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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1883)
4v / ✓ y * / .*» *1 k - ‘A —> DEVOTED TO TIIE RESTORATION OF APOSTOLIC CHRISTIANITY T-- VOL. XIII. MONMOUTH, OREGON ; FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1883. ■» NO. 5. »■ CHRISTIAN HERALD. -I. F. FLOYD, Editor »nd Publisher, Monmouth, Or. . ... Priée » ..._ Cne C-opy, on« yiar................. . On« Copy, wtt month»......... 82 00 1 08 ADVFBTTRKMRNT9. Prices will Be given on application. [Entered at the Pout-office at Monmouth, as second claim mail matter. | Time Settee. W« are not responsible fcr the optnfoim and Mntiiaente expr/nuMd by our ooninbulon, but for onr own writing alone. Hence oni readers noat judge for*t>>emi<elves<. We intend to give apace for the free expreeeion of opinion, within tfe tort» i lorxiiig wTiat the canae ; out not be held m lndornti others may write. WR’In Kifigfttoii. ' She will go under the auspices of the Christian Woman’s Board of Missions. She desires .*#)me sister graduate to go with her. Who will volunteer ?— Old Path linide. The two temperance papers for merly known as the Signal and Our Union have lieen consolidated and will now be published in -Chicago.— under • the name__ Ou.r Union Signal. The new paper is controlled by the National W. C. T. Union, and will doubtless make a —It m nW th n t ' tt ii ' S tub1 Miwdw ....W fiiii 'M piwiriiwy.Ly manBr ee h’ " ary Meeting recently held in Little Rock, Ark., was a success. While the numlier of delegates was small, a sufficient amount of money was piedgod to put two evangelists into the field. We are gUd to know that Arkansas is becoming more interested in active missionary work; and now if they will only move in the right direction, this will be a hopeful sign of spiritual prosperity in that State. er, was once asked by a member of - his church if he did not think that he was paying too much attention to Atheism and Deism in his sermons, as those who held such doctrines were very few and not likely io do much harm any way. The Dr. re plied, “I tell you, my friend, that a small (trove of hogs will root vp a great fieid of corn !” Yes, the best ‘ way to save the com »to drive out the hogs even if they are Tew in members. « The question with many Chris- Lord, for thee ; but how little can I do in order to merely squeeze in at the last day? This is not the spirit of Christ, and hence nOt the spirit that should possess Christian people. Christ has not promised to reward those liberally whohd>or for him reluctantly. He wants thoae who- can always Hud-soma - thin" o to do, ' and who never became weary in doing it. temjierance. "All matter intended for pntlieation in tins paper ahould be written : 1. On one side of the sheet only. 2. In a plain legible hand. . 8. Let there be plenty of space between Uie lines. 4. Write with a pen instead of a pencil, so that it may not be defaced in transit. A. Write brier articles. uoattenliou to artici«», im S ìom , or . * ' Moompavfed by your name. A Lw — Wfe XX 5 Mr. Huntington, for the C. P. R. Fiances E. Willard ami Miss Gor- dan free passes to and from Cali fornia. Miss Wil lard is president of the National Woman’s Christian Temperance Union and is without doubt one of the most gifted, forci ble ami eloquent temperance lect urers in the field, and she would ¿onhticss do mTTch'grxxt fnr trTnpcr- ance on this coast. Having had the pleasure of hearing Miss Willard lecture not long sincef we know whereof we affirm. Her visits to the coast will be made in the near < future, ami we hope the temperance people of Oregon will take steps at-. _ once to secure her services for a short time at least. Portland should have her by all means. Bro. P. R. Burnett writes us from Forest Grove under date of Jan. 3.1st, that he is in a good meet ing there with a house full every evening. We say hold on to your a meeting Bro. B. as long as you can do good, and let your regular ap IIEDITORIÄL NOTES pointments take care of themselves. Bro. S. C. Adams is now stop Brethren elsewhere should not ob ject to your missing one appoint ping in San Jose, Cal. The Christian-Evangelist conies ment if you can save souls where Every man has his god. It is an you are. to us this week enlarged and oth- easy matter for us to talk eloquently therwise improved, but the same about the idolatry of heathen lands, Brethren II. M. Waller and P. R. old joint is missing out of its l»ack- and have a longing desire to save l>one. We congratulate these breth- those people. But we should never Burnette, of Monmouth make it a ren on their prosperity. This no forget the amazing amount of point when they go to their ap tice is written free of charge, al pointments to return with some idolatry at Inane. money for the H erald , Let the though the Christian-Evangelist has Prof. Wliitsitt of the Tlwological We learn that Bro. J. B Johnson, brethren please rememlier that they not noticed the H erald since we College, Louisville, Ky., has been of Unadilla, Neb., thinks of coming are duly authorized to receive sub assumed control of it. But you see lecturing on Campbeliism and to Oregon or California. He is an scriptions and money for our paper, we wish to l>e Scriptural, and do Mormonism, and trying to prove able preacher, and we will be glad rhese brethren are well known in good for evil in order to heap coals that the latter is the outgrowth of to have him come to Oregon, for we Oregon and assisted in the organi of fire on our neighliors’ head. the former. He proves this by can furnish him a fine climate and zation of some of the first churches finding a few points of agreement plenty of work among a social, well in the state. Brethren T. P. Haley, R. M. Bis between what Mr, Campbell taught v educated Christian people. hop, F. M. (been, th»* christian- and what the Mormon church holds. Our agents will please remember Evangelist and others are stirring But if the Prof, is capable of judg Bro. J. S. Sweeney has just held his sixth public debate with Dr. J. that we do not give credit to any up the old Hymnal corftroversy ing of his own attempts at ar We have watched this gument, he ought to know that by Ditzler at Horse Cove, Ky. We name till the money is received at again. have not heard the result of the this office. Should we do so it controversy pretty closely, and this same process of reasoning he battle, but we pity Dr. Ditzler. would necessitate our keeping a we have about concluded that there will not only prove his own Baptist The only remaining question with Ijook account with each agent, is a little streak of self-interest run church the outgrowth of Mormon us is whether or not the Dr. will which, of course, we can not find ning all through it on both sides, ism, but most all the other isms of ever be able to hold another debate. time to do. In order then to- pre anti unless they soon stop their Christendom. . “Those who live in vent confusion, or have any papers. quarrelling and let the people de glass houses, should not threw '■Miss' Sairre^TcEwan?wTiogradu4 shopped that have* been paid for; it cide which Look they want LyLuy-- ■stows."- The Ti-or and" TirsTToufsc"* ated at the Midway Orphan School is always best to remit all money irig it, that it will be a good idea of lectures have been pretty well used up by our brethren through four years since, ,is to start on the just as soon as a sufficient amount for the brotherhood to discard both out the country, and condemned by 15th inst. as a missionary to has been collected to justify the books and continue to use the «old many of the more respectful and Hymnal, . Jamaica, to aid Bro, Azbill in his agent iu doing s j. ,, enlightened Baptiste. * T ■ . »attfc. J U.. 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