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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1883)
DEVOTED TO T1IE RESTORATION OF APOSTOLIC CHRISTIANITY. ir MONMOUTH, OREGON; FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1883. VOL. XIII. ■ NO. 43. ¿6 We hope that the Board through the United States be respectfully p C!or S op will __ Icoi _______ people recommended to commemorate the ______ That were happiness at last ; —----- ,4-X fi.oxp. . . .. well posted in reference to the event by a sermon on the ReTbr^’~~^ That were bliss beyonTour meetffi^- " Editor and Publisher, Monmouth, Or. - movements and success oTour’Blale’ TdTorr”'*3^TTiTfo,^mr‘igre^le In the autumns of the past ! —B ayard T aylor , in Christian at Work. Evangelist. He was in Indepen the'birth and labor of Luther, we H. T. MORRISON, ingene City, Oregon, Associate Editor. dence, our neighbor town, almost a should not forget that he left much EDITORIAL NOTES. week before the people of Mon work undone for us to complete. Read the articlei Tn another col- mouth were aware of the fact. One Copy, one year................ $2 00 •"•'TW 'C tJpy, 811 TOHTT th»-. . ....................... „F -ML -4- imm on“ Ttml Ilcai t.U’ It in guud. -The. annnnniTmcnMjslm^ ploRsnre this week long enough before hand so that of introducing to our readers, Bro. ADVERTISEMENTS.* D ied .—At her home south of the the people will know of his coming H. T. Morrison, now of Eugene City, .. Prices will be given on application. Lnekiamute-on the 20L11 iiist, SL-- and "get rwtj—f for the- meeting, special arrangement with [Entered at the Post-office at Monmouth, aa WTHd daw mail matter . |------ ------------------------ ter Catherine Chamberlin aged 78 -Arrangements—should__ he—made Tt^-beeomea wwociat.F editor of the__ years. An obituary will appear Please Nolice, and an interest be awakened before H erald . Bro. Morrison has now next week. - —- — the Evangelist arrives. This been in our State and before our We are not responsible for the opinions and «entimente expre«ae<l by our contributors, but The faith of every Christian is course is often indispensibly ne readers long enough for the breth- ~ for onr own writing alone. Hence oui readers Host judge for themselves. We intend to give to be measured by -his' service in cessary to the success of a good ren to know something of his abili •pace for the free expression of opinion, within the limits of sound oiscrekion, and the good of the Lords vineyard. If he refuses meeting, and we hope the Board ty as a writer and a preacher of the the cause j but not be held as indorsing what others may write. “ —.... — to ger and work , he forfeits all liis will lose no time in Looking... after gospel. Suffice it_to. Bay that he__ All matter intended for publication in this claim to. the discipleship, and is this feature of our work. came to us well recommended by ™..tpaper..idMmldJ4ajittitteu...:...... _. .... ........... counted unworthy of his high and. 1. On one side of the sheet only. our able br-ethrenin the East. and The Christian at Work says: , _ 2. In a plain legiblo hand. holy-callings .. __ ___ , , , 3. TCeFtneroTib pleW'"of »WB between the --i being known generally throughout “Two MbrfndiF""^ lines. 4. Write with a pen instead of a pencil, so The Kansas State Meeting is said had been laboring with considerable the brotherhood as a faithful “and that it maj not be defaced in transit. able minister, he needs no special . to be the besLpne ever held in the 5. Write brief articles. 6. Expect no attention to articles, notice», or State. The people of Kansas are a success"in an Indiana town, and recommendation from us. With queries not accompanied by your name. had succeeded in breaking up more stirring people, and we are glad to than one family, were tarred and the amount of work we have to do AUTUMNAL DREAMS. know that the cause of Christ is feathered two or three weeks ago. every week, we feel the need of as- When the maple turns to crimson, ___ receiving a good share of, their at sistence on our editoriol department, This wan wrong-.-In the first place And the sassafras to gold ; tention. Quite a number of able the tar should have been sold and and we are satisfied that Bror Mor“—- When the gentian's in the meadow, preaching brethren from other the money given to the poor. In rison will lie of much service to its And the aster on the wold ; individually, to the H erald and to When the noon is lapped in vapor, States were present. the second place it was a waste of the cause on this coast. And the night is frosty-oold ; 'Bro. E. P. Large, of Crawfords good tar, and it was a waste of When the chestnut burrs are opened, ville, writes us an interesting letter. feathers. Such an application of The October number of the And the acorns drop like hail, concatenated substances is to be He has been listening to some Bap And the drowsy air is startled, Christian Quarterly Review, E. W. seriously deprecated. ” And such a tist preaching of which he does not With the thumping of the flail— Herndon, Columbia, Mo., Editor and much approve. Bro. L. thinks it course we add is only calculated to With the drumming of the partridge, Publisher, is on our table. This And the whistle of the quail ; is not very consistent for a minis arouiie prejudice against Christiani closes the second volume of this ter who claims to have a direct call ty and strengthen the Mormon Through the rustling woods I wander, able and interesting quarterly. The Through the jewels of the year, from God to preach to stand up church. following is the table of contents : From the yellow uplands calling, and depreciate the plain teaching On the tenth of next month is 1. The Temporary and the Perma Seeking her who is still dear : of the New Testament. His point _ She is near me in the Autumn, the fourth centennial of Martin nent in Christianity, by A. I. is a good one. — ------------------------ She, the beautiful, is near. Luther’s birth day, and among the Hobbs. 2. Christ—the Ideal Teach— Wp a r eindebted to Bro. G. L Whor Through, the smoke of burning Summer, resolutions adopted by the U. S. er, by J. W. Monser. 3. Exegetical, When the weary winds are still, ton, one of our missionaries, in Hur- Evangelical Alliance held in New by J. Tolidine Walsh. 4. One I can see her in the valley, da/India, for a beautiful Hindi York city, Oct. 2, we find the fol Chapter in Theodicy—The Origin I oan hear her on the hill, Scripture card showing the type lowing two : I. That the Evangel of Evil, by B<U. Watkins. 5. The In the splendor of the woodlands, and characters used in their Hindi ical Alliance in the United States Church as the Body of Christ; Un In the whisper of the rill : New Testament. On this card is commend to the people of this sectarian, and Non-Denominational, For the shores of earth and heaven printed in Hindi characters John, country to unite in the celebration by B. F. Manire. 6. Inspiration, Meet, and, mingle in the blue: ^he can wander down the glory 3 :16. The letters and words some of the fourth centennial of Martin by H. W. Everest. 7. A Criticism i To the places that she knew, what resemble the Hebrew, and Luther’s birthday, on the 10th of of Hall’s “ Problem of Human Where the happy lovers wandered yet in some respects are very much November next, by giving thanks Life,” by Clark Braden. 8. The In the days when life was true. unlike U Bro. Whorton informs to God for the blessings of the Re Lesson of Paul’s Life, by E. K. : Bo 1 think, when days are sweetest, us that they are making reasona formation, especially for the free Miller. 9. Scriptural Status of tho <lie world is wholly fair, bly good progress in reading and circulation of the Word of God, and Apostleship, by G. R. Hand. 10. I e may sometimes steal upon me speaking the language. We will for religious liberty. II. That Among our Exchanges. Price $2.00 the dimness of the air, print his interesting letter next With the cross upon her bosom, Ministers of the gospel throughout per year j single copy, 50 cents. I And the amaranth iu her hair, week. CI1MSTIAX I HERMEL Once to meet her, ah ! to meet her, TIHT dt ^°tr tre^ my r - I ■ u