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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1882)
< ♦ 3 CHHIST1AN , HEHALD. • -~v— .«• ■ ’ GQSPEL SUCCESS of these pleasure grounds until’’’we S an F rancls T’ o , Aug. 1; 1882. remember that they are open and I Reported bv our correspondents and gleaned free to all, and that the poor may I from our exchange«. Bro. D. Stump: D ear S ir ,—Westward from the come here and enjoy “ without Z OREGON. money and without price, ” more citv. a di§tan£g„ftf pipe miles across .. ....chHrc.b at, Portland extensive and varied luxuries oF* last Lord’s day, 1 by profession and 1 by the isthmus, is the Cliff House, flowers than can be found/iii the recomendation of the elders. situated on an eminence of one Bro. R. H. Mose is preaching for the hundred feet, overlooking the ocean. gardens of the rich. Umatilla county co operation this year. We dined with Bro. McCullough Immediately west of the house, and There were 26 additions during my at a distance of five hundred feet, and his Christian wife,’after which, year's-labors with the Umatilla county are several islands, called Seal with them, .we spent the ■' evening co operation. Your Bro. in Christ,-^1. ...... . Islantls; tw<> of which wcm occnph’d with-Bro.and. SI n U m --Sturgis,. whefw- - Nr Richardson:....... ...... -....... -------------- WASHINGTON TERRITORY. when we reached the gallery in weinet also Èro. and Sister David ' P leasant F lat , July -24.— Editor rear of the house commanding a son. Bros. Sturgis amT'Davidson Christian Herald: Again much good view of them, by several hundred are deacons in the church and has been done in our midst, by a series sea lions, spine of »which,- seen teachers in the city schools. of meetings held at this place, by Bro. After an hour of social converse,, C. J. Wright. He came here and began through, field glasses, were huge animals, weighing, probably, five or we enjoyed the vocal music—some preaching on Thursday, the 13th inat., six hundred pounds. After an of the Moody & Sänke}' hymns— and on Lord’s day evening made the confession and were baptized there hour engaged in looking at these by the company,-* with accompani good that evening, and 3 the next day. 1 was monsters of the fleep^ and ¿an ment oil the piano by Sister Stur- reclaimed. On account of Bro. Wright’s other in strolling along the beach, glST - — health failing, tile meeting. Was discon Sunday we attended church in tinued on Monday evening, but was-re- listening to the roar , of the serf, and looking out on the mighty ex the city, and enjoyed a good ser ueweiT again on Thursday and continued X panse of waters, we returned mon on the subject of “ Life,” de over Lord’s day with 7 more additions— 3 by confession aud baptism, 2 by letter through the sand-hills to the Park. livered by Bro. Meloan, whose name and 1 from the Baptists and 1 reclaimed, Here is the most extensive dune 1 I sent you the other day as Sloan, making in all11 additions, to lirechurch have ever steen. There was, a few please correct. The serifion^was re at this place. Tjie church herd* now years ago, a moving sand Iyar im- markable chiefly for good sense and numbers 52 active members.—T. P. Rulne. - - ’ •• mediately east of Walulu in Wash appropriate Scripture. KENTUCKY. At three o’clock I preached in .C orinth , July 24.—Two additions to ington Territory, the- dimensions of which, as I now remember then, Oakland with one confession at the the congregation at Corinth by baptism were a thousand feet long, eighty close. A partial organization of first Lord’s day in July. 5 additions to wide and thirty high. Here we the congregation, which had been the congregation at Mt. Plersaut, Grant county, fourth Lord's day in July—4 by have several "miles of coast lying badly demoralized for several years, letter and 1 by baptism.—V. M. Gaines. . south of the Cliff, upon was effected, with better prospects L evingood , July 17" - We baptized 4 which the ocean piles up sand than they ever had of making the confessors Lord's day evening, 3 of which the wind drives inland to church a success. After the or whom confessed during a meeting we ward the city in vast beds, in many ganization they engaged the set- just closed at Turner's school house. places apparently twenty or thirty vices of Bro. Meloan to preach for The other confessed before but being ill at the time defered the baptism.—G. feet deep. These- sands have a<l- them; W. Neul. In the evening I delivered a lec C rittenden , July 20.—Bro. W. J. vanced al>out five miles, and are beginning to intrude upon the ex ture in the city to an attentive Howe, of Georgetown, closed a meet 5 ing iu this place last night. Meeting treme western border of the city audierice. I Moiiday evening I preached had lasted sixteen nights, resulting in It buries everything in its way, 5 baptisms, all young ladies. Bro. and no effectual method has yet again in Oakland, resulting in an I Howe, while with us, delivered a series Wen discovered of staying its other confession. This was closing j of clear logical discourses, in which he up a meeting which Bro. Meloan set forth Christ as the Savior.—W. S. course. y The Golden Gate Park consists hail been conducting some eighteen Keeue. F rankfort , July 20.—We. had Bro. of a thousand acres of land nearly days, with about a dozen baptisms Oldham with us last Lord's day at in the shape of the letter V, with and a reorganization as the im Grassy Spriug, who delivered an inter its broad eml on the shore and the mediate results. esting, discourse. In the evening he This (Tuesday) has been, with filled my appointment at Millville, angle in the city. It must be five or six miles in length. Several me, a day of sadness, for I spent it1 where one girl confessed the - hundred acres of these grounds with the orphan children of Bro. i Savior, and was.baptized Monday morn- have been laid out and improved in and Sister Vinzent,. mingling my ing.—M. C..K'iirfees. elegant drives, bordered with lovely sympathies and offering my con L exington , July 25.—I am just home from my meeting at Little Hickman, flowers and shaded by majestic dolence for the loss not only of which resulted, iu ten additions to the trees. The conservatory—a large their mother, March 6th, and their church—live confessions and live re glass building, is well filled with a father July 19th, but of their oldest stored. Wo had 6 additions the last great variety of flowering plants of brother,also,whose melancholy death day of the meeting, but had to close to tropical growth. A lover of the they heard of only yesterday. He meet another engagement.—James G. Perkins. ■ beautiful and __ an t .MA« admireruf nature was drowned in the surf nt Mazat- G lencoe , July Xi. - Bro. C. H. Trout - " J' -y -Tfrfght enjoy a week in this lovely land, Mexico, and buried the same and I closed a meeting al Short Branch, place. We noticed several flocks of day his father was. . This is a sad Greenup connty, on the 18th. There wore 26 added to the church during our native quails, aggregating more affliction. I pray God to be merci meeting : By baptism, 20 ; reclaimed, 6 ; from the M. E. Church, 2 ; by let than a hundred, running about in ful to th,em.- ter.' 1. We also orgatized a Bible Yours truly, the Park, quite tame. Reading Society (iiul a Sunday-school. —Geo. B. Peak. T. F. C ampbell . We can not appreciate the value > - ■ TEXAS. Letter from Bro. Campbell. € Du P ree , Hays^Co., July 28.—On 3d Lord’s day in .July 4 ■ were baptized at this place by W. H. D. Carrington—1 a lady from Ohio, from the M. E. Churoh. -W. E. Nelson. _________ ' 'B attle C reek , JutyTL—Bro. Scafbo- rough has been laboring for us for some time. At his last visit there were 4 ad ded, 1 from the Baptists, 3 by confes sion and baptism.—8. L. Barker. VIRGINIA. M atthews C. H., July 24.—Since the first el t bio- mon th I -ha ve made the cir cuit of our Tidewater District, in the interest of evangelistic work. I visited 17 places, preached 24 times, held 15* business meetings, organized 8 junior missionary societies, raised about $140 * for our District treasury, and added 3 persons to the ranks of the Disciples by baptism. I will return to my work in Richmond in a few days.—J. Z Tyler. OHIO. M alta , July 22 —Since last report ing^ you from Salt Run, there have been 4 additions-—2 reclaimed, 1 by let ter and 2 by confession and baptism.— A. B. Griffetb. M unson , Geauga Co.—We have had 6 additions since my last report -2 by ■- ■< « 4 4 ■ *•----- ■ 4 k r < f 4 • ’ f « z / 4 «R nnnfu auinn UvwislBul W H • 1 - U.11'1 ItV »Hit 1 AlLlltlum * 4- try E. V. Couch. INDIANA. r K okomo , July 28.—Have had 6 addi tions to the church thia month. Al though the weather has been hotu we are having very fine attendance.—Geo. Edward Walk. I ndianapolis , July 31.-v-At my regu lar appointment, at Buck Creek, the second Lord’s day in July, 4 confessions and baptisms.—J. M. Canfield. ILLINOIS. A tlanta , July 27.—2 immersions last Lord’s day, making 6 additions since last report.—B. O. Aylesworth. W hat C heer , July 24.—Please report 4 additions for ns the present week—2 by baptism on Friday night. Bro. Simpson Ely preaching for us Thursday and Friday night 1 by confession, and 1 by commendation on yesterday, at our regular services.—Wm. M. Semones. MINNESOTA. C oncord , July 24 —3 valuable seces sions to our congregation yesterday. Peace and harmony prevail in the church and Sunday-school.—A. P. Frost. WISCONSIN. M t . T abor , July 17.—3 men, whose wives are members of the church here, came forward at out meeting yesterday —2 of them were baptized, the other bad been a member of the “ Old Chris tian ’* church. I go from this place to West Lima.—G. L. Brokaw. Married. At the residence of the bride, Aug. 14, by Bruce Wolverton, pastor of Christian churoh. Miss Allie L. Hughes t0 Mr’ J; of Portland. We wish for brother and sister Malone cloudless skies and smooth sailing over, the seas of wedded bliss, till landed safely in the haven of eternal rest. N. B.—Senior Ed. will remember it is too far to send cake and the cake is too good to part with. \V Z» *■» « <3 1* * ■■ ■ » Z »4 1« A at A •"» . I <1 ■ A A AM AT I t