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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1883)
DEVOTED TO THE RESTORATION OF APOSTOLIC CHRISTIANITY MONMOUTH, OREGON ; FRIDAY, SEPT. 21, 1883. VOL. XIII. C hristian H erald . EDITORIAL NOTES. J. F. FLOYD/ SPECIAL OFFER. ‘Edit o r one and is certainly a compliment Collough has our many thanks for to the ability of one of our leading her kind interest in our behalf, and editors and journals. Address we are glad to know that our feeble tttrtr ~ nati, Ohio. ~THE HERALD FROM NOW Tn.L JANUARY 1ST FOR 25 CENTS ! SuhRcription Price t Cne Copy, one year.......................... $2 00 ___ One Copy, six mouths.._..____..... 1 00 Q ■ 1 ■ ............ ADVFBTISEMENTS, Prices will be given on application. * [Entered at the Post-office at Monmouth, as second class mail matter. ] Please Notice. We are not responsible fcr the opinions and Heatiments expressed by onr contributors, hut for onr own writing alone. Hence oui readers must jndge for themselves. We intend to give space for the free expression of opinion, within the limits of sound discretion, ana the good of the cause ; bnt not be held as. indorsing what others may write. All matter intended for publication in this paper should be written : 1. On one side of the sheet only. 2. In a plain legible hand. — —- 3. Let there be plenty of space between the lines. 4. Write with a pen instead of a pencil, so that it mi) not be defaced in transit, 5. Write brief articles. —(L-Expect noaltentioifc-te articles, notiees.-or queries-not accompanied by your name. .HOLD YOUR TONGUE OR SPEAK THE TRUTH. Hold your tmgue or speak the truth, Busy hosts of age and youth ! Honor climbs by slow degree Up the slope of infamy ; Character is hard to grow, What you say may lay it low ; Then be careful, age and youth, Hold your tongue or speak the truth. Speak the truth or hold your tongue ; Many bosoms have been wrung, Many souls have suffered long, Many hearts have gathered wrong, From a whisper that defames Purest lives and noblest names ; Gossip should be gibbet-hung— Speak the truth or hold your tongue. Hold your tongue or speak the truth ; Falsehood always is uncouth ; Scandal in this mortal race Is the mother of disgrace ; Slander, with her grimy hands Touches now too many lands ; Lies are born of minds uncouth, Hold your tongue or speak the truth. Speak the truth or hold your tongue, Huts or palaces amoDg ; Weak is reputation all, Little causes make it fall ; Fame to fail is easy made, Till its grandeur is betrayed ; Calumnies are devil flung— Speak the truth or hold your tongue. Hold your tongue or speak the truth ; That is virtue’s heart, in soot'i; Men are demons, ill of name, When they tear each other's fame ; They are angels fair to view When their words are always true ; Then, ye hoste of age and youth, Hold your tongue or speak the truth. 1 NO. 38 .. ciated by those who do not even stand formally identified with us as a rel igious people. We hope the day is not far distant when we can all see eye to eye and be one in Christ in a higher, deeper anTTholier sense than ever before. We have received the_ second — In order to greatly increase the circulation of the H erald , we will number of the “ Model Christian,” send it to any one whose name is a monthly devoted to the Apostolic "jftrder of Things, published at not on our books from now till the Mineral Springs, Arkansas, S. R. fifst of January, 1884, for 25 jc.ts. Ezzell and J. R. Jones, editors. It This is the best offer wo have ever is in pamphlet form and contains Bro. J. D. Hawes, of East Port made, and we hope our agents will 30 pages, and is vigorously and land, has been a caller this week. at once call attention to this offer ably edited. We know something Prof. Hawes comes to fill a Pro fessor’s chair in the college. He is and thus secure us a larger list of of these men and are glad to note that the “ Model Christian ” is in well grounded in the faith, a man subscribers than ever before. Most safe and able hands, and we wish it of culture and of several years’ ex of those who give the paper a trial all success. ........................ _ perience in the school room, and we become permanent subscribers, and are glad to have him located in our Sister J. A. C. Merriman, of midst. it is only in view of this fact that Cheney, W. T., makes a strong ap we can afford to make this special peal, in a private letter to us, for Bro. J. D. Oxford, of Blythedale; offer. Brethrm/ please be pivjtnpt, assistance Tn that section of coun-2 “Morrison Co., Mo, writes us that and do a good work for the H er - try. She mentions four towns, he wishes to come west to find a ald . Just think of it, three and Cheney, Spokane Falls, Medical new field of labor. Bro. Oxford is Lake and Deep Creek Fills, in a stranger to us; but churches de one half months for 25 cts.! which a good work might be done siring preaching might do well to We call special attention to the in planting churches by some able correspond with him. article this week headed ' 11 Just preacher, and sends up the Mace Bro. WaylancTJohnson, of Burl Think of It!” It touches on a donian cry for help. Let any of duty that is sadly neglected on this our preachers who have the time ington, Kansas, writes us in reference to locating with some good church coast as well as elsewhere among and opportunity, heed this call. in Oregon. Bro. Johnson is a grad our brethren. We would be glad PERSONAL MENTION. uate of Oskaloosa, College, Iowa, is to see great improvements made in a good preacher, and any this respect in the near future. Read the letter of Bro. C. A. Church on this coast would be for The “ Christian Preacher ” comes Moore, of Australia, in this week’s tunate in securing his services. to us this week greatly reduced in issue. It will do you good. We size and in folio form at one dollar are glad to know that Bro. M. is AMONG THE BRETHREN. a year. Hard times demand a doing a good work in that far off HOMEWARD BOUND. cheaper paper, and by reducing the land. size the edityr hopes to issue more Having spent our allotted time On Monday we received a call regularly in the future,-are the from the Rev. W. W. Welsh, a among the brethren, on taking our principal reasons for the change, Methodist minister from Denver, leave of Puyallup and Sumner we We wish the “ Preacher ” all sue- Colorado, who is traveling on this turned our face homeward. As cess. coast for his health. He was at Mr. Beecher was billed for a lecture ' . • - •veil' - - J We are indebted to the Standard Publishing Company, Cincinnati, Ohio, for a very fine lithograph containing a group of pictures of ‘ Representative Religious Journals xnd Journalists of America.” There -are twelve in all, and among them we find the editor of the “ Christian Standard,” Isaac Errett. The group, we believe, is for sale by the Standard Co., but the price is not a very hue —Frankfort Crwtfftb z given, The pi * tending the Conference at Inde pendence, and came over to Mon mouth to deliver a message from Mrs. F. McCollough, of Denver, a close reader of the H erald . Mrs. McCollough is a Methodist sister, but specially requested her friend to make a personal visit to our office and in her behalf to congratu late us on our work, and extend to us her best wishes for the H erald and our future success. Sister Mc- in New Tacoma on Tuesday even ing, Aug. 28th, we made it con venient to be in the city on that occasion and to hear him. Our opinion of Mr. Beecher and his lecturing on this coast is pretty well understood by our readers from what we have already writ ten. It is only necessary for us to further remark that we had the distinguished honor (!) of putting up at the same hotel where Mr,