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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1882)
-'n . CHRISTIAN 6 / 1TÉIÎALD -it" . ---------- - ---------------- -— I .,. — SUMMARY. faith in Christ Jesus, an«l children of Abraham, an«! heirs according to ,1st. I have shown by the diction-c Synopsis <W on lit** Sabbatli. tlie promise. Now, to Abraham aries. that create is to bring . © into roniitienciiig .Tune '4.1, 1SS4, held nt and his seed was the promise made, existence, or form, or make some- Farmington, W. T., between Fid. C. .T. Wrlglit, of the Church of Christ,. and not to see«ls, as of many, but to thy thing out of nothing, an 1 to jnake is Kid. Alonzo T. Jones, Sevcbthday Ad seed which is Christ. T)iis blessing to give shape to or form something ventist . was to com«“ through Christ and of that which already exists, hence __ P RO P OS IT [ON— Resol red, that not-the ten commandments. The to crea /can«I to make are two things, , the. Siventh day of the week is the ten commandments was given 439 and-that th«* date of creation was Sabbath of the Lord, such years after the. promise was made at som«* time prior to the making was given at creation, and all men and it could not disannull or make the earth or man. Therefore there were and (ire commanded to keep the promise of none' effect. “ It the was no Sabbath at creation, as the it holy unto the Lord. inheritance be of the law it is no proposition affirms, as there was no more of grace.” If my Bro. says it «late fixetl at creation. ELDER WRIGHTS LAST SPEECH. Eld. Jones affirms and Eld. Wright' is of law, lie simply sets th«1 pro 2nd. II«* has utterly failed to You have heard .my friend’s last denies. ? mises of Go«l aside, and I ha«l just show how time was <livi«l«*d from speech. It is certain that he 1ms * (Continued.) I f -*»' failed to make any argument. Only as well lift up my voice and ciy the making of tin* worl«l till the mil J ones ’ s last speech . 1,500 years lias been found in because* he sets the promises of Julian Era. I 3rd. I have abundantly sluidm The first point I will call your which there was a command to 1 God aside. I will again say if Bro J oik ' s ’ s little congregation at Farm- that if the wor«l “ sanctify,” a« used . attention to now is that G«xi com observe the Sabbath, and that was ington keep tliajt law they will be in Gen. 2: 3, means command in manded the obs«wyance of the I to. the Jews onljr. He says, mas- in the penitentiary lnd ’ ore twelve any sense, that it was th«* day that seventh «lay, inasmuch as he sancti inuch as God sanctified the «lay, i't^. fied it, as I have shown that sancti was commanded ; this, you see, has months, as . they .must execute its was “ sanctified ” and (commando«!)' • fy has the force of a command. Heb. l»cen his principal argument, ad penalty on the disobedient. If an«l not man. ** 4th. H«‘ has failed to show even 10: 28, 29. Those penalties art* mitting sanctify implies a com tlier«1 • had been a law given that change«! by Christ. When we come mand; the; only was com could give' life, then Christ «lied in the shadow of a commaml to*, any into Christ wc escape the penalties. manded ; the day and not man was vain. Paul says “ the law was our «me to kee-ji^tljc Sabbath during the Christ said “ lie would have jnerey sanctified; therefore his argument Pedagogues to bring us to Clh'ist, first 2,500 yeats of the wtirld’s an«I not sacrifice.” The sacrifice on sanctify is all lost. He says that we might be justified by faith, history. 5th. I have shown that the first cease« lt Daniel 5: li. The law of Ellen G. White’s writings were the i but after faith is come we are no Go«l is truth. John 17 : 17. The Scriptures, an«l were, of course, a longer under thé pedagogues ” Rom mention of the Sabbath is found in law of the Lord is perfect. Rom revelation. 1 say Ellen - G. White 4: 1 ; 7: 10 ; 21 : 31. "Tell me, Ex. 16, anti that it is the first men 2: 12. The Jews an« 1 gentiles are „does not claim to get it from the ye that desire to -be under the law, tion of it is evi«lent from the fact all guilty before God. Rom. 2: 14, Bible, but by a revelation, (He do yd not hear the law ? For it is that th«* definite artich* " th«? ” is 15. “ reads one of her revelations). If written that Abraham ha«l two not in the original, but it is called The Elder said, I sai«l Christ her writings 1st true I want to say sons, tli«1 on«* by a lximl-maid and a Sabbath ; ah«l also that the word gave no commands. I did not say when you resist Sister White you the other by a free woman, but he Sabbath nor its e<piivelant never it. < 'hrist gave his Father’s com resist tlu* Go«l of heaven. Gal. I : who was of the bond-woman was occurr«*«! in the Bible or any history mands. ' - 6. The apostle tells the Galatian lwirn after th«1 flesh, but he of th«1 in the world, prior to that time, Every man is carnally minded brethren that they were “ removed , free woman was by promis«*, which and then it was given only to the that has not the law of God in his from him that called them into the things ar«* an allegory ; for these Jews. See Gen. 12: 1 ; 17: 10; heart. If-any man have not the grace of Christ to another gospel.’ ar«* th«* two covenants ; the on«.* 22: 18; Ex. 16: 25; 31: 13; spirit of God in his heart he is none If righteousness came by the law from th«* Mount Sinai which gen- Deut. 5 ; 2, 3. 6th. And that it was a local in of his. The Holy Ghost must writ«* then Christ died in vain. "Oh, deretli to .bondage, which is Agar For this Agar is Mount Sinai in stitution, for no fire was to be the law of G« m 1 upon the heart. I foolish Galatiahs, who hath be Arabia, an« I answereth- to Jerusa kindl«*«!, and they were not t<? stir Christ sai«l wc must “ worship G« m L witched you that ye should not lem, which flow is an«l is in lM»n«T~ out of theiv- houses on that «lay. in spirit an«I in truth.” oliey the truth, liefore whose eye« He says Sister Whit«* says her I Jesus Christ hath lieen evidently age with her children. But Jeru See Numbers 15: 35. \ salem which is above is free, which 7th. I have shown that ill! men writings ar«* revealed. Of course set forth, crucified among you ? Sister White gets her Scriptures | This only would 1 learn of you, is th«* mother of us all. * * * ^annot keep th«* same day, as time Nmv, we, brethren, as Isaac was,, is not divided the same in all the an«l they are revealed, Tie caned ' Receive ye Hie spirit by thrworks’ on me to show when* th«* command of the law, or by the hearing of ar«1 th«*. children of promis«*,” etc. nations. Sth. I have shown that the ten to keep the seventh «lay was given. faith ?” “ Christ hath re«leem<*«l us Here we fin«l the-law is the con cubine an«l not th«* légitimât«* wife. comman«lm«*nts was a covenant. When I the 5th chapter from the «Mirse of the law, lieing 30th verse “ Nevertheless, what See Ex. 19: 5; 31 : 16; 24: 7; of Matthew h«1 woul«l not receive it I made a curse for us.” Rom. 3 : 13.. saith the Scripture ? Cast out the 34 : 27, 28; Deut 9 : 9, 11; Deut. When he comes t«) Rom. 7th he But our Bro. will say it is not the l»on«l-woman an«l her son ; for the 4:13; 17: 2. makes the woman the church, then ten cornman« Iments. I will prove son of the bond-woman shall not 9th. I have shown that that cove the law is that which binds the it is the ten coin man« Im cuts. Go«l ?l»e heir with the son of the free nant was abolished. Jer. 31 : 31; man to the church.^’ Every woman I said to Abraham, “ In thee and in > is boun«l to her husband by the thy seel shall all nations of earth woman. So then, brethren, we are Heb. 8: 7, 13; 9: 4, 19; 12: not children of the bond-woman, 13: 20. law as long liveth. The same be blest ” See Gal. 3: 16, 29, in 10; 10th. I have shown by law that binds her to him binds clusive. Paul says the law was but of the free.” Lot us not be en her to another man. The ten com- ( added liecause of transgression „till tangled with the yoke of 1 Mind age. 1,6; 5: 28, that Moses wfofct the on the last two mandrnents binds her to a man as : the promised seed should come, and If we .-leek to be justified by law - ten - - commandments • Ion«« as he liveth. Now, you see,,; he tells us that seed was Christ we are fallen from grace. " For all tables of stone. t i bit, *i” the law .«• is fulfill«*«! 11 th. He has failed, to prove that it is all plain enough Wherefore nn I hat .1 law was ill to them a « curb „«.» in « one i. « w«frd, . even in this. 1 hou shalt love thy God gave one law to Israel, and life liecame dead to th«* la w. See] to keep them un<l.-r subjeetmi^mtil n,.igb|,«.r as thyself.” Roin.' 5: li 9th verse. Jt is th«* man that «lies, the promised seed sliould>i’c«i»me God forbid tlwit 1 should glory save that Moses gave them another law, but to the.contrary it has been * pot the law, The law brought We are the children of God by , in the cross of Christ. forth sin ijnto death. Isa. 56 : 1-3; Heb. 9 18. ■ People are trampling Tli«1 day of God under foot. That «lay which is cajled a tielight and honorable. Is. 8: 16, 18. An«l hereby do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments. He that saith I know him and keepeth not his commandments is a liar and the truth is not in hiirn 1 John 3: 4. “ Blessed are they ‘ that keep his commandments,” etc. Rev. 22 : lk DEBATE. «. 4' ■