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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1887)
r< r a t . d ............. / an one almost feels tire l/ivine Hand blessed Muster, in^this lite. We yeari. Here for the time bling, i It is bard work to fight against on the bowed head. Then waking enjoyed our visit very much at we lost sight of the editor, but in s* et"s and false brethren, but then San Francisco. in the quiet night anl pondering their hospitable home. Besides his the course of about 4b,minute.» he , we’reriiemlx’r it is written the L id the wonderful stor/of the invisi coatribytion at Fern Ridge, Cro. put in an apjrearance. He« looked is pot slack concerning his promise », D ear H erald .—You will have ble host which encamped about the W. han<led me.85 75 tor^jtate work, a litt'e fatigued, as he lm«l tiaveki] be not weary -in well doing, etc. J ! learned soffiething of Bro. Green’s army of the fconl, we realize that and Sister W. was kind enou 1 to through much of this beautiful or The Seventh day Advents havt mission from Australia to the Unit though we go stumbling ami halt remember the wi'e at homeland chard, and as ho journed, he sani- j b«t>rt preachingj in Coquille City ed States, from tetters printed last ing and sorrowing, we are neverthe sent her a very handsome pled the delicious reaches which for six weeks. At last accounts, month in our eastern papers, but as less, really of that army, following I tarried over oro night lalsey are now ripening. ( We all eat | they had no additions They made he Inn given up his visit to Oregon our captain to tbp promised land and preaclieil for the small but de- heartily of the peaches; but Sister 1 quite a haul at one point last sum- -i eaiHiot resiiilE^Mling yww, some- His sear Is ni" durT forelica«b an ! vok-«i tiar.d or disciples thc-ite Bru. •Budfiir- Honn prtipnrt'd.. a-'hmi’irtfiri rtniT. --- F!‘!lt."H!!lHy-------- - thing of the pleasuro he has given His banner in our hands amt that Mulkey is laboring for them in Wupper, afteixwhicli, we returned’ S B JfoLLENBEAK. us here, in his lecture and conversa white we travel tlio blood-marked word and doctrine, and his work is. from looking a) the1>est orchard I July 15, ’87. tion on that far away land, whence - - -«• • way He does not leave us to walk highly appreciated. Bro. Henry ever saw, ano Bro. Stanley agre- s ! # he has come asking his Chris Independence. ^jtine, but that still all the hosts of Davhkon and wife and Bro. W. with me in this. tian brethren of Ameiica to con heaven watch bver us. We .must Churchill and wife, all reside here, Yesterday morning, wile artd tribute*to the Bible College fund According to previous arran not allow anything to ihtejrupt and have pleasant homes indeed. Bro. S. and I started in our carriage for. Austral-Asia. Bro. Green is a mtnt 1 exchanged pulpits wiili/J 1/ our annually asM-mbiing « >;>• <-lv. We hint the pteasurer of Tnccting for our nieetingifome ten miles we t warin personal friend of Bro. Webb, Burnett last Lord’s day at 11 a m together for the vuy s ems smooth ttu sc ’faithful disciples at Turner. near G Id Hill, where we arrived i one of y.our editors, and is as great j Wu had five additions »( Mon er after we have marched in com We also'met Bro. and Sister Taylor in due-time. The friends jftbyided a friend of prohibition and i’s zeal | the morning, ami four a' pany a few days, and if we come II. as well as faithful «Sister War-d: seats-, etc , in a pleasrnt grove near ! At 4 p. m. ous a worker in the temperance with hearts Jull of charity, seeing Bro. Ward; for some caui-e better a large Spring, and, a good and at- < cause. He took dinner with Bro. in each brother and sister a soul known to hiuoself, did not attend tentive audience assembled, in due ' and Sister Floyd the evening lie ladies, one from Monnfouth, and ..»yhicll was thought worth tlm uiir mirting—Since Brownsville js time, to whom Bro, Stanley pie ’uifieOl' Independence. \Vc a-liiiir. + - left for America, 8rii vmg~hiTC^sF- price that was paid for it, our little only about six miles distant from sented some of thq glorious-fact 8 of the fellowship existing Letwei n ' ter a month’s voyage on the •teara- mmn-irrniim| will nm.m to 1»». t.. our religion. The people brought ■*—- ' last 'SaTurTay. Uh" ■•■to—.....^.l ..,1... ,,i l.u, t flaai .... A i jihaAd íi>,íináfíg igJi'TiftfÆf each one of us, Bethel, where the there will.worship, as oppoitunity their birskets well tii.eil irtUi the lovb the truth, consequently lov | wil/ gi»e '.rr results than a gallon of Stind ly uiorning he pouched for i / of tha so-called BlooiJ ascending and descending angels may present itself with the mem good tliiwgs of Southern Or-gon, Sarsapuril, us in- the beautiful chapel, built . n’ my th< iN w. gr-lhti- market is glutted. * [ Purifitns ». will bring us blessings of faith und bers at Halsey. We did not get to and after the forenoon s-rvice we r here under the direction and by My wife could not think of min At L \ price $1.00 per bottle. courage and' carry uwtiy to the see Bro. Putman ut B. He is souie- soon provided temporary tables, the co-operation of Bro. L. D. Gar ing Bro. Burnett’s sermon to go throne tidings of hope ami strength '’where in this’ Territory seeking a which our good sisters soon covered i I $SOO REWARD with me to Monmouth, Bqt since »¡¡I ¿« 7 -/ for any case of Rheumatism vin, with a most earnest Christian and love. And when at last we restoration of health. We weie with the bountiful provisions pre- ! brotherhood, and on Tuesday even | j ; i . keen informed that bpr which H fcrifee's Remedy, properly ad- meet under the palm trees by the" glad to learn however, that like his pared, and after thanksgiving l r ! chickens was on the bill of Lu e ut ’ mmistcnrd. fads to relieve. ing lectured on Australia, assisted, river of life we will remember our faithful sister at Forest Grove, he Bro. Roberts, our South . M. lbi.dist lista < . , . , ., .. Sister Stanley - 1 A- very rtiecli - _ him, . » . ■ . I KJIOU ■wr w w»te*»>' the trustees of the expected college. 1Í3 8 Í» ici nate ! ts not g< ’¡ng. She no w \ thi nk and prayers, and there, in the light faith of the goopci. Sister Chur the day, all'proceeded to participate As he has been a member of the she’?’’could, enjoy service kt Mon which lies on the eternal hills, in chill gave me one dollar to assist in in-the rich repast. Social couver - mouth so much. S. WT I! New Zealand parliament and for side I he walls of the city if Zion' Kthe State work. The report of the nation .and pleasant feeling was the I* ft more than thirty years has resided of which "glorious things” are j Lane County co-operation rejoices order -for an hour, or two. Then in the principal cities of New Zea From Moro. spoken, we will rest from,_the my heart. This county has about Bro.'Stanley gave an excellent dis-! land, Tasmania and. Australia.-Jac has a fund of inforfwltion that •fournoy and be glad.---------------“— Tt'wplv& *cTjui'cli uygaiiBattofiff and' -eeArrse-GR Safe Ground religioiiwiv,, B ro . ST anley 1 see Tri U t M rs . A lice R obinson over five hundred disciples and now making £< ur points stand out con-' C hristlan H erald of June the makes it a delight to listen,, as' lie all these propose to co operate in spiciouslj, viz., 1st Conversion; 2nd 25th, an article from Bro. R. 11 ¡ tells of their laws, their customs From Bro. Messick. County as well as State work, and Name, 3r>l Baptism and 4th Creeds, Mos . entitled "A Plea furSotii L;. . and their different ways from ours, 4hey l.iivi-. eiiiplo|<d__Bru. A M which W»s well presented and at- Speech,’’—th nt I most te«Het-ily«-n D ear HFlfÄtß —l ieft East I’m t- in the choicest of English. \Ve Swtany for one year. We have tentivcly listened. The audience dorso, on account of Jts a'lliei’-n- went the other night’to 'near Prof. land last evening at 4 o’clock and known Bro. Sweany for about fif seemed to be wtH pk-a-ed with the to scripture t aching.; - But 1 w on Fiske of Harvard On the English reacheel this town this morning at teen years, and the more we see of' days exercises, and all returned to like t > ask Rro.^Mo-v some que Idea, but it suggested the class abouthalfpaatsix.* BrethrenDick- him the more we love,him as an their respective places of abrde. tiens through th'if'l 1 ERAl.D room only duller, white no one in-onami <':-n,wf'otd wnv in waiting earneSr, intelligent and humble dhr- Bro G. M Wbiln< y. wiu> with My iL-jir Bio.: Ise (Jilt y< i.. ■W’ldjweary nor fad tQ .profit from at the depot. On the wav to Bro. ciple of the Nazarene who was de and Spok; with much teeling at ardete was read before the ' Spnlth Dickinson ’ - comfvptable home 1 the J lecture. Pne broth spised of men, but honored by thq the close 0 the meeting. Wecamc Ministerial Association ■ ■ Now i.- er i _d has started his had the pleasure of meeting for the Majesty on high with a seat at his homeiast Evening. this A-acial ion a religious institu American subscription with five first time Bro. Cornelius Ch. etltam lko,bta!itey and my wife and I own right hund.. Now let all the who resides here, but is nri aching . Ami ! sjZwKl.e in the tion I t .And -_ ....... — r-r. " 'bandved delterw, wiyi we hepu I lurk ■for the <...ng77Xn a? ’ÍTTTOfflWy iti MaJiwai 1 dfte»' /■chmfrmy wr-rwtew ti e year or eighteen months the _ _ 1 « , _• J .’L_ u V 1 • ÜtÍL— ■*. dinner. !ji-\>. S. is to deliver a lec ■ 4 , mms have .given him he may Oregon, lie had ’to have this hold up his hands' and God will ture on abundantly ble.- hw Labors. The -ture < F- Cieution there to iii’gtit, it it not - r* morning to füll his appointment., 1 - the meal ♦* out sum of $25, d (À) Prohibition Amenihiieiit resol liCíofi« 'día to 1 . aoiiow nh.'te -in J 1 4 but wc Jmpc Ao haw him Jilrii. u they htere *eitt him to Wteit. II«* . . , ■ adopted by tlie Co operation, have villc , '.A a I acci ni'.i’« 'io tte MMH'^r Lexington. Ky , dn Snt ~ ■ - . . .... it bufere w l -n1 e It /4- - --- ■ . •< , to — rnjoy 8« utl*ern 4 Hs-g- m--4-u»r- tho light iriig. Since the question b . -witere • T this town for Goldehdale As I unlay going the southern route. ha- Ion submitted by itself, and wishes hi better half migteL I” words that c-Aivey the Mr. Campbell lectures in Santa could liot.atTord to paf*? _ 50 fora because of this, is stripped of all here to enjoy it with him. missionary s< ci«*ty, or the use o I stt Rasa to-night, in behalf of tlio berth in the sl< eping car from about partisan politics, n > good citizen Please announce that 1 expect to 1 uii in ‘ the wo: -h p 1 !:PS< church in this city. He keeps con 10 p. in. until 3 a. in I concluded to can frame a reasonable excuse for conimene« a meeting at Mrytle questions aie aske«l solely for th- stantly busy an«l we are having a worry through the night as test 1 voting Noon this all-important Creek on Thursday night before purpose of gaining a knowledge oi could and it wusa worry too. How dnligh^iil slimunggin (¿¿111,0r 113, , the 5th Lords day, to held over The H erald is thrown up the rcTfSlTilrf-f Wn’W.MJIF 'IIJlH. r., HTV1”“ at Turner that one of our most be Tord’sTi'y^'^TTuly that cannot Is- condemned - great steps by the postman on Monday tardai slumber of alout 6 hours loved and aged preachers would ly to be desired, so that we may morning’s and finds at least two We do not remember now that we not vote for this amendment. We 'all be of the inin«l. an 1 ‘idi appreciative readers in San Fran had one hour’s sleep during the cannot believe this. Most assured •peak the same tliingi” cisco. We are glad to read the whole night, aid rest wo did not ly one whose life lias been spared From the Field. In love of the trulli I subscrii e get. So we feel quite dauncy to-day. letters from so many localities and so long by a kind 'and merciful myself your bruti Ir in Christ. The Walla Walla valley is very learn that the Master's causo is not and blessed one who hus ' Hillsboro- D F.TT ilstr ap . .of God beautiful, and from the number of heavenly father, 1^ languishing. lieeii tso abundantly blessed.of God July,'87. large hay ricks and. waving fields B mi . S tanley .-—T wo of those M ary S tump C ampbell . of large headed wheat, oats and tar- not only with long life, health of we reported to be baptized at-Carl 736 3hotwe!l St., San Francisco ley, I take it for granted that it b< <ly and vigor of mind, but e ho.-.t ton on Sunday were trot present at must l>e very fertile. So with the .£ brethren end sisters in-Chri-t the meeting,. but< be liaptised Monitor. who love for Ins works sake, Touchet valley in -which this pros will if spared, walk up to the polls soon (1). V.) We were-all made to Forty D ear H erald .—In thinking perous town is situate*!. To-mor Irtrrte’t«.«*' in th» rejoice however, at the close of the qy the 8th day of November next eparation ot ra'»?W an'One Hundr«« over our pleasant meeting at the row we shall begin otfrTiibcting, and help to vote the accursed traffic sermon, for two noble men camo : hope <• « •< r rater.*« *a nd F r»ifn eóu»- Turner carnp-ground we realize That the Lord willing, in a grove near out of our State. • Wo cannat,, on forth in the nobility of their .sou's of the ScaenUft» n net to» amicitor» , ■:■■■ <« blessing follow directly in the path town, o'’ which wu shall write in that day, afford to stay at home. and confessed the Lord of life and for pa - rigbu ! ng In nd, Frano% r*t4»n«4 of ob-dience for ii ibeying the due time At Brownsville 1 preach We must go and vote, and let us glory and were buried with him in • rt Their experi- y, »nd a - ' lunlitiM ata unsu»- command to a--,embl^\<ir !v - to ed three .sermons, thej, la on« 'Tn I,,- -Un- that we vote on ^tlio right baptism and arose to walk with nrApared «nrl ’^hawing* aro va,,e. Ter'iw tot»« gether, obedience brings ~p?*y nt the Baptist ch.urcu to a large an I side. May God help mi all to do him in the newness of life. <; < J lion of uiDuahl . f*A»>o»hin. N •r A raw .■/“» sr-.r. ,t< '-».ar* n'sticW , pleasure and lasting good. It we very attentive audience. 1 found our duty. More anon, Pâte-.” impoverished, or impure condition oi Ó-s< ii:v -• " AS.-'i-k-h»«« Fraternally Int ,,r„ .. ... ord.- -.. I inrlnrnt^l the pastor, Bro. Sperry, to bo a very blood. Ayer ’ » Sarsaparilla pre ventr Kn tl»r l«r«e-l,rr. . gather together at . the fountain f ' J. A. C ampbell . gywsjMipwr i R. M. M essick . 9 every patent*» cures these eruptjous and pajntul tu- T*V«.r a.'vani thirsting after righteousneM, bring- courteous Christian gentleman. 1 July 11th, ’87. by removing tlieir cause; the only .-ffc. Waitsburg W. T. July 16, ’ 87. '■ f ing n (thing , 1, -1.... — i a found only about seven numb i ■ nJ «R V-lbhl but real, pure ( hristian ual way of treating them. the Christian church in that smaH Avert Sarsaparilla has nre.uaita>. the ” Central Point love, “in honor preferring one an Fair view, Ooos Co , Or. xh«r d usual course of Boils, which have p. Ha .o-I i and distnvsed mo every seas. » f«v - • I paUi other,” we can go away again to but very interesting town. Really •acn eral year».— O. Scales, I’laitn ilh H erald .—As-your chief 'editor I only saw three, the others being D ear H erald .—As I have had Sold by our own fields and vineyards with >n If »AM badly troabled with Ptaipi Maun 4 1 at Uiis hour out on our Mound nothing very encouraging to write tlie I w»s j»<- face; also with a ilimol" •" " 961 Broad way our pitchers filled and dripping out and somp in search ef heidth. lUad which showed itself in iu;l Ranch„ busily engaged gathering I have not-written you for some »kin, patein». No «eternal tn^nune« '« over with the water of life. For the If a preacher could Iw settled ut B moro t'tan temporary guo«l. A ar s >me of the «¡any curiosities of the time. Although, we have ha«l rto simple pleasure of seeing so many- réside there and devote one-halt »aparilli effected mineral kingdom, that abound here, additions for quite awhile, yet the his time to that community and Of our Christian family together, is A Perfect Cure, the Other at Fern Ridge then! I will say lie arrived safely at Ceil- chui*cb is in fair workiç£ order. ami I have m4 been troub,«t 1 n. o, but a small part of jLw. B<ddy, River ■»., t-*,»- -ia—. gain at our annual meetings- Th»1 would h.Tvb some htrpr of seeing- 4ttU-lMuL last- Saturday morning, -Our audiences are large aiul alLi n I was troubled will and I met him thero and brought tive. We r> have an Excellent * Sun- health wm much impmn-l. I*jan comfort which comoa from the rest the Cause as we plead it, ie-estab Ayer s Sarsaparilla, and, in due him to our resilience. Aftor din day-school with an average atte n using lished. 1 do not think cah bo done, time, the eruptions all disaj>|asred, amt by. the wayside with .the liq?t el my health w.i* completely rcimred.-— ner, we in company with my*- good dance of about 35 . John it. Elkins, Editor Stanley Observer, Israel encamped about—tlio stren ami I would advise the few. mem •4' I am preaching »ortiewricVe every- Albemarle, N. C. hers who are left to co operate, as old wife and my gsand son, W. M. gth which we gain for further ep I was troubled, tor a long time, with a Morris, took out places in our car Lord’s ifay ; the ’ cry is junior rnutli as they can, with the nearest t, umor which appeared anneared o on my face ‘n deavot through the preaching and an 1y Pimples and Blotches. blotches. Aver a Sar- Abiu. lt, which is at Halsey. Bro. riage and proceeded to call on Bro. heard on every -iiite, we ha»/' I n only '"the exhortenans-ttre.. growth m each nV blooi. purifier in U h .---- J. II. Washburn.and Sister Wash 11. (Fleming, Bru. Bingham and TnvTt< «T of Ititelo go ami “ft *T". tí* 1 tn* n.o»«y. 11 patterce and hope which comes Smith, North Cr:*ft’hury, V U di *»r* « toaht’W tb* bum are both firm in the faith, and Bro. Bodine. At the latter place two different places whe we have un«4*. toid •Un* *11 t"*’1' ’’ ti«L with ihe singing and the prayers -Mte". w* writ *.u4 Ayer ’ s Sarsaparilla boa • r-j'WV.'l . .■ •(ill«»» Since Gad has. blessed them with a Wo nroceoded \vith our Si-tor to no brethren ; so people re hunger for a 1« sold by All dmjnhsts. Aik Ayer’» a.-e of untold value to «the Chris IME». iarge share of this world’s goods as iisci ud the hill into the beautiful ing for the bread, of life. I low we Bamaparill.1. and <lo not Mpniauadeil to F tian worker. And-1 believe, to nm, take any other. well as with good ami vteorotl^ oiTInrd of tome 1500 peach, prunes, would rejoice d son>e good preach re Agencyi the best of all is the evening bene mjpds, they have it in tliei/power plum an I otdier fruit trees, put out ing brother would ctnnfc down hare rupwed by Dr. J. C. Ayer k Co.. Lowell, M«s. ehre:« Place, Price M ; •!» to«»«*, «5- . diction when peace seems to «brood IA V liy Bro. ■tVwtino in the past-four and hold protract *’ 1 meet ng**white over the waiting congregation and I to do much, for the < au v»iv wmtawg „ t» SX’ Correspondence. prjnc a\V Rheum Crofula» P vwiatej El Pimples, Boils. hi I> tbi*«v vlé- «tw*. ♦ I * ■ *» *• * 9 ? » Twta»O»4M «mr wfl