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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1883)
15 CHRISTIAN- HERALD i While the subject of plagiarism is . again being widely discussed, we are moved to suggest this very appro priate text for an original sermon by every minister addicted to this sin: “Thou that preachest a man should not steal, dost thou steal ?” (Rom.Ji. 21") And at the close of .. the sermon -4hia apiritual-Fettf^onee- should be made by all the people; “ Let him that stole steal no more ” (Eph. iv. 28)— Baptist Weekly. ’Twill core ynur cold. Every body that has tried Amman's Cough Syrup continues its use * besides they tell their neighbors of it. We were in a drug store the other day when a customer asked for a bottle of Ammeu's Cough byrup, saying “ I do not know anything, it myself, but my neighbors advised me buy it for my oold and tells me that the use of three bottles has entirely cured his cough of two years standing, in faci he says * It is the best medicine in the world for coughs, colds and lung com plaints,’ and that a one-dollar bottle did him more good than ail the prescriptions he had from the doctor. He who gains the victory over great insults is often overpowered by the smallest; so it i3 with our sorrows. “Rough on Rats.’ Clears out rats, mice; roaches, flic. , ants, bed bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers. 15c. Druggists. Great souls are always loyally submissive to what is over them ; only mean souls are othtrwise. “ Bucliupalba.” I PIERCE CHRISTIAN COLLEGE A NOTED BUT UNTITLED WOMAN. [From the Boston Globe.] FOB----- MALES AND FEMALES. • • HE NEXT SESSION OF THIS PROSPEROUS AND GROWINÖ INSTITUTION WILL open on MONDAY, September 4,1882, and clos, on THURSDAY,. April 26, 1883. OBJECTS. This College was founded in 1874, for the co-education of both sexes, upon equal condition« of entrance and graduation, and has had a healthy and steady growth from the beginning. Our aim is to give a good, solid education in the various branches of a College course, upon a Chruditmlitihit, and thus to prepare students for ilw practical and beautiful pursuits of life, and for honorable citizenship. Mrssr». Editor» t— The above 1» a good Hkeneaa nt Mr». Lydia E. Pink ham, of Lynn, Mass., who aboveaU other human being» LOCATION. may be truthfully called the ‘-Dear Friend of Woman,’* The College Buildings, consisting of two substantial brick edifice«, stand upon a campus of as some of her correspondent» love to call her. She ten acres in the pleasant village of College City, in the southern part of Colusa County. The is aealously devoted to her work, which is the outcome of a life-study, and Is obliged to keep elx lady . towu is pleasantly-located in a beautiful, retired and healthful spot, in the midst of h moral, cultivated and enterprising community, and is easily accessible from any direction. It is three aasi«tants, to help her answer the large correspondence miles oast of Arbuckle, a town on the Northern Railway, with whieh it is connected bv a daily which daily pours tn upon her, each Is‘art ng its special stage-line. The scenery around is inspiring. To the north rise the stately form of Mount burden of suffering, or joy at release from it. Her Shasta, the snowy peaks of Lassen, ana the picturesque Buttes ; on the east wind the blue Vegetable Compound is a medicine for good and not waters of the Sacramento, and stretch away in the distance the pine-clad walls and snowy domes evil purpose«. I have personally investigated It and ol the Sierras ; while on the west lie Snow Mountain and die purple hills of the Coast Range. am satisfied of the truth of this. On account of its proven merits, it is recommended ‘ COURSE OF STUDY. and prescribed by the best physicians in tlie country. Two complete Courses of Studv, the Classical and the Scientific, have been arranged, em One says ■ “ It works like a charm and saves much bracing together Mathematics, Ancient and Modern Languages, English, Science, Art, Music, pain. It will cure entirely the worst form of falling Bible, Book-keeping. Theory and Practice of Teaching, History, etc., and students, by the ad of the uterus, Leucorrhnea, Irregular and painful vice and consent of the Faculty, can pursue those studies shown to be most advantageous to Menstruation, all Ovarian Troubles, Inflammation and them. After the close of the regular Seas on, a Normal class will be formed and taught by two Ulceration, Floodings, all Displacements and the con of the Professors for the benefit of those who desire to pass examination before some County sequent spinal weakness, and is especially adapted to Board for Teachers’certificates. the Change of Life.'* It permeate» every portion of the system, and gives INDUCEMENTS. new life and vigor. It removes faintness, flatulency, To those who have sons, daughters or wards to educate, we can offer rare advantages and destroys all era» Ing for stimulantn, and relieves weak strong inducements to send to this School, viz.: ness of the stomach. It cures Bloating, Headaches, 1. A quiet and orderly College Town, with no Saloon, Drinking-place or Gambling-houso Nervous Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, within three miles of the buildings. Your sons are here free from these temptations to Depression and Indigestion. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, is always crime. ... - 2. An able, experienced and enthusiastic Faculty. permanently cured by its use. It will at all times, and 3. Complete Conrse of Study, with thorough instruction. under all circumstances, act in harmony with'the law 4. The advantage of Normal training. ... that governs the female system. 5. Low Bites of Tuition and Moderate Expenses. Onr charges are lower than those of any It costs only |1. per bottle or six for $8., and is sold by other School of like grade on the Coast, »nd young men and women who have to educate druggists. Any advice required as to special cases, and ___ „ themselves, will here find rare opportunities to carry out their noble purposes. the names of many who have been restored to perfect health by the use of the Vegetable Compound, can be EXPENSES: obtained by addressing Mrs. P., with stamp for reply, $25 00 at her home in Lynn, Mass. Tuition in Collegiate Department, per term........... . <» ** 1 k»_a. — j • < Preparatory, 22 50 For Kidney Coinplaint of either sex this compound is tirât grade".. it 20 00 A......... »......... unsurpassed as abundant t. stim.ipjals show. " second grade . 10 00 ...s....X« » • “ Mrs. Pinkham’s Liver PlUu,” nays one writer; “are •• “ Primary ............ Í . 6 00 the beat in the world for the cure of Constipation, Iiistnimental Munie.per mouth. . 2 00 Biliousness and Torpidity of the liver. Her Blood U«c of Iustrument..-..................... . 8 00 Pur Ider works wonders in its special lino and bids fair Vocalization................................... . 0 00 to equal the Compound in its popularity. Drawing and Painting............... 10 00 U must respect her as an Angel ot Merry whose sole Modern Languages, per term. . 4 00 ambition is to do good to other«. Board, per week.. ..................... .. Philadelphia, Pa. CD Mrs. A. M. D. All tuition must be [»id in advance. Penmanship at teacher’s price. No janitor’» fees or • a extra charges. For Catalogue or further [»rtieulars, address THE CHRISTIAN SOWER TRACT FUND. Quick, complete cure, all annoying 1 affini Kidney. Bladder and Urinary Diseases. -4— $1. Druggists. rpiIIS IS THE PIONEER FUND FOR THE Between God and man, between the gospel and each soul, the inter preter is Love.— Vinet. Forty Year’s Experience of un Old Nurse. Mrs’. Winslow’sHoothiug Ryrupistbe prescrip tion of one of the best female physicians and nurse« in the United States, and has been used for forty years with never failing success by millions of mothers for their children. It re lieve« the ohild from pain, cures dysentery and diarrhea«, griping in the bowels, - and 'wind colic. By giving health to the child it rests the mother. Price twenty five cents a bottle. 12-20-ly 1 free distribution of tracts. Is well supplied with tracts on the elements of the Gospel. New kinds will follow soon. These tracts arc free to those who are not able to buy them, ai d fifty cents ]>er hundred to those who are able. Every cent received will be used to print tracts. Weak churches will find these tracts useful. Evangelists should go well supplied. Address J. W. HIGBEE, Trustee, 12-35-tf Madisonville, Kv. There is but one road to lead us to God—humility; all other ways would only lead astray, even were they fenced in with all virtues.— L'Abbe lioileau. • K _ Skinny Men. ..................... “ Welk' Health Itenewer” restores health and vigor, enres Dyspepsia, Im potence, Sexual Debility. " $l.j , Callege City, Cal. MAKE HENS LAYS D. W. PRENTICE & CO., IS A SURE CURE for all diseases of the Kidneys and Leading Music Dealers, — LIVER---- i J. C< KEITHK President, V A. a ■ eterinary S urgeon and C itemtst , now traveling in this country, ~ ‘ '* here * - say» that mMt of the Horae and ........... tattle Powder» »old are worthies» trash, , He »ays that Sheridan's *” Condition Pow ders '*ro almo- lutely pure and immensely val uable. Noth ing on earth everywhere, or sent by mail for eight letter-atanipe. I. S. JOHN KIDNEY- wort If you would learn srlf-maxteiy, begin by yielding yourself to the One Great Master. Lobstein. Farmers and other« desiring a genteel, lucrative agency business, by which $5 to $20 a day oan be earned, send address at onee, on postal, to II. C. W ilkinson & Co., 195 and 197 Fulton street, New York. 13 l-6m ï It has specific notion on thia, moat important organ, enabling it to throw off torpidity and Inaction, stimulating the healthy secretion of the Bile, and by keeping the bowels in free condition, effecting it» regular discharge. Mnlavin If you aro Buffering from Iwl <11 dilO a malaria, have the chills, billouB, dyspeptic, or constipated, Kidnoy- Wort will su roly relieve and quickly cure. In the Spring to cleanse tho System, every one should take a thorough course of it. 107 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON. HAINES BROS., J. B. NUGENT & U- SOLD BY DRUOCIST8. Price »1. KIDNEY-WORT ' ÇO., GRAND, SQUARE AND Lowest ]>rices ever know» UPRIGHT PIANOS, L | ltiilea, A lU-volvrt-a A OHB $15 SH0T-6UH ESTEY & STERLING ORGANS I U«l greatly reduced price ^VKend air nip for our New - J —— “‘’ttflK \ ATI O BUCKEYE BELL FOUNDRY. Be I Is of Pure Copper and Tin for Church»*«. Hchoolft,Fire Alarms, Farm*,etc, FULLY WARRANTED. CaUlogiie sent Fr««-. VANDUZEN A TIFT, Cincinnati, O « ■ ■ SHEET- MUSIC AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. Send ( qï Catalogue. 1