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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1884)
DEVOTED TO THE RESTORATION OF APOSTOLIC CHRISTIANITY. VCTTXÏV: C hristian herald . J. F. FLOYD, Editor and Publisher, Monmouth, Or. m wnonranK We want to see more of that deep seated piety'- and brotherly love which characterized the first Chris- tians of whom we read in the New Xaateent. ' Waupun, Wisconsin, Associate Editor. Subscription Price t One Copy, one year............................ $2 00 . One Copy, six months........................ 1 00 1 ADVERTISEMENTS. Prices will be given on application. | Entered at the Poat-oflice at Monmouth, as second class mail m»tter.J l’lease Notice. We are not responsible for the opinions and sentiments expressed by onr contributors, but for our own writing »lone. Hence out readers Dust judge for themaelvesL We intend to give apace for the free expression of opinion, within the limits of sound diacrevion, anil the good of the cause ; but not be held as indorsing what others may write. '**' ‘XIT'fflftTtor paper should be written : 1. Ou one side of tho sheet only. 2. In a plain legible hand. 3. Lot tliero be plenty of space between the line». ----- Write' with a jwn inataftd of a p encil. 80 that it maj not be defaced ui transTfT' Write brief articles. < Exf«* attention to article*, notices, or queries not Mcompanied by your name. Salmi Morse, the author of the Passion Play, has committed soui- cide. Business troubles unbalanced ■his mind and led to the rash act, When Judas sold his Master to be crucified, he went out and hanged himself. When Morse tried to dis honor the Lord by bringing" the scene of his crucifixion on the stage and failed, he went out and drown ed himself. This is a lesson for those yet living. ThC Portland church has already of our house of worship in Albany, and w’e learn they will probably -giva us aliuildred dollars. Will it turn out that the less able churches will do the most for us ? Let the brethren remember thaU we are now ready to take subscriptions KOHQK.-All private letters and all other matter demanding the special attention of die editor, and all orders for books, traets, etc., BbouïΓ'W wadre^ -11 whorA th« hrpf.hrpn Oregon. AU subscriptions for the H erald erald , all »11 tWmWkH-pOHlte. WUereüretnren matter intended for publication and letters in will help us in this good work. Let reference to the businesa connected with the papeF should be addressed to C hristian H er any brother or sister who will^pb- ald , Monmouth, Oregon. EDITORIAL NOTES. Our article on the Holy Spirit for this week is crowded out. Read R. A. Tenney’s advertise ment in another column, headed, “Canvassers Wanted.” We have received “ Hand Book of Christian Evidences ” and “ De bate on Trine Immersion and Feet Washing,” which will be reviewed soon. NO. 12. MUNMOUTH, OREGON ; FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1884. scribe or work for us, send to any one of the committee at once for subscription blanks, and fill them up and return to us. We would like to have a live agent for a few days in every church on this coast. Let every body help us build this church, tor now is the time to es tablish the cause permanently in Albany. Brethren and sisters, let us hear from you. J. F. Floyd. Dr. J; W. Cole and J. H. Campbell, committee.. It is too funny. The other wreek we had occasion to state that a con Bro. J. Durham, our California vent in Italy had recently been de editor, has our thanks for his pho moted to secular uses, and that tograph. • It is a good one, and of among other things the bones, so course, looks just like an editor. so much esteemed, of St. Peter were We will return the compliment sold by the commissioners for eighty soon. cents ! We then said, “ Our friend — Indifference is one of the chief of the Catholic Sentinel ought to obstacles in the way of Christian have Ko"uglil”these“ bones tu assist growth. That brother or that sis him in establishing his theory of ter .who treats the church or her Papal infallibility !” This was work with indiflerence “"¿Toes - not- “enough.— possess the spirit of the Master, and poured out half a column of holy is a hindrance to the cause of Christ. indignation on our head for having no “ pride of ancestry,” for “defam was Shem (Jerome, Luther); and" ing tho apostles of Christ ” and some have conjectured that he was “ridiculing their venerable bones,” an extraordinary emanation from etc. But we are still alive. Now the Deity which suddenly appeared what we want to know is, if the for a little while on the stage of action and was then as suddenly S e ntine l that those wrere the bones of the removed from it."” But aH siKtr’YTCS' apostle Peter ? If so, and it will tionsare purely hypothetical,and are convince us of that fact, we will wholly inconsistent with the mani agree to lengthen out our face as fest purpose of God in making Mel long as the occasion will demand chisedec on extraordinary type of and will take on a degree of solem his own Son as the great high priest nity in perfect accord with our of our confession. For it is very “ pride of ancestry.” We do not obvious that the Holy’Spirit has claim any very close fleshly kinship intentionally thrown an impenetra to the apostle Peter; and if we did, ble veil over both the birth and the we can see no very good reason for death of Melchisedec, over both his standing up over his bones eighteen parentage and his posterity, for the hundred years after his death, with purpose of making him a more per sanctimonious faces, and like some fect type- of Chi ist. He now stands great" sniveilng^caTF,"^feiTiTiYigTtvcrs' “'before* ns nnnvas of tears, instead of letting these alone, without father, without bones rest in peace till the morn of mother, without genealogy, having the resurrection. We claim to ex- neither beginning of days nor end ercise a due amount of reverence of life. He appears in the sacerdo for the apostles of Christ, and are tal drama by himself, and in the willing to treat their bones with all prime of manhood, honored and re the deference required by the spirit spected by the most eminent ser- of ChriStt^^that - religion - vants of God_ as. a priest upon his which draws its chief source of throne, thus beautifully illustrating spiritual nourishment from the tra in his own person the royal dignity ditions and dry bones of a few and the perpetual character of Roman Catholic monks of the Dark Christ’s priesthood. But let it once Ages is not the religion we care to be clearly demonstrated that he possess. We suggest that of our was Shem, the son of Noah, or any contemporary would pay less atten other person of known genealogy, tion to the bones of St. Peter and and that moment the analogy fails, give more heed to his living and and he forever ceases to be a fit inspired teaching, it would see a type of Christ.” Hence such ques little more of the Christianity t>f tions as these give us but little con the New Testament. cern. We can find plenty of ques tions respecting matters of a more A brother asks us to answ*er this practical nature all around us which question : “ Who was Melchisedec ?” need to be discussed and, if possible, The shortest way to answer this is settled, and to those we prefer giv by telling the truth, and saying we ing our attention. do not know. We agree with the following from Bro. R. Milligan’s In our judgment the article of Commentary on Hebrews. The Sister Bedwell in last week’s H er author says: “Who this Melchisedec ald places woman’s work in the was, has long been a question of in church in a somewhat unsatisfactory terest with both the learned and light before our readers. It begins the unlearned. Some say that he by asking, “ Why not let God’s word wft» 41hrLst hiin.self .(Ambrose, Hot- settle this question ?” and then tinger); some, that he was the Holy strange to say, in all the Scriptures Spirit (Hieracas, Epiphanius); some, referred to, not a single passage that he was an angel (Origen, that bears directly on the question Didymus); some, that He was Enoch' TsTo^be fbUIfd'in the whole article ! (Hulsius, Calmer); some, that he It would not take God’s word lon^ , «•