy sicians to name chronic, incurable cases, and administered it with the physicians for judges. Up to Aug. 25, eighty-seven per cent cf the test cases were either well or progressing favorably. There being but thirteen per cent of failures, the parties were satisfied and closed the transaction. The proceedings of the investigating committee and the clinical reports of the test cases were published and will be mailed free on ap plication. Address Johx J. Fclton Company, 20 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cal. CAST OIIIA. Bean th YOB H2W Mwavs BOUgflt Tome 4 3 tZack Koot Liver PIZa. Th tst of ail medicine fur an bumors. on etch box. 15c. less form. No Cure, No Pur. 19c.