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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1883)
DEVOTED TO THE RESTORATION OF APOSTOLIC CHRISTIANITY -■-—:—' _____________ ____________________________ _______________ MONMOUTH, OREGON ; FRIDAY, JULY 6, 1883, VOL. XIII. C hristian H erald . J. F. FLOYD, Editor and Publisher, Monmouth, Or. SubacriptifMt Price t Cne Copy, one year... ........................ $2 00 One Copy, six months................... 1 (X) a n vfrtthemtwtr , A Prices will be given on* application. I Entered at. tho Post-office at Monmouth, as second daw mail matter.] Bro. John Burns, of St. Louis, Mo., will soon publish “ An Electic rfhd Comprehensive Commentary’ on the International S. S. Lessons ” for the entire year. Bro. J. W. Monser is to prepare it. We have every reason to think this will Ire a first-class book, and one that should lie in the hands of every Sunday-school teacher, and preach er of the gospel. Please Notice« We are not responsible fcr the opinions and sentiments expressed by onr contributorwj Imt for onr own writing alone. Hence oni readers Unst judge for themselves. ' We intend to give apace for the free expression of opinion, within the limits of sonnd discreMon, and the good of the cause; bn t not be held as indorsing what others may write. All matter intended for publication in this paper should l>e written : . 1. On one side of the sheet only. ». 2. In a plain legible hand. 3. Let there be plenty of space lietwcen the lines. 4. Write with a pen instead of a pencil, so that it niaj-Mot he drfaced in transit. 5. Exp^^ Write bii<f «rrtfel.-e. to anide-, n< ■•A ’noltb-n'ti'.n tir ■ “*' queries not accompanied by^’onr name. . Bro. II. T. Morrison, our mission ary from the East for Albany, ar rived in Portland on the steamer last Thursday evening. He went immediately to Albany and preached there on last Lord’* day. We are truly glad Bro. Morrison has come to Oregon, and we now expect him to do a fine work for the Muter in and around Albany. Will n ilfiiiMNMI ÍNtl ble tian of Bro. M. to our readers, and now let those interested in our EDITORIAL NOTES. work in Albany see.that his hands are held up while engaged in Bro. H. M. Waller will preach at Lewisville on the 3rd Lord’s day preaching the Gospel to the people. in July, morning and evening. If any one should wish his paper Let our agents who may attend discontinued he should notify us' at the conventions and annual meet the time .when his subscription ings, please make a*strong effort in expires. It is not business, neither behalf of the H erald . We want is it treating us with respect and several hundred new' subscribers Christian courtesy to allow the this summer. papers to accumulate in the post The article of Bro. G. M. Whit office .till the postmaster has to ney on another page was delivered notify us. In this way we have to as an address before the Linn lose several papers. Neither is it county meeting at Scio. It should best to notify us beforehand, for as be carefully read by all. It con we can keep no lx>ok of such matters, we are liable to continue tains wholesome doctrine. the paper, as our rule is to continue The Christian Advocate, pub all papers till ordered discontinued. lished in Edinburgh, Scotland, and We find by experience that this devoted to " an unqualified return gives general satisfaction. We to primitive Christianity,” comes to hope all will renew promptly when this office as an exchange. It is a their time is up. If not, notify us monthly magazine of 42 pages. then. The New Northwest of last week We wish to say that we regard harl on its editorial page a good size display advertisement of a the position of “ Christian Mission match game of Base-Ball which was ary ” on Cooperation, found on to be played on Sunday near Port another page1, very objectionable. land. Are we to understand that The idea that “about all the base-ball on the Lord’s day in which ecclesiasticism we have,” which we gambling is not a stranger is one of should dispense with, " is compre the planks in the " Woman Suffra hended in our cherished idol, a plurality of elders and deacons in gists’ ” platform ? » every congregation,” etc., is nothing short of a remnant of the Papacy, and is a dangerous doctrine to be taught by a Christian minister at this critical hour. The tenor of the ¡brother’s whole article is to the ieffect that the members of every ihurrh are to decide for themselves ich k hat suits-them best an«l then act accordingly. We do not saj* that .the brother intends this, but his ¡logic inevitably drives him to this Conclusion. He says,The only reason why washing feet should be discontinued is that there is no longer a necessity for it,” etc. Very true; but who is to decide whether or not it is necessary ? We prefer to leave it off because then» is neither command nor ex ample for it as a church ordinance,. an«I observe the. Lord’s supper simply heouiaae we are comuiamled to do so. «Ju.<+ so in all other things pertaining to life an«l godli ness. This is the only safe ground. But as Bro. Anderson has taken it in han«l to set the matter aright, we leave it in his hands for the time being. The following announcement is sent us by Bro. J. M. Mathes : ANNIVERSARY. The church of Christ in Bedford; Ind , have made arrangements to celebrate the 75th birth-«lay of Eld. J. M. Mathes by a public meet ing in the church, July Sth, next, which will be the 2d Lord’s «lay in the month. To this meeting all are cordially invited, and especially the pioneers and former associates of Eld. Mathes. We desire to make this the occasion of a happy reun ion, and a testimonial of our high i appreciation of the long an«l valua ble service of Eld. Mathes in the gospel ministry. Those who can not come can report by mail. Ample provision is made for the entertainment of all who come. C ommittee . Bedford, Ind., June 15, 1883. Bro. Mathes is one of our able pioneer preachers and editors' in the reformation. We used to read his paper and books when we were a mere boy. We would be gla«l to be at the happy reunion, but we are too far away this time. NO. 27. ■; -. ’r ■**■.< t- <• PERSONAL MENTION Bro. Bruce Wolverton is stopping at Hillsboro for the time being. He attended the Cooperation in East ern W. T. and sends us a fine list of renewals for the H erald . Bro. F. M. Rains of Leavenworth, . . Kansas, is considering the call of the Portland church, and will de cide definitely in a few days. The prospects are flattering for his ac ceptance. Bro. J. C. Wright, of Spangle, W. T., has |>een holding some goo«l meetings of late. Read his report in this issue. Bro. W. is a fine worker. , Bro. G. M. Whitney warns us not to say anything moré al out his “ a wkwardvi ?.<tn■” in up-etting that bucket of hot water on his feet. He says: “I write this on my pil low with my feet twitching like the feet of a sleeping pup." We ha«l an idea that a sleeping pup was one of the most graceful crea tures of earth I We are sure that this will exonerate us from all blame! Let us all now be quiet, hoping Bro. W. a spee«ly recovery. —— ‘ F Bro. H. M. Waller makes it a point to bring in a new subscriber for the H erald when he has an opportunity. Let others try the plan: • WOMAN’S WORK IN THE CHURCH. We come now to examine some of the statements of Bro. Moore’s pamphlet more closely, and to point out what we conceive to he some fallacious reasoning. That woman has a noble work and a wide field of usefulness in the churches of Christ, we have already shown. Perhaps the greatest trouble after all is, that she is not wont to till the sphere which the Bible plainly points out to her, ami too seldom is she encouraged to do so. But, on the other hand, that her work in the churches is not the same in every respect as that of man is