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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1882)
0 4 4 f J- I 3 CHRISTIAN HERALD. ' * . -------------------------------------------------- „ * *1 ’ Sunday School Election. “ proaches of the tempter. Watch at Burns’ school house, seven miles meeting will be at Republican Church, Harrison county.—T. M. Myres. for old habits of sin that will steal southeast of this plaoe, add continued the meeting three Jays, with 8 acces- 4 L exington , July 22.—I have just re I rving , O r ., Aug. 16, 1882. back again though they have been sions to the small band—6 by confes turned from a meeting with the church Editor ChristianHerald : driven off a hundred times “from sion and obedience, and 2 by church ie- at Pleasant Valley, Nicholas county. By request I will send you a few the premises.” Watch for oppor lation, making a coDgreg tion of 16 — j Bro. Markwell preaches there once a * items concerning our Sunday- tunities to do good. Let the Mary Kilby A. 8mi h. month.9 During the meeting 25 persona came forward. Of this number 12 were HCjlO(»l. „ ........ . Misserar. side of your religion be ever at the I immersed, 6 from the Methodists, 1 Last Sunday we held our election feet of Jesus in humble devotion ; W est P lains , Aug. 1.—Our meeting from the Baptists, and the remainder which resulted as follows: For let the Martha side of your piety here closed with 17 additions and^ 3 came from sister churches, and some Superintendent, V. S. Bond ; Assis--. be ever abounding in the work of subtractions, leaving a net gain of 14 to few were restored. The brethren speak tant Superintendent, A. C. Jen the Lord. Let us use our knees for j the meinbers'iip of tl 9 congregation of the meeting as the beat they have Fraternally,—Adam S. Wright. nings; Secretary, Lou E. Bond; prayer, our eyes for watchfulness, had. Bro. Markwell will continue the E lsberby , July 30—1 have just Treasurer, I. W. Bond ; Libraiian, our nurses for liberal giving, our closed a five days’ meeting at Dameron, meeting if necessary.—E. T.^Edmonds. L ancaster , Aug. 7 —Since our last A -L Zumwalt. tongues for confessing Jesus, and four miles noith of this place on the report 7 persons have been added to the For the term of six months just both our hands in hard work to do St. L. and K. railroad. It was the first church. 2 were by confession and bap closed, we had an average attend Christ’s will,' and to pull sinners time our plea had been presented in tism, 1 from the Baptists, and the rest ance ' of twenty-nine _ scholars. out of the everlasting tires.—7’. L that place, and much success was not were by letter and commendation.—J. expected, and yet we had the pleasure of Several prizes were awarded for Cuyler. • receiving 4,. and assembling at the W. Lowber. W illiamsburg , July 30 —There have reciting verses. Miss Jennie Thur- waters edge and baptizing 2 of them, been 8 baptisms here since I wrote you.’ GOSPEL SUCCESS,. and 2 others who had already made the man receives the first piize for re The meeting is now 16 days old, ¡delud good confession- Could we have rS citing the most verses. ing 3 Sundays. My next meeting will Reported br olir correspcudentH and gleaned mained longer, we tnink more good We meet every Sunday for Sun from our exenaugeu. could have bjeu accomplished, but we be held at Republican Church, iu Har day-school, and have preaching were obliged to close. Fraternally—T. rison county—T. M Myres. OREGON. '’ C owan , July 31.—-Held a meeting at twice a - month by Bros. Huberts M c M innville , Atig. 15.— Uro. I). T. A. Abbott. und Shelley. M acon , Aug. 3.—On the 26th ult., 1 Kentontown, in Robertson county, Ky., Stanley'. I have hud good hearing al closed a meeting at Byrumville, Chari and hnd 16 confessions. Also held a Yours very truly, this place, Carlton, North Yambill, ton county. It was a very unpropitious meeting at Valley, a neighboring -v Lou E B ond , Sec. Lafayette, and West and East Chehalim, church, assisted by Bros. Wallington_ - — -w » -—— . and Bethel. At North Yamhill a Bap time for a meeting, as the farmers were and Lee, with 27 confessions.—F. M. in the midst of their harvest, which is a tist preacher, by the namt^of Edmonds Am i Alive I very busy oue. 6, however, were added Hurst. and a lady, united with’the brethren. VIRG nia . to the congregation.—J. N. Wright. It is not a sufficient answer to Yours in the hope, —W. D. Frazee. L ociileven , Lunenburg Co., July 29. ILLINOIS P. 8. I have preached eleven dis — We just closed an excellent meeting this question to say “ ]/ was con .R ock C reek . Aug» 4.—I have just re courses in the past fifteen days and the at Perseverance Chu ch, with 15 bap verted.” Thousands were born ten brethren seem to be alive. I start on turned home after an absence of a four tized, 1 reclaimed, and 1 from the Bap years ago who are now in their tomorrow for’our State meeting in dajs' visit io an adjoining county, viz. ’ (Pope.) Me bad a good meeting, with tists -making 17 in all. Bro. J. L. T. > coffins. Granting you were, once Los Angles, Cal. 12 additions : 11 by baptismTand 1 from Holland, their pastor, rendered valuable made alive, are you alive to-day ? NORTH CAROLINA. the Baptists. Yours,—Geo, W. Stev assistance. He is much esteemed by If so, how shall you keep alive? tins congregation, and is still .their N ew A lbany , July 29.—D. T. Stan ens. First of all comes prayer, the daily ley, Monmouth, Oregon, D_ar brother A rthur , Aug. 5 —I came here Thurs choice after laboring ten years with ■ Christ : it is with pleasure that I in day to bear Bro. Black, who has been them. This congregation now numbers <- and hourly intercourse of the soul and is among, if not the largest congre with God. Prayer is just as vital have the opportunity of writing to you, conducting a meeting here for 2 weeks gation in the Stato outside of the cities. that you may know that there are a few to day. There have been to d.:te 42 ad to we -spiritual life as water is. to of the followers of Christ iu this part of ditions : Methodists, New Lights, B*p —Junius Wilkins. the “ monthly rose.” Prayer is the the country. We aro on the progress, fists, confessions, etc. lie will couiinue SOUTH CAROLINA. B runson , Aug. 1.—We closed our conduit pipe between my soul and slowly spreading over the land. I or indefinitely. We have no organization heaven ; it is the outlet upward for ganized a congregation of Disciples at here. This is a remaikable meeting, meeting at Evergreen, near Walterboro, gratitude, and yearning desires for South Shore, second Lord’s day in this j aud, no dou|>t, will result in establish with 20 additions—13 baptisms, 7 from Baptists. The interest was unabated to month, of 17, after baptizing 5 ; and I blessing; it is the inlet through am in hopes you are ou the move.—J. ing the cause firmly in Arthur. Yours, the last.—W. H. Goodloe. —John A. Sidener. which the supplies of grace pour J. Woodley. ■ GEORGIA. ‘ ♦ TEXAS. INDIANA. A ugusta , August 2 — 1 have just re downward into the heart. When T errell , July 23.—Bro. Gray and 1 turned from a meeting at Corinth I ndianapolis —At my regular ap 1 closed a meeting at Egypt, this county, the channel is allowed to freeze up, pointment at Buck Creek, the second J on the 23d of this month with 14 addi Church, Walton Co., WhiclTresnlted in 1 am in the same condition with Lord’s day in July, 4 confessions and tions to the congregation—9 by bap 38 additions—36 by confession and bap the housekeeper who inquires, “ 1 baptisms.—J. M* Canfield. tism, 2 from the Baptists and 3 by rela tism ; 1 from the Baptists and 1 re won ler why the water doesnot run N ew A lbany , July 31.—Summer tion, notwithstanding tin congregation stored.—J. 8. Lamar. to- lay ?” The plumber is sent for, finds the church in flood condition, un f is in a cold condition and think young A tlanta , July 31.—Friday night be fore the fourth Sunday, I closed a der the divitffe blessing. The best in and he toon explains the difficulty : people are not accountable to God meeting at Red oak, with 6 additions— terest and largest audiences we have while subject to their pareuts. Frater ‘•Your pipes are frozen up- the 3 from the Baptists ; 2 by baptism and I connection with the reservoir is ever had at this season of the year. 1 nally,—George Clark. young married gentleman made the T hornton , July 23.—Just closed a 1 restored. To-dav I closed a ten days* stopped.” Alas ' for the Christian good confession last night ; 7 additions meeting at Furgerson Prairie with ten meeting at Union, Campbell Co , with who has broken his connection during the month.—J. C. Tully. accessions. Brethren generally revived. 21 additions—15 by baptism and 6 from KANSAS. with Christ. Hope they will succeed in living up to the Baptists. —F. M. Foster. B evei :, Aug. 3.—As I have not sent their duty.—P. B. Sweeney. But with prayer the Master also Mnrried Including the fourth Sunday in July, you any report/for some time, since n>y coupled watchfulness: “ I say unto I had the pleasure. of conducting a At the residence of the bride's mother all, Watch.” The oversight must last report there haze been six additions meeting of some days with the church here at our home congregation ; and on be close, constant and wakeful. If the 9th of July I began a meeting with at High Mound, Hunt Co. Our audi in Puyallup, W. T., Aug. 14, at 2:30 p. M., Miss Leins 8. Ross to Mr. John W. you were set to keep a little canary the brethren at Rock Creek congrega-- ences ware exceedingly large, and the Boatman, by tbeRev. Mr. Banfield. interest was unusually good throughout bird --- on the open pain» of your tion, 6 miles south of Plattmiouhi, We extend eoBoratulaUons and ac-, #r - band, you would understand what Neb., and preached fourteen discourse?' the meetiug. Immediate results—27 knowledge the receipt of a large box packed with the nicest of cake.—[E d .] it meant by “ keeping the heart and had 13 additions ; 3 from the Bap accessions.—F. D. Srygley. KENTUCKY. tists, 1 from the Methodists and the rest with all diligence.” You must not from the world.—Wm. W. Hallam. W illiamsburg , July 24 —There have Disapropoitionableness is said to be take ’off the spiritual eye for one been 5 accessions to the church in the H opj :, July 27.—Ou the 22d met. we the longest word in the English lan instant. Watch the stealthy ap- organized a congregitiou of 8 members meeting here up to date. —My next guage. »! • J •’I