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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1883)
CHN1STÎAN 5 MKKALD. ■cr pious soul who does the will of of converting sinners and edifying in this respect might be learned would be .less likely to do violence the Heavenly Fathef, Is A mother saints. But .in order to do our from even Mr, Moody and other to the plain and simple language of of Christ,” etc., consistency at least duty in this respect It m necessary great revivalists. Almost their en- the Holy Spirit. Ought to teach the Sentinel to call A Sqt AHE M ehmuk —Alter rum" tute a good meeting. Let us men tinuing for weeks and even months maging around through two columns Viigin, Mother of God, free from tion ¿lid following necessary ele in the same place. Let our preach of solidly set editorial notes in the all sin, etc., etc. The truth is the ments : ers and churches try this plan for Old Path Guide for a considerable of time, we were able to ex ^¿niinet breaks down oix every es 1. The church must get ready awhile, and we venture that there length tract the following gem which is sential point. of his effort. 0f fbr the meeting, A church that will soon be a great revolution in worth a careful reading. We sus- course an editor who can set aside takes no interest Iff tasking special our, protracted meetings in Oregon, pect that this pre preacher was our Wheh you commence a meeting Bro. T.' if" Campbell L And by the Jesus Chrirt for fhn Holy F ut h v n w" ■ pi epai atiuii we could not expect to venerate likely to reap much benefit from brethren,'hold' on to it as long as way brethren, nllow us to mildly I his toiltemporary above the one. No church should attempt any good can be accomplished, and whisper that you put something be tween your notes, if nothing but a Fathers. Still we have hot lost to hold a meeting in the midst of you will be liberally rewarded for bottle of St. Jacob’s oil: iiiiieh. A preacher brother who tarried with - trouble ahd discord of any kind your labor. us several day«, gave us tbe following in conclusion we wish to state a among the brethren. Should there incident, showing what a “aquare ser few more facts. We believe that Ije tasfes of diseiplin in the church, Selections and Comments. mon” ia: “When I visited 8t. H----- , in Oregon recently, Said a modern after the return from Egypt Mary dispose of them befOrb the meeting P eter ’ s M istake .-—The follow preacher, to labor a few days with the is only mentioned five times in the If the church is not in a good ing on the Sunday-sehool lesson for church, a sister gave me a pleasant ac- gospel history; and three times out working condition, bring it up to last Lords day, under the head of' . count of their preacher, filing one ob jection, however, which was, aS she __ _____ of the five with some appearance of that point before the protracted “ Critical Notes by .Theodore D. | ■ thought, intolerable. _ He would persist approval on the part of Christ effott. Let everyl>ody pray, preach, Woolsey, D.D., L.LD.,” is taken m »peaking forty-five. >pd sometiuaea even fifty minutes, when any man ought r We now invito ttie careful atten sing and work, or in other words from the Sunday JSchooTTiniee, anc to know that forty minutes ia ample is a fair sample of what is being time for a sermon. I wondered if she tion of the Sentinel to a study of get ready for the meeting, and go taught the young people in many had beard of my habits of speaking and two more of these passages, as fol at it with a determination to have of our Sunday-schools; was givng me a gentle bint. Time far lows; Luke 2: 48, 49, "And when ...a gootl nxueiing^ jand. oilier things V-ewrfW—Awrf Peter Trrrtd'niiWT^t" meeting e»ma on,tbeevening wae abort, it. was in August, yet I spoke one hour plti^y saw lii'in? they were amazed \ being equal, you will not make a Jlepent ye : Tbe word said give» place and ten minutes. Tbe next meeting I to says io Rome authorities, and follow» occupied an hour and fifteen minutes. and his mother said unto him. Son, failurb. unto them io some and repent io others. Tbe next morning I said tOitbe sister. I I why hast thou thus dealt with us ? 2. Let all the members work in Others omit it altogether, which ia not am getting impatient for that scolding- ontomon in | behold, thy father and I. have the meeting from first to last Tt^pent includes, beside* s>n in general, yoh’aire io give me.’ She aaked with some for what? I answered, | sought thee sorrowing. And he There must be perfect harmony the especial sin of rejecting Christ, if astonishment, for preaching so Jong night before last, of assenting to his crucifixion.— I. said unto them. How is it that ye and cooperation among the mem not and Ust night. ’ Of raid she, with • And be baptized every one of you. in the I sought me ? wist ye not that I bers in order to success. If this name of Jesus Christ unto the remission merry langb, ‘I do not care how long a your sins : That is (the change of th< fermon is, if it is just as broad as it is ■must lie about my Father’s busi- end is secured, half of the battle is of state of their minds being assumed an long; I do not like a long, narrow rtrip; ■ ness?” John 2 b “ Jesus said faught. It is hardly necessary to taking place first}, “ccme each of you give me a square sermon and I am con- ^ 4enfc’ I bud often beard of a ‘square ■ unto her, Woman, what have I to state here that much depends upon and be baptized ” in or upon the namd7 nval,’ and a ‘square fight,' but a‘square etc.» In or upon the name denotes in ■do with thee ?” When he gets securing the right preacher for the trn»t or reliance on the name ; and the sermon* • was a new thought.* Let our wordy preachers take due notice and ■through with these passages we field and the amount and the man name denotes the qualities of the Savior govern themselves accordingly.” and anointed one, Jesns Christ, which ■ maj’ have more ready for him. Be ner of the work he does while en justify his titles The preposition here T he P assion P lay .—The New ■ it remembered furthermore, that gaged in the meeting. It should nsed. and properly meaning upon (that is, here, with trust, or reliance on ), in Y ork Observer has this to say about» ■Mary is not once mentioned in all be seen that he preaches the pure uBed nowhere elst with the word baptize the Passion Play: -1 the epistles nor the book of Revela- gospel of Christ, and that he does in the Greek. Uuto the remission of Mayor Grace, after a careful consid your sins denotes the result of the re Ition In view of these facts we it in its power and simplicity. No pentance--or penitential faith leading eration of the subject, refused to grant a license for the bouse in which Salmi—— I must conclude that all this ado thing else is calculated to save the to baptism. Morae proposed to exhibit the Passion 11 is the last sentence we wish to Play. ■ about the “Blessed Virgin” by people and edify the saints. The The decision of the Mayor, one notice. As Bro. Sweeney would of tbe last acta of his administration, I Roman Catholics is entirely with- meeting should be free from mere say, that is just as clear as mud ’ entitles him to the approbation oLthe ■ out foundation in the Bible.. sensationalism and all spodmadic Unto the remission of sins the re whole community. And it is right to that the official career of the Mayor effort to make converts for no sult of penitential faith leading to t>ay has been such as to command the re Protracted Meetings. higher object than to swell the baptism ! Just think of it! How spect of his fellow-citizens. r L ‘ - i- ____ __ Tbe application for a license will We presume that in the days of number and make a good report 1 "wonderful and transparent! Now doubtless be renewed, now that Mr. if Peter did not mean what he said ¡the apostles the people knew but If a failure is made in these res Edson, tbe new Mayor, has entered upon when he told the people to repent bis duties. But we have no reason to Bittle about what are now ordinari pects, it is all a failure. and be baptized in the name of suppose that be has any better opinion 3. More time should be given to Jesus Christ for the remission of of the sacrilegious performance than ly called protracted meetings. Al- ithough hundreds and even thou most of our meetings. This feature sins,"1heiTWFTuppwe_we' "Have no his predecessor had. Nor will he insult, tbe intelligent morality of the commu sands of people were converted to of the work is especially applicable way of ascertaining what he did nity, by giving his sanction to this Christ on some occasions, yet it to our churches here on the coast mean. Better say as some have abominable play. said, that he made a mistake. Or The manager may appeal to the court» Beems that no special protracted We are satisfied that just here lies perhaps it is not genuine and for an order compelling tbe Mayor to effort was put forth by these in one of the greatest troubles we should be repudiated along with grant a license; but we do not believe there is a court so loot to all sense of spired men, such as we now have have, to overcome. A few days the Commission by Mark. Or does propriety as to inflict such an outrage under the name of protracted meeting is not enough. About the this “ DD. L.LD.” not know that upon tbe city. He may then produce his play in a theatre already licensed, ¡efforts. While the disciples often time the people are beginning to “ repentance and baptism in this and then an injunction may restrain verse are inseparably connected by met together, sometimes daily with become interested, the meeting the Greek and the English con him. All of which goes to show that there is some sense of decency yet alive pne aceord, these meetings were closes and the preacher goes home ; junction and that they are hence in the world, to resist the iniandad ___ Lardly of the same nature as those and pcrliapn »41 pronounce it a fail- bofA- twmfrriowr tearttngtO Terms wrong of foolish or evil-minded men. We lrope that there will soon be londucted by the modern revivalist tup. And indeed it is a failure, not sion of sins ? It occurs to us that if this writer would cut off the some way devised by which to put But be this as it may, there is one on the part of the people, but on theological tail to his name “ right an end to this disgraceful farce. We iiing alxiut which we will all the part of the church and the behind, its ears,” and exercise a are glad to know that public senti jgree, viz: a protracted meeting preacher in not doing their duty. little common sense when he thinks ment in New York City is against froperly conducted is a good means It seems to ns that a good lesson and writes about this verse he it. 13 —-T . « — ------- - —----------- V - - -J - ~ ~ T—----- V.----------------------- ) ■ A