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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1883)
—Ml • OlJttiS’l’l AN Il kit At, t). as Churches of Christ all seem to and to plead with religious parties admit. But the question that ex to drop their party names, party ercises our scribos, mainly, is WLat creeds and party organizations and shall be our name in the aggregate? unite with each other on the A name is wanted that will include original foundation, wearing the all who have accepted the principles name of Christ. We are not an _ piece of Plymouth Rock has of the refarmation-we 4>lpad. and ^coLesiaatioaLbody. but a communi- nTorwardecTby the Pilgrim So- no body else, and at the same time ty of individuals and of churches, y of Plymouth, Mass., to Rev. be Scriptural! The Religious Her cooperating in a great religious ry Allon,of the Mission Chapel, ald quotes the Christian Standard movement—the most important of gton, London, to be built into as saying : “ No name that does not the present century—having for th£B chRPei pulpit. The original clearly distinguish our brotherhood its sublime aim the reproduction of tb®ck is now sheltered by a hand- shoulJ be used.” And yet of course New Testament Christianity. We granite canopy, th** floor -oh -H - the »SVrrvvTfrrr^ wontd’ drmand ' that are not a corporate body;.. in-ow----- ,h|eh ii so built around the rock such name must be Scriptural. But entirety, but a voice in the wilder °|||l only two square feet are visi- clearly such a name cannot be ness of denominational confusion This was found necessary to found. If it be a Scriptural name and strife, crying, “Return ye to ^Hherve it from the depredations of Come back to the it will include all God’s people, and the old paths rs, who cliiseleTahiT Kammer- since no one claims that all Chris name yon have discarded, the • >ieces from it to carry off as me- tians have as yet adopted the foundation which ye have left, and toes. principles for which we plead, it the commandments you have neg il&l ■ - —" follows that it will include others lected, and dwell together in peace a he case of the late Dr. Beard of than ourselves. The only way we and unity, all ye children of the vtew York ought to be a warning Such missionary can be diatingrrished from other living God' ” orgainst citing death-bed testimony. Christian people is by their use of organizations as we have formed iawlcase occurred recently’ in this denominational designations which are for the purpose of sending this ity where a celebrated citizen died are not found in the Scriptures. As voice into all the sections of our ) a hotel, and his death was her- soon as they begin, to use the same own land, and around the whole e*1ded as having been ^peculiarly Scriptural names that we dox they earth. 'They are not ecclesiastic- dBppy oner* NoVbrily waslhTTnot -w4-U- rm longer be dist inguished -from- -tS«W:------------------------------- ------------------------- *—- itfbut the sick man when near the us, nor will there be need for such The Lutheran Reformation of the which he knew could not be distinction. 1 sixteenth century was a power to ch longer delayed, put his feeble* A few years since we pointed out shake the pa]>al throne, and cause ature to a check which drew the error of using such names as the nations to throw off the yoke of all his funds from the bank, and “ Church of Christ,” or “ the ecclesiastical bondage and supersti ed them beyond reach of his Christian Church,” in a denomina tion, while it consisted of a few lord, to whose request for at tional or sectarian sense, as is done great principles earnestly plead by partial settlement of his board when we apply them to our re men whose soul« were on fire with he paid no attention. That ligious movement. Such a use of the importance of the truth they rneflord is still ready’ to receive the That Denominational Name. th'O terms is so manifestly improper preached. But, crystalizing into i t • *»-— 1 ......... . * , loney due him. that we marvel at its being sorom-. denominations, it has lost its pres A discussion has been going on mon. Not only ought we to use tige and power, largely, and itself NWhe Government of Chili, on the for somo time in some of our papers “ Bible names for Bible things,” needs reformation. if^sal of the Vatican to approve on the question of what name we but w’c ought to use them in their Human nature is ever the same. omination for Archbishop, has shall bo known by in the Census Biblical meaning and scope. It is The constant tendency among us and in current history. It would >rol|en relations with the Pope. seem rather late in the history of a quite right to designate our congre wdl be to denominationalize, like ¡Herbert Spencer, Profs. Huxley, religious people, after a half century gations as churches of Christ, for so the parties around us, and to take Tyndall, John Morley, and has gone by, to be discussing what they are; and ourselves as Chris a place among the Protestant t 20b of the leading literary name we shall wear. We are not tians, for such we claim to be; but ■ Churches of the land. When we | scientific men of England, have surprised that several of the de the name “ Church of Christ,” or of i have consented to this, and have ed a memorial to be presented nominational organs have made God, is shorn of its broad catholici accepted our denominational name, he Home Secretary, protesting this fact an excuse and justification ty of meaning when applied to only then the religious parties will bury their tomahawks, and we will be inst the continuance of the im- for applying to us names that we a part of God’s people. do not and cannot accept, seeing The error of regarding our move- admitted i-nto the charmed circle of onment of Mr. Foote, the editor. that the question is still, apparent- | tnent as a church in the aggregate orthodoxy. But our glory and £he Freethinker, for blasphemy, asking for his release. Sir Jy, an unsettled one. But we de after the manner of the “ Meth- strength will have departed, iam Harcourt?, it is understood precate this discussion, esp**ci»41y, od?st~ Church, ’ “ the— Pr e sbyt eri an r— It must not be so. We must not |1 refuse the’ petition. Public because it seems to us to indicate a ’ Church,” “the Universalist Church,” I sectarianize. But to avoid it let us ing against atheism is strong, wrong tendency in our thought, “ the Baptist Church,” etc., is a bew’are of too much anxiety about it is said that Lord Randolph and a misconception of our aim and very natural one, considering the being distinguished from other rchill is preparing a bill to dis- work. Let us explain what we habit of current religious thought Christians by having one name mean. and speech ; but for that very rea only, and about having large num- * dify atheists from sitting in It is not so much a question as son there is special need for being bers in Census reports. Rather I at liament. to what shall be the religious name on our guard. We are not a us be anxious that our growth in ^hp^Southern Baptist Foreign of the individual, or of congrega church, and never professed to be. Scriptural knowledge and piety raion Board prints its thirty- tions, as such; for the name Cfrris- We never started out to found a shall keep pace with our increase in tith report, somewhat abridged, | tian or disciple seems to be quite new church, but to build up and numbers, and that we keep clearly’ ts organ, the Foreign Mission acceptable for the former, while the organize congregations or churches before ____ ___ _ f..„ the vast .^,v differ- the r people mal. The past year,, it is . propriety of designating the latter | after the New Testament models, ence between the Church of Jesu^ a misprint for vineyard, a int organ 125 years old, and a ety stairway leading to the ry. If you visit the “Hub” ’t fail to pee this church. stated, has been a year of prosperi ty, The income of the board was $56,&05. It has at the end of the year over $6,100 in the treasury. The Mexican mission hasG5 church members, 13 having been baptized tha. paat. yAsir Tai:a..t with three assistants, besides native helpers, are employed. In Brazil there are 50 church members, w’ith 5 baptisms during the year. The stations are in Santa Barbara and Bahia. The two missionaries with thct dent be^ lief in future success. They have secured a hearing, and hope in time to have a mission in the capital. In China, there are three missions, viz., the Tung Chau, the Shanghai, and the Canton. During the year G2 persons were baptized. The whole number of members is 587 ; of pupils 202. The contributions amounted to $54G. The church in Tung Chau, has, it is said, “ grown in knowledge, self-reliance, and efficiency, having supported a native preacher ” this year and promised to do so next year. The church re- ceivea no fund s frem d he mi ss ion. The Shanghai mission maintains regular service in five places. The Sunday morning attendance in Shanghai is 150. Dr. Yates la ments the absence of indications of revival. “ The mission,” he says, “ that uses money freely among the Chinese will be popular.” ___ _