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About Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1905-1915 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1910)
LOCAL ANO PERSONAL HARDWARE F arm Im plem ents, C ement Lim e And S f v l t ............... l i e kissed th e postage »tam p upon T he le tte r th at »lie sent, In fact he lickeil th e m ucilage off A nd in to ra p tu re s went, l i e wrote a n d told h e r w hat he did, And th e n h is love n ear froze W hen she replied “ I m oistened th a t stam p O n d ear little fido's n o se ." I)r. Jo rd a n ’s saying th at “ the only straight ticket is the oue with the crooked nam es scratched o u t,” is as true as it is epigram m atic. Perfection In Carriages I las been n earest reached in those we offer for your inspection. T h e m ore closely you ex a m in e them the m ore a p p a re n t th e ir good points. Hut y o u ’ll n ot fully ap p reciate th em u n til you own one and • ee how b eau tifu lly it sta n d s h ard service. T h at ifl w here they excel all o th ers. I S p ray - W y n n e Co. F o « d , F lo u r, P o u l t r y S u p p llu s , G , r \ e r » l C o m m i s s i o n B s s l u . a s % MARRIED Married. D I R H A M (lO O DR I DO H— At the BOYD-M HRHDITH— At the M. K. parsonage in C ottage Grove, home of Mr. and M rs. Foster T uesday, m orning, Ju n e 28, l’hillit >s, S atu rd ay evening, June 25, 1910, Nelson D urham and 1910, A lfred N. Boyd to Miss Marie Meredith, Rev. Robt. Sut Miss llertie D. G oodridge, Rev. clifTe,officiating. W. A. E lkins, officiating. T his w edding w as a quiet one T hese estim able young people only a few relatives and friends are residents of Star in the Row being present. Both of the con- river valley where they will con tracting parties are well and favor- tinue to reside. T he Leader joins ably know n in th is com m unity, ! in extending congratulations. the groom being a son of Mr. and ------ Mrs. John Durham and is e n g a g -' A t the home of H enry Fischer ed in railroading, h aving a run ' at Marcóla, June 22, 1910, Rose out of this city on the (>. it S. K. ! Lunati and T racy K. Johnson, railroad, a position lie has held! Rev. IL C. l’reston, officiating several years. They will reside in These young people are well and th is city on F ourth street where a favorably know n at Cottage Grove, nice new bungalo is just being Operation For Appendicitis com pleted for the happy couple. T h e Leader joins in ex tending co n Miss Minnie Comer, d au g h ter of gratulations and best wishes. Mr. aud Mrs. J . M. Comer of this city and who is a well know n and New Bookkeeper. popular school teacher of South D. I). K nox h as accepted the Lane county, is recovering nicely position of bookkeeper for lltè at a Portland hospital from a re- Brown Lumber Co. and is at the cent operation for appendicitis, desk in the com pany’s office in i from which she lias been a sufferer th is city. T he long experience of j for two years. T he operation was Mr. Knox in sim ilar work in the very successful an d .\Jiss Coiner first national ban k atpl other busi will fie gble to return home in a ness institutions in this cjty well few days. qualifies him for this position. j How sweet smells the new mown hay. If you w ant the news subscribe I for the Leader. If you d o n 't advertise your j business the slieritf may. W ild black berries are getting I ripe aud will be plentiful. T o get w hat you w ant, m ake I others w ant what you’ve got. Beautiful floral service ill the Methodist church S unday evening. Mrs. Lon W illard sings “ Face to F ace” in the Methodist church S unday evening. Mrs. Roy G riggs and little daughter of Comstock were Cot tage Grove visitors last week. Boys k nickerbocker suits to $5.50 values going while they last at $2.98 H ampton and Co. Rev. Robert Sutcliffe and wife went to Eugene this afternoon to visit with friends for a few days. We understand our esteemed G erman friend. Editor Lew A. Cates, will be orator of the day at the German celebration to be held near this cjty the Fourth- Friends having sweet peas with which to decorate (he Methodist church n ex t Sunday evening for the floral service kindly send n o t ice to the Misses Hooper, Del.oug, Kem and Phillips, Miss F,lla Dickerson, who is well known to Cottage G rove people, has accepted a situation in the public schools of Joseph, Oregon, where her brother Rollitt is engag ed for his second y ear’s work. Mrs. John Nokes received the sad intelligence last week of the death of her m other, Mrs. Mar guerite Steeves, at Princeton, M innesota, at the age of 73, her father fieiug 94 years of age. but is growing quite feeble. T h e Republican prim aries did not m aterialize iti Cottage Grove last S aturday. No oue seemed in terested in the forthcom ing county assem bly. “ Let th e people ru le.” A BIG R E D U C T I O N Boys knickerbocker su its to $5..50 values going wlnle they last at $2.98 H am pton & Co. T h e Ladies Aid of the Presby- teriau church will conduct a m ark et all day S a tu r d a y s Cook’s. Mr. and Mrs. W. J . I ’sher, w bo| have lieeti visiting friends in this city for several days left for C ot The. leading feature at Lurch’s this week is the big Shoe Sale. tage G rove.— Roseburg News. Men’s Shoes $1.75 to - - - - - - $2.98 Ladies’ “ 1.00 “ - F'red Shepard, ofW eitdling, who 2.25 pleaded guilty to the charge of Children’s Shoes 75c to - - - - - - 85c bootlegging, was fined $500 and Friday and Saturday Special; sentenced to serve 30 days in the county jail. 25c Value Turkish Towels - T he reason C ottage Grove has such an equable and salubrious clim ate is from the fact that it is located at an elevation of (>42 feet tnidwav between those two hot air generators, Eugene aud Roseburg. John Sears who is recovering front a serious illness was in Cot tage Grove M onday looking hale CHURCH NOTES AND and hearty again aud weighing ANNOUNCEMENTS exactly itt the 200 pound notch. However, he is uot able to do any work as yet. Anthem by large chorus choir, B. K. Lawson lias been elected Methodist church Sunday evening, to the captaincy of C i^JE, Fourth C hildrens day exercises were ap- Regiment, O. N. G., stationed propriately observed at the Metho- here, to succeed C aptain J. C. dist church S unday evening and Johnson, resigned. T he latter has an excellent program was render- Where you will always find a been promoted. C aptain l.awsou ed by the S unday school classes, was formerly in the commissary H. H. H arris directing the music, complete up-to-date stock of departm ent. ^ T he church was filled to its rap ac- Groceries, Crockery, Shoes and Stacey Russell of Springfield, ity on this occasion, Men’s Furnishings. Good Goods, the p opular republican candidate T he attendance at the m orning Right Prices and Prompt Service. for county clerk, was fixing up his service in the Methodist church political fences about Cottage steadily grows. Five children When in need call at. Grove Monday. If he does uot were baptized last S u n d ay . Matty laud the plum th e other fellow of those present declared that the will certainly know he had a live- anthem “ Sum m er D ays” rendered ly com petitor. Russell is all right, by the choir was the best for many T h e daughters of Mr. and Mrs. m onths. No less th an seven men Ben Lurch. Mrs. Jas. McCreedie t°ok part. A drian Nokes is a val- of San F rancisco and Mrs. H arry u ablc addition possessing as he K rueger of Butte, are guests at does a tenor voice of unusual the old Cottage G rove home. Mrs. ral,Ke and sweetness. K rueger’s sister-in-law , Mrs. Jas. T he biggest of all big days in K rueger accom panies her. A n o th -; the Methodist church n ex t Sunday, er guest at the L urch home is Miss Public worship at 11a. in. w ith Ivdith Ilex ter of Portland. address by Robert Sutcliffe on (S a G S e M S ttM e N N e N M M M n e M W n m M M N N M M M M M M Mrs. Louisa H edrick, familiar- Tfie M artyr of C a ly ary .” Sac- ly know n as “ G ra n d m a” Hedrick , lam ent of Lord’s supper admiuis- widow of John H edrick, a pioneer tered at the close. In the evening of 1852, was born Ju n e 22, 1883, at 8 a beautiful floral service takes in Iow a, aud was, consequently, place. Robert Sutcliffe lectures on 77 years and 1 day old when she Four Sweet Feas” a boquet of Means a great to you as a depositor. G O V E R N M E N T died. Her death took place sud- tllis sweet flower given to every S T P E R V IS IO N of N ational B anks is every year b e denly at 4 a. m. Ju n e 23, 1910, of atten d an t. T he W om ans Club of com ing more careful. It is the purpose of the G overn ment to m ake the word “ N A T IO N A L ” in connection heart disease, at the residence of Cottage G rove the honored guest, with its b an k s synonym ous with “ S A F E T Y .” her son, John, on the hom estead Anthem by large chorus choir, We welcome SM ALL accounts as well as LA R G E ones. about 5 miles from D rain. Mrs. Lon W illard sings Herbert O N E-H A LF OFF W e will continue selling La Vogue Suits and Coats For One-Half Off this Week. 19c . . L u r c h ’ s.. i Cook’s Grocery | 3 3 3 S S i ...COOK’S... J 1 ---- National Bank Protection Owing to the rain first o f last ¡week m aking it iucouvenieiit for T h e state health officer was here J oh,,son’s sweet sol° “ 1?ace to For Sale At Bargain, a good m any to come in to Miss from Portland last week, a guest I F a c e ” T he best seats wil1 be Bartels great sum m er sale, she has Passing ot Old Land Mark. Id acres, house, b aru , .1 chicken decided to continue litis sale for of city health officer Dr. Oglesby, taken early for this unique service. H e said th e sanitary condition of! B,ble sch° o1 l(K KPwor,h houses, wood house, cellar, spring, T he P erkins barn, an old land 55 fruit trees, garden, grain X acre this week only. Read her new ad Cottage G rove w as in th e m ain ex- L easue devotional m eeting at 7 cellent and far te tte r th an he conducted by Mr. M IL Auder- m ark opposite the city park has 1 cow, 1 calf, 100 chickens, cheap today. T he G raham hotel was opened found in most of the valley towns. ’ sou- A h earty ‘»vitation extend- been sold to J. F. Spray, moved if taken at once. Particulars F . A. Monday under new m anagem ent, Owing to the approaching dry , ed to all. over on liis premises adjoining and Clow , Cottage Grove, Oregon. C. N agle being the proprietor. warm season he adm onished the remodeled. T he old site of this Weston Leader: Lupus is cer- Excellent meals are served and local m eat m arket men to put b arn aud the pretty grove su r Timber Land For Sale 1 ; tainly an nffliction. It not alone the service is first class throughout- forth a special effort to keep their rounding would m ake a beautiful endangers the life of Governor O ne hundred and twenty acres T h e place is upw styled th e ' ‘Cot* places and slaughter houses clean, location for the N esm ith county I Benson, a faithful aud obliging tage hotel ” 'o f fine tim ber in Mosby creek tim- court house. w hich they will do. official, hut enables Jay Bowerman —■ ------ P it» ----------- | fier belt. W ill scale between three C an’t m ake the Easly Brothers I'rattk K ing, the local S. P. de To Exchange For Lumber. and four million feet. Call for of Saginaw , believe an ad in the pot agent,“is out with a new p ru n School Killer, to succeed him. inform ation at the Leader office.* Leader d o n ’t pay. T hey put a ing kn ife which is worth patent- It is now th e states of Arizona Good four-year-old m are to e x few lines reader in last T u esd ay ’s ittg. It has an attachm ent to the and New M exico. change for lum ber. W eight 1200. Messrs. Atlee aud N agle of the Leader “ Cow for S ale” and sold blade w hich renders it absolutely i A pply to Mr. J. W. Gowdv. ¡C ottage Hotel have dissolved p a rt the cow the next m orning over the impossible to cu t into th e tender n e rsh ip , the latter h av in g purchas Boys knickerbocker suits t o ied the interest of his partner. Mr. telephone to a Cottage Grove b ark of a voting tree or th e lim b $5.50 values going while they last Atlee has gone to Springfield to party. ahove the oue you cut off while T here is one 'way to save engage in the restaurant business. a t $2.9« H am pton Kc Co. Ernest Pnrvance, Misses Myrtle prituiug, by the knife slipping, I your piano and that is by Purvance, Eunice Van Den burg w hich is so often the experience in and Mabel Veatch have gone to p ru n in g with the ordinary straig h t . . . E x p e r t T i m i n g 1. . . Eugene to attend summ er school or crooked blade. T his invention aud better equip themselves for should m ake some easy m oney for ! Drop me a posta) and I ’ll call. W ork guaranteed. their work as teachers in the C ot F ran k . tage G rove schools this fall and Robinson and wife, th e winter. former a retired hanker, wete at- H E better corsets you Rev. Jas. H aw kins of Roseburg, tra d e d tq Cottage G rove by the buy, the te tte r figure you returned from his Mosby crgeV name of the place last week and ! C o t t a g e G ro v e , O r e g o n will have, the more tim ber claim T hursday, and states were registered several days at stylish you will appear and the that he found a magnificent liody Hotel Oregon. They were pleased longer service you will get from of tim ber up there. He is confi with the place and cam e here to your corset. dent his claim will run from three locate, but upon observing that If you can afford to spend to four million feet. W hile in this certain prominent citizens were from $15.00 upw ard for a dress, city Rev. H aw kins was a guest of opposiug street paving they be you can surely afford to s|>end A. J. Arm strong, the photo m an. came disgusted and moved on. from $2.00 to $5.00 nr more for Most any one eatt afford a dia T hey said that the one th in g Cot a corset; for the corset is the mond at the price Madsen is sell tage Grove was most in need of foundation of style and there was the paving and im provem ent ittg them for a short time only. fore the appearance of your of its streets. Such exam ples give H arrv F . W ebber, the well dress depends upon it. us an opportunity to see ourselves known local piano tuner, was do We fe a tu re Henderson Corsets ing some work in this city last as others see us. Get the paving and carry them in a wide range week which included the tu n in g work started. of values, retailing from $1.25 and voicing of the w riter's piano. An effort is being m ade am ong upw ard, but advise the purchase We found hint a most thorough, leading democrats of th e state to p rrKjuce g.xjd results. If y >u of the higher grades whenever practical ami up-to-date workman line up Judge J. W. H am ilton as send your physician's prescriptions possible. T he shape, construe- and his prices are very reasonable, ¡candidate for governor, but the to us they will t e most carefully tion, finish and fit of the higher grade corsets are n aturally O ne great satisfaction in giving ; judge declines the honor, prefer- compounded and only the purest and freshest of Drugs will t e used. more desirable and attractive. H am ilton, al We always carry a large supply of such work to Mr. W ebber is th at ring the te n ch . A trial w ith the better grade H enderson Corsets will co ir if a string should slack and become though a democrat, has served this vittce you of the wisdom of our suggestion. out of tune after his work is com district faithfully on the te n c h , , pleted lie is rig h t at h and and and, since polotics do not aud ready to correct the trouble at should not enter into selection o f , th at we can highly recom m end. once and w ithout extra charge. the judiciary, it is quite likely t h a t 1 In all cases our prices are worthy W hen your piano or organ needs he will be returned at th e fall elec of your notice. tu ning or repairing in any way tion. T h e Lane county bar, irre -' drop Mr. W ebber a post card in spective of politics, h as endorsed •Where You Do Better’ the C ottage G rove post office and him for re-election.— E u g e n e Cottage Grove, Oregon Register. he will be on h an d promptly. I The First National Bank * m ------- mrur — ~imnrrai wumn r>iiim— i a misi u i Piano Repairs Buy Good Corsets c. s H arry S. W ebber; T P u re D rugs Patent Medicines R ees-W a lla ce Co. Benson’ s Pharmacy They Are All Taking Notice T h at the Nesmith Cash Grocery is the place to buy fresh family groceries and farm pro duce. Business is growing because our prices are right. Convenient shed for team s at rear of store. J . V. F O S T E R DON’T BREAK YOUR BACK. Don’t S ta n d L ik e A L ifting carpets and do n 't te a t your rugs to pieces. I will clean Hitching them on the floor with my n e w ; P o tt V acuum cleaner. Leave orders] at Leader office. N iki . W hi tnkv W anted— A bout 51) head of grade ewes, Shopshires preferred. A d dress C. Henry H aig h t, S ag i naw , Oregon. Any one who has not co n trib u t ed a prize to th e sweet pea show prem ium list and m ay wish to do so can leave them with Mrs. De- lure Hemenway, phone 223. Get a m ore on. Let the w orld know you are awake. Push your business to success or your business will push you to the wall. Advertise? Advertise 11 Advertise 111