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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1883)
■■ » - ■ « » I z =• r -w— - W J v benevolent Father aid us to do his Come let us reason and rejoice to 30 minutes, conducted by Bro. T. Report of Lane County Co* wilL is the sincere prayer of your gether. operation. Goodman. ------ DM D oty «. * ar— / r T------ "T ïy ,~I7 âhi Gn, O r - f M artin P eterson . pointment of committees. Missionary Meeting at Scio. —---------- —. Dec. 3, 1883. 7 P. M.—Address of Welcome by Report from Centerville. The Christian Cooperation of the Scio, O r ., Dec. 5,1883. J. F. Floyd, Ed. C iiristian H er congregations of the Church-of Dear Bro. Floyd: ald . Response by Neal Cheetham, C enterville , O r ., Christ in Lane county, Oregon, I wish to announco through the State Evangelist. , a * Dec. 7, 1883. convened in Eugene City, on H erald that on last Lord’s day THURSDAY. Bro. Floyd : T Thursday evening at the hour of evening, according to previous ar I returned last week from a ' 9 A. M.—Devotional exercise, 30 7 o’clock, Nov. 22, 1883, at which Sister E. J. Barker, I meeting held at the head of Eight- rangements, minutes. hour Bro. J. E. Roberts delivered a Vice-President of the W. C. M. S. J-_milAJ in the eastern part of thjs 9:30 A. M.—Reading the Minutes discourse to an attentive and res- was wi th. th QUA' county. ^Tfiree persons^ w^e^Xp ^enLfu! aiidience, after wh ich it pose of organizing an Auxiliary 10 A. M.—“ Our Wants,” a dis~ was 8uggeste^7F^ a committt tized and an-^organization com Society at Scio. At 7 P. M. a large cussion opened by J. E. Roberts. posed of thirteen members effected. programme de appointed to prepare audience (one of the largest we evet - 11 a . M.—“ The Relation of the On last Sunday, at this place, the order of business for the co have seen in Scio) collected at the Temperance Work to the Church,” operative meeting, which resulted Bro. Jas. W. Webb, of Lompoc, Christian church. I < aLj‘preached a most cxeellenWw- ^’31'ecting eftHre to order anti R t -H. ] discussion opened by G. M. vVhit- in the selection of Bros. L. B. Row- Mi Sh?lhy and J, W. course, at the close of which one Ashby acted as Secretary for the 2 1’. M.—“ The Church and the Parks as said committee. ' The person made the good confession, evening. After reading the last Sunday School,’’ by H. T. Mor meeting was then adjourned to. and the same day was baptized. chapter of Matthew Bro. W. W. rison, of Monmouth, for discussion. Friday 10 o’clock a . m . We aW had additions to the IttCtiard ffnn lead" in ~~MrF~earnoBt- ~^--T.~~5r'-ll f|>i >iir". from -the _ church by letter. ivivn. * J A prayer for the success of the mission Churches of Linn county. Fraternally, vfrork ; after which Bro. Di M. The meeting was called to order 7 P. M.—“The True Basis of R. H. Moss. Doty made some pertinent remarks Christian Union,” an address by H. by the Secietary, who invited the on from the two M. Waller, of Monmouth. brethren to sing a hymn, after Report. last verses of the chapter read. which the first chapter of James FRIDAY. v M onmouth , O r ., After this” was readjand the congregation was Devotional service, 31Ï 9 a .' m . Dec. 14, 1883. J. l^arker, who then addressed the lead in prayer by Bro. JL, 'E7 Ro minutes. audience on “ Woman Mission Bro. Floyd:_ berts. 9:30 A. M — “ Our Mission, ” a dis- AT my " f ëgn&~gppoth4mei^a t I -44flF =add ress The Secretary then informed the elissiinfupeireS^^ Sheridan on the second Lord’s day was to the point and full of the •> Callison, was absent, and would not _ of this month one confessed Christ spirit of Jesus, and was well re Monmouth. 10:30 A. m .—A discourse by ceived by the -people. After her be present during the business part • and was baptized. .. James Moore, Of Eugene City.- - address, the Constitution of the W. of this meeting, it would therefore Your brother, 2 p . M.—“ Home Culture^ a dis C. M. S. was read and an auxiliary be necessary to appoint a President I P. R. B urnett . cussion opened by D. M. Doty, of organized of ten members with the pro torn. It was moved and' Scio. Toth© Churches of Linn County following officers: President, Sister seconded that Dr. ,J. P. Gill be the 3 i'. m . Miscellaneous business. N. Gill; \r ice-President, Sister' V. - -choiceof this Cooperation. Motion Time and place for next meeting. Dear Brethren : Johnson; Cor. Sec., N. C. Doty; prevailed. 7 P. M.—“ Missionary Anniver The time for our semi annual co Bro. Gill then stepped forward, ' Rec. Sec., Sister T. Ashby; Treasur sary,” short addresses by brethren entering at once upon the duties of operation meeting is near at hand er, Sister H. A. Johnson. (Jan. 16, 1884), and, according to and sisters, opened by J. F. Floyd. President, stating in brief the ob After the organization the society your wishes a programme has been took up a collection, resulting in SATURDAY. ject of the meeting. The organiza made out and sent to the H erald 33.60. Sisters N. Biggar and F. 9 A. m .—Devotional exercise, 30 tion- being now complete. The. for publication, so you will see Reynolds have been appointed as committee on programme handed minutes. when and where the meeting is to soliciting committee. The society 9:30 Al M.—“ Forsake not the in their report on the order of busi be, and who will be there to take starts out with favorable prospects assemblings of yourselves together,” ness as follows: part in the proceedings. Now let for good, and we hope to be able to We, your committee on program discussion opened by I. N. Mulkey, each church see that delegates be contribute something each quarter 10:30 A. M.—Discourse by A. C. me, beg leave to submit the follow chosen by the first Sunday in to the general fund, so that by the ing report on the order of business : I January, and send them with writ end of this year’s work of the W. Vernon. 1. The appointment of a com 2 P. M.—“ Woman’s Work in the ten credentials. Also let every C. M. S. we may be able to cora- ” a discussion opened by mittee on delegation (by the chair). I church ..take up a collection .mftnee sending the bread of life to Church, Sister A. M. Bedwell, of Monmouth. - 2 Reading of the minutes of last especially for the county work“ be the perishing. 3 P. M.—Resolutions and miscel Cooperation. fore that meeting, and send it up 3. Report of the churches. M rs . N. C. D oty , Cor. Sec. laneous business. Adjournment. by the delegates. - 4. Discussion of subject. 7 p . m .—Discourse by Neal I And to those brethren whose Linn County Meeting. 5. Report of the Evangelizing Cheetham. I names appear on the programme Programme of the Semi-annual D. M. D oty , j . — Committee. I we will say, we could not very well J. P ropst , Committee. 6. Report of the County Evan Christian Cooperation Meeting ol I consult each of you in regard to a E. J. B arker , J gelist. County, Oregon, to be held I subject, so we selected such sub- Linn - — ♦ • • • » ■■■ 11 7. Selection of County Evangel with the Church of Christ at Al ■ jects as we thought profitable for Little boys and girls, Jesus loves ist. bany, commencing on Wednesday, the meeting and assigned to brech- 8. Time and place of holding the Jan. 16, 1884, at 2:3Ü P. M., to con you. He said to his disciples, I ren that we thought would respond Suffer the little children to come next County Cooperation. I cheerfully. Brethren, we want you tinue over the following Lord’s “ unto 9. Miscellaneous Work. me, and forbid them not; for I there and do not disappoint Us. day. 10. Adjournment. v of such is the kingdom of God.” WEDNESDAY. I We are hoping and praying for a It was then moved and seconded I grand meeting, a real soul feast. b 2:30 P. M.—Devotional exercise. Do you love him ? "Vt—1-------------- j L VJ --------- » Í V ■ *1 2è% > e U Ì a I u L -LSUJ-JS!____ ■ 1 k J® i,r * ' 1