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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1883)
CETRISTTATST HERALD 2 — -------------- , ■ ■' .___________ . . , .■ ... ■ .... „ j,. ,, M -I / ■- .ri-. theirwords a determination to do In a recent scientific lecture in birthday to pray for unification and ^PERSONAL MENTION. all in their power to push forward the Church of the Strangers, New triumph of the church. It is a We iiotme-thatDrethren Tiiuotliy “■ThFca^e^oniiielKsteE"The Busi —York, Prof. C. A.—Young, the as very fipprUpriate^occasion for such Coop and A. S. Earl, of England, ness was dispatched with prompt tronomer, _ of. Princeton College, a movement, and it is to be hoped and Sister Annie De Launay, of ness, order and dignity, and the uses the following language : “ Do that they will give their, people France, will be at the Foreign spirit of the convention was good not understand me at all as saying some instruction on the state of the Christian M issionary Convention throughout. We noticed on a few . that there is no mystery about the church when Luther came upon the which convenes in Cincinnati the occasions a disposition to “ pro- planets’ motions. There is just the stage.' The reformation which Lu 24th inst., and will deliver address one single mystery—gravitation— ther was instrumental in effecting gress,” as we thought, beyond the es. These addresses will be a feast and it is a very profound one. How was not altogether outside of the teaching of Christ and the apostles to the people of that Convention.' it is that an atom of matter can at- Romish church. Ex. in some respects, which tendency tiaut luiuthuiatom, no niattei "hu'vr*: Tit is so much easier -to destroy The Convention at Salem last should be promptly checked in great the distance, no matter what •tiian it is to bmM -week appnintrda-nrmffi “tW-’ . .Qi'xlcr. Jj) . „save.. Uu^causeand the—- intervening substance there may pull a watch to pieces, but it takes gates to the General Christian Mis missionary work on this coast., If be; how* will it act Upon it, or at a skillful workman to put one to sionary Convention at Cincinnati. we have a distinctive plea to pre least behave as. if it acted upon it, gether. A fool can burn a book. Among the number was Bro. A. W. sent to the world we can not afford rp I do not know, I cannot tell iL . but it.iaLtLS a>. av L u »- ntan to-write Lucas ... fl^y^jie^^slied together one. The “free thinkers” and “lib on the Pioneer Excursion, to the But if we do not have one, and can . by means of an intervening ether, erals ” may pull the Bible to pieces East. . We hope they will have a offer nothing better to sectarian or what is the action, I cannot un and make merry with the doctrines safe journey and a pleasant time. Christendom than they now have, derstand. It stands with me along that it teaches,but-when they try thfinjs# ha<.l better with the fact that when I will that to replace it with their systems of Bro. D. M. Doty and wife left denominations and be done with it. my arm shall rise/ it rises. It is ethics, they make a sorry show. To Monmouth for their home in Scio, The idea that our ablest* editors and inscrutable. All the explanations succeed in their attempts against on Tuesday morning last. Bro. D. preachers are progressing beyond that have been given of it seem to Christianity woukl be, like ruthless preached two excellent discourses and giving up the ground occupied me merely to darken counsel with Goths and Vandals, to leave noth for us on Lord’s day. by the Campbells and others in the words and no undarstanding. They ing behind them, where once was beginning is mischievous in its Bro. R. II. Moss, of Centerville do not remove the difficulty at all. peace and plenty, but the ashes of tendency and untrue as a matter of If I were to say what 1 really be desolations, and, the terror and preached in Dallas on last Lord’s fact. Neither would the ministry lieve, it would be that the motions darkness of death.— The Criterion. day, and in Monmouth, on Monday or brotherhood of Oregon be at all “ evening. He *paid the 'H erald favorably impressed with any of the spheres of the material uni Thou foolish one, this night thy office a pleasant call. _We met Bro, verse stand in some such relation -atteint-m the wrong ~ to Him in whom all things exist, soul shall be required of thee, then M. at-Salem and were very glad to direction and to thus largely give ' the ever-present and omnipotent whose shall all these things be? form his acquaintance. up the simplicity of primitive • . God, as the motions of my body do If Jesus should appear in person Bro. Win. Scott, our agent at Christianity. We thank God that to my will—I do not know how, and propound this question to each individual Disciple in Oregon, it is Wheatland, Or., called egi us last as a brotherhood, Oregon stands . and never expect to know.” . -r our candid conviction that during Monday. He would like to have firm. The Congregationcdist gives a the coming year there would be sO'me preachers to" visit 1 is neigh-" Tho-future prospects for the mis sionary work are flattering. The very encouraging account of the,. ..more lun.da.xaised-lku:...the. ..jqjxeiuL u£ .JboxhundL... people are beginning to see the work accomplished by the “ New tlte gospel than have ever been necessity of an Evangelist or Evan THE STATE MEETING. England Divorce Reform League,” raised all together, and no one Dis gelists after the New Testament the need of which was demonstated ciple impoverished thereby. And The State meeting at Salem has type to set the churches in order by the fact that in one year New some preachers that we could name, come and gone. It. was our pleasure and preach the gospel in destitute England granted 2,113 divorces, whose families are in need, while to be present most of the time and places and thus convert the world Maine alone legalized 587, Rhode they are laboring incessantly for to participate in its deliberations. to Christ. The brethren are be Island granted 271,and New Hamp Jbhe Master’s cause, and to build up It is not our purpose to write up a coming more liberal year by year, shire 314. As the result of the Re a better state of morals for our report of the proceedings,, for this and yet there is still great room in form League, Maine has made people and save the souls of our and the addresses, etc., pub Oregon for the conversion of pock marked changes for the better in sons and daughters, preparing them lished in due time. For the pre et books and church treasuries in her laws ; alterations have also been for a better life here and the en sent we wish only to say a word order that our missionary work be made in those of New Hampshire joyment of endless life to come, by way of approval and encourage made a permanent success in the and Massachusetts, and three States woyld be better sustained. Well, ment. This was the first State State. Quite a number of liberal have provided for the official collec brethren, Jesus is propounding this tion-¿statistics. It is high time questronto you every day. Now/ . Meeting we„have _alteuded. since coming to Oregon, and we are glad and we hope there are many more that the reform was taking effect in what kind of an account can you many other parts of the country. render of your stewardship ? Are to have enjoyed the pleasure of to follow. We feel safe in saying Our divorce statistics would dis you, while you are rendering to meeting with this earnest band of that on the whole the last Conven grace even a Mohammedan country. Cesar the things that belong to Christian workers. Here we met tion is the best one ever held in —New York Observer. Cesar, rendering to God the things and formed the acquaintance of a Oregon and that the brethren gen that belong to God ? Loose > the number of brethren and sisters of erally feel a more pressing demand The Roman Catholics of Ger preachers hands and let them go whom we had heard much since for cooperative work than ever be many are preparing to celebrate out, for there are but few of them coming to the State. fore. the anniversary of Luther’s birth on this coast. See that their The delegation from different 1 he church at Salem, under the families are cared for, so that the day, as a counter-action to the Pro parts of the State was reasonably management of Bro. J. W. Spriggs, preacher may not be hampered in testant commemoration. A move- good considering the disadvantages <li<l their part well in entertaining his work, and, if we are not mis ment has been organized at Dussel taken, in one year you would see under which the missionary cause the delegates and visitors. At noon dorf for an international day of such a turning to God that would on this coast has to labor. Those each day lunch was served by the prayer in all the Roman Catholic make our hearts all glad, and all in attendance were intelligent and sisters'in the church parlors which * earnest in the work, and showed by was a convinience and pleasuro to churches of the world on Luther’s God’s people would say, Amen. ' ■ ■■ „ ------—-ir rrrr—Hir - rrrr»»""'«"-''’...... I < (" i - hmm u««i « »■.*«», ««Kt < • V -------- -our,»»«.-»»!*'«—----- ------ •— < h <«> v<« ukmm » î «■<«■ - ----- > .«yTOilw’M«” ' <«• .<•««««** Ht«.« mm ti miBi*»»««*"'"»*"“’’*'1