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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1882)
CHRISTIAN 12 Whispering. HERALD. I PIERCE CHRISTIAN COLLEGE to be handled with care. 5. Detain those who are_noisy, Many teachers are fretted and • ♦ ------ FOR----- troubled by the whispering of their and try to influence them by a kind MATTES AND FEMALES pupils. They ask, “ How can we personal talkz 4 • • G. Appoint some of these as stop whispering?” Suppose we put this in another aspect, and ask, ‘monitors. he next session of this prosperous and growing institution will " How shall we prevent their want »■Z* Give extra employment to open on MONDAY, September 4, 1882, and clcse on THURSDAY, April 26, 1883. ing to- whisper ?” The usual way those who seem to have time to is to have a rule against it, amF a whisper. TliiB College was founded in 1874, for the co-education of both sexes, upon equal condition« penalty. So much is deducted from of entrance and graduation, and lips had a healthy anil steady growth from the beginning. Onr 8. Make a great distinction be atm isto«;ivo a good, solid education in the various branches of a College course, upon a their standing, or they are made to tween those who whisper about C'hrMirtn btmis, and thin fo prepare students for i lie practical and beautiful pursuits ot lite, and stay in at recess or after school. their studies and those who whisper for honorable ■citizenship. LOCATION. ' . ■ But let the teacher give the pupils about mischief. The ( ollege Buildings, consisting <>f two substantial brick edifices, stand upon a campus of ten acres in the pleasant village of College City, in the southern part of Colusa Cdnnty. The employment, and then they will 9. Dismiss in order of orderly tovyH in pleasantly located in a beautiful» retired and liealtbiul spot, in the midst ot a moral, not lie likely to whisper;...“ An and enterprising community, and ia ouiJxaccessible from aiiy direction. It is three conduct as you have noted it— cultivated miles east of Arbuckle, a town on the Northern Railway, with which it is connected by a daily ounce of prevention is worth a stage-line. The scenery around is inspiring. To the north rise flic stately form of M«uint saying I will dismiss in the class- .S’hasta, the snowy peaks of Lassen, and the picturesque Buttes ; on the east wind tl o blue, pound of cure.” It is not W'ell to waters of the Sacramento, and stretch away in the distance the pine-clad walls and snowy domes (tt) “ Those-who have seemed to me of the’ Sierras ; while on the west lie Snow Mountain and the purple lulls ef the Coast Range. make a rule against whispering to be successful in managing them- COURSE OF STUDY. Let the pupils know that you do cni- selys; these may stand .laims, ,___ Two complete Courses of btudy , lh.e_ C]assu;t l ¡m«l tlto Scientific, have been __ arranged, -- Dot w a nl i I don e, and th eh TfyTEF bracing together Matlieniatics¿^iicici>t and Modeln Languages, r.nglnfi, hcienee, Ait, IHtisie, Henry, etc.;, ^tc.'” After dismissing Bible,Jlook-keeping. Tliei Iy and Practice of Teaching, History, etc., and students, by t>«e ad etfect. of vilU’loyBlent At all alia consent of the Faculty, can pursue those studies shown to be most adiaiitageous to tEesc->-(6) “ Those who have seemed vice them After the close of tlie regular .Session, a Normal class will be formed and taught by two events, do not consider the scholar the Professors lor the’benefit of those who desire to pin s examination before some County to me to be moderately successful; of Board for Teachers certificates. *^ ... „ ns a reprobate if he will whisper. ¡mi-EKKkTx. ; these may"8tand— William, Mary, IteHect what you would do under To those who have sous, 'daughters or wauls to educate, we can offer rare ail vantages and etc.’ ’ After dismissing these—(c) string inducements to send to this School, viz.: the same circumstances; reflect 1 A quiet and orderly College Town, with no Saloon, Thinking-place or Gambiing-hoiiso “Those who have had the least within three miles of the buildings. Your sons art here,free from these temptations tr» further that teachers are very apt success—these may stand—»Susan, crim«'. . “■ ' to whisper when together. And if An able, exjiericnecd and euthiisiastiO Faculty. 2. etc.”. Then dismiss these. , Complete Course of Study,-with thoic'tigli instruction. z a. Tbo n pupil whispers, it is not absolute - • ’ . • advantage of Normal training. 4. There are uianv utliCr methods, 5. Low Rites of Tuition and Moderate Expenses. Our charges are lower than those of any ly necessary to rap'1 off yourdesk Bthiir School of like'grade on the toast, and youn’ men and womfi- who have to educate themstlves, will here tihd rare opportunities to carry out their noble purposes. and ' look - crossly at Liiu. The but the above carefully applied and x ---------- —------------ —--- --------- I S A PBWB K Bi------------- ----------- L-------------------------------- . f o llowed by olo i> |a i>onal attention world will not fall th pieces if one $25 00 in Collegiate Department, per term or ten whispers each day. Be will generallyjmfiice.—Ar. E. School Tuition 22 50 * • “ Preparatory, tilst grade .... . 20 00 Journal. * • -<< —u ■••«.. second grade.. brave, then, and do not be frighten < T . _ V “ “ Primary .............. . ............... Instrumental Music, j»er month........... -Use of Instrument............................ Vocalization . .................. „•.•,............... Drawing Mud Painting..... Modern Languages, |»cr term....... .... Board, per week....................... '■........ - All tuition must lx)„paid in advance, extra charge*. ■ ‘ For Catalogue or further particulars, z i . . 10 <>o 6 00 . . 2 oo — ....... ............... ................................................. 8 <0 ......... ........................................ <>. ne ....................................................... ....... - ...........................:......................................'4 00. Penmanship at teacher's price. No janit« r‘s fees or X • I E V ed if one whispers. ___ __ _ The latest m m who ha* been made Let us see how it can be stopped, » happy through-1 ho use-of this valuable for a school-room that is full ol lin menT is Mr. James A. Conlan, Libra noise and confusion is an unsightly rian of the Union Catholic Library of r this eby.—Thc fo!lowing is Mr. Con- spectacle. Noise and study are in lsn $ ’s indorsement : address______ » compatible.Explain this to the „U nion C atholic L ibbaky A ssociation ) J. C. KEITH, President, Culltgc Cl’y, Cal». TTHZ-Ghl 204 D eaebokn S tii - et , T~ scholar, and enlist their aid in the < nt< \ i»: Srpit. 16, 1880 ) matter. Make them find that you 1 I wish to add my testimony us to the THE OLD-PATH GUIDE. An Extraordinary Offer. merits of St. Jacobs Oil as a core for want to make the room pleasant rheumatism. One bottle has cured me F. G. A' llen , Editor, G. W. Y anclv , Associate. that you do liot want them to be of ¿There are a number of persons out,of em t'lis troublesome disease, which troubled and harassed by others in gave me a great deal of bother for a ployment in every county,—yet energetic men riDIIBISA LARGE EIGHT-PAGE WEEKLY. 1 devoted to the advocacy and defence of long time ; but thanks to the remedy I willing to work do not need t > be. Those will terrupting them. These plans may am teaching and practice. Ask for the cured. 1 his stat«ment is imsolieit- ing to work can make from 8100 to $500 a month Apostolic old-Paths, and walk therein ” is its motto, its be tried to accustom the children to ed by any one in its interest..—J ames A. clear, working for us in a pleasant and perma practice and its teaching. Its matter is purtf, C onlan , Librarian, in Chicago Western nent business- The amount our agents make safe, fresh and sparkling. Its make t.p »is abstain from speaking. Catholic. vaiies,—some making as high as $500 a mouth, orderly, neat, attractive and on excellent paper. *t ' while Others as low as §1«»», all depending on A specimen copy will satisfy all of the alsne, 1. Ask them to go without whis the energy of the agent: _,Wy have tn article and will cost you but tlie time and ]Mistal card pering for a half-hour, or hour, and of great merit, ft should he soli to every on which the ropiest is made. Address the Rj-Ifsiitsl with Fullest Possible Informatimi, House-owner, ami pays over ’00 percent profit. Publishers. Bee “ Our Principles,” and “Our at the end of that time ascertain Jalyl,’882» Each sale is fnnn $3 50 to $10.( 0. One agent Rules.” -______ —........ QIB TE1UB8. in Pennsylvania sold 32 in two «lays, ami «-l«nre«i who hava succeeded, letting them $64.00. An agent in New York made $15.00 in Single Subscription, One Year, $2 00; Hix <lav. Any man with energy enough to work Months, $1 00 ; Three Months, 50 cts. raise their hands. Comment their OREGON & WASHINGTON. a ene full day, ami will do this (Hiring the year can | CLUB BATES. A new Map of the Northwest is just Being trake from $2,000 to $6,C00 a year. We only ' success; give them a little rest, and ¡sailed by J. K. GILL <*c Co.. Publishers and want one man in each county, and to him will i To any one sending a club of five and $10 00 give the exclusive sale as long as continiibs cash, an extra copy. then let them try another period. Booksellers. to work faithfully for ns. ’1 here is no competi he O i . u P ath G ui S e ($2 00) and : 2. Have a period set apart for This new Map contains the latest information tion, ami nothing like our invention made. 'I T he W ord am » T he W ork «50 cts.) $2 25. Oregon and Washington Territory ; Parti« s having from $2! 0 toll,000 to invest, can 7’ aotfic C hucch N ews ($t <MD $2 50. Speaking, .by having a large card caul concerning all the recent Government Btirvevs of public obtain a General Agency for ten c< iuitieso£ a T he C hristian H ebald ($2 CO/ »3 00. Anv one can make an n'.vcxtrrtfotf-+*f Address for spw-imcns, marked “ Study Hour ” " on one side, lands; all the new towns; all the Railroad sta'e. front 825 tp $>1,000 without the least risk of loss, 1 Routes in operation and projected ; Public it Co., as our Circtdais will show that those inverting , , C. C. C line «•«■».." i. ’ . o ___ . r and “ Needful Speech ” on the -Roi^Ttom^Apointajand in fait, r 11 that can $25 can oiler > 30 «1 vs trial return the goods | General , Publishers of Church ami Sunday be necesshry to a Complete and Reliable Map;— unsold to us ami get their money)»s«kTit-llwy.! School Sunniies. Supplies, 810 310 Wont West Main Main St St., School other. At the end of each hour Price fur pocket form, on tough bound pajier, do not clear at least $100 ’t hey show that a Louisville, Ky. They i lotli covers: Oregon, 75 cts.; Washington, turn this card. Agent who will take ten counties and | — 75 cfs., Oregon and Washington, 51.25 ; Oregon General «.si can __ after .. a A. tiial z.F invest . .»«.«A $216.00 of 4>fk IM) slawua^wxtC' days rev T t »3. Keep an eye on the »noisy anil Washington, Wall Map, Mounted, 52.50. turn all goods unsold to us<-and -have money SjiitG11 "cc't in voiir own town. $5 Outfit returned t-> them if they tail tn clear at least HP ’ I ’ I free. No risk. Everything new. (.’«]>- . ones, and n ive„tliem a wparatti- Hal not i<!<]jirre<l. We will furnish you every- “ 57unT(T7rTKinffirwr the publishers, and they will mail ics, but want men willing to woi lyrtunes. __ l.a<Ijes place to sit, not so much as a to anv address. as their pay the profits ot their energy. Men : make as much as men. an ova an<T girla riVswfr —- — not willing to work on onr terms will not. work great pay. Reader if you want, a buainoM at punishment as to prevent them KT” Liberal rates Io agents and dealers. ^/JT] on any. Those meaning business will receive winch ----- yon can make gr<jat pay all the time you J. K. CILL & CO., '. write iyr particulars to 11. H allett A our large descriptive circuli r, and < xtraoidina-_i work, troubling others. Maine. « ry offer by enclosing a three cciit stamp, with ■ lo ., Portland, 1 93 First St : : Portland. 4. Keep a record of those who I their address. The first to a jmpi.v with <)Ur terms will sceiiro the county or counties they j MIMTA4MKA.M» B Ml si. L KA. x whisper much, and class them as may wish to work. »te < Address, B enner M am l AcruiiiNi. ( <>., ANTI NOT ‘ disorderly,” and lower their stand WTa jP •l‘ werk«. E'.«’’ IWEAIt OUT. 118 Smithticld Street, Pittsburg, Pa- , a» «,t«. Uircnlar* : 12-31-3m I c t V tn. c tiara nt te «rat with ing for good behavior. This needs i., 3b Dey HI.,N.Y Di K£ btARD LLIXIH<<<4 it... and / L w , .. . er. ether I h M u <4*4 <M b.»» fa««. < av » h ft”'« • fan a«* pw3c«,t>?w1» <*', "wf «.Id trear tr»«r board aad h ^UWlDatH^. HgpiM r sV’f h A 8 A It) ID I 1 i