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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1882)
CTTHISTIANGERALD. 1 5 Death of the Twelve. thought, while ohd who declaims is apqstoljc times, Such questions cause 1 believe that the difficulties ) >• • lh danger of keeping one pitch for will l>e perpetually arising, and involved can be removed more Matthew suffered martyrdom all kinds of thought. To lie sure", must l>e answered- times without effectively 'by a clear statement witlia swofllat qyityof Ethiopia. TIiainry elabo r ate argument. Mark expired at Alexandria, f affaire which gives them birth shall tion w'ho will think the preacher Reduction of Railroad Fare. after having been dragged through tame w'lio only talks. “ How' do cease to exist. They spring up the streets. you like your new preacher ?” said afresh in almost every community, Luke was hanged on an olive P ortland , O r ., Oct. 3, 1882. one neighbor to another. “ Oh, he and though forever old they are _ Bro. Stanley: , „ 1 tree in Greece. is improving wonderfully; he forever new. Sister E. A. Haw John was put in a chaldron of Please be kind enough to an- Sreaches louder and louder 1” But kins, of Russelville, Ky., sends lne hrruirce-rin".^^issuesrof; ooiimg oil, rjui! cscapt" "•*' a löse who have tills test—in any IfftftV, Slid fl^kS hie to'ahswef'them die C hristian H erald that the lous manner, and afterwards ban congregation—are comparatively in the Apostolic 'Times. They are 0. 0. R. R. "cast-and west side, and ished to the isle of Patmos, and as follow’s : few. 1. “ If one believes with all the the (.). R/& N. Co, make a reduc died, it is thought, at home natur Further, a preacher who talks, tion of 40 per cent, to delegates ally. ?_____ will, not lie-so much in .danger of heart, repents .his sins and is Peter’was crucified at Rome with traveling to ‘ami from the State affectation and cant. “ De new baptized by Baptist, Methodist, or Meeting at Eugene, good from Oct. his head.downwards. preacher is mo’ larnt dan Mistah Presbyterian, is he a member of the James the Greater w as beheaded 18th to 24th inclusive. Full fare Boles; but, Lor’ bless you, sah ! he church or lx>dy of Christ ?” I answer, yes. It is the act of to be paid going, and upon certi at Jerusalem. ain’t got de doleful sound like James the Lesser w as cast from ficate of the Secretary of the meet Mistah Boles had. No, indeed!” being baptized which brings a ing, reduction of 80 per cent, will a lofty pinaclo of the temple and If a man assumes a preaching and proper subject into Christ, and not be made on return passage. ‘ then beaten to death with a fuller’s doleful tone the moment he enters the character of the administrator. club. W. H. A dams . 2. “ Does being baptized into the pulpit, he cannot but be guilty Philip was hanged up against a of affectation ; his tones cannot be Jesus Christ (Rom. 6:3,) corres Thirteen Ways of Being Happy. pillar at Hicropolis, Phirgia. a true index of his feelings. There pond with Eph. 1 : 22, 23, as to 1 ’U-isL-----Happyis- the—ma^ — are nume lnuccct, upon one’s being haptisial_jiitm._C Andrew was bound to the cross, whom the doleful tone seems to act the hotly, the church ? If so are corrected), for he-maketh sore and from which he preached to his per as a kind of charm. They w’ill all baptized believers members of bindeth up. Happy is that people whose God secutors until he died. close-their eyes, and Heat to heaven the church ?” » Thomas was run through the There are tw o questions in one. under the influence of the preacher’s TO the^fiT-sn answer, yes.’ To the is the Lord.______ ______________ body with a lance, in East Indies. ~ Happy is he that hath the God ot tone, w ithout any regard to what Jude was shot to death with ar latter, I answer, no. Some bap Jacob for his help..... he is saying. But, it is safe to say, tized believers have ceased to be Happy is the man that findeth rows—probably in Persia. that while one in a congregation, Mathias was first stoned and then members of the Church of Christ wisdom, and the man that getteth under a preaching tone, w'ill close beheaded. by exclusion from it, and some bv u nderstanding. his eyes, and soar to heaven, ten Barnabas, of the Gentiles, was having joined a sect. When a Happy is the man that feareth will close their eyes, and sink to stoned to death by thè Jews at proper subject is baptized he is a al w ay. sleep. . . • ---- If one speaks in the tone of con member of the Church of Christ; Happy is the man that condemn Solonica. Paul was beheaded at Rome by versation,” he w'ill use the short, but when he joins a sect he clianges ed) not himself in that thing which Mero.— Ex. simple w'ords of conversation. his membership. he allowed). --------------- ♦ » --------------- 4. “ If a person has joined the Nothing is more manifest than that lie that hath mercy on the poor, Why People Do Go. the pulpit should use, not the arti Baptist church, has been baptized happy is he. “Why don’t people go to church?” ficial language of books, but the in order to become a member of Whoso trusteth in the Lord, hap said church, and not in order to re There is another question to be an simple common words of life. py is he. Great, swelling tones necessarily mission of sins, not believing that ' He that kcepeth the law', happy swered—why people do go to church ; answer that first, and then draw' after them great, swelling baptism is a condition of pardyji, is he. words. All great revivalists are and has afterward joined the If ye suffer for righteousness’ an answer can be given why some Church of Christ, ought that per- people don’t go. The truth is, colloquialand conversational in their sake, happy are ye. sun to h avebeenre - bapt i zr< — preaching. '‘Nothing is more cal If ye be reproached for the name nothing attracts like the pulpit. A I answer, that the promise of re Rationalist will go to New York culated,” says Mr. Finney,“ to make of < ’hrist, happy are ye. mission of sins is given to- every a sinner feel that religion is some Behold, we count them happy and lecture to a full house, and go one who repents and is baptized in away carrying his honors; and mysterious thing that he cannot which endure. the name of the Lord Jesus Christ understand, than this mouthing, If ye know these things, happy some people say, “ See what a If a person .should- J >e-4»apttzrd™not formal lofty style of speaking str are ye if ye do them.-^Well Spring. success ’ if only the" ministry in the name of the Lord Jesus as well !” But notice that „this generally employed in the pulpit. We urge the duties of Christiani Christ, but merely to get into the lecturer, sharp and shrewd as he ty upon the consciences of men ; Baptist church, this would be no Hard Questions on Baptisms. keeps away from New York for a baptism at all. It would not bring but duties are constraints till they whole year. Yet the thousands till Bro. J. W. McGarvey has been the person to remission, nor into are changed into charms by love. the Christian churcht-s fifty-(two answering some bf these hard the body of Christ. But if a per-- The very worudlity is a harsh one, days in the’ year, and hear Ihe questions in the Apostolic Tinies, son w’ho has been baptized as an until the heart grasps it, snd then Gospel themselves, and then give and as the same questions vex act of obedience to Jesus Christ, the lowliest service and the boldest their substance to send it to the many from time to time, we give and afterward joins the Baptist endeavor are cheerfully accepted heathen who have never heard its sound. Cold as religion is to-day, Bro. McG’s answers below' : church, all he has to do to get right and welcomed. To win men to the it is yet the one thing that lives A great many of the puzzlin; « is to leave the Baptist church and performance of Christian duties, it and burns in the Efeai ts 4t>f men ; questions of the present d ay owe join the Church of Christ. There is necessary to win them to the before its shrines the world de their existence to the corrupted and lights to assemble and worship. divided condition of the so-called is no authority for re-immersing love of him who requires them, and “ Why don't people go to church ? I” to the love <f those for whose church of Christ, and are hard to him. Tell Us why they do, j ¿ease, and 1 have answered these questions benefit they are required.-— Dean then we will Uli you why some answer because they were unknown and consequently unanswered in briefly, and without argument, be- Stanley. don’t.— Ex. I t HM'i..'7'rw^»iiiinii|iiliMi |irp-in—...Jh—'"......... .