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About Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1907)
9 of 0 1 II WI LI II Fl "II u m t VOL. IX LATEST RESERVES MAY HE INVALID An Effort to be Made to Have the Courts so Decide. Many Legal Lights Retained and an Interesting Legal Fight is Expect ed to he Developed Tilt Between tlit President ind Congress. An organied clToit im to !n made to ti;ivi 1 hi 'i(clatii:itioiiM ol I'Msi dent l!i Kihi-vflt creating vM forest riKci vntimis during I lif closing IkmHm of the HeHHititis n the last coiigresM declai nd invalid C n j -tent :iiul highly int. I ntf riH-ya have I K-i 11 letninid ami Ilif !. val li.'lit im CXpeited to le One ( till IliOht fu- ti-H'stin; tii 1 1 : 1 vliip'-il in many veats. The tight over f iKht rev 1 vatums and tho nllced fiiinds in tlie wrM is 1 1 1 in the mind of tllK K'Ih-h1 I'lllill''. Stil;'lllg II II - der 1 ft t-itt in.iii 1 mid the altitude of the 1 i .- i'lriii 111 i K)Hiti'u ol their wishes K-lativi' in (lie management of f lit I t i. H Hi iW h, I lit i-na t iii- Hitil 11 I'Iovim-mi 111 the agiicnlt ural ..,r..pu.,iion bill providing j '-mi t whm mah by' County Inspce that lh.. iiesidcnt sh-uil I no liiRerjtor Beebe, who said that the visits Ik-einpewt in I to eieiite f.iieHt ie- lie had niHtle to outlying districts serves without tin consent of con gri'HK. Six staKw me named In this piolnhii ion, including Wash ington. Wyoming. Idaho, I 'tub, Monlniia and Colorado, Tin pro hibition was embodied dec) into the agricultural appropriation bill, ho that tin' president co-ibi not veto it' without vetoing the whole mens ure and thus stripping the ngrhul ural ilepHitmeiit of every cent of appropriation lor a year. Th picsiiicnt b it the action of tho congress keenly. He deter mined however, to go them one better. The bill was not. passed until within the last few days of the Hession. Ho issued a proclama tion which converted into tho toreHt reserves of the country no leHS Mian 17,000,(1(10 am-s. This was practi cally every acre of timber land that amounts to anything in ho nix stutca which vcro mentioned in th lull, coverir-; Mieno vast acrea of land were issued two days befoie the president ngned the agricult ural appto'iiatiou bill. If this was so it in now true that no one has ever been able to get hold of the original of the big blanket piocla ninlioti nor of the o. iginala of the proclamations which aio now being tinned out by the public printer covering each of tho different reser vations. It is hinted Htiongly that tho proehunatioiis were not in fact IHdUed holorc the president signed tho agricultural appropriation bill. If this could be established there is no wan ant In law nor authority for the creation of the reserves. Always in the past in creating forest reserves, the proclamation baa set forth distinctly tho exact boundaries of the proposed reserves by metes and bounds. In the proc lamations now I cing printed the boundaries are referred to simply "us shown in the accompanying diagram." Then accompanying the proclamations is a diagram. This is hehl not to be legal by the men who are fighiug the creation of tho resorves and they, propose to test the matter in the courts. Although they are not saying much about this feature of the case, there is reason for believing that the same attorneys who have been preparing for t lie test of the action (Con tinned to eighth page) COTTAGE GROVE, LANE COUNTY BERRY CROC INJURED. . Large and Interesting Meeting ot Fruit Grower Discuss Matters. The Kngcuo Register says. A large and enthusiastic meeting of the fruit growers of thin district wan held at the circuit court room Saturday bh the mom was ho largo the county court loom hud nut seat fur all of them. Tho meeting was an inforniHl on', although I lie president presided with his iiHiial dignity, it wan a h jrt of a good old fashioned experience, nutting wheie each one spoke as tho spirit moved him. I'iuiii what was brought out it is certain that the strawberry I cioji has been Horiounly injured by ! the cold weal her that wc have ex perienced the liiHt week. Most of tho growMn rt'poit not over one half u nop i.t lust. A largo per cent ot tho bion-onis hhow black ami ba been seriously injured hy the frost--. It was the intention of the Ilor ticultiuid Hocioty to buy berry crates and boxes in car lots and thus secme benefit of betti piii-uj but on account ol I ho poor piospect for a crop it was derided that it would be impossible, to unit a car-1 load. After the berry question had beeu liwustted, tlai uiiriiug took Hit flit tin liift fif klttuvitur und fl was very encouraging and in aonio sections they had done better work than tbosH closer in. The subject of tho next meeting will be "Cherries" ami this will no doubt be very interesting, as it is hard to gt away frm the subject at each meeting, but the next meet ing will be given up entirely to tho subject. The interest in these horticultur al meetings is growing rapidly and whilo it ia a Very busy time, the fruit growers realize that it is prof itable to take a little time off aud attend these meetings. To Be or Not to Be" Tho baseball season is at hand, but Cottage Grove so fur does not Heem diaposed to become celebrated through that channel. AH around ua we read of the live, rustling towna, having burned or forming a club and each one is going around with a chip on its shoulders labeled the "champion club of Southern Oregon." Cottage Grove could lay claim to this title once upon a time and could do it again, but v up pear to lie ,oo busy, while whittling fence rails and dry goods boxes, growling aliout how dull it is since we became dry, to put forth energy enough to get np a club. There are plenty of pla.yeia here, and good ones too, and we have many enthusiasts, but noue seem to en thuso enough to take the lead in this matter. A good base ball team gives life to a community as does a brass band and ho does an O. N. (J. company, it also brings money to the town iu various ways which perhaps could not be designated. By all means let us shake oil' our lethargy, and mako tho name of Cottage Grove boom from north to south and east and west of the state of Oregon, as a live, go-ahead bustling city for busiuoss or any thing else. Wonderful Eczema Cure. "Our littlo hoy had eczema for live years," wrltcu N. A. Adams, Henri etta, Pa. "Two of our homo doe Lorn said the ease whs liopolt'dH, hU lung being affected. We then employed other doctors, but no benefit resulted. Hy chance we read about Kleetric Hitters' bought a hotllo and hooii no ticed Improvement. Wo continued this medicine until several bottles wore used, when our hoy waa com pletely cured." best ot all blood medicines and body building' health tonics, (luarunteed at Benson's Phar macy. 5(o. Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering and SELECTION OF -SCHOOL TEACHERS Cottage Grove Public School! Directors Hold Meeting.. ! 1 And Elect Teachers for Next Term ' Prof. C. L. Strange and His As sistant W. Harvey Retained, and Also Most of the Present Teachers. At a meeting of the directors of the Cottage Grove Public schools held lust wefk, the following teach ers were elected for the next year. Prof. C. L. Strange, principal. Worth Harvey, assietaot. MiHs Mary Mundy, High school. Miss Luln Currin, High school, (tertrudo Palmer, west aide lut and 2nd grades. Neva Perkina, east side 1st and '2d grades. Illla Anderson, west side 3d and 4th gi tides. I,ura Hefty, east side .'id and 4th grades. KHa Dickson, west side 4th and .rth grades. Norn IJeebe, east side 4th and 5th giai'es. Jessie Wilson, (5th grade. Mary Buxton, 7th grade. Miss Vena powers and Miss Cor- delia Grant, whose places are taken Ijy Misses Buxton and Dickson, did uot make application. Miss Grant will teach in Ashland 'and Miss Powers will lake a much deserved reHt. The year jiiBt closing has been an exceptionally good one for the schools under the efficient principal ehip of Prof. StraDge who has worked hard to bring them up to their present standard. Prof, Har-1 vey, principal of the Eighth grade, iw said by the County School Su perintendent to be one of the best Kighth grade teachers in the state, and our schools ore certainly in good hands for the coming year. Absent Mindedness. Two young men, whose nam?s we withhold, one from Eugene and one from Cottage Grove, were of the same mind to attend the dance at Creswell last Saturday evening. They each hired a team in their re spective towns and hied them to the ball, where it is presumed they had a good time. When they got rendy to return home th livery man at Creswell got out their rigs and snugly tucked the rugs around them and they started towards their homes. After going some miles the young man from Eugene be came wise to the fact that either his team had shed their coat while standing iu the stable, or had been transformed in some remarkable way, but on close examination came to the conclusion that he was driv ing away with some one's else rig. He immediately put back to Cres well aud learning that the other rig was well on its way to Cottage Grove mado all haste to overtake it. This he succeeded in doing just a shott distance from towu. Expla nations followed and tho exchange made and each one swore secrecy to each other, but somehow the story leaked out and they have to endure many jokes levied at them. Some say that the drivers attention was bo entirely taken up holding their companions from falling out of the buggy that they really did not know whether the buggy was being pulled by a horse or un elephant, and cared less. Under these oir- cumbtances the young men are ex cusable, for most of us have beeu there ourselves aud know bow bliud we are at suob times. Forming Interests of this Community. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SAWMILLS MAY CLOSE DOWN Many Rumors Arc Floating Around to that Effect. Millions of Feet of Lumber Waiting to be Removed to Market but Cars Cannot be Secured-Logging Camps Wfll Probably Follow Suit. Rutflors are plentiful that mnny of the nawmilis in this hcetion are to be nhut down in the near future, in consequence of the inability of the railroads to furnish cars lor the transportation of the lumber o the markets. If this u done, it will probably be followed in a tdiort time by the shutting down of the logging camps, thus thiowing hun dreds out of employment, and causing a stagnation in all linos of business. This state of affairs cer tainly presents a most extraordinary spectacle; one that has never been witnessed before in this or any oth er country. In tho most prosper ous times ever kuowu in the his- 'tory ot the country; when work is plentiful and labor scarce, we are threatened in 0119 way to face the result of a panic. Hard timea and panics have here jtofore been the result of overpro duction and lack of confidence. At this time, however, we are facing just the reverse, the demand is greater than the supply, or is made that way by the inability to get the product lrom the producer to the consumer. Although we more particularly allude to our lumber industry, the same stale of ofTuirs in everything else seems to exist more or lesa, from tUe Atlantic to the Pacific. The cry for cirs is continually beiug made to the rail road companies which they cannot furnish, because they simply have not got them, if the officials are to believed. We are informed that tho mill in Cottage Grove alone, could shut down, aud yet load ten cars of lumber a day for three weeks, and have a market for every foot. Other mills in the vicinity can do the same according to their capaci ty. The market everywhere is good and is not confined to the United States. Unlike the panicky times of '93, however, the laboring :mxn will not feel its effects first, if ,it all, as the demand for labor in the various branches of industry is far greater than the supply, and they will turn their hands to other lines. The mill owners and the log coniractors are the losers, even if they are only compelled to shut down for a short time, and leaving out of the con sideration, the fact, that while shut down the plant is earning nothing, the crew is scattered and g ne, and a new one has to be secured, bo that perhaps the mill and camp can be only run it half its capacity for somo time. What will be the ultimate out come of this car difficulty it is hard to conjecture. Probably the peo ple are as much to blame as the railroads, as cases are not rare whoro cars have beeu received and not unloaded for days, or uutil the agent gets after them with a sharp stick. Then the railroad compa nie may also be guilty of what tbey are accused. They may dis criminate in some cases, and iu many other ways not do as well us they might, but from what has leaked out as coming from officials, and from what can bo lead in all the leading papers in the country, 1 the1 great trouble is that they have-1 not got the curs. MAY 8, 1907. SHEEP MUST BE DIPPED. The Law Passed by Last Legislature Makes it Compulsory. Tho law passed by the la.t legis lature with reference to sheep in spection and requiring them to be dipped under the supervision of the board of sheep commissioners is to be strictly enforced this year. There has been more or less scabies among the sheep in Oregon, and the st tin has lost much money and much creuit ior tack 01 legal au thority to stamp it out. Dr. J. Christi", the d -pr.ty state sheep inspec tor for this county will have a lare portaUo tank or dip ping tunk constructed and will go fiom place to place ovr the coun try dipping fbeep. The law makes it obligatory on c-vry idieep grow er to have them dipped, and tbey are required to dip with solutions prepared according to formulas pre paied by the general government. The law says: "The board will refuse to rerog nize any sheep not dipped under the supervision of the government or state inspector or his deputies and in accordance wi'h the rules and regulations of this boaid. Mix. j work can be supplied by the or ing of all dip must be supervised by j gani.ation of coast artiflery com pa -the federal or state sheep inspector j nies in the various states of the or his deputy." Union, which organizatio s, duriDg The portable vat will be hauled j tbe time otlie than when they are from place to place for the conven- i;nce of owners of sheep. Those who have Bmall bands may drive them to some central place in a lo cality where a good butch can be dipped and thus lessen the expense greatly, as the cost is paid by the owners. After the dipping a cer tificate of health will be issued to the owner of the sheep and the law provides for quarantining any band not so dipped. Work will com mence just after sheaiing has been done. Along the 0. & S. E. Railroad. Although thcro are many goi -natured jokes made at the expense of the Oregon & S mth Eastern railroad, a trip from one end t ; the other should couvince the most skeptical that the road was not built lor a summer jaunt. It is there for business aud we would wager that not a joker or anyone else living along its roilfe, would have it abandoned if they could prevent it. The roa 1 bed itself is excellent and equal to ninny and surpasses seme of tho more preten tious roads in the It is well ballasted ard is smooth riding. Certainly the passenger cars are not Pullman or refliniug chair af fairs, but one can make himself very comfortable nevertheless, and they probabiy have seen the day when they were considered rtylish. The route of the Oregou & South Eastern was built for business. Its principle object to bring out the logs from the timber belts and the finished products of the numerous mills uow located along its lines. It probably also is headed for tho rich mining country of the Bohemia section, but at present is only about half way from Cottage Grove. Its course roiiows trie now river and runs through a number of beautiful and productive ranches for eight or ten miles, after which the valley closes in and the train winds its way through rocks and magnificent timber until it reaches Disaton, the present terminus and where a large mill is located. The scenery is really delightful along the route, not so wild and pictur esque as through the Siskiyous but well worth taking the trip to see. We are sorry wo chose a wrong day to make the trip, as the train time did not allow us opportunity than more to see the different places as wo passed through. We extend our thanks however to Superintend ent Protzman and other officials for the courtesy extended us and will certainly tima o r-Vlv e1 k the future wheu wc again vi.t wa, section. NO. 14 0. N. 0. TO HAVE AN OUTING Will Probably Be Held From July I, to 12. The Camp of Instruction to be Held at the Coast Defense Forts, ar Experi ment by the War Department Sug gested by Ex-Secretary Root. The camp of instruction of the infantry regiments of the National Guard will be held this year at the coast defense forts. It is the in tention to hold this camp between the 1st and 15th of July for a per iod o ten days. The exact dates will probably be from July 'A, to 12, inclusive. This plan was originally suggest ed by Secretary Root when he was secretary of war. The object of this amp is to determine whether or not the present deficiency in the ; number of men for coast defense i sti'ioned m the forts for instruc- tion, will be maintained and used as infantry organizations. The work this year will be in the na ture ot an experiment of the war department to determrne, if possi ble, the feasibility of the plan. The order f 10 en the war department cov ering this tour of duty prescribes that officers of the militia shnll be assigned to duty with officers of like grade in the coast artillery or ganizations. Officers Appointed Co. E. At the drill and business meet ing held by Company E Thursday evening Captain Johnson named the following non-commissioned of ficers: rt First Sergeant, Frank P. Snod grass. Second Sergeant, Harley II. Petrie. Third Sergeant, Elmer E. Doo little. Fourth Sergeant, Frank Wood ruff. Fifth Sergeant, Andrew Brund. Quarter Master Sergeant, Wm. II. Ostrander. First Corporal, Natty II. Martin. Second Corporal, Lester G. Hutchinson, Third Corporal, Albert Rich mond. Fourth Corporal, Albert Zurull. The office of 5th Cth and 7th Corporal was left vacant for com petition. Musicians, L. P. Santord and Al bert Griffin. Company Clerk, L. W. Baker. Artificer, Jacob Fladager. The company will meet for drill every Tuesday night in the Pacific Timber Company's building until the new armory to be built by Lieutenant Lawsou is completed. My Best Friend. Alexander Henton, who Uvea on itural llouto 1, Port Kdwurd, N. Y. says: "Dr. Klnjr'H New Discovery is my tiest earthly friend. It cured me of asthma six years ago. It has also performed a wonderful cure of Incip ient consumption for my son'u wife. The first bottle ended the terrible cough, aud this accomplished, the other symptoms left one by one, until she was perfectly well. Or. Kinir'H New Discovery's now er over coughs and colds U simply marvel ous." No other remedy has ever equaled It. Fully guaranteed by Hen pon'n IMiarmncv. COo and tl. Trial For legal blanks Nugget office