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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1883)
SEWING MACHINES, THF STRONGEST, I SIMPLEST, AND MOST DURABLE Sewing Machine in the market. Sold oh easy installments, or a liberal discount for cash. Regular Price $83.00 FREIGHT PREPAID 24 STOPS. l^Ilo, 8 ftlcnc, 1-Metedla, 8 ft tone, S-Clarabena, 8 ft tone, </Manual Sub-Ikuw, 18 ft tone, 5- Bourdon. I* ft loue, ^Faxaphone, 8 ft. tono, 7-Vlol di (la,mho, 8 it tone. *-Dtepa*on, 8 ft tuue, »-Viola Dolco, 4 ft tone, 15-Grand Exprc-snlone, 11 French Hom, _ 8 ft tone. l»-ì!arp A.ollan, 13-Vox fiumana, 14-Eeho, 8 ft. tono, 15Dulcían*, 8 ft, tune. ls-Clarlonr t, 8 ft. tono, 17-Voix Celeste, 8 ft tone, t*-Violina, * ft. tone, 19-Vox Ji-bMant«, 8 ft. tone, m- Fic- colo, 8 ft tone, S!-Uoup!er Harninnlqtw. ZJ-Orchestrai Forte, The Singer Manufacturing Co. WILLIS B. FRY, Manager, ------------- ‘--^’nö^umTi^Fornnlidr 12-35-tf VERY liEAUTIFCL IN APPEARANCE, BEING EXACTLY IJKE Cv f. The Caso id ot Botiti VTalnnt, profusely oniatnented with hand-carving and expensive fancy vcncor*. The Music l*ocket is ot the mi-nt beautiful design < xtn nt It is deserving of a place in 'ì'I'ifeT Ule mUHnnaire'« ntulor, would ornament the boudoir of a princess ¡ W 13^—8g?..Bgggg. ¡SSJ I mh B I Vil J -HlwSgt w-a or <11mt. It contain» the Sweet VOIX CELESTE Stop, the tumuuu French Horn Solo Combination, New If you will remit me and the annexed Coupon within IO da ya from the date hereof, Ji will bo» 'and ship you thio Oryan. with Or- yanJteneh, Book, etc., exactly tho same an I sell for 1’ om should order immediately, and in no case later than JO days. One year’e test trial given and a full warrant tee for six years. Given under my Hand and Seal this 23rd <lay of February, 1883. If you are advised that your Invention is patent- able,send 820 to pay Government application fee of 015, and 85 for the drawings required by the Government. This is payable when application Is made.and is all of the expense unless a patent Is al lowed. When allowed, the attorney's fee (»35) and, the final Government fee (»3») is payable. Thus you know beforehand./or nothing, whether yon are going to get a patent or not, and no attorney's fee u charged unices you do get a Patent. An attorney whose fee depends on his success iu obtaining a Pat ent wlllonot advise you that your InventirtfTls patentable, unless It really is patentable, so far as lila judgment can aid in determining the question ; hence, you can rely on the advise given after a piVliminary examination Is had Design Patent* and the Hegtetrnlion ofhnbrls. Trade Mlark* and Re-issues secured. Caveats prepared and filed. Application* In revivor of Rejected. Aban- doaed, or Forfeited Cases made. Very often valuable Inventions are saved In these classes of eases. It you have undertaken to secure your own patent and failed, a skillful handling of the case may lead to success. Bend meji written requestad- dreeaed to the Commissioner of Patent* that he rr^nr^<+iwmmrIk'i/rwwrvd-A*^»Wn»to»,~D.<^r a* your attorney in thecase, gtvtng the title of the Invention and about the date of filing your application. An examination and report will cost ion nothing. Searches made fortltletoinVentlons, i fact »nyTnformaflon relating to Patents promptly furnished. Copies of Patents mailed at the regular Government rates, (25c. each.) Remember this office has been in successful operation since 1805, and you therefore reap the benefits of experience, besides reference can be given to actual clients In almost every county in the U. S. Pamphlet re-, latlng to Patents free upon request. ■ . r Office Money Older. Registered rfgg I Litter, Exun-sn Prepaid, or by Check on your bank, if forwarded within 10 day* from B the data hwwy*. 1 hereby agreo to accept tUin coupon for «XL, as port payment on my B celebrated 3 I «>,« Par lor Organ, with Bench, Book, etc., providing the cash B balance of <»>!♦ accompanies thia coupon ; and I will send >ou a receipted bill In full B for $88, and box and ship you the Organ just as R is advertised, frilly w arranted for B six years. Money refunded with interest from the date ot remittance if not as repra-B seared after one year’s use. ibigucd,) DANIEL F. BEATTY. B FR¡EIGHT PREPAID. r t» fc.. 1 hl ir *| T I * H ^»*^Rk«F~Kiuc*n»ent for y<w fprovided you order imimsiiately, within the 10 day»,» 1 agree to prepay fre Uf nt on the above organ to your nrnrr-st railroad freight station, any jrolr.t erutt of the MLg-issippi Hirer, or that far on any going west of it. Tlds is a rars opportui ity to place an instrument, as it were, at your very door, aJ! freight prepaid, at man»li-‘1”e>w'a waaieaale prlo e ». Order na wj a w t hl n. aavedIryeer r eape ai i ea e e. TO Encldec<ffln<TB59f6rorgan. Ihav-i- ad ybhr stufe- jl-M-ltnKB'JA» m,,nt ln this advertisement, ami I order one on eondition tart it must prove exactly as represented in this advertisement, or I shall return it at tho end of one yesr’kitse and demand the return of my money, with laterestt from th-- v<-ry moment I forward . it, six 1 per ----- par- ... at ------- 1er cent aceonhng according to your otter. offer, Be fíe v vrry Hmtbrr to give Name, I'M QJIre, County, C'ownty, Siete. Stcte. freight FreigM Statom, Station, and m .m nfiat u fiat Rail. Railroad. ™... tm Re sure to remit by Batik Draft, T, O Money Order, "---- Registered letter. Letter, Express Prepaid, try telegrauh teieirra :h on last day and >emit remit by mail on that day. .orhv Rank Check. You may u-cept by -, detcre thia magnificent instrument introduced which wtU secure this ats'.-lil offer. I destre Introduced without delay, hence moo this thisspeeialprice, spe-dalprice, PROVIDING PROVliHNG ORDER IS GIVEN U1VEM BliUTHATELY. BIZi^MATELY. Or Style Jfa. 1315.—Height, n Ina. Depth. Mina. Lea* th tf ins. Weight, boxoJ, about <00 lux. CEO. E. LEMON, 5 615 15th St., WASHINGTON, D. C. U j ' LaaafKitu'cr 1DAHIEL E BEÁTTY, Washington, Jersey f QAKIEL EBEATTY, WashinRlon, Ñcw isw Jersev The Famous LIVERMOREdsQ Aß STYLOGRAPHIC PEN at ®<we W Attorney-at-Law and Solicitor of Ameri can and Foreign Patents. Pens sent by return mail. Parties will also receive a sufficient quantity of superior ink for six months’use. Send monev with order, or stamp for descriptive circular. Pens full v warranted. Money ref u n d ed if n o t laliafar le t y . »TYW4WAP1UC PEX CQMPAM , 2WI Washington SL, Boston. Former Price. 83.00. C. C. CLINE & CO PUBLISHERS AND DEALERS IN SUNDAY ........... SCHOOL HTTPPT.TF.S, AN HONEST OFFER If you are pick or ailing. no matter what your complaint, write to ns and wo will imndyou ON TRIAL one of ‘ our largo ELECTRIC MEDICATE» PADS to suit your case, provided you agreo to pay for it if it cures you in one month. If it does not cure you it costa you nothing to try it. Different pads to cure Dyspepsia, Rhev- matiam, Liver and Kidney Diseases, Piles, Lnng Diseases, Asthma, Ca tarrh, Lame Baek, Ague, and many other diseases. Marvelous cures being daily made in cases where all other treatments have failed. Prices very low. Remember these are not little medals, but large Pads made of Roots and Herbs, combined with Electricity. Wo do not ask you to buy them blindly, but merely to try them at our risk. Book, giving prices and full particulars, free. Address at ones KLKCTR1C FAD M’ F’G CO., BROOKLYK, N. Y M v A egctable and Flower Seed Ciatalogar for TKWX wnttr-rnt hem m-tl wle. apply. Cusluau tv <rfj last season need not write fcr it. All seed sent from my Me estil4ishment warranted tolx^ both fresh and true to name, so far» Uioul-l it prove otherwise, i agree to retill the order yrratis. My collection of vegetable seed is one of the most extensive to be found tn any American catalogue, an>l a large part of it is of my own growing. An the orlfflnul introdneer of Early Ohio ana Burbank PutafnoaL Marblehead Farljr Corn, the Hubbard £<i«in«h' Murhlehead Cabbage* >*tiInncy'»• Melon, and a score of other new Vegetables, I invite the jwitron- age of the public. In the gardens and on the farms of those who plant my seed will l»e found my best advertise- tfeuent. James J. H. Cregory, Marblehead, Maas. | jd * - SISEO < 19^ * SUCCESSOR TO “MBTIW SURE CITHK " is no " catch penny.” but in thunder tone» speak, through its Saveaty thovaand certlfioste* of Cure*, to the su itérer ftoin Catarrh, Neuralgic and wervoua Headaoho. We say emphatically u«c“Dobyni' Bure Cure,” and if not sat isfied with result, we will refund your «■oney. We can t »ay more. • _ My wife used your “Sure Cure ” for neuralgia, «nd It acted like * charm My son and daughter had Catarrh nf eight and nine years starting. It cured them, I am recommending it every where. {Elder)Joel T. Helmeee.GreenSehl.Mo. ot ,,1<! »»"»' kind Only . ,OXK DOLLAR Per BOX. Ask your Druggist, or address all orders to Dobyns&M itch el Les. Guide 10 copies, 3 Months 6 Months .35 .65 . - XV~ 1.30 .1.30 2.50 2 50 ’ 5.00 1 AELITÖS*" now grass a fortune. Oaf. A 11 r N I Jkfii worth OlOfiw. p Mutili WKIDEOUT* co ,10 Barclay at.“if .r CARniSON’3 CATARRH ! terms : Word and Work, cne year 50 eta., six mon tits 30 cte., three mouths 15 cte. Good Words, 10 or more copies, one year, 45 cents per copy ; six months, 23 cents ; three months. 12 cen’s. Eittle Pearls, 10 or mme copies, one yoar, 30 cents per copy ; six months, 15 cents ; three months, 8 cents. . . Les. Monthly 3 Months 6 Months 1 Year 10 copies, .70 1.80 2.40 25 „ 1.441 2.60 5/0 50 „ 2 00 5.00 9.50 loo „ 5.00 9.50 18.00- JOHN B. GARRISON, Proprietor. TUE LEADING General dealer iu all kinds of ' Sewing Machines Attachments, Oil, Needles, Ac. Sewing Machine* repaired and warranted. If you warft to buy a good Sewing Machine call or send for information, illustrated catalogues sent when desired. •. 12-3-tf Clothier, Merchant Tailor and Hatter OF OREGON, Guarantees tofyell tho very bust Clothing for less money than any other house in jhe State. 12-n-tf $72 * ^EK,»lîadavath..meen.ilyma.le. Costly ▼ • “ Outfit free. Address Twi n A Co., Augusta, Ma. THE BEST IN THE WORLD. Onr Great Specialty is growing ami did-ribulhiy these Beautiful Rosea. Wefleiiver Strout; Fot Plant*, suitable for immediate bloom, safely by «tag at all post-offices. 5 Splendid Varieties, yaw choice, all labeled, for Si; 13 for S3; 19 for S3« 3« for S4; 33 for S3; 75 for SlOf 100 for Sl3. «ff'Send for our New Guide to Rose Culture-« 60 pa<es, elegantly illustrated—and cic*> from ever Five Hundred Finest Sorts. Address THE DINGEE A CONARD CO., B om Growera, West Gr«ve, Cheater