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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1903)
rr l0 I'll 1 VOL. XVI. DALLAS, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, MAY 29, 1903 NO 11. R. E. BRYAN & SON R. E. BRYAN & SON R. E. BRYAN & SON R. E. BRYAN & SON GOOD WAKE OUR STATEHENTS HOSIERY Boys' regular 20c. Heavy Ribbed Bicycle - 10c. Children's, regular 10c, at He Ladies', regular 35c, Drop stitch, fancy and plain, 25c Men's, regular 35c.,.. 25c UNDERWEAR Ladies', regular 50c, mercer ized, sleeveless and long sleeves; at 35c Children's Ribbed, -' regular 35c, at 25c Men's regular, 75c. and 50c, ribbed and flat, at 39c GLOVES Men's, regular $1.25, heavy or light backs, at 05c Ladies', regular .$1.50, new Mannish kids, at .$1.20 HATS Straw Hats, at any price. Men's, all styles, regular $1.75, at $1-15 Men's, latest, regular $3.00, Waldorf, Thoroughbred and Conqueror, at $2.35 -. '".M- " ? Cut To Our Cost ALL THE LATEST SHOES. ALL THE LATEST SKIRTS. ALL THE LATEST WAISTS. ALL THE LATE DRESS GOODS Such as Voiles, Etamines, Zibelines, Prunellas, Henriettas, Mohairs, in plain, fancy and pin-dot effects. DURING THIS CLOSING OUT SALE we have already sold you approximately: : : 2 BALES (5000 yds.) MUSLIM at 4c. 125 BOLTS (7500 yds) PRINTS at 4c. 50 GASES 0200 cans)T0US Sic. 75 CASES (1800 cans) CORK at 8k 1 We promised you that we were going to force all our goods on the market at prices which would move them; that there would be no reserve. :::::: 1 We have had your confi dence, and would not under any circumstances do any thing to lose it. : : : : : if While we shall soon leave Dallas, we expect "to grow up" in this county and help to develop its resources. 1 Competitors cannot make expenses and meet our price cutting. All this following the band-wagon shows that we ALL OTHERS FOLLOW DOMESTICS 36-in. Muslin, regular 6c, Lillian or Starr L. 5c. 36-in. Percale, regular 15c. to 10c, at 8c. Percales and Calicoes, regu lar Gc, at 5c. Mottled Outings, regular 12Jc, at 8c' 36-in. Bleached Muslin, regular 12J and 10c. at 8c. 10-4 Cotton Blankets, reg ular 65c, at .....49c. CLOTHING Men's New Suits, regular $12.50, at . . if 8.95 Men's Fancy Woolen, regular $10.00, at .,$7.45 Men's Black Birdseye, regular $8.00, at .' $5.95 Youlhs' Suits, regular $6.50 at $4.80 Youths' Suit?, regular $5.00 at $3.85 Funcy Woolen Long I'anta. Child's Norfolk, reg. $3.75, at $2.95 Child's Vestee, reg $4.25, at $3.40 Child's Suits, reg. $2.50, , fit $1.95 All Wool and New Patterns. FLAGS For Carnival Decorations. 2 x 4-in., regular 8c, at 4c. doz. 4 x 7-J-in., regular 10c, at 5c. doz. 12 x 20-in., regular 50c, atBOe.doz. W. 0. W. BUNTING. , GROCERIES 2o lbs. D. G. Sugar $1.00 1500 Parlor Matches 08 Arbuckles or Lion Coffee .10 5 Minute Mush 07 Celluloid Starch 08 Schilling's Baking Powder ,35 Corn and Tomatoes 08J Kisingj S;un Stove Pqlish .04 AU io-cent Slices, 07 DALLAS STREET FAIR AND CARNIVAL ARNOLD'S BIG ORIENTAL SHOWS JUNE 3, 4, 5 and 6. Thft flfienmnanvinar illustration - - - g- j CJ will wive nnr readers an excellent idea of Arnold's big tented shows, as they will appear on tne eastsiae of Courthouse Square in Dallas at tho Woodmen's Street Fair on June 3, 4, 5 and 6. In the upper leltt hand corner of the picture is a faithful likeness of the proprietor himself. Mr. Arnold has a big show and a long list of attractions this year, and, as his bills announce, "there will be something doing ouprv'' of the four davs he is to exhibit in Dallas. You will see more to interest, amuse and entertain than ever before presented. Some of the more prominent features of this great tented exhibi tion are: Great Animal Collection In the menagerie will be found one of the most valuable collections ever exhibited in the Northwest. THE OLD nillttCLE f Absolutely Pyri5 THERE tS NO SUBSTITUTE 5 Z' . , i! ' - 1 v.. - "- ) 7 ..... . ... H ' ' J 4. , h " "vr " mm I t ' ! i . i ! I H '. VERY TJRTTIT BRYAN SON MAIN STREET, DALLAS, ORE. wr77 r r rrrr r' r s i v r r s r t SI VanOrsdel, Hayes & Co. IReal Estate FARMS, STOCK RANCHES, ' TIMBER LANDS and CITY PROPERTY. YOU WILL FIND IT TO YOUR ADVANTAGE TO LI8T YOUR PROPERTY WITH US ROOM 1, (upstairs) Wilson Building, TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION Western Division Will Meet In Port land on June 24. Headquarte V t t )ra f or WALL PAPER All the late and stylish designs in Wall Paper and Borders, direct from the East, can now be found at our Inwpr than ever before. You are invited to call and inspect our beautiful line of PICTURE FRAME MOULDING. PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES AND GLASS Constantly on Hand. L. D. DANIEL, DALLAS, ORE. Legal blanks for gale at this office. Wra W T Williamson, of Salem. visited friends in Dallas this week. TVia WAaturn Division of the State Teachers' Association will be held at Portland, June 24 to 29, l'JUd. lne program lor tnis meei inr is nnfi of tha hpfit. evor nrfinared o - i i 1 by the management of the Associa- lion, anu me inaicauons are mai this meeting will far surpass any thing ever attempted in educational meetings in uregon. Ihe best talent the state anoras has been secured to take part in the program which deals with many subjects of vital importance to the schools and educational interests of the State. Mr. Henry V. rettengui pi ansing, Alien., one of the foremost educators in the United States, has been invited to be a guest of the Association and will appear on the program, and discuss a number of important - -f Railway companies have made an excursion rate to Portland for this occasion and a very large number of teachers will no doubt be present to enjoy and profit by the meeting. 1' f? Long SicK and Nerv ous Headaches. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills Cured Me, The Rebekah Lodge of Inde pendence will give a ball at the Auditorium tonieht. Elaborate - preparations are being made to surpass any event oi a similar nature given in the Valley this year. TTTTJ. STREET- TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet. All druggist refund the money If It al!a to cure. E. "W. Grove . lnatur lj on each box 25c. They Gave Me Instant Relief. The common affliction of all minkind ii headache. From it few are entirely free. Dr. Miles' Anti-Fain Fills will cure and in a :.. . . .......... VxiArh nf anvkind or degree. If yoa cannot enjoy theatre going, car-riding, dancing, it you are subject to nausea from nervous excitement, the fatigues nf travel or sielit seeing. take an Anti-Pain Fill before an attack comes on and you will find that you can successfully ward oft all disagreeable symptoms. Anti-Pain Fills are the best of remedies for backache, neuralgia, sciatica and rheumatic pains; contain no opiates, non-laxative; never sold in bulk. "With the greatest pleasure I recommend Dr. Miles' Anti-Fain Fills to everyone who suffers from nervous or sick headache. All my life long I was troubled with headaches of a very severe nature, and have tried many powders and other remedies without success. By chance I tried Dr. Mi es' Anti-Fain Fills and they pave immediate relief. Never since the firrt dose have I been troubled wi'h headache. Whenever I feel it coming on I take one or two Fain Fills and it all disappears." William Brown, Genesee, Idaho. This is to certify that I have used Dr. Miles Anti l ain Pills for neuralcia and neu ralgic headache and have found them to give relief." E. V. Weed, Ex-Mayor and tx- U. a. LNSl. Ally, lie.ena, aiouu All drug'-ists sell and guarantee Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain I'iiis. They are non-laxative; con tain no opiate, never sold in bulk, 25 doses, SjCtaU Dr.MiiM' Medic! O, Eikhart,Id. Tigers, lions, elephants, camels, and many other zoological acquisitions. A valuable lesson for the children, and a great opportunity for amateur photographers. Bud and Rosy, the only two trained coyotes in the world, will appear at every per- fni'mmir.n nnd filhvil) all 80-foot ladder and dive, head-foremost, in to a net s.tvetchid 75 feet below. The Hindoo Theatre With Hassan's Troune of Magi cians, Gun Spinners.Sword fighters, Whirling Dervishes, Dancing Girls. The quaint, weird music should not be misseu. Edison Electric Show The embodiment of all its name implies. All of the latest life-like, life-size moving pictures win ie projected, where can be seen people walk, birds fly, trains move at full speed, boats plying through the water, etc. The whole world at your feet. Famous Ferm wneei Has been secured. Don't fail to take a ride in Mid-Air. liy so do ing one can enjoy the thrilling sen sations of a Balloon Ascension, with the added pleasure of entire safety. By all mears take a ride in the big Sixty-toot w neei. The Great Ver Valin TKo Vinw with manv voiced, and X l.V UJJ - " J I his family of wooden actors, intro- . . t-t TT I " - . ducing liappy uooiigan, eiu., tan be seen only with the LORETTA TWINS VAUDEVILLE CO., with the Arnold Shows. Old Plantation Theatre Presents an Ethiopian Entertain t. renlete with comedv, pathos and music. It is redolent of the Sunny Southland. Buck and wing dancing, jubilee singing, banjo playing, character sketches and a genuine Southern Cake Walk. Japanese Theatre Trin nnaint and exceedingly odd performance in the Japanese theatre is a rare treat, and no one should mis this onnortunitv of witnessing it. fetsuwari's Japanese Actors and Acrobats are acknowledged 10 ha thfl most finished of all artists in their line. This Company is tha host in .Tanan. It was engaged with the Mikado's consent, and, to otpt ripr w ith all the scenery, effects, nnaMimfiP. accessories, etc., was brought to America especially for this tour, by wr. J',. J Arnom A Scene From Fairyland Grand Entree and Coronation of the queen of the carnival, attend ed by her Royal Court of Ministers, Pnnrtiprs. Maids of Honor. Jesters, Heralds, Pages, etc., presenting a spectacle of mediaeval splendor. IPfl I V I lit. QU V ' . tions will be found the Loretta Ticini Vaudeville Company of Juvenile Stars, displaying science, skill and daring gyrations through the nir. and executing marvelous feats of prowess and agility. The mammoth steam Merry-go-round will furnish amusement for all. Grand balloon ascension and parachute jump. The Traviolas, in their heavy and light weight juggling and hoop rolling. , TLe isarvcloua DeGarros, Kings of the Roman Rings, and won derful feals of equipoise on the slender silver thread. The flying, with their thrilling performance in mid-air. Tho famous Do re Family, pre senting their latest creation, "Ad- j ventures with Satan," introducing this wonderful troupe of grotesque acrobats and p'inuninoi;;!s -..'ii uie funniest comedy acts extant. Mr. Arnold has a truly marvelous exhibition, and you cannot afford to miss it. Kememuer me nines, June 3, 4, 5 and 6, and come to town and enjoy a few days of recreation before the harvest work begins. A Little Early Riser. now and then, at bedtime will cure constipation, biliousness and liver troubles. DeWitt's Little Eaily Risers are the famous little pills thatcure by arousing the secretions, moving "the bowels gently, yet prfept.11n.ll v. and civinc such tone nnrl Rt rpnorth to the elands of the stomach and liver that the cause of the trouble is removed entirely, and if their use is continued for a few days, there will be no return of the complaint, bold by nan a nerr- ington. SHOULD BE CUT DOWN Neglected Orchards Are a Bane to the Fruit Industry of Oregon. THp. Willamette vallev has uu told numbers of pest breeding nrplnirrlH. These orchards contain trees that are bent and gnarled with age, shaggy and green witn mnaa miirred and Killed with the aiuuk.- - j. struggle ngainsl consuming disease, says the Oregonian. These orchards Hit by.lhe windows of railroad cars almost every time looksoutunon the country. Thev are a bane to the fruit in . ml 1 dustry of the state. iney n-vy iriVmin nn the energy of everv orchardist who tries to save his fruit from the ravages of pests. It they were uprooted and destroyed they would make room ior neau.iy trees and for the growth of the j fruit industry. A law is on me, uiatnfp. hooks reauirins this to he done, but such is the apalhy of the public that it is not eniorceu. The horticultural laws of Oregon are well-meaning enough, hut they are woefully deficient in operation. The state board of horticulture makep little pretense of carrying out the law. Its members say they do not have enough money at their command to enforce the law, and moreover, that they are not backed up by public sentiment. v, inilnsLrv ever needed en forcement of the law more than j does the fruit industry' in tne Willamette valley," said a promi nent orchardist yesterday. "The condition of many pestiferous orchards is a disgrace to a civilized community. Disease-breeding or m evented. Fruit tllftMIO 1'" . growers of Southern Oregon and) lloou raver ucuiuiisui'v v..w clusively." Tho members of the board of horticulture in their respective districts may require owners of orchards to spray or destroy in fected trees. "It shall hereafter he the duty," my the law, "of any person, linn or corporation Owning or operating any such nursery, fruit orchard; hp yard, . flower garden or 'prnam'.-utal trees, "nrid knovvii.jj mrh Jo. W infccinl with any kiini of in-em, pests or disease, to 'immediately spray or destroy tho same, in such manner as the fruit commissioner for his district mav direct." The law even makes it a misdemeanor to sell diseased fruit. The members of the board are empowered to quarantine 'any locality, district, orchard, or piace ofestei with fruit nests or mieciea with contagious diseases when such pests are liable to spread to otner orchards or localities to their damage or injury." The com missioner may require tne owner of such orchards to. treat such con tagious diseases within a certain . time to he specified. No other characteristic 01 tne Willamette valley, is so marked as that of its old orchards. It is really the most conspicuous feature of the country to tourists. They have heard the fame of the Oregon apples sounded all over ihe United States, and yet they see tne worst, orchards in all Ameiica. The fact is that they behold only a few of the trees which produce the famous Oregon apples. And these trees they do not find in th Willamette valley, but in Southern Oregon. On May 2n, advertised letter postoffice for Mis Hertha Swam, J. Drancken, Chas Gelvin, Joseph Ilangen (2), II. James P Wheeler. C. G. 1903, there were s in the Dallas 13 Q. Hibbart, Miss Carington, O. B. . Denton, W. E. Ileishey, O. K. C. Lilla, Henry ctty and Geo. A. Coad, Postmaster. Played Out. DYSPEPSIA CAN PR CURED BY using Acker'B Dyspepsia Tobli-ts. One ltttU Tablet will give Immediate relief or money refunded. tSold m handsome tin boxes at 25 cents. Belt & Cherrlngton, Dallas, Oregon. Dull Hendaehc. Pains In various parts of the tody Sinking lit the Pit of th Stomach, Loss of Appetite, Feverlshness, Pimpies or Sjres are all positive evidences of Impure blood. No matter how It be came bo, It must be purified In order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood ElUlr has never failed to cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic pol;;or.s or any other blood diseases. It Is certainly a wonderful remedy and we fell every bottle on a posi tive guarantee, licit & Cherrlngton, Dal las, Oregon. FXPF.PIKNCE 13 THE BEST teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy In any eae of coiu;hs, cold or croup. Should It fall to Klve Immediate rlef f10". funded 25 fls. and 60 cts. Beit & Cher rinKton, Dillns. Oregon. ACKEH'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS ar sold on a positive guarantee. Cures heart burn, raising of the food, distress after eating or any form of dvspepsia. On little tablet gives immediate relief. 26 ct.. and 60 eta. Pe'.t & Cherrlngton, inlin Owcnn SICK HF.ADACHE ABSOLUTELY and pernmnenUy nind ey u-iing A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and Indigestion, makes you eat, e;, work and happy. S:U isiaction guaranteed or money back. 23 cts. and W cts. Belt & Cherrlngton, Dallas. Oregon.