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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1883)
DEVOTED TO THE RESTORATION OF APOSTOLIC CHRISTIANITY . • .. -..v VOL. XIII. «. MONMOUTH, OREGON^ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1883. NO. 40 'T-...... - H e rald . . th at" PERSONA!. METTTTON. cause on the Pacific slope. I very the work in Scio is prospering. -------- -— J. iWVJ CTX, InucR “desire a copy ot the ¿ hris - ~ Brethren, send on those reports tian H erald for examination. I 111., says “ howdy ” to Bro. and Editor and Publisher, Monmouth, Or. of your meetings, and also ypur ar immersed two young ladies at this Sister Durham this week. They Subscription Price t ticles, for we now hâve room for place last Wednesday evening after will no doubt be glad to hear from One Copy, one year.............. $2 00 . ........ . —— 0— C opy . ^tfouUa..them.---- our regular prayer meeting ser- * —;------------ • ' ADVERTISEMENTS. jvice. One Jiaving u j^.k M Jhe^»ns. • 'Wr-havn received în nn cnvufôfæ Prices will be given on application. fession the same hour of the night, from San Jose, Cal., a P. (). Money call this week. He is on his way (Entered at the Post-office at Monmouth, as the other last Lord’s day.” . second class mail matter. I................. :___ Order for S4.00, with-no--name nor ~ to the State Meeting: N otice .—Let those sending instructions with it. Will the o mon- Please Notice. BrerC. W. Pod, of Girard, Kss, areTUT senderpleaseTell uFto'wTiom it ïs ey to thisoffice p We are not responsible fcr the opinions and V . • aentimentH expre«neil by our contributors, but to be credited ? to semi name ami other necessary is thinking of coming west, and for our own writing-alone. Hence oui readers instruction with it. We have on writes us in reference to getting □mat judge for themselves. We intend to give space for the free expression of opinion, within Books ! Books !! We now have hand P. O , money orders from the work. We are personally ac the limits of sound discredon, and the good of the cause; but not be held as indorsing what on hand a good supply of Popular following places with no instruc quainted with Bro. Pool and know other» may write. _____ _ Hymns, the cheapest song book for tion : From San Jose, Cal, $4.00± him to be one of the ablest preach-- All matter intended for putllcation in this churches and Sunday-schools- pub- Brownsville; mailed at Albany, ers ia Kansas, and any church on paper should be written : —- --------- — 1. On one fade of the sheet only. ------ 2L In a plain legible Jiand................. __x. _ .JisjlCLLJjy...oui:Jwethx’m)—Wo-lwkve- WtîF the word and note edition. $G.0O. Will those sending these securing his services. Any church- lines. 4. Writeawith a pen instead of a pencil, .so Jïi£enfrom. 15 <A-y to J,i? cto.,.per jJeAuing^pgaacliing w ho. huv»— - - atimunts pleaaa tell- us ---- t h at i t tn aj n o t- h e d e fa ce d in“ t r a n sit s------- 5. Write brief articles. copy. Send on your orders. something definite to offer in way at once what to do with it ? 6. Expect no attention to articles, notices, or qu eried no t a ooon i pif ied l >y your name. i t, ca n -a ddress him-—— "It is hard to please some folks. * Paul say s, “ this one thing I do, as above. One man ordered his paper to be forgetting those things which are EDITORIAL NOTES stopped. When pressed for his rea behind, and reaching forth unto7 We are glad to see indications of SPECIAL OFFER. son for doing so, he said the only those things which are before, I improvement in health nf Rm F__ ____ objection he had in the world to the press toward the mark for the prize G. Allen, of the Old Path Guide, paper was thaU the label was put |~pHlm high..calling. of God in Christ He comes to the front in~~th* last JAMIABY 1ST FOIL25 CENTS ! - Jesus.” And then he exhorts those week’s Guide with a stirring edit In order to greatly increase the on Upside down, and it was too much trouble to turn.the paper to Philippian brethren to be “ thus orial on Evil Tendencies which circulation of the H erald , we will minded.” Hete is a lesson for all should receive a careful reading. look at the label. Ex. send it to any one whose name is Christians. The Apostle was con We hope he will continue to im Bro. E. P. Large, of Crawfords tinually pressing for the prize, and prove till able to wi^ld his pen in . not on our books from now till the first of January, 18S4, for 25 cts. ville, Or., wishes to know where a this required active service for the the interest of primitive Christiani preacher can be had for a small re Lord. Should he idle away a mo ty as heretofore. This is the best offer we have ever muneration to hold some meetings ment, he was in »lunger of losing made, and we hope our agents will in th% Fern Ridge neighborhood. Bro. D. M. Doty and wife from his reward. In this respect, he is at once call attention to this offer He thinks much good might be our model, and if we would gain Scio, are paying us a visit this z O and thus secure us a larger list of done in that section if a paeacher the prize, we too must be found week. This is the long promised suljscribers than ever before. Most could be had to take hold of the pressing toward the mark. visit and we are mere than glad to have them with us. Bro. Doty will of those who give the paper a trial work. Let our preaching brethren On Monday night about mid- make a note of this. preach for us in Monmouth on become permanent subscribers, and _ night, the 10th ult. Prof.-Swift,. Lord^s day next. ’ director of the Warner Observatory, it is only in view of this fact that The brethren of Kentucky have we can afford to make this special established a Bible college in which - Rochester, N. Y., discovered another BY WHAT AUTHORITY DO-S . .. same} constellation ■4» train coinTvdprc^^ offer- w Lrxvmrvrv, EST THOU THESE THINGS ? with the one recently found by and do a good work for the H er own churches. It is located at Mt During the recent Island Park Sterling, Ky., and will begin its Prof. Brooks. It is moving almost ald . Just think of it, three and directly toward the earth, and Encampment, Indiana, our six new first session the first Monday in one half months for 25 cts. !______ --hence-shows very httkr~TOUtTOn;~sir inis^ "NlTVen^ Our California editor extends to this institution a success, for the that.Prof. Swift found it difficult were “ separated to the work unto us an invitation to be at their State colored people of the South are in to verify and was unable to do so which they had been called.” The nalnes’of theseTnissioharies are "as need'ofamtiitstry educated liFsuch’ two comets will very likely cross follows: G. T. Smith and wife, C. f ¡n doing so, if it were in our power, a college. each other’s orbits in their pro E. Garst and wife to Japan; and for we feel a deep interest in the gress, and their appearance so In a card from J. H. Blake, of nearly together, and within so short M. D. Adains and wife to India. missionary work , of - our - Sister State. We can not attend this Golden, Colorado, - he says r ** Jts I a space of time is a most' singular, According to announcement the feme. drift west I naturally become more if not a significant fact. former sailed from San FrancisCQ was—. ............................................................................................................................ .. WMWMIBRWI .-■pjiÿ ■ < m * * ■' .<i », ------ 1 ---- - •—t a- 7- S3