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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1882)
Il < : H It I ST 1 A’N11171 i,AMI I. .--------- ’ . * - ■ *■ "" H d W to be Beautiful. > / • One of tlm most fascinating women J ever saw was very home ly, but she had such a charming manner that no one remembered that she was plain. One of the most beautiful had prominent eyes, 1 .¿ajUj^-nrominen t t'-gtlk and al to gether irregular features, yet ’no one could see her and not recogniz * ' the fact that she was beautiful; it was the beauty of a lovely soul shining through and transfiguring the whole.. ^5 . • • ' ' " The Cream of nil Book« of Adventure. ' * . A Sensible Parrot. WOMAN CAN 1 Three weeks After.f^e great file in Chicago, in 1801, 1 saw a parrot that had saved itself from the gen eral face of all .household treasures there. It had belonged to my old friend; Mrs. Kirkland, and wa* PIONe.FR jg I DARING HEROES J« I DEEDS. HEALTH OFWOMA ts THE HOPE 0 SYMPATHIZE WITH1 The thrilling adventnrpH of »11- the hero <-x- pjorerf« and frontier lighters with ndians, out laws and wild licaais, ovtr pur whole country, lr<iin tliA <-ar1 ióst times .tò the pujHsnt. Lives and-f inious exploits of De'-’oto LaSalle, Stand ish. Boonp. Kenton, Hr inly, 'Cricket t. Bov. ie, Houston, Carson, Custer, Cali <>mia Joe, Mini ’Bill. Buffalo Bill. Gen«. Wiles nhd (.Took, groat Indian Chiefs and scores of others. GitHGE - l)U«I.Y ll.l.tisl’KATFI» with 175 fine en- ‘-'vavings to the life. AGtCX’i’S XVANTKD. Low pncf*7r*".lllll! III 'irtsr-U> sell i «T .DEWING A- CO., 42» Bush St., San Francisco. 12-2(Mim . ‘ THE RAC WOMAN. When it was evident that the house was doomed, as the red wall of flame, urgul by the hurricane was FOILTHE * sweeping toward it with teiriiic BVELFTII ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT OF •speed,’Miss Kirkland saw that she MARS’ HILL COLLECT, could save nothing except what she NEAR Til^Ulfr !l ytHjik iirhn bands. ...... -- ------- __________________ ALABAMA,_________ __ (1*4X1 and There were two objects equally, • J ApDRESS dear—the phrrot and the old family LYDIA E. PINKHAM ’ S T. B. LARIMORE, President, Bi bl *; but she was unable to carry FLORE VCR, AGIIBAMA. VEGETABLE COMPOUND. more than one of them After a ft ¡Sure Cirre iwr »1! 1 E JI AKE WEAK.« single moment of t^oic Y she seized IN EXTRAORDINARY OFFER I NASSES, Incliullns I.eue •orrlmn, Ir- rcffular anil Painful Men.-trimtion, the Bible, an I was hastening away Inflamuuitioa.nntl l[lccra£iou of ( To ACKvrs, when the parrot cried out, in aloud tlie Womb» Flooding» 1*110“ , ’IlPSrSTTEllIi £c. aii7t~sntr,'nnr vote *, Good-LoHy-de— tlTPleasant -GOODS- UNSOLD IlE I URN ED. to tlie taste? eflleacio':« »io! tiuiiieillat« in it-effect. It ia* «realhelp In I.n gnancy. «nd » liver us . UeveS pain duriiipr labor uilil ut r< pulnr pciiodn. If you n-f> out. of Employment an<l want fr» No human being, I tTiink, coiild pitvsiciaxs i'Si'IT a \i»ri:r-t-ttrfitre r urri.T« .. . -«twt +H I hij * uu ‘ ks you can mako from S.'< to §10 a «lay clcr. mol take ■» n~k ST b - . " ■ wTtt of the gAierative onraps have been deaf to such an ap|>eal; of t either si jy.L.WBiKNESsy« «.mil ion on receipt, of .$1.1, goods that will si’ll x,*it 1« «»x-ond lo too r< nn dy Ihnt ha« ew r in a ew days f<>r i-25._ It the .Agentrails the. precious Bible was sacrifienl and been before the public -, and for an <!1»< nses-of the remlily to sell these good« in h-ur <layH„tlii»y can return K ipnkys it is tlie Greatest HcmeJu in the b orld. all nusohl to us, and we will return them their the pair¿tsavjed. KIDNEY COM I’EAINTR of Either Sex money, can anything be'fairer? We lake all FindGrcnVlieHefiifltB Vue. The bird reaHy possessed a supe- risk of loss, and tie Agent, eels started in a bus for being pretty—-think prettily, act prettily, live prettily. You can all _remember tbht; and the more you think of it, the more you will see how much is compriseiFin it. Be al ways neat in your dress; dress as tastefully' as you like or are able, out.dress appropriately Lo your form and. complexion, to the time and place, and to your circum- X stances; endeavor to have the different articles of yotrr attire in harmony with each other; there is far more in harmony and appropri- iness that will lie permanent; and pay from ateness than in elaboration and ex- LYDIA E. PINKH AM S BMMW ITRrFIFR $1 IKY) to a veur Ladi •« can do as well penuiveness. But the question of t Full ,»articlilarh free. Address, 1 . s.”annTiict- pyBoth the Compound and Mood Turiflcr are pre- ming Co., No. 116 Smithfield Street, I'ittsbnrg, dress, aside from neatness should be questsons, the latter being varietl so pared nt 233 and 235 Western.Avenue, I.ynn. Mass. , 12-31-3m: considered subordinate; tlie rest as to admit alternately of both re- Price of cither, 81. Six bottles for *■'>. the Compound Pa. Is sent by mail In the form of pills, or of lozenges, on depends more on your character ¡divs ; ami the testof-hi» knowledge receipt of price, S’l per hoi for either. Mr«. Pinkham Great chance to make money. freely inswi-rs al! left. HI Of tnqvirr. Km'h«-3eeut • Those who -alwavs i aka ad-, aud manner than you can at pre was porfi et. I u tITè-home where he ■tamp. Send for.paniphh t. Ifrstton this Paper. vantage of lhe.g m *I chance« fur making money sent realize. that are offered, generally lieiiomo wealthy, found a refuge there were many, —lion» BillousneHoantl Torpidity of the Liter, aa cents.- while tnost who do mo Hi+pi«,fu «wu-chances g^-SoId by all DruKgietH.'ii* (J) A girl who is cross, selfish, evening vlsilors, one of whom, a remain in pov-rty. We want jmt’iy men, wom en, )x>y« ami girls to woik for its right in their petulant, overbearing and discon- gentleman, was rather noted for his localities. Any one. can do the work properly BAPTISMAL ROBES. from the first «»art, The business will pay morn ---- Un tod, —cannot prevent the ex- -monopoly of —Llie—conversât,ion... f f TTiri [Anil’s iu> st < ir.’>\ ’• O F THE than ten I inter oidinary wages. Expensive fur n i s h e d free ,__ No' one wIm engage« fails pression of those qualities'fróm Winn the parrot first’heard him, it I (lrtidian < Tiureli. Portland, i« prepared to -o to utfit make money rapi 11 v.You can devote your furnish “ Bnptisni;d JI o I m h ” lo those desiring, writing their character indelibly listened in silence for some time; at price« from S3 to S7, according to kind of whole time to the work, or only your spare mo menta. Full information and »11 that it needed cloth. These will be sent by ni ill to any yart sent upon her face sooner or later; white then, to the amazement and per-ofti ie coafit. . Address, II ekami Ofiioe, d>5 lirst Maine. free. Andress .S tinson A Co., Portland, one who is, or tries to be good haps, the confusion of all present, it St.,'rdrttJnd, Or,------- patient, thoughtful, loving,gracious, said emphatically, “ You talk a’to- < OMPLETE TYTE FOUNDRY AND PRINTERS’ W ARE- and full of a charity that ihinketh gether too much 1" The gentleman^ THE LARGEST AND OXLY BOI SE ON THE PACIFIC COAST. , no evil, also has written on her at first,somewhat embarassed, pres Æ T ÜTV SUCCESSORS TO MILLER & RICHARD face the testinfony of her real life, ently resumed his interiupted dis Jt JSL Jui JjA XL XL Cv XwJLl X 9 S cotch T ype F ounders , ‘ and grows more beautiful as she course. Thereupon the parrot laid 205 & 207 Leidesdorff, and 529 Commercial Streets, grows older. Thfs is the kind of his head on one side, gave an nnde- CHICAGO OFFICE, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. ^beauty to strive to obtain. ,.a:i...n.. „ .« kt’ — <” 173 MONROE STREET. WSTnwjr-BB rana VH- Stoch; JOI Z»jnortco n Taney Type oyer kept on Ba regular in your habits; have and adde I : “ There he goes again!’ T thia Coast, together with a complot4) stotlc of Miller & JUchai^’n scotch c*’i tarnixh at a moraent’s notice anything in the Printers’ line from a bodkin to a society, but not to dissipation. By If there evt 1 w as an oiseau terrible Cylinder Press. Wc have a very large stock of New and Second-hand Printing late hours, excitement, unhealthy PreaMa of all makôa aiid tilkes. We are sole agents for, and keep in stock, Campbell it is the parrot: his instinct for Cylinder Press«««, Cottrell * liabcock ditto, also Peerless, Clipper, Jewel, Gordon and living, lapk of occupation and lack Washington Jobbers. Washington Hand Presse«, new Banter Steam Engines (Just I discovering V ays ai <1 means of an the thing for printers), Tuerk Water Motors, Gem Paper Cutters and a full line of of exercise, you lessen the tone ol Sanborn’s Bookbinders' Machinery. Our Fidelity Roller Composition and Peerteas your system, lose the bloom of noyance is someihirig diabolical.— Printing Inks are considered the beat tn use. Ke vs you used our Perfection plates? Tbry pave editorial work ao«t composition, end therefore save money. Send for our health, and, so intimately' are mind llti.iiil JhiViie. Catalogue. __________________ and body connected, impair alsr^the UEME.BBER No House • u ilil* f imst can compete with u« In^ Quality of Goods. t one of yonr mind the -effect is, of course, to make you lose even the f KIDNEY-WORTS NOW READY ! ORDER AT ONCE beauty that is always, to a greater HE CREAT CURE .I s or less extent, the accompaniment for J New Christian Hymn and Tune Book. — • — ■ sa sa of the freshness ami fairness -of I ^rm wlHwtów-wrr Î09 luinn -and 3im tunes, subject« to moot all the wants of Christian R HE UM AT IS M — I youth. . As it is for all tlie .painful diseases of the people, Eóoli-t arerei! printed,-on go il )»Apni*,yund very MiltsUBUUly boniitL------------- KIDNEYS,LIVER AND BOWELS. E Youth should only be, however, Ktlgllih t'littlf.’re.l edges, slngls repy. tMt rfs. Per «lo». $11.00 It cleanses tho system of the a-rid poison lilflU) Edition. bound in Banlds pud Print««» «n cheaper paper, «Ingle copy, 3"» et». that causes the dreadfill suffering which the promise of the bud ; the full 00 fl only Per «lo*. *3.OO. the victims of Hheuuiatlsm ean realise. flower of beauty should come with £ © of the THOUSANDS OF CASES worst forms of this terrible disease NEW CHRISTIAN HYMN BOOK. the fullness öf life and develop I fl have been quickly relieved, aud in short time [ Cloth Kinding, single copy. 35 cts. Per do*. *3 <’><>. Ilonr«l Covers, single copy, CURED. ment, and it Will do" so where tlib | 9 o rmcK, $i. PERFECTLY ,i , 1*1-11, p.—«y«», -an. < i.iqrmoit unv, hoi .» in mu ooist «. it- l>ty etui tie sent by mail, heart is pure and the life righteous, < WELLS, It TCH AH.D3ON & Co., Burlington Vt ‘JOHN BURNS?Publisher, - - - ST. LOUIS, No. for the writing comes from within, Ileailijii.irtt r* for all Ihr Publient Ions of the Christian ’ Inin It. not from without.— Journal. 1 ?KIDNEY-WORT[ ___ .. . -__ »...,«.< Z.i Ill-Ill, .I'M fClTH ‘tlkP GOLD I T