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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1882)
CHRISTI AN 9 •- ■ .> - - , 1 I KB ALT>. J I J i -- .. But 1’iiri. i-9, “ knowing this that law is 4 shown that the helpless and young “ Ye Are Not Under not made for a righteousness man.” Un def Grace.” UifdeF in nature, always pray, and that it' Is Prayer Natural ? Gal 3-22, “ but before the faith is a successful and natural fo'-Ce 111 NUMBER 1. came nve were under the law.” NUMBER IV, . • . nature; how can there l»e any an It is one of the- weaknesses and Rom. 6-14, “ ye are not under laW; It must be apparent to every one tagonism between science ami follies of mem to tllifik Hull wicked hut under grace.’’ “ What then who has studied at all, the laws and prayer. .(¿an Jit.. l.'.a.vJc g<»o«l by__la tv shall we sin, because we_are not nature of the human heart, that au —I. know that there is very. ir.UVh honest and sincere desire or prayer that is called player (“’falsely so They forget, or do not understand, under lavC^ <>ut under grace ? God of the soul to be submissive .to “ the caked ”) that it is no more prayer, that ail that la tv can possibly do, is forbid.” Gal. 5-18, “ for if ye l>e will of Go«l;” and an implicit faith, than the revolutions of the heathens to forbid, and punish snch trlide, or let I ol tl ic Spirit, ye are not under Itici < if * men, as becomes overt law.” that God is causing all things to “ praying wheel,” that are also i condtlct All these quotations refer to work together for his good, will “ driven by the windReal prayer, ami 1 publiK That so far as chang have such a corresponding influence can only ’Come from actual need ing òr affecting "the lieart, that all statutory or commanded law, and upon his own heart, as to fill his It must also bq within the scope of . statutory and commanded law is to that kind of law only. It is soul with a calm and peaceful res- God’s natural anil adaptable means, perfectly “ weak and beggarly.” that "law” that John l-t? says . ignation ami trust, and inspire the lf-a man’s helpless condition is clear Although God tried the power and, “came by MosejtfHwid that Christ unfaltering conviction that all outside the. reach of God’s natural virtue of this kind of “Z<ntt”for says “ Moses gave you the law.” things are woi king together for his and available mean’s or agencies ; 1500 yt'ilrs, and then pronounced it John 7-19. • That 1 may not be good. This beneficial fact of itself, who will say that God wiU> nr can a miserable failure, in that it was misunderstood,J will sHj Unit tin* if God had no natural resources, answer our prayers * If a man'is “weakand beggarly” ttiid “Uhableto godly men, ami “ transgressors ” re and no natural command of those buried in the depths of -.a colliery, make the comers thereunto perfect,” quire«! just such statutory anUccm- agencies, would well repay us.for by lire, water, or some tcrrible.dis- as righteousness could not cóme mandeu ZtiiV, as “ Moses gave,” and the true spirit of trust, amd the con aster; so that God cannot relieve by law ;” foolish and carnal men as “ thtrpowcTs that be ’’ also* give-; stant use of sincere and earnest him through human help, who will are still trying to obtain righteous- 'for all such law is only “ for the If Hess by law, and still trying to punishmct of . evil doers.” But 1 z- prayer. If its only benefit was its say that God can reseut* him ?• . __ . relief influence * upon ^ourselves, tlw sliip goes to the lxittom and the keep “ the church pure and godly am now speaking of the weakness there would still be great “ profit if crew arc left struggling in the by law. In this article two use the and im potency of all slick laws, as I should pray unto him.” I water a thousand miles from any term “ hf.v" fFiJtil the Jewish and a ru|c of action for godley men or ? need not enlarge upon this side of I boat, or human help; who will say civil standpoints as meaning statu-' .Christians.' As a law or rule ofae- the question, for the influence of ’ prayer can save them ( Could tory-or commanded law ; and hav timi 1 affirm without fear of intelli real fervent prayer upon ourselves; prayer hying relief to t he perishing ing no reference to the physical gent qr scriptural contradictions;- and the great benefit and import crew pf the Jeanette when there law of God thatis.written nr our and umlerstamling just what I way, * ance of that influence admitted was no natural means of relief--af-' bodh^'aml in the book of nature.; that godly, righteous or Christian by every intelligent psychologist. hand { No man Chan God, can heal nor to .spiritual law of God that men arc nut airier stalutoty'or » But we repeat the original quqstion : a wound, or sin against the body, Christ writes on our hearts, and in cutnntatided lad’s. The real power » Is prayer a natural force, or one of “ that is unto death.” In answer- our mimls-and consciences. For in and purifying virtue of all such » the forces of nature ! It seems to tb our prayers, God gives us day by its proper and true sense, these arc u law ” is just the same, whether it me that the cries of the dependent day onr daily bread. But no one the only kind of laws that God is enacted by God, or by some man, voung, and the ready ami willing has ever received or eaten his everjiad ; for they are the only or by a body of three men, who resfionse of God through their' pa “daily bread,” that was not the kimFuf laws that God or godly men are capable of imparting it. There was just ax much murder, rent mothers, is proof conclusive natural product of the resources are ever controlled ami ct governed by. I prjxieed to say then, that and just as much theft, ami just as upon this point. By just sUclr an of God through nature. alogies God has taught us. his cure God has promised the ispirit of godley men, are notjumler statutory much covetousness under Moses for us, as well as what real prayer Christ, or holy spirit, to them that or (xunijianded law. This is just as law ; as there was in the other na r is, and the methods of its answer. ask him ; or who “ hunger and true of godly Alien, as it is of God tions with the same morals, ami In many things we arc equally thirst ” for it. But no one need himself A few «juotations will with equal laws and eipial penal helpless and dependent. We are expect it, and niboiie has ever re show that this is clearly set forth, ties. Whatever power enacts it, it not only “ his offspring,” but “ every ceived it directly from heaveiFamL^ as the distinguishing feature ol is itili “ weak ami beggarly ” and good gift- and every perfect gift by prayer only: any more than Christianity. Acts 13-39, “from whoever lives by it, and works by cometh down from tlie Father °f ’ tpev j,MV received their “daily which ye collH not be justified by it, can never attain unto “the the law of Moses.” Rom. 3-20, righteousness of God ” by it. Who light.” bread ” directly Tro’ If God can and does answer the _1>V the deeds of law, can no ever teaches it, or enforces it “ in As in nature, so i-n grace, God has prayers of the young raven, and the provided the 'means by which we flesh lie justiduTT Tiihis-sight/’ the house of G<xl ” needs “ that one laud», and the calf, why should it may grow, and increase in the Rom. 4 15, “for the law worketk ■ili<»ul<l teark tljem again of God.” be thought a thing CT CT incrwlible for spirit of God. We might as well wrath ” Gal. 2-16, “ knowing that Some practical illustratiom uf its God to answer our prayers ? Has pray for some other “power” for a man is not justified by the works “ weakm'ss” ami failure, will be in he no resources adapted to our nat salvation than the Gospel, or for of law, for by the works of law order. __ /_ 8. (>*. A dams ural and spiritual want ? Or “ doth some other “ way ” to heaven, than shall no flesh be justified.” Gal. 2- Salem, Or., Aug. 10, 1882. .Cod care for oxen [and other ani Christ, as to pray for the spirit, out 21, “ for if righteousness could come ----- — . » • --- mals] only ? by law, then Christ died in vain, ” “ A tlxiught that is not heart- side of God’s Scriptural and natural I must conclude, therefore, means of imparting it. In all 3-10, “as many as are under the baptized never can mark results in . that real prayer to God, is so per thiilgs there should be first, a sin- works of law, are under the curse,” spiritual things. Glitter without fectly in accord with the analogies cere and fervent desire, and then an 3-13, but Christ hath redeemed us warmth in preaching or living is the most helpless thing.” of nature, tnat whoever knows and efficient and clfeletual “ co working [all godly men] from the/ curse of na- admits the former, should also un together with God,” ami if it lie law. CT grandest arid strongest CT "(Juist was born' under tierstand and admit the naturalness “ according to his will” he will law, to redeem them that were un tures are ever tlie calmest. A fiery of the latter. Ho that, as science is hear and answer, and not otherwise. der law, that they might receive restlessness is the symbol of frail ties not yet outgrown. The repose but a systematic arrangement of the the adoption of children? ’ Gal. 3- of power is its richest phase and its S. C. A dams . truths of nature; and we have Salem, Or., July 29, 1882. r12, “ for law is not .of faith.” I. clearest testimony.” Original Contributions. » I M-------- n * < I