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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1884)
■ -A * ■ w ■ 'M C hristian herald . T - ---------- F “---- y— ------------------------ - ■ I — terious and incomprehensible doc trine of the Trinity; nothing about the eternal decrees of God, and of unconditional election and reproba tion ; nothing about hereditary total depravity, and that in conse- xjuence of Adam’s sin the whole human race is rendered utterly in- disposed and disabled so that, they can not of their own free choice, believe in Christ and obey him; T*- rxn than this, for nd knows that when way all sinners are to be saved. THE GREAT DISCOVERY. the simple gospel is preached and James also testifies to the same fact. A manuscript in the Greek lan falls on the heart, if allowed to re Speaking of God he says: “ Of his main there, the sinner will believe own will begot he us with the word guage called the “Teaching of the and be saved; hence he tries to of truth, that we-should be a kind Apostles,” has recently been discov take it away lest it should bring of first fruits of his creatures?’ Jas. ered, and has Just been published • forth fruit unto salvation. He 1:18. Peter also says : M “ Seeing by Philotheos Bryennios, the learn knows too much about the word of ye have purified your souls in obey ed bishop of Nicomedia. The epis tle is about as long as the epistle to God to leave it the heart while ing the truth Unto unfeigned love waiting for an abstract operation of of the brethren, see that ye love one the Galatians, and for the present, its date is fixed somewhere between the Holy Spirit to give it power to another with a pure heart fervently; -4^ a f te r C h rist.. T he " ‘nothing “"about1" “* the “j,Bal vatronof faith. He kriowT that Paul librad “ elect ” infants and the implied told the truth when he^said that seed, but of incorruptible, by the author of the book is unknown, and damnation of all the rest; and noth faith comes by hearing the word of word of God, which liveth and it is thought that it may have been > ing about the Bible simply contain- God, and« that the Spirit is in the abideth forever.” 1 Pet. 1 : 22, 23. written in Syria or Egypt. It is not . ing the Word of God. So here we word, and hence ifTKe word only These passages are plain and con claimed as canonical, and hence is think is room for a little advance remains in the heart, it will con- clusive, and show the simple means no more the authoritative word of to w a r ds Apa stolie-Gb*>w t ianity.' On- ■ vin e e, con vi ct d w v e tlic* ’Siuuer.4 üf salva t ion. Evury Bliiuer;' instuad T LQ.d.lLajLlhe.^Eiaatle.Qf BamahM,” , the other hand, extreme liberalism This is sound argument and shows of being born again by an opera the “Apocalypse of Peter ” or the Is wisely avoided, for a firm belief that in conversion and salvation the tion of the Spirit direct from heaven, history of Eusebius. It is thought in baptism and the Lord’s Supper, Holy Spirit operates through the is according to these Scriptures, however to be a valuable addition to Church history, and will serve r &1ÍVB/- » ..... and in the final judgment and word of God, and not independently “ everlasting punishment is posi of it. The ground is sowed j ust as, by the living seed, the word of God to fhrow some light on the practice tively asserted. Sprinkling and found. The seed need no power to which lives and abides forever. A of the Church during her-early his- pouring are not expressly mention germinate and grow them except very simple plan of salvation, in- tory. We only have room for one or two brief quotations. In chapter ed ; the direct, or abstract opera what is put forth through them. deed. - . seven we find the following con tion of the Holy Spirit is very mild This is true both in nature and in This is also in perfect harmony ly stated, if expressed at all; and religion, lienee thmpreached gos with the stated mission of the Holy cerning baptism : ¡all we have of infant baptism is pel is'God’s power unto salvation. Spirit to this world. Before the »expressed in this phrase : “Baptism With this also agrees the statement Savior went to his Father he prem Baptize after thou hast imparted all the above doctrines, in the name »to be administered to believers and of John that, “ Whosoever believeth ised his disciples- to send the .Com- of the Father and of the Son and of their children.” In short, with a that Jesus is the Christ is begotten tLe few exceptions, there is very little of God.” Such faith comes through place in converting the world. And If, however, thou hast no flowing * water, then baptize with other wa doctrine in the creed to which most the gospel, and hence men are be of this Comforter he say/T'^And people would object. There is gotten and saved through the word. when he is come he will convict the ter; if there be no cold at hand, with warm. But if thou hast neith plenty of room here for the elas David also confirms this view by world of sin, and of righteousness, er, then sprinkle, the head three ticity of the consciences of those saying: " The law of the Lord is and of judgment.” Hère is the office times with water in the name of who adopt it. What we most ob perfect, converting the soul.” and. ther work of the Spirit clearly the Father and the Son and the ject to is the creed itself in toto. Now a few direct statements set forth. The Holy Spirit was Holy Spirit.” It is a work of supererogation from the epistles will make this evidently to convince, convict, con- From this quotation we wish to whose legitimate fruit is error and matter sufficiently plain. In 1 Cor. vert and save the world. ut how ? note the following: the division of God’s people. What 2 : 15, Paul says : “ For though ye Not by entering direct int<\the heart 1., Infant baptism is cut out. rthe Congregationalists need, in con- have ten thousand instructors in of every sinner, but by operating None were to be baptized except .nectiorTwUh all Christendom, is to Christ, yet have ye not many fath on his mind and heart through the such as had been taught. Evidently adopt the Bible alone as their creed, ers ; for in Christ Jesus I have be words of the inspired apostles, and the baptism of infants was un •believing in Christ with all their gotten you through the gospel.” nowadays, through their words in known at that time. heart and obeying him in all his By referring to Acts 18 :1-4, it will the blessed Scriptures which -we 2. It shows that immersion was commands. be seen that when Paul went to now have. Hence we conclude, that the prevailing custom at that day. Corinth he reasoned in the syna while the Spirit always operates in The baptizing was to be done in HOW DOES THE HOLY gogue every Sabbath, and proved conversion and salvation, he does flowing water, after the manner of SPIRIT OPERATE IN THE so through the word of God, and the apostles and Christians; and CONVERSION AND SAL to the people that Jesus was the not independently of it. There is sprinkling was only allowed in case Christ. Hence we are told in the VATION OF SINNERS ? same connection that “ many of the not a particle of evidence in the sufficient water to immerse could We think the Word of God is Corinthians hearing believed, and Bible that the Holy Spirit ever did, not be had. This shows beyond a ■both explicit and conclusive on this were baptized.” It was in this way or does now, come direct from doubt that immersion alone was therefore that the apostle had be heaven into the heart of the sinner practiced by the apostles, as com point of doctrine. ---- In the parable of the Sower the gotten and saved the Corinthians. in order to prepare the way for the manded by Christ; and thatspirnk- ‘Savior $ays the seed is the word of Or as he puts it in another place, word or to convert him to Christ ing was an invention ot man. 3. The person was to be sprink- God, and then he adds : “ Those by “ For after that in the wisdom of If any one thinks otherwise, let the way side are those that hear j God the world by wisdom knew him find the passage that so affirms, led three times, which is further then cometh the devil and taketh not God, it pleased God‘by the fool or forever hereafter hold his peace evidence that the commandment of away the word out of their hearts, ishness of preaching to save them on this question. It is the Spirit men had been added to the word lest they should believe and be that believe.” As the Corinthians in and through, the truth that does of God. We say this much to show saved.” Here it ir, contended that were begotten through the gospel, the wotk. “The word of^God is that our religious neighbors receive the Holy Spirit must go before and they were not begotten by an ab quick and powerful, and sharper but little comfort for some of their than any two-edged sword, piercing prepare the ground for the seed, stract operation of the Holy Spirit even to the dividing asunder of soul unscriptural practices eVen in this otherwise ^,he preaching of the gos on their heart, but only the opera and spirit, and of the joints and human document of the second cen pel will Le powerless on the sinner’s tion of the Spirit through the marrow, and is a discerner of the tury. But after all, we do not • heart. But even the devil is wiser preached truth. And this is the thoughts and intents of the heart.” place much stress on this epistle. X •» i - ------------------------------------------ # X'“"