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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1883)
The boy preacher held revival meetings in Grand Rapids, Michi- “ Ain wonderfully Improved A gentleman in Coal City, Ta., who in $ba- fi rat- stages sane by the excitement, the latest having night sweats, cough and expec victim being Miss Emmons.” toration streaked with blood, with loss of flesh, ordered a Compound Oxygen “ Accept Our Gratitude. ” Treatment in June last. In a letter da ted Angust 22d, he makes this very fa Dr. R. V. Pieroe, Buffalo, N. Y. : vorable report: “ I am wonderfully im Z)<or Sir— Your “ Golden Medical Dis- proved, and when I look back on those flOTWry ** h» cured my boy « ferep ' hStirs of snneriDg at the commencement sore of two years' standing. Please ac of your treatment, I can hardly believe cept our gratitude. my eyes. I am increasing in flesh and Yours truly, strength, and my lungs are wonderfully H hnby W hiting , Boston, Mass. developed if not quite well. * * * AstrorigTnanIS one whose pas Last Saturday 1- walked up a high bill on my way home without coughing once, sion stimulates his reasons, and a thing I have Dot done since last whose reason controls his passions. March.” Our Treatise on Compound Oxygen, its nature, action, and results, Weils’ M Rough on Corus.” with reports of cases and full informa Ask for Wells' “ Rough on Corns.” tion, sent free. Drs. Starkey & Paleo, 15c. Quick, complete, permanent cure, 1109 & 1111 Girard St. Philadelphia, Pa Corns, warts, bunions. All orders for the Compound Oxygen Home Treatment directed to H. E. I think there are stoies laid up in Matheys, 606 Montgomery Street, San our human nature that our under Francisco, will be filled on the same standings can ask no complete in terms us if scut directly to us in Phila- tfetphi». 1 l"' 1 j" ...----------------- ventory isliot. - Advice To Mathers. ’ - f Mas WtN8i>>w'g H ootuino S yrup should al- ways tensed when children are cutting teetn. It relieves the little sufferer at once: it pro duces natural, quiet sleep by relieving the child from pain, and the little cherub awakes as “ bright as a button. ’ It is very pleasant to taste. it soothes they child, softens the &ums, allays paiu, relieves wind, regulates the owels, and is tbo best known remedy for diarrbuua, whether arising from teething or other cauaes. Twenty-five eta. a bottle. 13-20-1 y Every selfish act and word puts us on the lowest level of society. No man ever admired or loved a selfish man or woman in their sei fishness. Almost any other weak ness can be •forgiven sooner than that— Golden Rule. Flies and Bugs. O ut of the C loud .—It was out of the cloud that the deluge came, yet it was upon it that the bow is set! The cloud is a thing of dark ness, yet God chooses it for the place where he bends the arch of light• Such is the way of our God. He knows that we need the cloud, and that a bright sky, without speck or shadow, would not suit us in our passage to the kingdom. There fore, be draws the cloud above us. notoncein life-time, butmany times. But lest the gloom should appall us, he braids the clouds with sunshine > nay, makes it the ohject which gleams to our eye with the very fairest hues of heaven.— Bonar. Flies, roaches, ants, bed-bugs, rata, Dr. Pierce’s “ Pellets ’’—little liver mice, gophers, chipmunks, cleared out pills (sugar-coated) -purify the blood, by ” Rough on Rats.” 15c. speedily correct all disorder of the liv Whoever does anything to depre er, stomach, and bowels. By druggists. ciate Christianity is guilty of high There is no refuge from God ex treason against the civilization of cept in God Pershin Proverb. mankind.— Macaulay. Taken Out of Beil. Dr. Pierce’s “ Favorite Prescription ” Dr. R. V. P ierce Buffalo, N. Y. : is not extrolled as a ” cure-all,” but ad- Dear Sir—I have to thank you for the mirably fulfills a singleness of purpose, great relief received from your “ Favor- being a most potent specific in those ' ite Prescription.” My sickness had las ohronio weaknesses peculiar to women. ted seven years, one of which I was in Particulars in Dr. Pierce’s pamphlet bed. After taking one bottle I was able the bouse. Respectifn I ly. treatise on Diseases Peculiar to Women, to be about A manda K E nnis ,Fulton, Mich. 96 pages sent for three stamps. Address Worlds Dispensary Medical Association, t There are two things to which Buffalo, N. Y. pwe never grow accustomed—the The serene, silent beauty of a holy ravages of time and the injustice of life is the most powerful influence i our fellow-man. Talleyrand. . in the world, next to the. might of *#*“ He that prays harm for his neigh the Spirit of God. bor, begs a curse upon himself.*' He “ A Celebrated Case.” It seems probable that Mr. Michael O’Connor, of Galesburg, Ill., is not re lated to the celebrated Charles O’Con- er. He says : “ Samaritan Nervine cured me of dyspepsia and general de bility,” that recommends Kidney-Wort to his sick neighbor brings a blessing rich and full both to bis neighbor and himself. Habitual costiveness is the bano of near ly every American woman. Every wo man owes it to herself and to her fapiily to use that celebrated medicine,Kidney* Wort. ♦ - »r n’li.y,"J. «hanfe the blood in the entire arstem in throe months. Any person who______________ ____ will take ONE PILL EACH N It, IIT i ROM ONETOTWI.LVEWKKKS. mar be restored to sound health, if such a thin* is possible For eurin* lemale Complaints these Pills have no equal. Physicians nae them in their praetloe. Sold everywhere or sent by mail for vs cento in stamps. Send for pamphlet, I. S. JOHNSON & CO., Boston, Mais. C. O. CLINE & CO PUBLISHERS AND DEALERS IN SUNDAY -———setteofe-HUPPfeffis, — effla 7»1£ EifcMANENi CUKE OF « | ? o M CONSTIPATION. LOUISVILLE, — No other dinenso is bo prevalent in thio coun- *“ try ax Constipation, and no remedy has ever T3 O equalled the celebrated Kidney-Wort aa a C E . euro. Whatever obstinate fl a .. . . the cause, howover obotinate u : the ease, thia remedy will overcome it. CO * £3fl I E?S THIS distressing com- © > o C ItoEuV, plaint is very apt to be c *« • complicated with constipation. Kidney-Wort strengthens the weakened parts and quickly <0 a cures all kinds of Pile« even when physicians ® medicines have before failed. « c o o Ci- t if If you have either of these troubles « paicE »’i7 r Drugglste 8ell i terms : Word and Work, one year 50 cts., six months 30 eta., three months 15 cts. Good Words, 10 or more copies, one year, 45 cents per copv ; six months, 23 cents ; three months. 12 cen‘S. Eittle Pearls, 10 or more copies, one year, 30 cents per copy ; six months, 15 cents; three months, 8 cents. Les. Monthly 3 Months 6 Months 1 Year 1.30 10 copies, .70 2.40 25 1.40 5.(0 2.80 >> 50 260 5.00 9.50. >» 100 5.00 9.50 18.00 >> > use Lh E A to ù's toi jji'a •gaTTiA ’ A ’ « jK&Cfl i A “ - WOMAN CAN SYMPATHIZE WITH WOMAN. Les. Guide, 3 Months G Monties 1 Year 10 copies, .35 .65 1.2« 2.50 25 .... „ - .70 1.30 50 „ 1.30 2.50 5.00 100 „ 2.50 5.00 9.00 No Subscriptions received for less than Ten Copies of the Lesson Monthly and Lesson Guide. - Address C. C. CLINE & CO., -1---- -- No; 040-W. Maen H4., LeuMviUer Ky. — 13-3-tf________________________ __________ HEALTH OF W IS THE HOPE OF THE RACE EARS FOR THE MILLION. — Foo Clioo’i Balsam of Shark'» Oil ....... Positively Restores the Hearing, and is the Only Absolute Cure for Deafness Known, This Oil is abstracted frgm peculiar species o small White bhark, caught in the Yellow Sea, known as Carcbarodon Rondeletii. Every Chinese fisherman knows it. Its virtues as a restorative of hearing were discovered by a DuddhiM Priest about the y^ar 1410. Ite cures were so numerous and many so seemingly mir aculous, that the remedy was officially pro claimed over the entire Empire. Ita use be came so universal that for over 300 years no Deafness has existed amoi g the Chinese people. Sent, chargee prepaid, to any address at $1.00 per bottle. Hear What the Deaf Say I j LYDIA E. PINKHAM’S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. A Sure Care for all FEMALE WEAK» It lias performed a miracle in my case. I have no unearthly noises in my head and hear m ich better. I have been greatly benefited. My deafness helped a great deal—think an« otlmr bottle will cure me. My hearing in much benefited. I have received untold benefit. My hearing in improving. It is giving good satisfaction. Have been greatly benefited, and am rejoiced that I saw the notice of it. NESSES» Including Eeucwrrhma, Ire regular and Painful Menstruation» Inflammation and Ulceration of the Womb, Flooding, PRO« LAPSUS UTERI, Ac. tWPleSMmt to the taste, efficacious and Immediate in ita effect. It is a greet help in pregnancy, and re lieve» pain during tabor and at regular periods. pnisiciA.ts rss it asb prescribe it freely . WFon AU. WB axsxmss of the generative organ« of either «ex, it la second to no remedy that haa ever been l>eforo the public; and for all disease« of the Kinsxrs it is tlie Greuteet Kenudf In the World. “ Ita virtues are unquestionable and its curative character absolute, as the writer can personally testify, both from experience and observation. Write at once to Haylock A Jen- ney, 7 Dey Street, New York, enclosing $1.00, and you will receive by return a remedy that will enable you to hear like anybody else, and whose curative effects will be permanent. You will never regret doing so.”—Editor of Mercan tile Iteview. ttF*To avoid loss in tlie mails, please send money by Registered letter. Only imported by HAYLOCK A JENNEY, Ur KIDNEY COMPLAINTS of Either Sex Find Great Relief in Its Use. LYDIA E. PINKHAM’S BLOOD PURirlM ..»«aciic-ntAA nverv vestige of tone Humors from the s -will Blood, at the mmetLne will give and strength to the system. As marvellous In reaulto as the Compound. Doth the Compound and Blood Purifier ere pre pared at 233 and 235 Western Avenue, I.ynn, Maas. Price of either, fll. 8lx bettie« for $5. The Compound ta sent by mail in tho form of pills, or of loscngce, on receipt of price, »1 per box for either. Mrs. Pinkham freely answer« all letters of inquiry. Enclose 3 ceni stamp. Send for pamphlet. Mention thie Paper. TDcy St., N. Y. Sole Agents for America. 13-4-ly rwLmia E. l-txxnA.’M l.rvits P ilis cure Constipa tion. Bilioiunesa and Torpidity of the Liver. 2o centa n-Sold by all I>ru*glsts'.-ffa <s) To an» suffering with catarrn or Bron chitis who earnestly desire relief, I can furnish a means o’ Permanent and Pos itive Cure. A Home Treatment. No charge for consultation by mail. Valua ble Treatise Free. Certificates from Doc tors. lawyers. Ministers. Business-men. Address Rev. T. P CHILDS, Troy. Ohln. W0RL c « k. UT THIS OUT C < - by mall, a OoMaw B ox of floods, that will brio« you la more tioo.y to Ono Month than anythin« .I m In America. Ata- lute Owtalut,. M. Young, IU GrwnwiUi Sw N,w Ywto ■rm TJ A VQ 10 86,1 onr Band Rubber 11 1Ä I ¡3 Stomps. Samples fre-. 9 C U i s KI DNEY-WORT > Puijambe A Co., Cleveland. O. * 17-1 t-ew t-jq A WEEK, »if artay at borne easily made. Costly 9 / A outfit free. Address Taws A Co., Augusta, Me,