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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1887)
SÉ I General News Items. Local and Personal. J _____ i * 1 Every good and every p«*rfcct gift couieth down from tho Father of l'dfht. Because he thought it blesseTPto give, God created and sustaine«T this vast, teeming uni verse, to which he is giving with out end. 'The eyes of all,’ sang David, ‘wait upon thee; and thou "givest iMfl' iM i i r ment'" i n'ilw sc r1 son.’< . 'Ji ABKTICAV I 1ST HF < 111 Hl 1111 IM OKKGON. CHRISTIAN HERALD. zAipiiy, Yamhill county, J. W. /indwell, J. B .Hughe», „ Albany, Linn „ H.C l’urler, AuuwvRIe, Mârion ,, Ita wearing qualities ar© unaarpaaBtid, actually initlaatlnir two boxea of any oMicr brawl. Free fruía, Mr». J. H. Hawley Bethel, Polk ’ „ AnimalOllM, GET Til K GEN (JINK. Reo’y, McCoy, P. O. ___ _ _ ‘ FOB SALK UY - '’orrJoVnuf **M|| M iMeiuriir-ift?. Linn county, D. H. Putman, Bee , t sud Dfolers senerully. Fred Maelier, „ 'UcTTitHiy. "Miïripw «i Silverton, P- Or J. B. Caldwoll „ Carlton, Yamhill It J. W. l^opst >. For th© Weak, Nervoa« Centra),--Litui II ----------<^..'#.1,1 1112 J,i. Il’IU Y lWJUIlwHdi Bum W© tarrh, Asthma, Bionchiita Centi al Poiut, Jackson oo Martin Petcraon Consumption aud Files. A. C. Jennings „ Clear I.ake, Lane I» a How Io rigaln lit wllh, Slt ugfli Vigor. Irvifcg, P. O. J. p. Ewter, Sec’v Cuquillo City Cue« it - A A HOME Iiubeh Dot—,- Cartwright. J«ane * T - TBIAL »KNT. Itam Slater »> Condon, Giuliani II Addreu Dr. I. W. BATE 4 CO., Causes the Stomach and Bowels to be P. Ely, . • I Centerville, Umatüla’ , guxtetnt 2SS H. Clarko Biroet, 1 Chicago, 111. come disordered, and the -^hole system ___ _______ ,, Cóvo» Union », Eld-J. M, w Jo re» »A to suffer from <lebility.\ In all such Island City, P. O. eases Ayer’s Pills give prompt reh-f. Dallas, Polk county.Mrs. J. M Cimpbell Bec’y To tbe Reader» of After much suffering from Liver and Drain, pbngl»» „ B. F. Shelley. H Stomach troubles, I have Anally been G. P. ftioh MÄTHUSHEK PIANOS. Damasens, Clackamaa i „ •I cured by taking Ayer’s Cathartic Pills. Eight Milo. Morrow „ , E. 11. R*chard«on il I always find them prompt and thorough THE HERALD. Dr. J. P.Glll II , „ , in their action, and their occasional use ThirPinao la noted for its superior Engctib, Laiio keeps me in a perfectly healthy coi’di- , G. W. Benedict I« excelençe over all tbe old makes. It Elkton. Douglas tion. —Ralph W eemau, Annapolis, Mu. Ethel Ijitherland Dost Pur la <1 ---- 5^0 Lav» nn h»yl a largo »lock of ■Lail miriv new alni ' , Twenty-five years ago 1 suffered frnnf ,, Bro. Elmakcr It Qai ilji i Tame , books as advertised iu our “Book VS- a torpid liver, which restored' to -i. Chaihire P. O. partmvnt,” and ip order that these healthy action by taking Ayer’a Pills. ’ Since that time 7 have never been with books may ba ut onoe placed whore East Cholialcm, YamhilTWtiniy, N. Tarriah out thtrai.* luey regulate the bowels, Ibty will do the most good, aud the oir- Boo'y, NeWberg P O. Patented by its Mak< rs that places it in assist digestion and increase the appe- onlation of THE CHRIHTIAN HER Purest Giove, Washington county, Mrs Belle H... 1—1 ,.f .liann made to-duy HW, lumu .i iwulj tluu w i i j' «iili'i i ;■■■ “ ALD increased 3" TPfl FiflW ’ WtH^' — wr" .............. ————..41 gift nr, Biill'i cine. — Pa* .1 Churchill, Haverhill, Si; .ass. ItJa strung on the ' • '■"''' have decided t* gi»e lheso hooka to Farmington, WishinRtoh county, Bro. In I NVIGORATED. those who will work for tho pap« r. By kqua L izing scale , gram, 8o<;’y,. Schol’B Ft Wk* ’ I kr.ow of no remedy equal to Aver’» this meaua we hope to roceivo u large Fifteen Milo, Waado county, G. H. Gurnet Pill» for Stomach and Liver dinorders. number of uamta and do good both by Which makes it tho strongest and most I »'jffered from a Torpid Liver, and D vh - Bec’y, Boyd P jneia, for eighteen mouths. My skin ; the distribution of these standard books durable, us well us to give it the most Helix; Umatilla, Ram Calvert, Scc’y * (> »nd also through the increased oircnla- yqllow, and my tongue coated. I „ Henry Davidson, »» Linn hml no appetite, suffered from Head ! tjob of the paper. As fast as tbe aup- Clear and DisddAi^^^ If.hoy, m „4 W. g. Rucker, ,»» boro, Washington ache, was palq and cma< iate<l. A few. 1 ply if any of the books is exhausted, boxes of Ayer's Pills, taken in moderate ,, A* H. Powell, ,, Ftebron, Lane doses, restored me to perfect health.— 1 that ots will be dropped frotn this list, Of any piano now in use. Ths tone Hood River. Waacii ,, Mr. IntherliQuae „ but we are willing to furnish uny book "Waldo Miles, Oberlin, Ohio. never gets wiry. It will statu] longer without tuning Ilian any-other make. Harrisbmg Linn ,, ] Florence'Humphrey „ Ayer’s Pills are a superior family i publishedrby u ir brotluon as a prem fhdopendonro, Polk „ R. Shelley ’ ’ „ *-w r rrr mi».'-aa^) »,.!»TwWKW|IRi „mi n.d,. i w m «■ ■» B» V a Ui i nril n r.i, a I luh, i.l| K. ft’ ■W W . o> ... kt....* orate tbe digestive organs, crea'e an ap eta. on each to be applied to WlWHMmWJU i a li m i l ilmui iit. imi i TRlWWf V f ft petite, and remove the horrible depres of this rare opportunity to buy a Piano. • Z Soc’v, Union City the purchase pf s such books 1 « as * the it 11.__ sen- — y sion and despondency resuming .roni !’(f' ------- der of tho names may select, t hus any TaMjMir, l^atie ■ ,, B. Handaaker Sjc’y HIIOBE & MANNINO, Geu'l Liver Complaint. I have usee. Junction City, Lane ,, j. A. BiiabifBll ,, Pills in my family, for years, and they ' 82 00 book published by our bretlirep Agts. MeMiuttville, Or. never fail to give entire satisfaction.— j will be furnished for four new subscri WcMlirtter, Joscvhino ,, Elder'Pollard ,, I>. T. STANLEY, Agt., Ottu Montgomery, Oshkosh, Wis. f* , bers. and others at the came rato. Ijewhville, Polk. ,, F. M, Lewie -r^ Monmouth. Oregou. . The bcoks now on band and offered MoyntlPleasan1!,’iLiuljp, Chas. Col© ,, to be sent post paid aro the followirg : Stayton, Marion Co ,,q Ym _T ■ v. fl ray a- cv- irt-tl Dv In . XX x_z. n a— r x-» rv"n, raarawo. ‘Prwp aiea o y TYi Air.©, er c b c txjr. v©., -t ▼ Y.v x - n ,,X1 ren, >r___ « MuiuuuulU. _Tolk_.„J^_ A, W. L ucm „. "j' ~ LANDS OF THE BIBLE. ----- " Bold by all pruggista and Dealers in Mmli< McMinnville, Yamlull Mr» W C Hembree „ Agents fur The Christian Herald. A Geographical aud Topographical jfonitor, Mario# county, J. P. Shuck „ i Description of Paleetiio. ’-.»a Letters Mt Ange », I of Travel in Forvpt, Syra, Asia Minor The following penOM aro agent for Ter To ou» KEADEBS who visit Cb J. L. Stewart- „ and Greece, b.v'Prof. J. W. McGarvey; l IHU istian 11EHA1.D, and aro authorized to ra Mohawk. Lane TÜÖ Well kuuHIJ Ne w y^k- j o um. _£Ìlle^was„thej;uest of Mrs. Cattron, and derive while there to referr to the . finely illustrated , 624 pages. Price $2,50 coivo and receipt for Mabel, Linn Ce fur nnbacrijitio anbacrijition». If tu, ¥ Bro. Maye» „ agent is convenient, rennt thOTmTii mill direct le- Moiiroo, I.aue alist, Joe Howard, has entered upon here on last Friday night. She issues of the H kéald cah iTwâÿâ tate St Given for six uaw subjeribers. I E V Kuykendall “ ,, find a file at tbe reading rooms of tho Per tlie office by registered lettor or |K>.ilal or ler or North Yamliill, missionary Work among tbe Indians thinks of moving to Monmout.h for manent Exhibit of Building Materials. Oakkni], Douglu nj 0 A Sehlbrede »• Moumouthi— tho school advantage the ‘Coming A museum of current architecture. Free Oak Creek, Lina „ Jae. Churchill li of Dakota. EVENINGS WITH THE BIBLE. OREGON. Portland, Multnomah J W Cdnnoxray to the public, at No. 15 East Washing A man during a lifetime of fifty session. ......... ........ Ilciity C. Portei Pleiuunt Hill, Lane Co., J C Gel I ¡»on By Isaac Errett, Editor of the “Cris- Aumsville... (•J. W. Propst . Prineville, Crook „ F M Vandetpool I» Etd: Richardson’s seriwon on last ton Street, Chicago. Hart Standard,.” Volume 1.—Old Teat» AH»!»/ . . . years, according to a paper recently, - m-. ¿A.. Ü.- PoÄßll__ _ peon* S Indies. Cloth SI 50, given for I Elizabeth J, Parker Rtxk f'r< ek, Clackamas comrtr, O B Dart ,, read before the Academy of Science, Sunday was listened to "by a very Moilall three new subcribers. Amity... i 4.. ........... ........ EX'. V. illtam. liWiferTTTT Send five cents in stamps to F. T, -Boghe ltiver Valley, Jackson county Martin Paris, sleeps away an agrégate of attentive audience. The plain ef Brownavillo . ..!>. H. Piitmxr Merrill, 145 Fifth St., PotHand, Or.. Peterson, CeniM r . .Miw-E. Davp 6,000 days, works away the -Nine fective ministrations of his talk to copy of the 16 page paper, “Tho I’wctry and of Marie Radcliffe Bellevue ... F CrotwwcH. ... O 1 son Rec'y J T. Oilk* Buller. At the close e 2.000 days; walks were well received. Corvallis.... ,.W. '.V. Brutos i p..ri,„l , . a .v.iv J I, lUggs, Bec’y Balaton Oregon Cyclist” and Illustrated Catalo- r«»S Cottage Grove.. .1 . S. B Kn*« I Ml^Jiilty Davie „ HW) days, is 7f . • talent a • and T S lovable _„ — s» character, 11 n »aa»Vf A< Va Danuts<ui< ........ « -I r i:i<> Christian ihe church. • oyoles. days days, and amuses liimselt with J. ’» Station... . H «TUB Stayton, -Merliti .Dr J W Còlo Kec’y wus an houbr to the Christian brother Drain Bfc.l IvTT Tiidorwood Scio, Linn county John Olli „ Mrs. A. R. Riggs. Stat®’ President the- remainder of his half-century hood; and this volume of , her sweet EU Hoad.... L. J. TisW Hprigflvkl, Laue county « TO Maxwell .. songs and poetic short stories and Eugone- ..... .. L. S fiuwliirt.* of the W. C. T. U., will speak in on earth. . S. I. Gcrking St Holens .nd Columbia. Colombia couiVy sketehes shoutd’.be in every family of Eight Mie... Grove. J.UJ. I* Wslkux- Mr» E owner, Bt Helena A Htmgartaa wlndi pluvial tlie church at this place on next ; ...Ut». the Disciples. The longer hoi writing» FuTCHt Halsey... k... ,. , . ..... .11 - IJ h vi»1w*n ! i ni 'D, Thoa Ch'ldora «5cc’y at 3 p U1 Also, Prof. M are read, tho tnoro they will be TTillsIxiio . ,.r . .W, IL'Itafert before the <lt ^wTdt^nt.rg ÇaleT, Davi«.. a,», TLi. L.«l. i» . 1—■B” ol JOI» Harii»bnrg............ . K F Abhby Ticñ/ I ano c* uuly V. ’ll® v had j a not vl i »Ufta Y. >• " . Cl-‘- . Nsch horn pages, strongly bound, gilt edge, and lndcjkmdeiiee....... W. I*. Hfxlgei. Pleasant Rill. . , % . .Al’. JonnitigR nealy finished, making it one of tlie” Irving........... . , , , r.n<l searched Will *qj Jacksonville ........... ......... Martin 1 eforwo» most beautiful volumes wo huve ever Javptu- proHio T »««.> .... E. 15. BandMakei offered to jLe public, and oue fit to J unci ion .. /........ foe bombs, ar? c ry- s ■< . ............ J. A. BunhiieU adorn tlio ceutcr tablo in any parlor. W ild.^bljkfji r lierric.4-'are reported L ” \\ ! \-il : T . A . Low i» ................. the fiddles \ OotniiH-t, and 7M1AA1 JJL.'/MZvi at- CHRISTIAN LESSON Itail) ■; f”r* II. ltawh-5 It will be n rare volume for a holiday McCoy .i to Tor i/#/'/.’1 7’./,’/ / » ’X Dor (»Hire is before the 'U' toJs/jjtiundant in some of the near tended ...............F. M.Gabbor? opfMisite the I'. S Pa’crit. < »Di« * . mid we cun oh present. Price, $2.60, given for six Myrllo Crcl il ¿wit Ihr.. McMinnville,.. .. .......................... I>. M C’ahlweL [Inlernstional Seri«, j le.«--; ti:;i<: tni.n tb0e r« ni'd«- from i^w^sub.-iC-ibers. “ ¡yjfM!1 UU1WIU till1 IIBJI -------------- a \ Milion......................... ............ W L. Wright 1.1 ri ... P/zom »xf ? PHOTO of ' in-vent inn. V.’o r 4’ ìj , x ‘ !»■* t<> piHcr.l H I RwlwiwU Philadelphia papers say that the expect to hear of a large quantity uliilit* free of char”-'« i.nd w<. jnn' e À0 t/l.lZ.’G'x. i North Ynpiliill......... . , ..... C. V. Kiivkoiidd] VNLkSS PATENT is SEVERElh Pleasant Hill .............. G. W. Ifai.W'tft Ortloxlox in the I " ‘ i Court». — r»i>er, 50c. highest pi ice, ever paid for real l>cing gathered by the crow.l who Eor circular, advice, term* a «d »vfen net h to Perry dale............. .. J. P.'FriitrelP Given for one new aul- mibur. Ret'Lti Cl irli fl fu your OW1I Hat. I’OUUtV City < r Losson l’rhtier and Help« r hjj W. Thv •>« wl-li’'alwriiK ie, by Irs J. Chase PbilomatH.................... ................ Ditiry DatW estate in this country wjis paid [left here Tuesday organized for •low.., « A Tangent.............. . ........... ?. . D. lh.iH-k 75 cts., given for two m>» .utMcriber. W. Dowling, $2 40 per d> z-"n or lays since in tli. ’ iCf city. -1 i that purpose. Ix-tters to a Yeung CI.1 istiau, by hut Kr- Bhedd...... .A............. ..... ......... T'. B. Dftvidfiou a few c Oft*Kitc Patent Washington, DZ\ 25etz each. oett. Ckvil 75 els., firan for two now sub-- 8 lay ton......................... ................. J\ <7. Dwby _____ * v plat of sixteen f‘«et r>- nt on Chest Scio... .......... . . ............ . ...... ............ John Hbure Lesson Commentary, bx,_jl W. 8CTlb©F.« is sn Open Book Mullin», il.50 Balern............................. H. A . Jobm oii nut and thirty-four f£ei on Fourth Hherulan............... . ■....... T. N Fuilcojier Johnson, 39.00 per dozen, single for throe new subscriber». SALESMEN WANTED. Christian Missions Mid Historical Hk«telies V<- -,i Chebaldie. ... ...Cl. W. Ilardwirk street sold for >585,0.00—i>156 p« r copy S1.00. Wes Joi i....... ................. ...................... O. Molder —Green, SI,50, for three now sulinci il-era. We Know jieople who have built Scheme of Redemption—Milligan S2.00, for (T/ "A 11 order» promptly filled. 8©n<l for »pe- square foot. The highest previous We are in want of a few more g«»od nu n to w \ in :> • I TON IW Rllj l.Y. m • n I’ll. • < .UVh< ' PtBLlblL cyclone caves liut who have not canvas« for tho bale of choir© varieties of „ four new »ulMcriptioua. Heawvn and Revelation- Milligan, f J 00 for Alderton.... .\ price was $115 per square foot for Nursery Stock. To men who can make a suc- ..Mrs. D. Y. Ahev ING CO x MONMOUTH, spent a moment preparing ftjr the ceas tour new »ubscriptioiis. , of the businemi we can nay good sal a riot Alpha..««,.... K. H. Wimph a small lot, in .Wall • street New Hnptlviii What in It? a IMsensrion tetween «Brunh Prairie. ( ji»>f commission and give j^ rrnanent employ rrv. . H. C. Hai TU' •^F day of judgment. ment. We have many new and cbmco »pec- H. Mi Dial mid. a Disciple and L. ^J.'Wafson, Castle lkx?k. ...VVm. IIiiDliiJgtoP York. ' ialties, both in the fruit and ornamental line/' Methodist,”Si 50,-for three new anbecripti<'n». (kdn. z. » v ........................F. M. Clow Kinship to Christ and other sermons- J. Dayton a . . . Bruciò Wolverton A If. L: Itanhiol 1’olisht 'l steel will not shine in which others dd not handle. To dry Spokane Falls is the ceu Z. Tylor, ¿1 50. for thieeliew subscriptions.. . Elma.. ■ Address at once, with references, ,. . . Mrx. E. Hitnca.. \ J ( iV I? \7 to l>e mad<. Cut this Ray UnrnrH Debate, a discussion on the Ellenbbnrg... A- CO., Nurserymen, W.W. Stor< 1*1 y_/£l Ixl <>ut and return to us atd ter of 350 miles of Telephone line the dark; normorecan reason,how 24-8 L. L. MAY Doctrines »nd Practices r,f tlie Missionary Bap Goldendale.. a St. Paul, Minn, ... J . I*. J'>h« hnaD •we u ill send ymi free, nomeibiiig of great val- tist Church. Cloth, 50 etc., for two new » jb- Lone Pine ' P. E. Ε Plier l uc and iiHporlabeo to nuf, that will start you From the office desk the business ever refined an«l cultivated, shine ■nribor • Palouse........... .............. P. L. Bell i in biiHiiK-es which wilt bring you in more ^Mlssnarl Chris«ian laotnrc«. with Di-• na Pomeroy......... man can can converse with his cus effieacioutly but as it reflects the ■ ♦ . .G. W. Burnett : iuo"<y right.away than anything'ehe in this tions, Si 00, for two subscriber». Spangle........... ,.W. A. Handers world. Any one (an do ti er work and live at light of divine truth shed from J. C. BYRD. tomer in tl* W >ln«T mint uid I Sumner....... .... S. Bonney home. Either *ex;ail agt s. Bomolhirg new heaven. Waitsburg. .. W. P. Biitc© that just coins money fof all workers. We will ............ with all points in the Palouse, from ' start yoia; capital nut needed. This is' one of IDAHO. The Quee n of Madogascar in her i ho genuine, imput taut chsticeF of a lite ime. Lewiston on the east to Dayton on ALSO THE .,.. E. A. ( hpfe ! ThoAo who mi < .imbitioiH and ent* rprising will Graugeyille... ... G. W. Pbslav ' not delay. Grand outfit fioe. Address True & the west—a district embracing the proclamatio a said :“1 cannot con Ollioe over Ladd it B uk L’ h Bank, Salem Or« Moscow........... Booki for Ae Sunday school yiren away: Four Mile ... . . .A M. Childcr Co.,AitguMa, .Maine. Active work on the college build B y th « L ocal Enrrofc 'Tlie harvest work is progreSTng. ing commenced Monday, says the Some new business enterprises luso Gazette. TTie wooden business houses de for Monmouth, soon. Prof. V. Garrigus died at his the,recent fire at Pull- "TT fK I I, W. T., h i-o boi t i t j i i'pl a iTt l liA h.iin.- in 1 ii'lepeli.lence oil last Fri day night. two story brick buildings. X N. Halleck left Monmouth on Tho students of the Indian school Monday ^ith an assortment of can at Chemawa are now enjoying their vassing and peddling articles. vacation, the year’s , work having closed some time since, says the Mr. and Mrs. John Grant of Dal Salem Statesman. A large Humber las were in Monmouth on Sunday. of the stttdenU have been-* permit 'Hie temperance work is being ted to depart for thei7 urged and sustained, in a creditable homes, but the majority are still at manner by W. C. T. U. ■ Chemawa. During ti e spring the The Sunday-school time of meet disease of scarlet fever - was con ing is now’ changed from the .after tracted, and, although over a hun- .no o n t o 10 a—ui—-——----------------- dred were taken down with it. uot ] Mieses 1’ittie Cooper and Ella onb’ease tesultel fatally. Owing , Smith, of Independence, were pleas- to the prevalence of the disease, onlleis at the H erald office ""tluTiisuai co'uTWffmiiyill which are alwajs interesting, were Tuesday. Misvr Minnie Powell, who has omitted. - The fever has now dis been Stopping with her sister, Mrs. appeared, and-the school is enjoy J. E. Miller, for somek utne* past, ing its ordinary good health. ' The will return to her home at East next school ytar will begin ul>out Portland this week. Septeml«er 1st. Peter Nystrom preached at Lew-, The Mayor of Arizona, Kuisas, is isvrile on Sunday at 11 a. jn., and ”-k wu'w. \Ui .i.wMftHBii! Mtlhlin,, eyy f mn g y-’jcA lms kt --, “«-- wws r yc* nw at Airhe in the evening. Salter. • Prof, and Mrs. J. M. Powell and The' subject of siniversul penny Mrs. Margaret Booth by went to postage is being* disc.usseu in Eng Linn county, during the week to Hand. remain a few days with friends. . Quito, in Ecuador, is the only city ni Ttæ - w-cirW oTi the rrit»V>F, . M Jittk improvements are and the sun rises and sets there at bein>' o made to houses and business i places about Monmouth. » six o’clock the year round. Mrs. W. C. Hembre of McMinri- Miss Grace llUntUU; Howard, daughter of IxLlbS UUUpUvv J f ’ A Sluggish Liver BREME PREMIUM LIST. VALUABLE BOOKS TREATMENT. CHRISTIAN Novel Improvements. Ayer’s Pills, "TmTOAT-SCITOTO— Paragraphs DENTIST richest known mineral district io sent, as you r queen, to take a single the w.,rl<l, an l an area of agricul cent of revenue .from that which tural land of great extent and fer destroys th« souls and bodies of my ’ «subjects* I. G. DAVIDSON, ity.— Spokane lieview. A little fire is quickly trodden ° ■% Bancroft, the histor- Portrait and Landscape Photo ian, is still the most conspicuous ex- out; which being suffered, rivers grapher, ample of thek relation of horseback ¡cannot quench. riding to longevity. This season It is appointed xmto man once to PORTLAND, OREGON. he. will be ie n at Newport,'again dir, but after- this« the judgment. [I^Fir»t-cla«a W >rlt Executed in Every Branch* of Pbotsgranliy. *125 First Htreet, opposite . enjoying 1 i- favorite exercise, at , Heb. 9 ;-27. First Natiomn Bank. t the age of eighty-seven. The fear of man will urake us The National Convention of hide sin, but the fea,r of‘¿he Lord ADVICE TO NOTHBR4. BreWersVbted JI 3,000 to ttnfbrew ~ wrH-malee tw lurie-iV —---------------- Mr». Win.lob'» Soothing Kyrnp, for children era of Michigan, Texas aii <1 Ten The beating of tbe sarf along teething, 1» the prescription of ono of Mui 1««| nessee, to’ail in fighting prohibi the shore of the ocean is n >t more female tour»« »nJ physician» in tho United tion, and $9,000 for nnti-prohibi ■ i incessant than is the call of God to State«, »nil has been used for forty years-wi th never failing' kuccmi l,y_ million» of mother» tion literature’. We have never j you to give your heart an«l life to for their children. During the |>roce»» of seen any of the latter article and him. tec,Udng its value ia incalculable, ft relievos ' h( child from pain, cure» dyaenlry and iliar- -s existence to ft. any considerable extent. blunder and reinstate the reputa . •r. Pries ‘/Sets, a bottle. -- - « « . .. Notaparticle of calomel, nor tion where it has beun enthrone^. Tho HlelicM Hiimurons Wo»k ol Ihc Agcis any other deleterious sub stance, Ixvve one human Jbeing with SAMANTBAATSARATOGA enters into the composition of warmth and purity, and thou wj]t by «InaiM h %j|< n’n wlfn. Holly Aüont all laxt HCMon ftmid the whirl uf failuttn st ^j'er’s Pills. On contrary,fids loye the world-. HaralogA, a n<l takoH ofl ita fullW, ttirtatnjnx, neck drnMing. pug <b*gwr fic in her inimj- meifieine it wefuUy compounded IPdXing yeuog men of oppor low tAbta nnrth-prnvokrng Ktyf«. The b fa» pm- 'ffwm the -curative properties of tunities-to furujsli old men chances fiiaely, illuRlrated by O|>per th© fenowoed.arL^i of Purk. Will Mill jmnwintely. Pric»> >2.50. purelyveffctable .«nhstanees. Try it is poor policy. Hright Agent* Wiinrlfl. AddreA* A. L Baneroft «V Cer,. P ibw., 8 ad PrMiciwo, Cal. FOLLOWING Bagater’c Bibles, Imitation Morocco, protection Edges, with maps. Just the thing for Sunday school Teachers. Price S2.5O, given for six new sub scribers. Price 81.50, given fir four new aabsi riberu. .... ........ Lesson Commentary, by B. >>'. John son, price SI.00. This is one of the ablest Commentaries published and is very cheap at the price named. ■ It will be given free for only two new subscri- bor. The Lesaon Helper, by W. W. Dowl ing, price 25ets per copy. This book Js a uiarvol of value and cheapness and should be in the hands of every Sunday scliool scholar. We will givo two oopies for only one new siibsoribcr. yThe Lesson Primer, by W. W. Dowl ing. Brice 25cts. Thixbook is the same size and price as the Leaaon Helper but is design'd for the little, ones. . 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