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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1882)
O í I ííístia X 11 !<’. 1 < A L, D f £ shown that the law of God ami the law of Moses are the same. See 1 Chron. 22: 12, 13; Dent 11: 13, 16; Ezra 7 6 ;’ Luke 2 : 24 ;- Acts 15 : 8; Rom. 8: 2; Dent. 31 : 9, 24; 1 Kings 2-: 3. 12th. It.has .been shown that the law was not mail«* for a righteous man but for sinners, etc 1 Tim. 1: 1,1L 13th. I have shown • that Christ fulfill«*»! th«C law and Abolished it. S»*e Matt. 5: 17;-Luk«* 24: 44; '»4; J Acts 13 •/ J, 28; ’ Matt. 26: 54; Hosea 2:11; John 1:17; 15: 10, 14 ; Arts 3 : 22; Rom. 1 : .16; 2 = 12, 15; 3: 19, 31: 4: 14, 17; 5: 13, 21 ; 6 : 14; 7: 1, 13; 10: 4; 13 : 8, 14, X’c.; Gal. 1: 6; 2: 16, 21 ; 3d chap.; Col. 2: 14; 2 Cor. 3d chap.; Gal. 4 chap. 14. il<* has iierer attempted to show any’ command to^ keep the seventh day’ from Pentecost to this «lay, ami freely admits there is none 15th. I have shown tluit the apbstlos keeping the seventh day-is no authority for us to keep it, as they’ also kej?t circumcision and Jewish leasts. ' e 16th. I have shown that it was . given as a memorial of th«* children of Israel’sdeliverance from Itonda"«*. live, we need life itself; and that Loose Pulleys. said men sinned and brought moral death, thus admitting, in spUjp of Every one who knows anything I'fe should be a life lived by faith himself, that the moral law was about shops or factories, has no . on the Son of God, who hath loved landing from Adam to Moses. I ticed that wlirre power is used by I us, and given himself for us. The have proved that in A. IL. *96 the means of belting, there are usually I Armor//. Sabbath was called the Lor« I-ST1..V. two pulleys -side by side on the Character. - I have proved that the ten com shafting. To all appearance they mandments were taught in the New look just, alike. Sometimes the Many people seem to forget that Testament, ami that they would be belt.runs upon (»nt* and sometimes character grows; that it is not in the judgment. They were made upon the other, ami the casual ob something to put on ready made in Paradise, and they will be in the server might imagine that it made with womanhood or manhood ; but ark-of the testimony in Paradise in no difference on which pulley the day’ by day, here a little and there the judgment. In his attempt, to belt.was placed. In this he wotdd a''little, grows with the growth, and establish the origin of the Sabbath be mistaken; for one of them is a strengthens with the strength, with Israel, lie first put it with the loose pulley, anu however fast if until, good or bad, it becomes al falliny of manna, and next at may run, it communicates no most a coat of mail. Look at a Mount Sinai, 33 days after. He power ; it simply whirls upon the man of husmeas—prompt, reliable, attenipteil to show ten command-, shaft, and is only used to keep the conscientious, i yet clear-headed and ments for the Jews alone, but 1» belt in position where, it may be energetic. When do you suppose showed by Rqm. 3 : that all the. shifted with a slight motion, on the he ^developed all those admirable world is proven guilty before God pulley beside it, which is firmly qualities-• When he was a boy? by the commandments. I showed fastened to the shaft, and which, Let us see how a boy of ten years, that Law and Gos|a*l -worked!to tire moment the belt is shi ted on gets up in the morning, works, gether in the “old dispensation ” as to it, sets the whole machinery in plays, studies, and we will-tell you well as in the “new.” I ’proved motion. just what kind of a man he will that if the law of ten command There are in the churches to-day make. The boy that is late at ments are abolished, there ran be a great many men and women who breakfast, late at school, stands a no conviction ; therefore, no par resemble loose pulleys. They- are poor chance to be a prompt man. don and no Gospel,. I proved by not fastened anywhere They do The boy who neglects his duties, be Matt; 5: 17, that not a letter or the not take hold with a firm grasp they ever so small, and then ex smallest point of a letter shall pass upen the sources of eternal strength, cuses himself by saying, “ I forgot ! from the ten commandments till all or the duties of a Christian life. I didn’t think !” will never be a 1 There is no power in them. When reliable man. And the boy who the prophecies are fulfilled proved by* Matt. 5: 19; Rev. 22: they come in contact with men finds pleasure in the sufferings of MR. J ones ’ s summary address . I showed that the seventh day 14, and 11: 12, that Christ com they exert no influence. They’ do weakly things will never be a was blest ami sanctified at ovation. manded us to do the ten command very little that amounts to any noble, generous, kind man—a gen « 4 I showed that sanctify means to ments, and-to teach others to do thing; they are simply loose pul tleman.— Christian Helper. set apart, to n holy’ and righteous them. In harmony with this cov«*- leys, whirling at a touch ; going « S afe in the A rms of J esus .— « use, to app«»int, prepare ami com mint I proved in Luke 23 : 50, 56, through the form and routine of « mand. Where he showed where kept it after his death. I proved motion, but having no power, and Last week three young gentlemen men were not command«*d to keep by’ Matt. 24: 15-20, that he taught communicating nothing to the were descending from the fifth story of one of Cincinnati’s largest it was disprove«!. I showed that his disciples to ivmemlter the Scrip machinery beyond them. There are ministers of the “loose buildings in an elevator controlled ■ command was to “ bid," sanctify is tures. 1 proved that the disciples to “ bid." I proved by’ the Bible kept it. I proved by’ 1 John 2: pulley ” order. They keep moving by an elderly colored man. They > that the Sabbath was made- for i 1, 2, that Christ is advocate for and hold the belt in position, but . were discussing the question of Adam, also by’ th«* dictionary that transgressors of the law, with th»* they seem to run no. machinery, 1 what the result would be if the this is true, I have -proved by’ father, thus proving th«* obligation and do no work. Year after year elevator should fall, and one of them —historical facts that the (hinese of the Father’s law in this “ dis they go round and round, hut they said: “ I don’t care for myself, but anciently had the Sabbath, and 1 pensation ” liecause he cannot h«“-an have neither grasp nor grip; they I am anxious for my old friend proved that there has l»een slabs advocate with himself. I proved start nothing, move nothing, and here,’ alluding to the colored rnan ; unearthed in ancient ruins bearing in 1 Tim. 2; 5, that Christ is the accomplish nothing that requires and turning to him, he said : “ I ncle, the inscription of the Sabbath. I mediator between God and men, power. Saints are not edified nor where do you think you’d alight have proved that the command and in (oil. 3: 20?a mediator is not are sinners convicted or converted | The old man replied promptly : “ I ments were observed from Adam to a mediator.of «we, t hus proving the under their ministrations. They , would light in the arms of Jesus! are orthodox, comfortable and res • Where woiil I you light ?” The Moses, but he has denied it. existence of the law of God. pectable, but they are loose pul I young men were silenced, and-left (Wright, “ I said there was no law W e urge the duties of Christi leys; they seem to have no con ’ the elevator without anothei word. wlfose penalty was physical «leath anity upon the consciences of men ; nection w ith those sources of ever I Herald and Presbyter. from Adam to Moses”.) 1 proved but duties are constraints till they lasting strength, the grace and that the nations were driven out for are changed into charms by^Jove. power an<l Spirit of the Living Where he really stood: “ I breaking the commainlments. I The very word duty is a harsfi one, rftand,” said a stump orator, “ on proved that Christ kept the Sab until the heart grasps it, ami then (lod. What Christians need is not to the broad platform of principles of bath. I showed that th«* passorer the lowliest service and the boldest was the inemorial of th«* departure endeavor are cheerfully accepted be loose pulleys, but to be so joined '98, ami palsied be my arm if, I of the children of- Israel from and welcomed. To w in men to the to the Lord that every act and desert ’em.”. “ You stand on no Egypt, and not the Sabbath as he performance of Christian duties, it motion shall be instinct with di thing of the kind,” interrupted a is necessary to win them to the argued. I proved that th«* nations love of him who requites them, and I vine power, and shall make all our little shoemaker in the crowd; 4 “ you stand in my boots that you had l»een under law, or they wouhl to the loy^pf those for whose bene activities result in real -service in not have been guilty of sin. This fit they are required.— Dean Stan- • the Master’s cause. It is not never paid me for, ami I want the | enough that w<* have a name to I money.“" he admitted yesterday when he I ■ 4 • ' J* 4 « • ■ i