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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1883)
16 fi CÏÏRTSTIAN- HOAtt). NEWS OF THE WEEK. vessels were coastwise, 270,147 tons; which puts an end to the idea of getting ATTENTION! FARMEES!! leaving 1026 vessels that entered and any water from Bear creek, or any other amp yilimtk :o: oleared fereigar with a toangw <yf reservoir on the hill, 57x125x13 feet, 815 tons. This is exceeded by only W. W. Brietow goes to Corvallis to Having bought the which will hold a million and a half fill a choir in the Agricultural College. three ports in the United States. The place chosen for the junction of gallons, and will put in place all the We call attention to the card of Mrs. the Oregon & California and California city pipe procurable, and do all he can Dr. Green, of Independence, found & Oregon roads, is on a little bench of do with the material at his oommand. elsewhere in this issue. Formerly owned by land a short distance above the stage A birthday party was given Miss Etta road, a little south of Rufus Cole’6stage EASTER* Davidson by her young friends on station. Ivr a direct tin^ An Indiana photographer put the REISS BROS. & WHITE AKER, Monday evening. three-fourths of a milo frbm the State heads of two wealthy young women on F. S. Powell has left some fine sample boundary, by the line of railroad it is We are now prepared to furnish heads of wheat at our offiee. If these about twice as far, as the railroad route the bodies of ballet dancers, and sold the photographs, for which freak of Sacks for Storage of Grain. heads show an average, he certainly las is a very crooked one on tho south side business he has been sued for $10,000 a fine crop of wheat. of the summit.... ........ ....... ........... . dffffiagoB. farmers Warehouse Company. We noticed some strangers in Mon Eight children have died of scarlet A temperance movement of considera L. D amon , 'j mouth Sunday, among whom we learn fever in Eden precinct, Jackson county, ble strength, in Chioago, looks to the J. R. R odes , .-Trustees. was Mr. Lemon, of Damascus, and Mr. within one week past, and several more raising of bar-room licenses to $500 a P. W. H aley J Chitwood, of Dallas. are said to be afflicted. year. It is calculated that this would Work on the Kalama extension of the Mrs. Shelton, of Salem, is stopping I. C lagget , Agent. reduce the number by one-half, and im in Monmouth with her daughter, Mrs. N. P. R. R. is progressing rapidly. Independence, Or., July 17, 1883. 29-tf Two large locomotives have been trans prove the character of those that re Bedwell, main. D. Stump and party who went to the ferred from Seattle to Columbia City to It speaks well for lEe solidity"odTthe THE COLLEGE OF THE BI BEE, Springs, seem to be enjoying themselves facilitate the work. interest in Great Britain and landed The small-pox ship Madras left Vic and talk of remaining longer than they LEXINGTON* KENTUCKY. Ireland, that after seven years’ severe anticipated. They find the water very toria for Tacoma Thursday evening, and thence to Portland. She left Hongkong depression, scarcely any landholders beneficial. on March 15th, and reached Honoluluhftve figured in the Bankruptcy Court, his college is devoted exolu - •pr«;r *Wm. Dawson ami lady and M tk * lively to the preparation of young men for on April 15th, at whioh port she was nor ever in Troland has there ¿>een a Martin, who have been spending a few Usefulness in the Chnrcij. It is not necessary quarantined 65 days. The Chinese bank smash. that those who would attend it liecome preach weeks in Eastern W. T., will probably women she brought to Victoria are said Henry Ward Beecher will lecture in ers, though most of its students do enter the be at home next week. ministry. to be shipped under the contract system, St. Paul on the 30 th, and on tho 31st ' ■ It is required of those who won hi enter that Farmers should real the advertise and are a most undesirable class of im inst^n Minneapolis. they be sixteen years of age, professors of re ligion, anil have at least a fair English educa ment, “Attention Farmers,” on this migrants. The male Chinese came for tion. The College B conducted in clone con page. nection with Kontncky University, and to all the Canadian railway, and the Mercury, BUSINESS LOCALS. the classes of the latter our students have J. G. Campbell, of Dallas, paid us a now on the way, has on board 1,000 of access free of charge. In the College of the Farmers Mercantile Association of Bible tuition is free, there are no fees, except brief call the other day and renewed his this abhorred raoe for work on the same Monmbnth are receiving a very fine one of $5 for the janitor, coal, etc. subscription to the H erald . road. The crew of the Madras is com Good lioard and lodging can be had in pri assortment of goods complete in every vate at from $3 to $5 per week. Tho«« posed as follows : White—Captain, department for the spriug trade. Dress who families board is the College dormity pay $10 per PACIFIC COAST. three engineers, three officers, carpenter Goods and Trimmii.’gs of the latest year for their room and from $1.50 to $1.75 per Columbia county, W. T., has 5369 and cabin boy. The deck-crew consists styles, Mens and Boys Clothing, a week for board. They must furnish their own rooms and provide their own lights, washing, inhabitants. of fifteen Lascars. The stewards are splendid assortment of Boots and Shoes, fuel, etc. To these the whole expense need not Hats and Caps, Fancy aud Staple Goods, exceed $125 per annum. Colfax is to be the junction of the Chinese and the passenger cooks num Groceries, Crockery, Glass-ware, Tin Those seeking a good education at .little cost, railroad from Moscow and the N. P. ber eight, who are also Chinese. She ware, &o., <tc. Remember you can and specially those preparing for the ministry, would do well to apply for Catalogue and R. R. left Hongkong with 603 passengers, 400 save money by dealing with this estab- further information to Willis Hawk, while working at Doc. of whom she left at Honolulu, and 134 ment R. GRAHAM* President A N ice R ide of thirty-five minutes on Simmon’s logging last Saturday, had in Victoria. The vessel has been re the railroad, brings you to Dallas, and his arm broken. leased from quarantine at the latter gives you a chance to look through the We learn that a military road is being place. Stacks of New Goods at the White made from Fort Colville to O’Sooyoos The following from the Waitsburg Brick. Prices Bedrock. You find the Lake, which will prove a convenience Times, fully expresses the condition of Jjatest Novelties in Dress Goods, Trim mings, Wraps, Mens and Boys Clothing. . to the public, and the government offi crops in Walla county ; ** For the last The best and finest Stock of Boots and cers in particular. month, owing to the extreme dry, warm Shoes of every grade. Besides Fancy Dr, J. W. Hill, head master of Biehop weather, many fears have been expressed and Staple Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Remember your Scott Grammer School has returned concerning the crops. Certain it is that Crockery, &c., &c. expenses more than saved by buying from the Grand Ronde Valley. He re they will fall short of what we had good your spring bill at J. D. Loe’s at the “Toe rials fbo ports the crops in Eastern Oregon as reason to anticipate during the month White Brick. mach for S amabi - rather short. of May, but we are glad to announce TAM Nsavisi,’^ The East Portland Water Company that they will by no means be a failure. eaysaakeptlc. “How can one medicine ba are putting forth strenuous efforts to Mis grain in some instances will be a specific for Epi- furnish the citizens of that place with considerably shrunken and its quality lepsv. Byepepeia,' good water, plenty of it, and at reason deteriorated by reason of the heat, espe AlcphollaBi . „ *■•». Rkenmatnun, Npensator-. able prices. cially that sown in the spring, still there INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. rt*a, or Seminal Weakness, and fifty other complainta<” We claim it a speei/ie, aim- An express office has been established will be a fair crop and a large surplus, Ryt. C?U8£the v,rt|s of all diaeaaea arises from at Snohomish, with Mr. E. C. Ferguson and if the prospect was good for the the blood. Its Nervine, Resolvent, Alterative and :o ijixatlve properties meet all the conditions herein as ageut, and one at Port Blakely, with better prices the farmers of this section referred to. It's known world wide as Capt. Renton in charge. would have a cheering prospect before Special attention given to diseases of women I The grounds for the depot of the them. This season has demonstrated an<l children. l*-29-ly Palouse branch of the N. P. railway at (he wisdom und utility of fall sowing, Colfax have been located near the bridge and we trust that many of our fanners I spanning the North Palouse. Colfax will profit by the lesson.” Administratrix Notice. - It qtitets and composee the patient—not by the introduction of opiates and drastic cathartic«, but will be on the main line to Farmington. D. P. Thompson had some men at by the restoration of activity to the stomach and In re Estate of F. M. Magart, deceased. nervous system, whereby the brain is relieved the branch line to Moscow deflecting on work Friday, says the 'Aslorian, fishing otice is hereby given that i or morbid fancies, which ara created by the have been appointed Administratrix oi the cause« above referred to. J Rebel fiat, seven miles beldw Colfax. out som'e of the six miles of pipe that Estate of F. M. Magart, late of Polk County, de J'i7gUnr”’T Lltwsvy men. Mer It is now confidently expected that the fell in the bay after the fire. Sixty ceased. All jiersons indebted to said Estate chant«, Hankers, Ladies and all those whose sed employment causes nervous prostration. road will reach that city this Fall. seven pieces were lifted out and found will please make me immediate payment of entary Irregularities of the blood, stomach, bowels Or the same and all persons holding claims there- There were entered and cleared in I to be in very poor condition, not being against will present them to me duly verified kidneys orwhorequire u nerve tonic, apuetizeror stimulant, S amaritan N ehvinb is luvahrablr. the district of Puget Sound, at the cns- l fit for use ; the supposition is that all within 6 months from date. Thousands proclaim it the moat wonderful inviir- Dated, Monmouth. June 26, 1883. tom house, for the fiscal year ending I the pipe is in the same condition. Mr. PHOEBE ,J. MAGART, Administratrix. June 30, 1888, 1314 vessels ; aggregate Thompson will not be able to get any T|>'Dr-S*Hii:linioni|Seil.Co.8I.J«w|i»,»o. DALY A BUTLER, tonage 813,962. Of this number 288 i more pipe out here before January 1st, Attorneys. 13-26-4 T SAMARI t 4 j . k<NEVERFAILS^5 Mrs. Dr. Green, .ijGBííiU.ftt N