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About Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1905-1915 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1910)
T IC K L E T E A S E R S B y A lf r a 4 J in g le T w i u k l e , t w i n k l e lit tle slur, i l u w we w o n d e r w h a t y o u a te . S hining 111» above uh all, Hut we d o n ot w o n d e r a t P o p ’K m All. T h e N ew E r a D ra g S to re 2 5 c a : l o c a l p a p e r Crabe fetfter p it io r The Best Meats | C — o lU .« .d ANNUAL SWEET PEA CARNIVAL Friday and Saturday July 8 and 9, and Some of the Prizes. C O T T A G E GROVE, OREGON, T U E S D A Y , J U L Y 5, 1910. 9 . 1908 . suit case by Zau Brothers, Port- laud. T he 3rd A nuual Sweet Pea Show ’s parade will be held July 8-9. All children tak in g part in the parade will meet at Arm ory and follow iu rear of vehicles. Other Prizes Offered. Best decorated buggy. Best decorated horse ridden by a boy. Best decorated horse ridden by a girl. Best decorated toy wagon. Best decorated doll buggy. Best decorated baby buggy. Most original toy float. One of the features of the p a rade will be groups of boys and girls in drills. H ours when the Sweet Pea Show will be open: Friday afternoon, 1:50; evening at 7:50. S aturday trom 10 a. in., open rem ainder of day. Band concert in the evening. Partial List of Prizes GREAT BAND IS Thaviu Band, Opera Com pany and Russian Dancing Girls Beidler Bros. A N Y H O H E -.P R O G R E S S I V E . n e w s y , i n d e p e n d e n t Blackbutte Quicksilver, Bohemia Gold /Vtininij Districts and Thirty Saw Milling Enterprises Tributary to Cottage Grove. Dairying, Fruit Growing, Farming B O H E M Í A { f J / G G E T ' ' * 0 “ '* k rfrig e ra to r p lant iu connection w ith shop. C lea n lin ess is ou r hob b y (•ive us a tria l.............................................. DATES FOR POULTRY SHOW AT ROSEBURG. As per previous announcem ent a num ber of the poultrymen of R< eburg an d vicinity met T h u rs day evening and formed ail asso ciation for the advancement of this industry. T he officers chosen are: II. M. Bullw inkle, pres.: W m .J. H arris, vice pres.: K. 1C. W im ber ly, sec.: Ben Bullwinkle, treas.: J. V. Breuueisen, sup.: O. 11. Cash, ass’t supt. Executive committee: J. W . Mullen, J. B. Pa|>e, Fritz Stauffer, W . L. Dvsiiiger. II. T . McClalleu. It was decided to hold a poultry show in Roseburg from Nov. 30 to Dec. 5, 1910, inclusive, when a large display of fine blooded poul try will be m ade. Excellent p o u l try shows were held here a few years ago and there is a great deal more of blooded poultry grown here now th an at that time. T here is a good dem and for poultry aud eggs all the tim e and often far e x ceeds the supply, the prices at times during the winter being almost prohibitive. T his associa tion hopes to be ahle to help in crease the supply in this line, as well as to encourage the product ion of higher class stock. JEFF EASY FOR BEACKFIGHTER Knocked Through Ropes In the Fifteenth Fierce Round. are Profitable Industries. VOL. XXII. NO. it •'•ere, but when I started to exe- I cute, th e speed and youthful steam ! were lack in g — th in g s 1 used to do were impossible. For instance, 11 used to shoot in a rig h t h an d body 1 | pun ch , a sort of short ran g e blow, th a t never used to fail me. W hen I tried it today the suap w asn ’t ------------ ' 4 < there an d it was only a love tap. ' T suppose most of my trainers and helpers will say th at I did uot New Boiler and Water box often enough. It w ouldn’t Heater is now Being have m ade an y difference, if l had sparred a dozen tim es more th an I Installed. did. I simply was not there aud th a t is all there is to it. ’ “ 1 guess it’s all my owu fault. T h e fine new m achinery for the I was getting along nicely a u d liv ing peacefully on my alfalfa farm , C ottage G rove E lectric L ight Com but when they started calling for p any arrived last week and is rap me, au d m entioning me as the idly being installed. T he new im "white m a n ’s h o p e,’’ I guess my provem ent to the light plant con pride got the better of my Ju d g sists of th e very latest type of Mc- m e n t.” N a u ll’s w ater tu b e boiler with a Champion * Statement. g u aran teed 450 horse-power ca p aci RIvNO, Ju ly 4 .— " I won from ty an d cap ab le of carryiug 600 Mr. Jeffries because I outclassed horsepow er if necessary. T he boil him iu every departm ent of the er is 18 feet in length, underneath fighting gam e, Before I eutered of w hich is grouped 158 four-inch the ring I was certain I would win. w ater pipes 18 feet iu length, be I never changed my mind at any low w hich is th e furnace. T he tim e. Jeffries’ blows h ad no steam boiler base occupies a space of behind them, so how could he hope 11x20 feet an d w hen m ounted ou its to defeat me? W ith exception of concrete base ready to be steam ed a cut on my upper lip, w hich was up will be 16 feet in length. T he really caused by an old w ound be sm oke sta c k it 48 inches in diam e ing struck, 1 am unin ju red . I ter, 80 feet h igh aud weighs four beard people about the ring rem ark or five tons. Fred Rivears, an e x about the body blows affectiug me. pert m achinist of Portland, is here I do not recall a single p u nch iu directing the installation of this the body th at caused m e an y d is fine new m achinery, w hich also in com fort. I am in shape to do b a t cludes the new C ookson’s w ater tle again tomorrow if it were nec heater. T his new equipm ent, to essary. Oue thing I m ust give gether w ith the new poles, lines Jeffries credit for is the gam e b a t an d arcs, will give Cottage Grove tle he m ade. H e cam e back at oue of th e best aud most modern m e with the heart of a true fighter. electric lig h t an d power plants in No m an can say he did not do his th e W illam ette Valley and Messrs. b est.” Kem & Shinn are to be congratu Johnson says after a few w eeks lated upon their enterprise and pro T hey are giving in vaudeville he will go hom e to gressiveness. rest. H e says he will not fight for proof th a t they m ean to keep u p several m ouths because know s of with the m arch of progress in this no fighter who could give him a city, w hich they have selected as good battle. No atteutiou, he says, not only a place iu w hich to en gage in a business enterprise, but will Ire paid to L angford. “ l d o n ’t consider he could give also iu which to establish perm a nent homes. m e a fight th at would d ra w .” C apt. B. K. Lawson, m anager RBNO, N evada, July 4.—John T he annual Sweet I'ea Show will A rthur Johuson, a T ex as negro, of the Arm ory theater, was surpris be held in the I.awsou building on sou of an A m erican slave, tonight ed last S atu rd ay when he received Main street July 8 aud 9, under is the first an d undisputed heavy the following telegram : the auspices of the W om an’s Club, weight cham pion of the world. “ W i l l you pi . ay T ha v iu B and arrangem ents for which have been Jam es J. Jeffries of C alifornia, w in of F if t y P eople F r id ay N i g h t , com pleted. T he list of prizes is ner of 22 cham pionship fights, the J ui . y h ? A n sw er Q u i c k .” practically th e sam e as th at of a man who never was brought to T he idea of bringing one of A m year ago. T here will be a parade, his knees l>efore by a blow, tonight erica’s greatest m usical o rganiza as oil previous occasions, and other passed into history as a broken tions to C ottage G rove was more features that will prove of interest idol. He met defeat at the hands th an C apt. Lawson had ever have been arranged for. T he com K err it Silsby—Set of sherbet of the black cham pion. dream ed of, but since the opportu plete program is herew ith p ub glasses. Jeffries was knocked clear nity was afforded he was not long lished: Griffin it V eatch—A lum inum through the ro|>es by a blow on the in w iring the answer "Y e s,” so Class 1.— For the largest num ber teapot. chin after being knocked down Cottage G rove on Friday evening of varieties grown by an exhibitor, II. C. M adsen—Cut glass to o th twice by the negro. O ne h o u r’s will have an attraction which is not less th an the nam ed varieties, pick holder. work in the ring will net the negro rarely witnessed on the Pacific twelve sprays in a vase. These Modern P harm acy — Box of p er over a qu arter of a million dollars Coast outside of cities like Sail will be judged as to quality, First fume. and Jeffries one-third of this Francisco, Portland, or Seattle, and second prize. L adies’ T oggery— Brooch. am ount. T here was no cheering T his great b and and com pany is Class I I .— Best $ix varieties, Simeral it V an Denberg—J a rd in Money in Poultry. after the fight and the spectators billed for the Oregon C bautauquas, nam ed, tw elve sprays each, Cream, iere stand. , T he Leader editor, who for re filed out glum . but h aving an ex tra night and Cot Pink, W hite, Dark Red, Red and II. C. Cook—C hina cak e plate. The Referee's Statement tage G rove being m idway between creation and his own am usem ent, Lavender. Prize for each color. S pray-W yune Co.— Brass ca n RF,NO, Ju ly 4.— “Ja c k Johnson the two big C bautauquas, the com has bred L an g sh au s up to the Class I I I .— Prize for the most dlestick. pany decided to “ fill in " here. In standard requirem ents and who is the most w onderful fighter that unique display. Prize for the most Burkholder-W oods Co.—China H e won as connection with the band of 58 through the exhibition of these ever pulled on gloves artistically arranged boquet. cream aud sugar set. members, T h av iu is presenting a fowls at local poultry shows has he pleased from Jeffries and was Class IV .— Largest display, re K inter Bros.— Picture. Iroup of beautiful Russian singers m ade somewhat of a reputation as never in danger. I could not help gardless of color or variety, but W heeler-Thom pson Co.—Gold and dancers, girls in native cos a L angshan breeder, has filled but feel sorry for the big white colors m ust be arranged separately. purse. tumes, an d a corps of grand opera num erous sqmU orders for these mail as he fell beneath the ch am First and second prizes. II. Brehaut— Bottle perfume. soloists of the very highest artistic popular birds and th e ir' eggs at p io n ’s blows. It was the «nGSt piti All classes open to com petition B. L urch— Vase. qualifications. In all, the org an i fancy prices, but not until last able sight I ever saw, A s a m a t to anyone living within a radius of Mrs. Geo. H all— Vase. zation num bers upw ards of 50 a rt week have we l>een overwhelmed | ter of fact, I thought way down in ten miles of Cottage Grove. Uees-W qllace Co.— U m brella. ists with an actu al expense of $(>50 with business in this line, when it j nty heart th a t Jeffries w ould he A prize of $1.00 will be given to Metcalf it Brund— Brass vase. the bov under 15 having the finest per day. If th is great com pany almost broke our l|eart to turn winner of the fight. T h* tight was H am pton & Co.—-Parasol. were advertised .o play at fiugene down an order trinn a Mariou won an d last when Jeffries went display of wild flowers. Benson’s P harm acy—’Book. there is no doubt but that scores of com ity poultrym an for 250 W hite through the ropes the first tune. T he sam e for girls. Knowles & G raber— N ickel cof T he best three boquets of roses, Cottage G rove people would go Laugshau pullets and 50 cockerels T his is official. (Other knockdow n fee pot. regardless of color or variety, will down there to witness the produc at $1 each or $500 for the order. does not count. It was this way: David Scholl—Silver spoon. Jeffries w as brought to his be entitled to the blue, red and tion, but now th at it is coming Owing to the high price of feed Commercial Club—$5.00. w hite ribbons. here there is offered a golden op and close application to business, knees and as he arose, dazed, Jo h n Best decorated buggy— $5.00. A prize will lie given to the per portunity to see a great perform we did not raise so m atiy l.ang- son hit him w ith a succession of Best decorated float by lodge or son ex h ib itin g the finest potted ance presented by one of the sbaus as usual this year and co n lefts th at sent him through the Will Build a Big Brick. business house— $5.00. lav there, several of plant. world’s greatest m usical o rg an iza sequently was un ab le to fill this ropes. A s Best decorated horse ridden by 1*'. II. Rosenberg will have charge tions, w ith its glittering and gor fine cash order, but it clearly dem his «w ands cau g h t hold of him and to helped hint to his feet. U nder the of girls between 12 and 15 fo ra boy—A ir gun. geous costum es and scenery. onstrates the fact th a t it R egarding the investm ent of the Best decorated horse ridden by rules of the gam e this disqualified Berger-Bean H ardw are Co. of F.u- dum b bell drill. Capt. Lawson has g u aranteed $500 raise pure bred poultry. D. T . Awfii^y, th e E xpress Jeffries, and Johnson was the wiu- Mrs. B. R. Job will assist all the girl—G oldsm ith’s poems. to the com pany an d he feels sure gene, in C ottage G rove business Agent, who is also a town lot Best decorated toy w agon—Ten young ladies over 15 years of age that the people of th is place wjH breeder, h as sold S150 worth of uer. I thought the seconds were property, the E ugene G u ard says: with the decorated parasols. T his nis shoes. appreciate this grancj m usical or eggs aud stock already this season going to carry Jeffries into his cor “ T he Berger-Bean H ardw are Co., Best decorated doll buggy— will be an exceptionally pretty ganization enouglr to turn ogt ami front ids W hile M inorca pens, ner. Instead they shoved him in of th is city, has purchased a lot $l.l)Q. feature, easily iqnke up tips ¡imoillll- \yhiie JJ. H. Chainberleu, H arry to the ring again to be beaten fur in the business district of C ottage Metcalf, Robert Griffin, F. H. Best decorated baby buggy— Mr. Parker, the MDo-nut K in g ,” T ickets will be on sale at the W ave Rosenberg, I,. R. Sanford, the ther, while I w as doing all l could G rove au d m ay build a brick Sugar bowl an d creatqer. will have charge of the fqntiy at $1.50 for the best seats, $1.00 Conner Brothers aud other local during th» confusion to stop the block and establish a branch store Most original toy float— Bottle c h a ra c te rs." T his will be a new for the n ex t best and 75 cents for breeders have done nearly a5 vvell. fight. Jeffries could not hit Jo h n there, but this has not yet been perluine. aud interesting feature, | gallery, an d you will have to buy Yes, it pays to raise good poultry. son and Johnson could hit Jeffries definitely decided upon by the Best decorated bicycle ridden by T he business men and lodges ! early if you get a seat, as scores of Local breeders are ju st beginning whenever he pleased. Jeffries was firm . F . J. Berger, president of to realize wliat an im portant in , , . have promised to have floats, which girl—Purse. , 1 people will be it| town from tfie dustry they have established here not so good as last tim e he fo u g h t.” the com pany, this m orning stated Best decorated bicycle ridden by Jeffrie's Statement will be attractive features and for j e-co u n ty and north H ouglas and w hat a well deserved rcfattR th a t his firm lias been co n tem p lat boy— Ball bat. RUNG, Inly 4.— " I lost the fight ing th is move for some tim e past w hich prizes will be given, | tow ns to see one of A m erica’s g reat tion they have made, for Cottage Best sustained character—Suit-1 T he band and national guard est b an d s an d operatic com panies. (•rove as a** ideal poultry raising this afternoon because I did not but could not tell when the plans case. center. have the snap of youth I used to would be co n su m m ated ." will also participate. ■* — ■■■ ■ 1 " If you w ant the new s subscribe have. I believed iu my own heart T he parade will form on Wall for the Leader- T he Leader for reliable news. T ry the Leader a year. that all thu old tim e d ash was Boost for Nesm ith county. street at 1:50 o’clock, sharp, F ri day, and proceed down Main street to the depot, tu rn in g at depot, go ing again through Main street to bridge. All boys between 9 and 16 years are asked to take p art in tlie Sports departm ent under the direction of Mr. lid Finnerty, Mrs. O rvill Spear, Miss N ellie F.llis aud Mrs. C ald Now to Carry Out Your Sane Resolves well. G irls between 9 and 12 will re port to Mrs. A. C. K inter, Miss Rosenberg, Mrs. l'uller and Mrs. Geo. H all. Buy one of our all wool fancy gray worsteds............................. .................... $27.50 It is the desire to have every child in town have som e place in Or an all wool blue serge latest styles........... . ............. .............. ... 22.50 the parade. Beautiful, soft gray cashmere, $15.00 to 22.50 T here will be no practice neces Youth’s gray and cashmere suits $12.50 to ...................................... ‘ 20.00 sary, b u t be on W all street at 1:50 Boy’s two-piece Knickerbocker suits $4.00 to 6.50 O’clock fo form in parade. T he Children’s new and nobby patterns in Buster Browns $3.50 to 5.00 girls between 6 and 9 years are re quested to wear suuhoniiets, and $5.00 W omen’s Pat Wing Tip Oxford Ties $2.50 to th e boys, overalls and large straw Men’s Pat Oxford - hats, and all early boquets of 4.50 W om en’s Gun Metal Plain Toe and Ankle Strap ” W illow Calf Wing Tip Oxford flowers. T h is applies to those not 5.00 W omen’s Pat Pumps. $2.50 to " Oxblood “ p articipating in other features of 5.00 W om en’s St. Cecelia Lace Boot “ Gun Metal Oxfords, $4.00 to the parade. List of Special Prizes \A/omen’s $15.00 Outing Boot . . . Absolutely the best stock to select from in the City. 1— Special— The Portland Seed EVERWEAR HOSIERY EVERWEAR HOSIERY. Co. offers a prize of $5.00 worth of seeds. 2— Special—T he P ortland Seed Co. also offers a copy of a book, "R oses and Rose G row ing.” .1—Special— P ortland Seed Co., a book, "Daffodils, N arcissus and M 4C p How to Grow T h e m ." -i—Special— A Japanese straw v V l/A .i.v w /J «a ® IT WAS A SANE 4TH Give the Following Bargains Your Attention WHEELER - ITHOMPSON "COMPANY LIGHT COMPANY NEW DAILY FOR MEDFORD WILL OPPOSE SALOONS Medford, O re., Ju n e 50.— Med ford is to have another daily paper to he know n as the Medford Sun. L. C. Branson, from T ouopah, N evada, is to he m anaging editor, an d S. S. Sm ith of Fldorado, K ansas, business m anager. A com plete p lan t is now being in stalled an d the first num ber of the new p ap er is to be put out July 15: It will he a m orning publication with " in su rg e n t” republican and prohibition proclivities, it is re ported, an d the u ndertaking has the h ack in g of some of the leading cap italists of Medford aud vicinity. Death Due To Poison. Mrs. F an n ie Goebe, aged about 35 years, com mitted suicide at Springfield Junction some tim e T h u rsd ay afternoon, at the home of A. H . 11 ink son, while th e fam ily were spending the day in liu- gene. Mrs. Goebe was em ployed as a domestic at tbe H inksou hom e I where she has worked for the p ast | six weeks or more. She was quite i well know n in Springfield as she I had worked at num erous places. There seems to lie no clear m otive for the suicide further than de spondency. A note found in her j room w hich read: “ Burry me as i lam . I have nothing more to live I for. Mrs. G oebe.” Many Men For Railroad Work. T here were 150 men went out to work on the N atron b ranch road Friday. T h ey com e in on all trains from the north and south and lie about at the depot until the train goes out in the afternoon. T he larg e m ajority are G reeks and Italians, though there are a good m any A nglo-Saxon in the crowd th a t goes out every day. It is said th a t there are nearly 2000 men at work there now .— l.ugene Register. Boys knickerbocker suits to $5.50 values going while they last at $2.98 H am pton A Co.