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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1884)
CHRISTIAN f « suits AlînâüBjects may be made interesting by emulation. 6. Order is a vital, element of in struction, because it enables the teacher to concentrate all the edu- - -.u- • * * cative agencies of the school with out embarrassr embarrassment or interruption. —E. S. Clark. tak ----------------------♦ ►1 ,r----- r —.... The Teacher M ust :— 1. Keep good hours. 2. Have — pl en ty- of sleep.— 3,-W -alk,. or.. ta k e other out-door exercise. 4. Take this exercise regularly every day. 5. Laugh and be cheerful. 6. Avoid frettitig over school troubles. 7. Devote at least one night per r I I I ■ variety, both of work and recrea tion. 9. Wear -loosely-ticting gar ments. 10. Avoid drafts of cold air and wet feet. 11. See that bis sZeepin^-room (as well as his school room) is ventilated daily. 12. Protect and preserve the eyesight. 13. Have shade over lamp or gas jet at night. 14. Be clean. 15- Neither sit nor stand too much during school-hours.- 1G. Avoid round shoulders and expand the' chest by the use of dumb bells, calisthenics, etc. 17- Sit and •_ ' practical life, and, especially, give him a constant drill in the public virtues becoming an American Cit izen. This arduous enterprise can only be made a success by confining its ambition strictly to the few things * possi ble to be taught or done in the few years of school-at tendance. Any attempt to recon struct the common school according to the program of the specialist, however brilliantxmxmixient own line, will work a double mis chief in crowding the school and weakening the sense of responsible ity elsewhere.—N. E. Journal of Education. 9 HERALD •. _ • • ■ ... - W» H. C. LI Ji VILLE. 1 11 * - MDS. L. B. OSBOBN. Suddenly, silently came the dark angel, Unheralded save by his awethrilling breath ; And he chilled to the heart your dear, , home evangel, ‘ ■ And folded her close in the cold arms of death. And you reeled, stricken from the blow, That made earth dark and laid joy low. Dead—came u spoken, _ For we knew it was ladened with sorrow’s despair ; And that fond, happy hopes were blighted and broken, That shortly before had seemed bnoy- Wlien is a school-boy more pow Beyond all compensation, beyond erful than his teacher ? When he relief; carries a “ whale ” on his back. And we sighed for your sorrow, _____ Wept for your grief. Below we give a partial list of the books we propose to furnish our readers at publishers re tail prices. We would just say in brief that we are prepared to furnish moet anything in. the book line, and will be pleased to receive orders for Same. We will add to this list as our tune and space will allow. --------—J-™—_-------- — BIBLES AMP TESTAMENTS. 1., Family Bibles, different styles, sizes, etc., with prices from $2.25 to $18. 2. Pulpit Bibles from $5 to $10. 3. Oxford Sunday School Teachers’ Bibles from $1.50 to $19. . „ a 4. Revised New Testament, Compared Edi tion, $1.22 to $7¿50. . _ _ 5. Revised New Testament alone $1.80 ana l !± & Si-25- . x. , Xl. McGarvey’s Commentary on the Acts of the Apoatles, $1 ¿0. Commentary on Matthew and Mark, by J. W. McGarvey, $2. Commentary on Luker by J. B. .Lamar, rZ. Commentary on Hebrews, by R. Milligan, $2. CoinmenfaW on TsraFr Letter-to the -Be- ■ - mans, by M. E. Lord, $3. »pels ■.. Leading aL U»ftFour G obpc b and cto and mth Acts ; witn Queries all of Bunday Schools, Families, etc., by B. Mili- gan, $2. "• . ’ . Reason and Revocation, by R. Milligan, $2. we The Scheme of Redemption, by R. Milligan, $2. _ Conybeare and Howson’a Lifo anti Epistles of I -A -; In the Albany Academy, twenty per cent, of the students have taken Oil, to tETint' mt those1 eye* that with tocr $1.^5» welcoming brightness, Lands of the Bible, by J. W. McGarvey, $3. Greek, and eighty per cent. English For joy at your homecoming always Nerin’B Biblical Antiquities, $1.50. Nicholl’s Introduction to the Study of the Literature and Rhetoric. Sixty bad filled, Scriptures, $ 1.25. Dictionary, $150. “ per cent, of the mSJals For English Were sealed in death’s darkness, and Staff’s Bible Freeman’s Hand Book of Bible Manners and that the lightness, composition havo gone to the Customs, $2.25. . , Was gone from the feet that forever Whitney’s Hand Book of Bible Geography, Greeks. This is nugget for An $2.25. were stilled ; narrow’s Companion to the Bible, $1.60. cient cl assies people. And the kini voice was lost in the hush’ Rawlinson's Historical lllitstfStlORS of thu Old Testament, $1. of the tomb, South Coralina increased her Walks about Jerusalem, by Isaac Errett, $1. Talks to Bereans, by Isaac Errett, $1. That was glad in your joy that had school attendance last year 27,000 Letters to a Young. Christian, by Isaac Er- cheered in your gloom. ... rôtt.'âSæerrtr.- -------- 4JX4>il'i...JTw.eiity-.saxexi centa. white and forty-five per cent, of We looked as she lay in your sad house 35 Geuuuienees and Authenticity of the Goapels,. - the teeth. 19. Eat plain nutritious of mourning, , by B. A. Hinsdale, $1.26. colored children are still outside the With hands., folded close o’er Bar Smith ’a s Unabridged UnuSri&ed Bil Bible Dictionary. Ameri Mmith food, and avoid pastry. 20. Have can Edition. Revised and edited by H. B. schoolhouses of the State.— N. ’• 0/ _ motionless breast, pure air, pure water, good food, Hackett P n > aa«iat^d by Ezra Abbott, L.L.D. Journal of Education. So peaoeful and calm in Ker loll white In fo-ir volumes. Price uJuClotli, per set, $20. _ light clothing, and moderate -exer Price in Sheep, the set, $2>. adorning, Smith’s Bible Dictionary, $1 50. cise. 21. Understand the functions Sowing and Reaping. Barnes’ Notes on the New Testament. $1. j 0 Asleep in her oasket, forever at rest. volume. TlwAolumfes sold separately. of the different organs of the body, ’ “ He that soweth .sparingly shall And over the parting the tears and the Sir n the Four GosiSls, 2 vols. On the Acts of the Apoatles. Oifftlie Epistle to the Romans. pain, and not violate the laws of nature, reap also sparingly ; and hsUkftL On the First Epistle to die Corinthians. On the-BecomF'fephate.WhUw...« ~i” The Teacher M ust N ot soweth bountifully shall reap also Epistle to the Galatians. On the Epistle to th« finite gain. 1. Eat too much. - 2. Drink too bountifully.” 2 Cur. 9: G. We Ephesians. the-Oolossians, and the Philippian*. On the Epistleflo the Thessalonians, Timothy, Yet weep, oh, bereaved, till your sad much (avoid strong tea or coffee,) understand _ this when we sow Titus and P/ileinon. On the Epistle to th«» heart is rested, Hebrews, ifn the General Epistle of James, 3. Smoke tobacco. 4. Drink intox grain, but are apt to forget it when Peter, John and Jude. On the Revelation. For the star of your home gone down Barnes’ Notes on the Psalms. In Three icating liquors. 5. Take drugs, we use tracts You must not ex volumes. Cloth, per vol , $1.50. in the grave ; ’ Notei on the Book of Daniel, $l o0. and (so-called) “ patent medicines.” pect a dollar’s worth of tracts to For yourself and the beautiful child Barnes Barnes’ Notes on the Book of Prophet Isaiah. 2 vols. Cloth, per vol., $1.50. - ' 6. Over-work either mind or body. turn the neighborhood upside down ren, divested Barnes’ Notes on the Book of Job. 2 vols. Of the tenderest love that God ever Cloth, per vol., $1.50. ‘ 7. Read novels until 1 .o’clock in Some buy less, and ara sp disap Outlines of Church History, by Rev. John F. . gave : the morning. 8. Keep scho^J-room pointed that they never buy any Hurst. D. D., 50 cents. But remember the Comforter comes A Short History of the English Bible, by too hot or too cold (about Ga^Fahr.) more. They do not think any Rev James M. Freeman, I). D., 50 cents. with his balm, Chronology of Bible History, and How to 9. Take violent evercise immediate- thing of donating at the.rate of ten And after your trial brings heavenly Rememberlt, by Rev. C. Munger, 50 ™ Cruden ’ s Complete Concordance to the Holy before or after meals.— J. A. Wis- or more dollars a sermon towards calm. ; Scriptures, $1.50. Gruden’s Concordance Abridged, 75 cents. mer, H. M., M. 8, Parkdale, Ont. Then may you look up to that home a preachers’ support, but it would Brown’s Pocket Concordance, 50 cents. ------------------- ♦ + ----------------------- The Life and Words of Christ, by Cunning olvsian, alarm them to think of putting ham Geikie, D. D., $1.50. Where your loved one dwells in her Now the common school, at best, this amount into tracts. This is The Life of our Lord upon the Earth, by blissful estate ; Samuel J. Andrews,$2:50. " not giving the tracts free course. covers from five to ten years of the The Sunday School Helper, by J. H. Hardin, From earth to paradise—a short transi 50 cents. . . „ „ life of young America. It has a S’ nd a liberal amount of money tó tion, Kinship to Christ, by J. Z. Tyler, $1.50. me, and put the tracts into every She bos gone on in perfect peace to The Standard Manual, for Sunday-school most vital relation to the child family. Put them all at work ttt -NMUy - —— ----- — .......... workers, by R M. Green, 75 cents. during those years; proposing to once. This is the way to make With the child, that went before her, Heroes and Holidays,‘edited by Rev. W. F. Crafts, $1.25. till you come, awaken the love of knowledge, tract sowing tell. You can mako a Bringing the others with you, to that Story of an. Earnest Life, by Mrs. Eliza train the faculties used in the in much better fire with an armful of Davies, $2. blessed homé. On the Rock, by D. R. Dungan, $1.50. wood than you can with , a single vestigation and acquisition of truth, Let this sweet’thought break in upon A Trip Around the World, by Timothy Coop stick. Be liberal ; sow bountifully your sorrow, direct the youth in his search for and Henry Exley, $1.50. and you will thus reap. The Chris Until hope’s rainbow spanour day Around the World, Tour of Christian Mis wisdom through nature and up and tian Sower Tract Fund is in need of gloom, sions, by W. F. Bainbridge, $2. down the wilderness of books, and of money. Send a liberal gift. Il And you remember what a glorious to- The Christian Manual, for the use of Church —morrow, • • _ ____ in the various relations of Evangelists, as an absolute condition of success you are unable to buy tracts do not There dawna for all of us beyond the Officers, Pastors, Bishops and Deacons, by F. M. Green, tomb, in this work, train the pupil in hesitate to apply for all you need. $t. ---- -- ...... . .... timo I Yf in Christ’s blessed footsteps we shall . good morals and good manners, Now is the Address all orders' to L F. Floyd, Albany, keep, • * J. W. keep him reminded of the claims of M viisoDVille, Ky. .. ~—4-Qcegwu___