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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1883)
OUR BOOKS The recent Synod of the Church in South Africa emphatically re affirmed the proviso in their con stitution, which exempts the church rom g bound by any except those of its own tribunals, and which was specially directed against" thH ’maintenance of any legal connection between -»the ’ churches of EngIan(T~and of South States was strongly relied upon as an argument for ecclesiastical liberty.— Christian ctt Work. WOMAN CAN IS THE HOPE 0 I t In family circles may be found many sad-hearted, fainting ones who are withering in this freezing atmosphere of non-appreciation. The mother who is giving all her strength, and would gladly give her life, for her children, asking no re turn in kind, hungers for a little appreciation. A word of grateful acknowledgement now and then ~ would be to her as a cooling draught to thirsty lips.— Ex. Below we give a partial list of the books wo propose to furnish our readers at publisher« re tail prices. We would just say in brief that wo are prepared to furnish most anything in tho Wwsrtal for same. We will add to this list as our time and space will allow. BIBLES AND TESTAMENTS. 1. Family Bibles, different styles, sizes, etc., with prices from $2.25 to $18 2. Pul pit Bibles from $5 to $10. 3. Q?l(Ard Sunday School Touchers’ Bibles from »1.50 to $10. 4. Revised New Testamont, Compared Edi tion, $1.22 to $7 50. ■W JUJT11VI1 NUW "IVMBHWJH $1!8B Bfffl 15 cents. Lesson Commentary, by J. H. Vincent, D.D., $1.25. McGarvey’s Commentary on. the Acts of the Apostles, $1 50. Commentary on Matthew and Mark, by J. W. McGarvey, $2. MONMOUTH MEAT AI A iv K ET. cause of nine parts in ten of the la mentable failures which occur in men’s undertakings and darken and- degrade so much of their history lies not only in the want of talents or the will to use them, but in tl^e vaseillating and -dewnltor-y nusle of using then, in flying from object to object, in starting-away at each litf fnim vifiop flit* - ^’fwrcp' which' rntght'COTqrrcr tffiy one difficulty to a series of difficulties so large that no human force can conquer them. The smallest brook on earth by continuing to run has hollowed out for itself a considera ble valley to flow in. The wildest tempest overturns a few cottages, uproots a few trees and leaves after a shdrt space nd""'niarlcbehind'if'.' Commend me therefore to the Dutch virtue of perseverance. Without it, all the rest are a little better than fairy gold which glitters in your purse, but when taken to market proves to be slate or cinders. —Carlyle. HEALTH OF W o: T HAVE JUST REMOVED FROM J- my old Stand to a NEW COMMODIOUS HOUSE South oi the Fost Office, -Whepe-I-eae-W-itaiedtot-the- 7 ì I.YDIÂ E. PINKHAM’S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. A Sure Cure for all FEMALE WEAK« NESSES, Including Lcucorrhcra, Ir« regular and Painful Menstruation, Inflammation and Viceration of the Womb, Flooding, PRO« LAPSES UTERI, Ac. tVPIeaamt to the taste, efficacious and Immediate in Its effect. It to a great help In pregnancy, and re lieves pain during labor and at regular periods. , — -.. rnTsiminrrsr rtrentM'siM re mmv. of either «ex, it is second to no remedy that has ever been before the public; and for all diseases of the Krowrrs it is tho Greatest £emed|i tn the World. Commentary on Hebrews, bv R. Milligan, *2. Commentary on Pauls Letter to the Ro mans, by M.E. Lard, $3. . Analysis of the Four Gospels and Acte ; with I,ea<ling Queries and Illustrations, for the u-o ' of Sunday Schools, Families, etc,, by B. Mill- gan, $2. Reason and Revelation, by R. Milligan, $2. The Scheme of Redemption, by R. Milligah, $2. Conybeare and Howson’s Life and Epistles of tho Aposll« Paul, $1.50. -- The New Biblical Atlas and Seritrtnre Gazet- Lauds of the Bible, by J. W. McGarvey, $3. Nevin’s Biblical Antiquities. $1.50. Nicholl’s Introduction to the Study of tha Scriptures, $1.25. ♦Se-haff’s Bi b l e Di ct i o n ary , $2.50.---- ;------------ Customs* $2.25.' Whitney’s Hand Book of Bible Geography, »2.25. Barrow’s Companion to the Bible, $1.60. When the wants of the community de- pyrtrinxitv COMPLAINTS of Either Sex Rawlinson’s Historical Illustrations of tha Old Testament, $1. Find Great Reliefix It» Vse. t m»Bd rw.h»r» I keep Wrtk !! at ^utjBf ei t uu , ü $1. ■ Trinili IIIAO» TCMa r' “''^ a uu ut'jvr iiwHMi, c iMWiu, Ujjmii! uy Tmarrmiu/ TalkatoBOTOap/.byUaaéFrreltîl. will . radicate every vestige of Humors from tne I Blood, at the same tlmo will give tone and strength to Letters to a Young Christian, by Isaac Er the system. As marvellous In remits as the Compound. rott, 35 cents. The Heavenward Way, by J. H. Garrison tyBoth the Compound and Blood Purifier are pre 35 cents. pared at 233 and 2® Western Avenue, Lynn, Maas. Genuineness »nd Authenticity of the G ohjk I s of either, JI. Six bottles for $5. The Compound Constantly on hand. And I will try and is Price by B. A. H iusdale, $r.2A sent by »"■■» in the form of pills, or of lozenges, on receipt of prior, JI per box tor either. Mrs. Pinkham Smith’s Unabridged Bible Dictionary. Ameri supply my customers with pe good .aan., Fditinn Feviseil »mi JLL-I. LU rx nf „IniiiilrT. t — fl—lg---------------------------- ■tamp. Send for pamphlet. Mention thit Paper. Hackett, D. D., assisted by Ezra Abbott, L.L.D, i._Z' In fo ir volumes. Price in Cloth, per set, $20. rrlrou M. P txxham ’ s I mat Pnx» cure Conxtlpw Price in Sheep, the set, $25. tion. Biliousnese and Torpidity of the Liver. 26 cents. Smith’s Bible Dictionary, $1 50. «-Hold by all Druggist».(») Barnes’ Notes on the New Testament. $1 50 AS THE MARKET AFFORDS, AT per volume. The volumes sold separately. On the Four OospelB, 2 vols. On the Acte of LIVING PRICES. the Apostles. On the Epistle to the Romans. On the First Epistle to the-Corinthians. On Foo Choo’s lialsain of Shark's Oil the Second Epistle to the Corinthians, and' the Thanking my friends for former Epistle to the Galatians. On the Epistle to the Positively Restores the Hearing, and is the Ephesians, the Colossians, and the Philippian». Only Absolute Cure for Deafness Known.- patronage wonld respectfully solicit a On the Epistle to the Thessalonians, Timothy, Titos ana Philemon. On the Epistle to the This Oil is abstracted from peculiar species o continuance of the same. small White Shark, caught irrthe Yellow Boa, Hebrews. On the General Episue of James, known as Carcharodon Itondeletii. Every Peter, John and Jude. On the Revelation. Baines’ Notes on the Psalms. In Three Chinese fisherman knows it. Its virtues as a volumes. Cloth, per vol , $1.50. 13-21-3m restorative of hearing were discovered by a May 22, 1883. Barnes’ Notes on the Book of Daniel, »1.50. Buddhist Priest about the year 1410. Its cures > Barnes’ Notes on the Book of Prophet Isaiah. wefe so numerous and many so seemingly mir- aculeus, that the rertiedy was officially pro 2 vtJfe. cloth, per vol., $1 .so. Barnes’ Notes on the Book of Job. 2 vols. claimed over the entire Empire. Its use be came so universal that for over 300 years no Cloth, per vol., »1.50. Outlines of Church History, by Bev, John F. Deafness has existed among the Chinese people. IS A SURE CURE Sent, charges prepaid, to any address at $1.00 Hurst, D. D., 50 oents. A Short History of the English Bible, by per bottle. for all diseases of tho Kidneys and Rev. James M. Freeman, D. D., 50 cents. Hear What the Deaf Say! Chronology of Bible History, and How to Remember It, by Rev. C. Munger. 50 cents. It has ■peciflo action on thia most important Cruden’s Complete Concordance to the Holy organ, enabling it to throw off torpidity and It has performed a miracle in my case. inaction, etinnUating the healthy secretion of I have no unearthly noisea in my head and Scriptures, »1.50. the Pile, and by keeping the bowels in free Cruden’s Concordance Abridged, 75 cents. bear much better. * condition, effbeting Ito regular discharge. Brown’s Pocket Concordance, 50 cents. I have been greatly benefited. If you are suffering from The Life and Words of Christ, by Cunning My deafness helped a great deal—think an ■VSaldriLia malaria.have the cUWa, ham Gettie, D. D. ,’TLW." ............ — ~ other bottle WiTr cnTeiTe.”...... “........ .. arc bilious, dyspeptic, or constipated, Kllney The Life of our Lord upon the Earth, by My hearing is muoh benefited. VZcrt will surely relieve and qulokly core. Samuel J. Andrews, »2.50. I nave received untold benefit. In the Spring to cleanse the System, every one should toko a thorough course of It. The Sunday School Helper, by J. H. Hardin, My hearing is improving. 50 cents. <1- BOLD BY DRUQOISTS. Price SI. It is giving good satisfaction. Kinship to Christ, by J. Z. Tyler, $1.50. Have been greatly benefited, and am rejoiced The Standard Manual, for Sunday -school that I saw the notice of it. ———------- workers, by F. M. Green, 75 cents. Heroes and Holidays, edited by Rev. W. F. *• Its virtues are unquestionable and its Crafts, »1.25. Story of an Earnest Life, by Mrs. Eliza character absolute, as the writer can Some of the greatest sacrifices curative personally testify, both from experience and y jOH On the Rock, by J). R. Dungan, $1.50. Write at (Mice to llaylock A Jen- have been made, not by heroes and observation. A 'Trip Around the World, by Timothy Coop ney, 7 Dey Street, Now York, enclosing Si .00, — ... and you will receive by return a remedy that and Henry Exley, $1 .50; martyrs who lived above the centu will Around the World, Tour of Christian Mis enable you to hear like anybody else,’ and by W. F. Bainbridgo, $2.> ries in immortal fame, but by name whose curative effects will bo permanent. YBq. sions, The Christian Manual, for the use of Church will never regrot doing so.”--Editor of Afrrran- Officers, in the various relations of Evangelists, less and forgotten women and chil tile Review. tOTTo avoid loss in the mails, pleaso send Pastors, Bishops and Deacons, by F. M. Green. L_____ _...._ . dren, who have borne the heaviest money by Kegwterod. letter. .......... ...... ......... IL ........ Only imported by HAYLOCK A- JENNEY, Address all orders to C hristian H ebalp , cross with silent lips qnd ungrudging J Dey St., N. Y. Monmouth, Oregon. 13-4-ly soul, never dreaming that there was Sole Agonts for America. FLOUR AND BACON EARS FOR THE MILLION. A. B. GRIGGS. . KIDNEY-WORT ---- LIVER----- Every morning before you see the face of men, register this prayer I KIDNEY-WORT I in heaven : “ Hold thou me up and I phall be safe, and I shall have respect unto thy statutes con tinually.” Are you going down stairs without that prayer ?—Then you may fall into sin at the break fast table. Vou may lose your temper, and a trifle not worth noticing may put you oft’ the tram- t lines for the day.—Therefore, pray anything very sublime in their en A Lutheran Society is to be or Rev. Dr. William Lee, Archdeacon ere the car moves.— Spurgeon. of Dublin, is dead. durance,— Reo. Frank Walters. ganized in Brooklin, N. Y. h -