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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1883)
DEVOTED TO THE RESTORATION OE APOSTOLIC CHRISTIANITY. T VOL. XIII. MONMOUTH, OREGON; FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1883. C hristian H erald . -- ---- —----------------T5— -------- NO. 50. arrangement is very simple and suitable place fpj^ these “ Holy be is a question of no consequence convenient for ready reference. Fathers ” to close their discoursing to any one but myself. But, as you - r i ,r*n n ■ t v V’T? ■ A *>! *-» Vi B-twl “merit” «■«k. rmny that m Mon rnFiîïtTÎ7Œ UTna often fluctuates. More ver, whether The December number of Mis a man deserves to be called a Theist, H. T. MORRISON, The Pacific Church News appears sionary Tidings is on our tabla, and depends on the definition of the Monmouth, Oregon, Associate Editor. to be displeased because we stated as usual, full of good things. It term, which is much too large a sub Subscription Price t that Bro. L. B. Wilkes, of Califonia, also has a supplement. Our sisters ject for a note. In my most ex- One Copy, one vear.................. $2 00 head. Above Tn^rvt?tgntly'7rn}ditng't'hcr'g^ ,7e never. ■txHue ,..Cu,ctiiatmn.s_~ of sending the gospel into foreign his preaching brethren in that State ADVERTISEMENTS, been an Atheist in the sense of lands. The names and addresses of in scholarship and Biblical knowl Prices will be given on application. denying the existence of a God. I the missionaries now under their Entered »t the Post-office at Monmouth, as edge.” We forgot to add, " Except think that generally (and more and _ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a WWimann M M'. f more as 1 grow older,., but nut al •A Please Notice. Church News? The rest of us on Äzbill, W. Sv Houchins, Miss Sallie ways, an Agnostic would be the We ere not responsible for the opinions and the coast have no conscientious McEwan, James Tilley, Kingston, more correct description of the state '* * Lv mir I tn Lilt for our own writing »lone. Hence oui readers trouble in admitting Bro. Wilkes- Jamaica, W. L; Miss Mary Graybiel, of my mind.” This we hope will aunt judge for themselvea. We intend to give superiority in these respects. And Miss Mary Kingsbury, Miss Ada settle the fact that Mr. Darwin did ipace for the free expression of opinion, within the limits of sound discretion, and the good of now if our brother will quit writing^ Boyd, Miss Laura V. Kinsey, Hurda, .not accept and teach the absurd cause: but not be held aa indorsing what fr doctrine of spontaneous generation. “1 m )-s t. H r' i 11 11 i fl 1 i toilals, 11C !i la y •them may write. AU matter intended for publication, in this be able to convince us of our “ in Streator, Helena, Montana; Galen Then if God had to create the first paper should lie written : Wood, Deer Lodge, Montana.” vidious comparison !” simple form of animal life, why 1. On one side of the she$t only. mtreasonable'— Fors'onre-tTTrwwehave^bttd-iL-itt account of man’s creation recoi ded 4. Write with a pen instead of a pencil, bo our mind to make a trip through tinently asks: “ If Mr. Ingersoll that it maj not be defaced iu UawtiL in the book of Genesis! The day 5. Write brief articlos. ' Washington Territory, holding were t° l°se hli? e.Ves would he seek is not-far distant when -the infidel- — - queries not accompaniod by your name. some meeting» on our way, at refuge in the Voltaire Blind Asy world will beLrougfiito bow to different places. And we now take lum ? If Mr. Charles Bradlaugh this fact after all. EDITORIAL NOTES. this means of saying to the breth were to become insane would he be ---------- ------------- ------- . PERSONAL MENTION. The programme of the Linn ren there that we will undertake sent to the Tom Paine Insane Asy lum ? If Mr. G. C. Miln were' such trip, sometime this winter or Bounty Cooperation Meeting which We acknowledge a call this week convenes at Albany, Jan. 10, will early in the spring, providing we struck with an incurable disease, from Bro. B. F. Owen, of Philo appear next week. Too late for shall find sufficient encouragement would he resort to the Hume Hos to justify us in undertaking it pital Î If any uncared for vicious math, Or. this issue. We would like to spend from one child belonging ’to a Freethinker Our readers will please observe The brethren will please remem to two weeks at each place. Any were to be found at large, w’ould it that Bro, H. T. Morrison’s address ber that we have on hand a good church, therefore, that may desire be sent to the I). M. Bennett is changed from Eugene to Mon supply of Note Edition of Popular such a meeting can address the un Society for the Suppression of mouth. He will make this his Hymns. Also Card Tracts by J. dersigned at Monmouth, Or. Vice? There are no such institu- headquarters till further notice. W. Higbee. Send oi^ ypur orders. H. T. M orrison . ■ tions ? No? Well, brethren and sisters, continue to abuse Christi We number with pleasure among Bro. F. M. Rains, State Evangelist Our neighbor, the Pacific Chris anity, and when you or your friends our contributors this week, Bro. A. of Kansas writes us in a private tian Advocate, has been giving the become blind, or lame, or sick, or P. Terrell, formerly a class mate of letter that he is taking five year Catholics of Portland some deserved «leaf, or insane, or intemperate, send ours, and among the rising young pledges for mission work in that rebukes for their gambling in the them to some good Christian insti preachers in Kentucky. Bro. T. State, and has done well during the name of religion under the polite tution. They will be taken care of, knows how to use his pen in the last month. He hae received pledges garb of * EKnrcK FairST*IMfag” free of côst, and no reproaches advocacy and defense of primitive for $401 annually for five years on Christianity. etc. We notice from the Sentinel, thrown in.” M,()05. The brethren there are their church organ, that these fairs Sister E. J. Barker, of Albany, Forking hard for a financial basis. are becoming quite common among Charles Darwin, the Great Evol utionist, is the author of a work has been visiting Scio in behalf of the Catholics,fti which the “ prettiest We have received in neat pam which has recently been published the missionary work. Jf the sisters girl of the city ” is put up and phlet form the proceedings of the gambled for by the young men and in a prefatory letter to which he can succeed in converting the Foreign Christian Missionary, at its uses these very significant words: pockets of seme “of our able breth “ lots of fun is had, ” and in which I’ghth annual meeting held in Cin- “It seems to me absurd to doubt ren, we shall certainly not object, [innati, Ohio, Oct. 24, 25,1H83. The the “Rev. Fathers” themselves ------------ <. ---------- *— that a man may be an ardent Theist have been taking no little part. In As water runs dowp from the lontributions are acknowledged by and an Evolutionist. You are right swelling hills, and flows together one fair we notice that one of the Itates, and the names are arranged nit ^Kingsley. Asa Gray, the in the lowly vale, so grace flows about I1 alphabetical order for conven- successful young ladies came in botanist, is another case in not but into humble hearts.— Au- . possession of “ six dozen Milwaukee emi inent rnce- Individuals come first, then Would not this be a point. What my own views may gustine. lurches and Sunday-schools. The | beer.” J try vnn t“rntt t»rttenn, ■ -- ■ I tit Hi tx.ll t it it a avi ipliuU liait ilUiÜ. Ill’ ....