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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1883)
9 —. CHRIST IAN HERALD WORK FOR THE SISTERS. that man is utterly incapable of ac . spirit of true,womanly devotion to Our contemporary, the Catholic complishing. Let no sister then Sentinel, has been d welling at some ’"hiin tmTwlttra keen mm uf duty... •’--•Til t re is n o-h igher ra il ing within TDinrhide that she baa nothing to do..... length on our~allusion to the pop?5 I to Oud; inodtsriy request that the,., -jlie reac h of ni p» nr woman than to There is the eup of cold watur tobe— and the Roman Catholic Church as worship be conducted by herself or be a humble follower of Jesus a given in the name of a disciple, the Paul’s “ Man of Sin,” etc, and i some other member of the family, Christian; and ’ it is a source of sick to be visited and the poor and . would have us believe that the and if we are not mistaken, in nine great joy to know that in this needy to be fed and clothed. There popes have been a remarkably good cases out of every ten,, his true respect there is neither male nor are the Sunday-school and the social class of fellow’s. We have no dis manly principle- and the respect for female, but all are one in Christ. meetings in which her pecular tal position to affirm that all the popes his * wife, if nothing more, will Jesus. But discipleship implies ent and influence is needed. In were intentionally bail men; but readily oi lead him to * yield to her work—active work in the vineyard fact when properly aroused and it always seemed a little strange to request. In such a mutual ar- of the Master. This work is not directed there is no measuring her all[ tilings may be done all to be done by the men, but the . w i th influence for good. Indeed she is - an made such py an to edification and Bere~" is' no" women have tïïëîr in< capable.of Ukinglier jl ______ “ infallible council should contain a usurping authority over iflê hüs “¡^¿7y"^ the throne and thus ruling both the list of popes of whom Archbishop band.” We believe God ordained brother, is to be a preacher of the Church and the nation; and here, Purcell could justly use such langu from the beginning that the hus gospel, a constant and faithful we hold, lies the secret of her power. age as the following. In his great band * should be the lawful head of laborer for Christ and his cause. In short there are a thousand ways and that this is true in God nnver intended, that woman debate with A Campbell he says : m which every true woman ran do _ y ' »in -this "Tfi gt iii there -were spiritual as_\yelLj ^ in a fleshly should be an idler — a kind of or- w . .... — ----- L „ -efficient work — some bail popes : we weep over the sense. Hence, if he has never sup nament to be admired rather than that spiritual head, or has a real and indispensible part of trust none will be satisfied till her fact, my friends, and lament it. plied _ full strength and influence is de- Agffi he^ys to •.low», why, if the wife is. humanityand a nobleinstrument ( hrGtinn we think ro-* that inTlis hand in working out His v . gi3 gptyinj. apology to offer ~ for a pope who is a .bail man. He household is not necessarily to be glorious purposes in the redemption TO THE FRIENDS OF THE should be the pattern of the flock left without a spiritual head ; and of the world. The very first de CHRISTIAN HERALD. under these circumstances, we from the heart. He should be the claration wc have of woman is that I desire to say to the many know of no better substitute than salt of the earth—the light of the she was to be a help-meet for man. __ implies __________ world. He should “remember that the loving-wife._ The wife is - only This that she was to do friends of the C hristian H erald ln | something-: and so it is we find that its editor has made arrange "ThyTnighn-“shall he mightily—tor— ■òHiflàtolì tofa mentod; and that a most severe that which is right, But inasmuch woman all along down the ages ments with me~to assLt him in ™ "tudgmenf Ball--be- -for- them that as the custom under consideration, from the creation, filling a high and editing the paper. I have accepted -bear rule, if tht y walkJlQt a^>nHng_ - as such, is not specifically com holy"spherc of usefulnessTn “Be^He^si tion of-co editor, aad ixUhû-- com- - to the law. I should not be sur-. manded in lEe Scripture^“ wives' plans and purposeToEberMaker? Tirne-Tnarkc 4 should see that all things are done prised if these bad popes were at But it remains for the gospel dis mence my labors. In accepting this moment expiating their crimes | to the peace and harmony of the pensation to show the real worth of this position I am not insensible to in the penal fires of hell. We family, and to the l»estTntorest of woman in the service of God. They the fact that it U a responsible. an& hope to be able to give our brother the cause of Christ We say then, were among the first to behold and and that it will greatly add to my another lesson or two from Arch if it is the best that can be done, worship the babe in the manger. other lal>ors. But my strong desire to do all the good I can during my were in tin? groat xcl bishop Parcell in Be neMTuturc •1 4 let the wife by all mcaik> conduct r the devotional exercises.. at the Christ learning lessons of wisdom short stay in this world has induced « We have a- letter from a sister family altar. by humbly sitting at his feet. It me to undertake this extra labor. ■ asking information on the subject has been often said, and truly said, And, just here, in the beginning of of family worship—a very impor PERSONAL MENTION. that women were first at the my work, I would like to say a few tant, and, we are sorry to say, much neglected subject She wants Bro. H. T. Morrison is spending sepulchre and last at the cross things to the readers of the H erald They were the that I think ought to be said. to know what is to be done in case most of his time holding protracted of Christ You, dear brethren, no doubt, first to announce the risen the wife feels it loth a pleasure meetings in Lane county. Lord, and hence the first to will agree with me when I say that and a duty to have family prayers ’ and whOM> husband d^s' 1x4 kn Ero F M R-n». of Leavenworth, preach in a quiet and simple way it is of the utmost importance that duet it: and espeeial’.v in view tfl *• SUu’ Evangel .st the great cardinal facts of the gos our growing brotherhood on this the fact the Bible tekhes that the *h«t T1,at was » P**1 pel. They were among the hundred coast have a first-class religious and twenty disciples who wtto as paper of their own, one that they woman should not usurp autbori- «««itoœt. TAT W ty over ---- 1 Gcjlt/Qr 01 Olli* sembled in an upper room in Jeni ■’ can justly I k ? proud of, and that the first place if that bust and is a Kentucky Department, removes snJeni w<irshtpi ng (1 od and aw aiti ng t will tn every way fitly represent— professed Christian that -t’-e wifw frpm West Union to Corinth, Ky , the promise of the bather. They the noble cause for which we plead. should be frank to make known to | and 1 ecomes principal of the Corinth were among the- rocipientjiAuf the T» make the CHRISTIAN HERALD « him her feeling and conviction oft Academy. We wish him all success Holy Spirit and the prophets of the such a pajx'r will be my constant •> Lord. They were ever ready to aim while 1 am connected with it right on the subject and lovingly in his new field of labor. The press is, perhaps, the great entertain strangers, to assist the point out to him the benefit of We are sorry to learn that Bro. apostles in their work and even to est power in the world to-day, and familv worship both to them selves I J. M Shepherd, of the Faithful instruct some preacher * way there is no more successful way of and their children, and we think in * Witness has been sick. Hop«' he is of the Lord more purfec tly ;>nd all preaching the gospel and of coun most cases he will readily consent bettor by this time. this outside of the pulpit and, the teracting evil in the world than by to livr request and thus act in har Bro. J. Durham’s article this week public (I,nd. a iithni itatirc in in intra the circulation of good religious mony with w hat be knows to be in accordance, with the will of God. on Church Music is well worth n lions of the asseodd-if of the Saints. newspapers. This is emphatically Wo believe that woman’s sphere t he age of newspapers. Books, to If, on the other hand, the husband i careful reading. in the Church of Christ is not only a very large extend, have been is unqualified in speech or other r, Seek to make thy courao regular, ns high nml useful n t that .of man, crowded out, and papers have taken wise for taking the lead to the edification of all or is not a church that men may know beforehand but equally eelllprelieintive, tuid In their place. All classes read papers; eludes a variety of iweoM-uiry duties and if the young do not get those member, then let the wife in the 1 wbat to « expect.—Bucon.