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About Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1905-1915 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1910)
P ro fe s s io n a l C a rd s . CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. The Great Guett Comet A FARMER S WIFE ON ROAD QUESTION SUMMONS. In th e Circuit Court of th e S tate While the cobbler mused there passed of Oregon, for Lane C ounty. Best W ashington Cedar shingles ! hi,pane Frances E. Hill, Plaintiff, ) — free of s.ip, worm holes and A beggar drenched by the driving rain, r>R . H. H. SOMERS vs. I Editor Leader:— knots, c o n sta n tly on b an d . P ric e s1 *" m lrom *,le 5tor,l,y G eorge H ill, D efendant, t OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Kor years I have been schooling to suit th e tim es.' Inquire of An,i gH,« him shoe« for his bruised feet. U * m »Id».. N m m «7 T o G eorge Hill, the above nam ed L 'h ro u ic D is e a s e s a S |* e o a lt> . o ffic e O r k IN K oi MNSON, Cottage Grove. The beggar went anil there came a m yself on keeping a “ good g rip ” j D efendant:— C o n s u lta tio n a n d F .n a in in a tio n F re e . crone, Office H o u r« f ro m '» t o 12 a n d l .W to .S. A N o. 1 1, >Laval cream separa- \ u„r face with wrinkles of sorrow sown; on my temper, for exam ple after u , In th e nam e of the S tate of O re O th e r h o u r s b> a p i* ''> itim tii. big washing h ad been hung, t h e ; gon, you are hereby suium oued to tor, almost lo w, with one cau, cost A bundle of fagot* bowed her back 5‘H>, will sel. at a great sacrifice if I And she was spent with the wrench and lines suddenly gives way, or 1 i appear aud answ er the plaintiff’s rack , taken soon. Inquire at this office, I lie gave her his loaf and steadied her drop an iron on my toe, or perhaps com plaiut, filed against you in the eiHt'M»T**'«*WYd*T<r*Vi #!V. U *■< where it can be seen. aliove entitled cause and Court, on tf load, As she took her way on the weary road. some one carelessly leaves the or before six weeks from the date ? y t 7 M . C. COI.NTHR J ' Then to his floor came a little child, m ilk house door opeu and a h alf of the first publication of th is sum 5 ATTORNEY.AT LAW y I host ami afraid in the world so wild, moiis, w hich said First date of p u b A Keel proiierty taw eiv«n »l»«eiel elu-tilMMi A In the big «lark world, catching it up, grown “ rooster,” w alks about in 7> O ffice W .e d e r d » Id » . l e e a . 3 a n d 4 ■ > I He gave it the milk in the waiting cup, a h alf dozen pans of milk while lication is T uesday, July l ‘>, l ‘>10, au d you are hereby notified th at if 4 1 ‘liuue V ili» I C ottas« »¡rove. *>r. ♦ i Anti led it home to its mother’s arms, “ shooing” him out, still I ’ve kept you fail to so appear an d answer | < hit of reach of the world's alarms, • And the day went down in the crimson “ c a m ” but when we "start out of said com plaint w ithin th e tim e west; | And with it the hope of the blessed C ottage Grove an d bum p, bang, aforesaid, the plaintiff will apply to Guest ja r an d grind over ten million hx>se the said Court for the relief prayed E. YOUNCi I Anti Conrad sighed as the world turn- stones in the road I get m ad aud for iu said com plaiut, to-w it;— ed gray; For a decree declaring the m a r * ATTORNEY AT DAW jjc ! “Why is it, Lord, that your fe *t delay, stay m ad until we get above the riage contract now ex istin g b e S Office: Young Building, Main Mireet, $ Did yon forget that this was the day?’* J Wt*«t Hide. ¿ Then soft, in the silence a voice he M eudall Falls for a short distance tween plaintiff and defendant to tie heard: al>ove there the stones are raked forever dissolved an d th a t plaintiff t-W. * Lift up your heart for I kept my word out of the road as far as the Miles have a divorce from said defend- | i Three times I came to your friendly door [ Three times my shadow was on your I’itcher place, a distance of six or ant, for the care, custody and co n trol of said m inor child, M aydetli floor. seven miles. | I was the beggar with bruised feet; ♦ « W. KIMB, M. D. Hill, au d for full relief herein. I was the woman you gave to eat; í A . PHYSIC IAN «and SUliOEON But the road via the Mosby T his sum m ons is published once 9 I was the child on the homeless street. creek bridge lias apparently been each week for six consecutive and i Office lu M cF arland Bulldiug Î è over Oochran s Kurulture Store overlooked, so th a t no supervisor successive weeks, iu the Cottage ¿ Office P hone, 341 K esldenco Phone, pays any attention to it, 1 d o n ’t G rove Leader, by order of the lio n . N i h o ls ® B r u m f i e l d r o o s e v e l t s f ir s t L. T. H arris, Judge of the above ask for a bridge or a new road or Court, w hich said order is j All kinds of bicycle parts a n d suu ELEPHANT HUNT. even the grading of the old one entitled dated Ju ly 14, 1910. dries supplied on short notice, j __________ __ W il l ia m G. M a r t i n , but ju st simply th a t some body be J - J . S. .................. M EDLEY, , _ Repair work executed prom ptly i A ttorney for Plaintiff. supervisor for this E ” * a t t o r n e y at law > and at reasonable prices. Bring •“ Last we came in sight of the appointed £ special Attention oiven to Minin, and ♦ in your wheels. j m ighty game. T h e trail took a stretch of road so th a t the loose 9 corporation i.»w- 2 , , _____. . u _ ,„ , x l , twist to one side, and there, thirty rock could be raked out. Is it NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. £ Offlc a. Woodward Bvilldlnd * O p D O S lte H o t e l T t lO m p S O I l , r , rr r yards 111 trout ot us, we m ade out possible th at th is p articu lar strip (0 3 9 0 0 ) _ — . ---------- ------ part of the gray and massive head of road is a district by itself? of an elephant resting his tusks on l'. S. I.ami Office at Koseburg. Oregon. A C o u n t r y C o u s i n . May .41, 1910. the branches of a young tree—ele -, J c. JOHNS! IN, * s - E - R - R Notice is hereby given that Charles phants hardly ever feed at noon. W. Simpson, of fairane, Oregon, who, 5 a t t o r n e y at law > An Editor’s Sermon. on February 14, 1901,, made Homestead A couple ot m inutes passed before, Ç K .lu te s A d m in is te r e d . M in in e T a le n ts Entry, No. 13921, for N'U 14 . Section So,/ ♦ P ro c u re d . M in in g a n d C o rp o ra tio n I.a w 5 by cautious scrunity, we were able Township 20 S. Range â W, Willamette a sur» tally o ffic e o v e r G riffin , V c a tch % T h e editor of the Jefferson Re Meridian, has filed notice of intention TIMI«: T A B L K N O 3 fflMw” to tell whether the anim al we RfsiilfUff, M. ~ o ffice P h o n e . M a in 11.3. view in last w eek’s issue of his to make Final five-year l’roof, to estab T o Tsvke R ife c i J u n e 19 1 9 0 9 could see was a cow or a bull, and lish claim to ttie land above described, ì Vrffil V.-*> * paper gives the follow ing very em before Register amt Receiver of the . b o p n iy W . BOUND ; whether, if a bull, it carried heavy p hatic sermon plain in every day U. S. Land Office, at Rosebnrg, Oregon, N o . 2. No. I. enough horns. Then we saw th at on ttie 2<itli day of August, 1910. lan g u ag e: Claimant names as witnesses: Jacob it was a big bull w ith good ivory. (». Rnnk, of l.orane, Oregon, John T h e mother who allows a 16 t r . * its head in m y direction l.v . C o t t a g e c . r o v e A *. I >-’•<*> It turned O’Brien, of l.orane, Oregon, Joseph A. 4 d e n t is t * W a ld en ----- . I I . 25 ! 3..S year old daughter to float around Schneider, of Cottage Grove, Oregon, and lo 1 saw its eyes; and l fired a C e r r o ( . o r b o . ______ III. f.,7 5 (,avr«nu H1«! k . H o u r« 8.30 l o 12, 1 t o 3 £ i iil.iis ! the tow nship in a buggy un til a. David F. Gilbert, of l.orane, Oregon. £ l t d - A ll W o rk G u ra n te e rl. ^ Ul. 40 little to one side of th e eye at a 11 BN.I VM IN F . JONKS, 10.33 1 ______ .W ic k s - - .......... . 13.5 m. with a sport of weak jaw and J o f fic e P h o n e S He«. M a in UAl A (Jn-7) , Register. K El* ItRlDt.K I thought would lead 10.28 i spot which IV» lti.15 j w eaker morals, merely opens the 110.00 i 20 A m IHSKTQN l .v to the brain. 1 struck exactly __ ;_______________ _____ l __ where 1 aimed, but the head of an front door to grief an d disgrace. REGISTRATION OF LAND TITLE , A F & A M —Cottage Grove, No. St. 1 Subject to change without notice. If you d o n ’t know w hat com pany elephant is enorm ous and the Meets Islan d Ant Wednesday*. Visi- All outward freight slopped only at your girl keeps or w hat tim e of In the Circuit Court of the .State of brain sm all, an d the bullet missed cordially invited. ! tlle ioint risk of shippers and consignee Oregon for Lane County. Stage leaves Disston alter arrival of | it. However, the shock momeil- n ig h t she turns in, your roar when In the matter of the application of It. F. WVNNR, W. J the gossips get busy will sound Welcome L. Ilubbell anti Wilson N. Ilub- lrain on Momlay. Wednesday and lTi- ta rily stu n n e d th e b e a st. lie M. II. AnnKRSON, Sec. tliiy for Orseco, returning on Tuesday, about as pathetic as a wheeze l>eli to register the title to the following , stu m b led fo rw ard , h a lf falling, tlescribetl premises, towit; Thursday ami Saturday. from a jew sharp. T he girl who beginning at a point .108.56 feet south, M. W. o f A —Cottage C.rove Camp Freight will not l»e received at the O. an d as lie recovered 1 fired w ith nine minutes west anti 255.25 feet north, insists on si>ooniiig with every No. f.421 meets the Second and Fourth ^ s. K. R. R. Depot after 5 p. m. To I the secon d barrel, a g a in arm in g 89 tlegrees 4 I minutes west of the north sport in the corporate lim its ought west corner of the Wm Shields anti wife, Thursday* of each month in the I. O. o. insure forwarding on next train freight 1 for th e brain. T his tim e the b u llet F. Hall. Visitors welcome. must be delivered in ample time to per- sped lruCi a n d a s | ]ow ered t ],e to be relieved of her overflow of 1>. L. C. No. .V,, and running thence north, nine minutes east, 148.25 feet, J. It. PROTZMAN, Consul. mit of its being hilled. <, f . ., . affection with a No. ten slipper thence south 42 tlegrees 20 minutes west, C. W, W a l l a c e , Clerk. | A. 11 W O O D , Manager | "B e from m y sh o u ld e r 1 saw th e laid fearlessly across the hiplets. 114..10 feet, thence south, nine minutes __________________________ _ g re a t lo rd of th e forest com e c rash - west, 6.1.25 feet, thence south 89 tlegrees We had sooner see a g ill kiss a .16 minutes, east 76.75 feet, to the place --------------------------------- | in g to th e g ro u n d . of beginning, all in Section 28, Tp. 20 , blind shoat through a barbed wire But at th at very instant, before S. R. i, west, in Lane county, Oregon. fence than have her ch an g e p a rt there was a m om ent's tim e in VS COTTAGE OROVE | ners six n ig h ts a week iu the All whom it may concern. which to reload, the thick bushes Take notice that on the 16th «lay of parlor with th e lights turned low. NORTH BOUND. parted im m ediately on my left July, 1910, an application was filet 1 by It is harder to m arry off a girl who saitl Welcome L- Ilubbell anti Wilson X. ............ . .1 : 4 8 a. in. front, a n d through them surged | N o . l b _____ Ilubbell. in the Circuit Court, of Lane Right H are a t Y o u r Hama No. 18____ 3.56 p. m. the vast bulk of a ch arg in g bull has been paw ed oveV by every yap county, Oregon, for initial registration in the com m unity th an it is to fa t No. 14....................... 4:50 a. m. of the title of the Land above-described. elephant, the m atted m ass of tough Surgical. Cases Especial Attention Now unless you appear on or l>efore 11 No. 2 0 - / - ____________ 11:02 a nt. creepers snapping like p ackthread ten a sheep on pine apple ice. Vou the 24tli «lay of August, 1910, anti show SOU TH BOUND. X-RAY LABARATORY before his rush. He was so close c a n ’t goldbrick a sh arp eyed s u it cause why such application shall not be or vvitli second h an d goods any granted, the same will be taken as con fessed, an«l a decree will he entered ac No. 15 ___________ _____ 1 :20 a. m . I th at he could have touched me more th an you can fit a bathrobe cording to the prayer of the application T ar F u r th e r F a rtlc a la re U l r m | No. 17 _______________10:27 p. m . • with his tru n k . I leaped to one anti you will I k * forever barred from d is No. 1.4 ----- 6:42 a. i n . ! side an d dodged behind a tree on a goat. T h ere are lots of weak- puting the same. No. 1 0 ______________ .5:02 p. in. j trunk, opening the riflle, th ro w m inded p aren ts who are going up Witness my hand anti seal of saitl Cir ag ain st th e judgem ent day with cuit Court this 16th «lay of July, 1910 G. F. King, A gent, ing out the em pty shells, aud A. 1). B. IT. LEE, Clerk. S t* » » » * * » * » » » » * » » * » » » » » * * * A. II. KING, Applicant’s Attorney. slipping in two cartridges. M ean about as m uch show as a cross Cottage Grove, Oregon. J 19-A2.1 while Cuttingham e fired right and eyed girl at a beauty show, and iSSSSS SSSSSSi ¡SsiaSli aud left, at the sam e tim e th ro w their children will rise up and call ing him self in the bushes on the them blessed w ith the enthusiasm Take Due Notice. G allons | of a one legged m an at a club other side. Moth his bullets went C a r p e ts a n d Rujfs | D on’t w ait until you h av e a fire home, and the hull stopped short dance. Maile to order and Satis- before insuring, the expense is in his charge, wheeled, an d im faction guaranteed both ! light, d o n ’t run the risk. Creswell News. H a rrin g to n & H a rret, Props. as to workmanship anti mediately disappeared in the thick- Call u p the E xpress office, Tom prices. Apply to cover. W e rati forward, but the Aw brey will attend to it prom ptly. (C h ro n icle.) ; All Kinds of Hauling and J . M. C om er ‘'{¡ttfsV!6 * | forest had closed over his wake tf John G raber of Cottage Grove, n e a r A d v e n tis t C h u r c h Heavv Dray Work. i We heard him trum pet shrilly, cam e down S unday to attend the n, m • C • li tEen aR so'-D'ds ceased. IIout-R uegger wedding. Timber Land For Sale. BICYCLE GARAGE Í J. l a d iic s * n e w F a l l s u it s You will no longer have to pay to &50 for a stylish all-wool suit. It is with pleasure that we can klmw suits of all-wool materials with satin-lined jackets. With lines especially good the models are most graceful anti distinguished, at the very modest price lor the N ito l $ 1 6 .6 0 Net«’ P e r s ia n S ilk s in the silk section are many remarkable values this season. Notice able is a new strijK* 1‘ersian Silk. There arc many color combinations in this line. \Ye are asking only, the y a r d ........ ............ ........... 7 5 c Silk Hose $ 1 .5 0 Black silk hose, re in force« 1 heels and toes, each Fancy Hand Hags The largist line ol sliopimig bags ever received nt one time. The line is immense. Almost everything ilesinilite. Price range wutG Uadi, 30 b to 3f 2 5 Men’s D usters-for Less The time of year you need them. $1.50 quality long ones 2.50 grade, while they Last- .1.50 ones, worth every cent, now 5.00 Panama Hats closing at _ .................. ............. • ______ $1.25 2.00 _ 1.00 , .1.50 BOY’S W IN T R R S U IT S ' About the snappiest line of suits for the little gents is our line which we have just placed on sale. They’re the knicl^erhockcr style. The coats are cut like their bigger brothers—-real swagger. Best we’ve ever shown. Trices popular. The suit $ 6 . 0 0 Headquarters for the Pollowing Which are the l>est obtainable. Dutchess Trousers, (you know them) per pair, $1.00 to $5 .00 Headlight Overalls, nothing lietter for the money, pair $l.oo Levi Strauss Overalls—They have 110 equal at the price, pair ..80c Tnititers Overalls, good, the p^iir 7.1c Work Shirts, the best money will buy, each. ,50c Corduroy Tants, great to wear, each $.1.50 t o __ . $4.50 Work Socks, special, .1 pair _____ __ ______ Company H AM PTO N $ CO. C o tta g e G ro v e F e e d C o. D. S T E R L IN G , M an ager W heat, Oats, G rain H ay. M ILL F E E D : Shorts, Bran, Vetch Seed, Chopped ( >nts, Oil Meal. G RA SS SEE D : Grass Seeds of all k in d s constantly oil han d . FLO U R: H ard W heat Brands: A m erican Beauty, Daily Bread, H am m ond’s Best. Every sack guaranteed. Soft W heat Brands: W hite Swan, W hite Star. Poultry Feeds an d Supplies. All City Trade Delivered P H O N E 1711 S. P. Ry. Time Table Hospital and Sanitarium 2 Fashion Stables fi DR. H. C. SCHLEEF | Barrels Cottage Grove Transfer First Class Livery, Sale and Feed Barn in Connection ....Company.... A. S . P O W E L L , P ro p . I I cl II0 H. C. M ADSEN, W atchm aker . K ep airin a a t reaa o u ab le **n»rKt*« A ll w ork g u a ra n te e d tira l-o la u . W atchea, Clock« an d Je w e lry a t (¿w en t P rice COT TAG K (4ROVR, ORE. Nesmith Shoeing Shop Spriggs Bros., Props. Practical Hor*e-Shoeiujf, All l Tp- tO-Date Equipm ent. Wood W ork and W a^on Repair Department in Connection. Horses Called for and Delivered to any Part of City. Fourth St. P hon e Main 521 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (05469) U. S. Land Office at Rosebiiru, Oregon. August *>. 1910. Notice is hereby g i\en that Mary A. Smith, of Cottage Orove, Oregon, who, on Octolier f*, l l*r). matte T. & S. appli cation, So. U 5 U> 0 , for W Vj, N \\ 14 and NVV )'4 SW / 4 , Section 24, Tnwndiip Range fiW, Willamette Meridian, ha* file«! notice of intention to make final proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Register and Receiver, P. 5k Lund Office, at Rose- hnrg, Oregon, on the 2*»th day of Octo ber. 1910. Claimant names as witnesses: Jacob G. Runk, of !«orane, Oregon, Joseph A. Schneider, of Cottage ( ‘.rove, Oregon. Frank Gilbert, of l«orane, Oregon. I>r. If, C. Selileef of Cottage Grove, Ore gon. B knjamîn R J onrs , (Alb) Register. M o v in g 3 S p e c ia lty Iwoni I heodore R o o se v e lt’s new Mrs. G. F. K ing of C ottage book, “ A frican G am e T ra ils ,” to Office nt Thornton's Confectionery be published in A ugust by C harles Grove, visited A. R. L and an d PHONE family front S atu rd ay to T uesday. S crib n er’s Sons. R esidence 12IJ O ffice 154 Rev. MaGee was called from his m ountain cam p near C ottage Notice For Posting. Grove to officiate at the lio u t- Ruegger wedding, United States I.anti Office. Koseburg, Oregon. August 2nd, 1910. Notice is hereby given that the North - i ern Pacific Railway Company, whose j post office address is St. Paul, Minnesota, j has on stli tiny of July, 1910, filed in j : this office its application to select under t J the provisions of the Act of Congress, approved July 1, 1896 <-W Slat. .597, fi2 0 ) | | S F.1! of S H *4 Section *», 22 S., 5W., \V .! M. j Any anti all persons claiming adverse l y the lands descril>etl, or desiring to t object because of the mineral character | of the land, or for any other reason, to , • the disposal to applicant, should file I their affidavits of protest in this oftice, ' on or liefore the 2Sth «lay of Septe»nl>er. 1910. (A9) H knjamin P. J o . vks , Register. * Nice Home Cheap ROOSEVELTS Own Oook The Most Popular Hook fiyrifkt fiy ( Aartrt .VrnOwr’i Sont By The Most Popular Man African GamoTrails A nice lot and story an d a h alf residence on W all street for sale cheap. Apply t n j . B. Situerai at furniture store for particulars. Give* In book lorm by «M »*v*lt’» own hand the tel* account of hi* African Hunt. Red Polled Male. AGENTS WANTED NOW T hose cattle men interested in the Red Polled breed of cnttle and who would like to breed their stock j up should apply to W m . Baim- bridue. on Mill street thi* city wlic I has a fine male. Service #1.50. -H * ( Lost or stolen— 18 foot log J chain, three-eighth, in C ottage K. J, Moore inform ed the C hron ('.rove, A ugust 6. Inform Joe icle by phoue from Portland re ! E dw ards, Com stock, Ore. ( A lb ) cently that he h ad com pleted a r rangem ents for the establishing of For Sale At Bargain. a creamery at Creswell. T h e new ' enterprise, w hich will be know n j 12 a c re s h o u se hanl> c h ic k e „ as the Creswell C ream ery Com pany [houscs wood h()Use cenar> sprillR, will rent a b u ild in g and install 55 fruit trees, garden, grain X acre m achinent at once. 1 cow, 1 calf, 100 chickens, cheap Last Sunday at noon Mr. H enry if tak en at once. P articu lars F. A. Ilo u t of Corvallis and Miss H ilda Clow, C ottage Grove, O regon. * Ruegger of Creswell were m arried ) at the home of the b rid e's m other, Good Horse for Sale. Mrs. Albert Ruegger, four miles west of town, Rev. M a t « of th e T h re e.y„ r.old C leveland bay, ir e s iv ttr ia n c turc 1 ol'u ia tin g . i as a don ari good work horse, Only J the fam ily 1 am t a few inti gentle. For further r *1 4• lars , p articu in m ate friends were present. The c . . T .. „ « ^ 44 , _ , quire of \V . E* Heck, Cottage bride and groom will be at home CtTOW p 0 box v>, in Corvallis. Breeding Ewes For Sale. City, Town and Village to handle- . Colonel Roosevelt's Great Book C H A R L E S S C R IB N E R ’S S O N S 153 Fifth Avenue • N ew York O ne hundred and tw enty acres of fine tim ber in Mosby creek tim ber lielt. W ill scale between three an d four m illion feet. Call for inform ation at the I.eader office.* WANTED 1 have 24 g o o d breeding ewes. Middle aged ladv, general house- Cotswold, for s a le . For term s and work jn cm d in g w ashiug. W ages particulars ap p ly to F.asley Bros., , .. , J. 54 per week, city. Phone 884 or Saginaw , . O , regon . 1 7 address P. O. Box 255. A fine bogie with three acres of fruit and berries, ru n n in g water. For — <>1le horse, good in this citv to ex change for small road ster Call at the D esl.arzes farm. Inquire at Leader office. grocery. Excursion Rates to Portland ....A c c o u n t ... Portland Fair and Live Stock Exposition ...V IA ... Southern Pacific Company (Lines In Oregon) For The Above Occasion a Round Trip Rate of ONE AND 0NE=THIRD FARE From all jioiiits on its lines including branches, will tie m ade. T ick ets on sale, points south of Roseberg Septem ber 6th. From Roseburg and all points north including Septem ber 6th and 7th. The Event of the Season! (irand Prizes! branches Horse Racing! For further particulars, apply to any S. I’. Agent, or write to. WM. M cM URRY, General Passenger Agent Portland. Oregon