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About Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1905)
For Lung Troubles Aycr's Cherry Pectoral cer tainly cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, consumption. And it certainly strengthens weak throats and weak lungs. There can he no mistake about this. You know it Istrue. And your own doctor will say so. ' Mr Minn lHf toil a tf.rrII.lB i-,mli I trlnt evi't vll.lliK I mill. I lirnr i.f hut In .nln until I trfi'il Arm'i I Imrir I'oi-lnrttl. 'Ill tlt.t nlMlit ha linllnr. ii. I tin .iniulil. 1 1 1 1 p r ' v nl mill tin i. tfi.rllx well." M H. H. J. Simla, A Hi. n, III. A MtvU lr J. V Oo., I.uwoll, Mii. tiau aiuuroturr of yers MimiMKILU. I'll I S. IIAIK VIGOR. "lon't llimlln llin Ilms." Toddy n k'1 flKlit) III tin- inoriitno hnd received ImmIi in llmin from Iiii fiilln-r "iH'vcr to hurry hi elder"--"ii. In- hinl nuked for n tiling In; should rent. 1 1 1 J -1 1 1 1 , wiiIIIiik their inilVeiileine In K' t lll-'HIliil to It. Teddy III dm I'Vi'lilliK I'IIiiiIhmI Inlri hed without Niiylnt; IiIm iihiimI pniyers. 'I he IiiIIiiiiiIi ciiiiiK'i'lliifi hi t w ecu the-ii' two event (niiiNilri'i n moment Inter, when 'I'cilily'N iiiiiiiiinii linked why the pniyei hud lii'i'ii it t-( ! t 1 . I vi' linked liod for t Tee ii 1 k t n to nnike Ti'ddy ii kokiI Imy, im' If nln't II'm n u m ii'm lii'i'ii Ui'p' htisy Homer i'Imi'. i'oi Miiyn: I ion t ever hurry 1 ln Im;' nn' I kui-h I nln't ii K"l'i' l' Imriy i'id. He'll K-t round to mid Ji'm' ii mohii ii m hi1 tin M time." ACTIVITY OF cuir sikeam. J Koop tho bownlt roKulnr with Ayur's Pills and thus hastun recovery. A llnnl (Juration. M'lilrrn Mn Id - I wUh mi ndvlre. Hid l.luly - IVi'liiinly, my ,,.r. Wlmt Is ll? Modern Mnl, I -Slmll 1 ninny n mnti wIionv l.iKli'i lire I ln iimikiIi nf mini., '1'iiiirri nun nun i,r Mlmll I marry a in it ii wli.. h.. in hi i-M nri- M miiiu. and ic.-t tired of linn? I ii plnlncd. There Im ii well known story told hy Hi-mi ItiniiMM.v yciu ano of two old lu ; dh'N In hi church. "Wim It im' ii wonderful tiling," mild one of t Iiimii. "Unit tin lirccllHh were vlclorloim over the 1'rcnch In Imt tlc?" "Not ll hit." mi Id the other, "dlniin ye ken the ItreetlJi mii.v their jimyiTM hefore Kiien Into lint lie'" "Aye," returned the rnt, "hut ciinnfi the I'reiii'h Hiiy their prnycr n n wecl?" 'l'he reply wild: "Hoot, JnlilierllijJ hodle, wlm could iiuderMtiitid theniV" I- MUIUU UU The Search for Pnul Jonet' Body. Itick of the nulling home of the hody af John Paul Jones, to rent in tlm crypt f our new Niivnl Acmlemy, lien tho Story of (ienerBl Horace Porter's fix yearn' ipieht, Impeded Viy many oh. Maiden, nueci'Mnful nt hint, with over W hemline eviilenre in fiiVorof tlm iden- Mention of tho hody. Tho full sUiry of thin ri'MeHrch tienrnil Porter tell for th first time in tho Octoher Century. "t'pon HKHiimitiK elm rye of our em hussy in l'Hrin mid timlini myself hiiioiik the old Itiudumrkri which are Mill honored thern nn recalling the many hiHtoric incident In the sojourn of I'aul Jiiiii-n in that hiilliiuit capitil," Kiiyn tieneral I'orter, "I felt n deep fletiHo of humiliation nn American citizen in reali.iiiK that our ti rut and luorit tHHcinatiu naval hero had hern lyiiiK for inorn than a century in an un known and forgotten ki-hvc m,d that no RiicccHHful attempt had vor heiui made to recover hia remaiiia and ;ive them approjiriate hepulttire in the land upon wIiomo hintory ho had ulicd bo inuch luMer." Ainon the ilhmt rationn of the article n olio Hhowinx the face of tin recovered body, compared with tho lludoii Iniet. HtAII or "llto, I'lTY nr Ti'l.Ilxi, l.t c AN I III N1 Y, rn J. I II K Mx v irmkca nmh thnt ho III iiiilnr imrtntir el I ho firm of I-. J. I 11 im y to I'o , (I'll n n liii.lni'-i In i) i' i it v ni '! ,,!!. Iii, ( nn n tt knit htntn f'lii'.mil !,( thnt riolil linn will ,y tlm inn el UN I-. Ill s HKKII m i.,a Its i,r ai-li ml evrry ol I at A tool IIihI inn hi, I xs currd liy Hit) li.u of 11 a I i.'n I a t a i.iiii I I iik. FIIA.SK J. i 111. N 1 : V . Hwnrn In Id-fort tn it i '1 mili.crlU'il In my irr.i'in o, lliln UU ily of ln'i i nild-r, A l , A. . lil. K Aril IN, Nularr 1'utillc. j,rA..( Hull', r'atarrh Cum Ii tnlinn IntiTtiatly, ik1 rt illriclly on Din lilnoil nil, I l. if. ,ii a nurfiKol cl t lie ) ntr m. m-ii'l f r On tl ii, i hi In U, I me. V. J I II ICS KY A ro., Tolcdu.O. rlol t liy Priiirklxoi, 7 ir. 1IU Fnmlly l l!l nro the 1 it. I nlnl Kiiirt Illy. The dm u luii-ks to Buelnl -(iiiillty come out In dolneritlc Hervlce, If they iiiii'iir nt nil. A correspondent report thin oonvcr H.'itloii hetween nn Ainerli'iin lady liv ing' In Manila and one of her Filipino Hcrvniiln: "Kumar," mild hc, "why Is it that you worked ho well for the Spaniard, and did it for so little? They treated you very lnid!y,nnl I treat voii well. They paid you only two pesos'.i mouth, mid you nk twenty live of me. I don't uiiderMtaiid It." "Ah, Mcnora," hiiUI Kamiir, "tho Span iard werp our Niiperlors. You Amer icana are our eiualn." l 1 " - m I l m I K'l'A It H1IOWH 1'OINT WJIKItn TKMI'KltATfKK HAM TAKKN. That tin) Kiiir utreniii Is iietlve lx hundred mllin eaxt of New York city nt a Kilnt In the Afliintl'- flcean, where, HfeordliiK to tho het authorities, It Hhoiild he hardly dlHcernlhle, nod with u'h n How fin to hold hnck to a Hcrloti fxtut the Moltke on her wcHtern wny, wan asserted hy Captain HtiHer, of Hint ahlp, when nho iirrlved nt Ilohoken from Unmhiirjf, I!oulono find Uovrr. C'nptfilii Ituser until that nover beforo In hln many trip nrrom thn woMern oceim hud he ohaervcil the jculf utrenm ho native, nrnl the tempera ttirt) roeordi'd wmh nlmowt phenomennl. The Moltke hnd fine wonthor nil of tho way, nnd the cnlneM v.oro driving her nt a eventeen-knot Knit, when (fulf Mtrenrn wan eiirountered. For two daya hi foro thH tho nhlp had dropped In her Kpeed In nn nlmont urifxplnlnnlilo manner. On Monday tho mlddiiy reckonliitf Miow-vd 401 knota, tho next day VM7 knots, then 8S5 arid JW2 on tins following dnya, and Cnptaln Ittiaer hejfan to nook for the cause. The water auddenly hijfnn to Krow wnrincr, nnd In atnakH, or, aa tho cap tain aald. "like DiiKera," nnd thore worn high temperatures Umt wore atartlLng. (Vmilriif out of writer ahowlng from 12 nnd 07 df'Kroos Fnhrenhelt, tho theriiioinotor roirfHtered frO denfa. At this time tho ahlp fell off In her upeed fully a knot mid a half nn hour, and the wntor took on tho hluo tlne ho iiotlcoahle In tho tropica. For flvo houra, a distance of noarly eighty mllea, tills hlli tomporature wna recorded, and all day the peculiar activity of tho K'llf Mnam was ap parent When tho dny'i run was compared It was found thnt the Bhlp had loRKed only ;t(!7 mllea. GOOD BLOOD TELLS ITS OWN STORY Ami tells it eloquently In the bright eye, the surrde clastic movement, the smooth, soft skin, glowing with health, a body Bound anr1 well, an active brain, good rippttite and digestion, ixfr;shing sleep, energy to per form the duties and capacity to enjoy the pleasures of life. The blood is the most vital part of the bodv tvery organ, muscle, tissue, nerve, sinew and bone is dependent on It for rourishment and strength, and as it circulates through the system, pure and strong, it furnishes to these different parts all the healthful qualities nature intended V hen, from any cause, the blood becomes impure or diseased it A - v.....v...fc ou y, uue bs iorceiui in its way. Itching, burning skin diseases, muddy, sallow complexions, disfiguring sores, boils, carbuncles, etc., show the presence, in the blood, of some foreign matter or poison iviieumatism. Catarrh. Contagious nir kAIUlU II. tl I IT FUtTLi H a ucepiy poisoned blood circulation. These mav cither be inherited nr r. -n f ?,u,re,a tjUC thc eeat f trouble is the same tha VSO (O S- S- S., a purely vegetable blood remedy,! -HN .TV cleanses and ourifies the rirrnl.-itin on,i m-b. K strong and clean. Under its purifying and tonic ef- the blood, the general health Is built up, all disfiguring eruptions and Idem shes disappear, the skm becomes soft and smooth and robust health ble-,se9 life., Catarrh. Scrofula, Contagious Blood Poison and all dis eases of the blood are cured by S. S. S. Book on the blood and any medical advtce, free of charge. TH SWSFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA. CA. Ioap-Year Fplaodo. Frnd Miss Fl It-Heih has proposed tliree tiim-s within the past nix weeks, hut I cun't make up my mind to accept her. .Top Una she pot money? Frod Ahont f'lO.OOO, I understand. Joe Well, you are taking desperate 1 ha rices, old man. Suppose ahe ahoulJ stop proposing Y ANCIENT FURNITURE. The In How Ntie Landed film. ICtI it ti I'apn tohl'iuo to tell you you DiiiHtn't coin hire any mure, lie says you nr a daugerou limit. ICdward 1 'aiitfuriiua uioii! What doe h turn a? Kditli iie y you'ro tlm aort of a fellow who will linnK nrmind a girl for ynr ami never marry lier. FITS rrrnmni'iitly I'urnl. No nuor iifn'i,unom nT Unit iluv'B iihioif llr.klllii''nliri-Kt Nitv.,rT. Mi imI f,,r f rr. m t trlul t,in. ,,,l in-atlm-, Ur. ll. 11. h II in-. Mil., all Anil hi.. l'hlllil,iilm l'. To lircak In New Shoes. Alwajra ulialio In Allrn'a Foot Ka, a powiler. Ili'iiim hoi, wi'tlliK. ai'tiltiK. Kwolli'ii IimI i 'linn eiiriia, riiKroHinii iinli. anil luitiiona At all ilriiKiilnts ami nhoe atom. '.'.V I 1 1 " t a ri' l any aiilntimir Sample inaileil KlltE. Adlr Alleu M. Illnialoil, l Koy, N. V. lrlrndlT Crillclani. "Texaa." remarked Janifhy, "la a front place for aiiukt-a. I once nuw n green and yellow mmko down there 77 feet Ioiik uud ah hig round aa a whinky barrel." "Well. 1 don't douht It." rejoined Wasiiahy, "hut It'a doughnut to fudn you nuw the uhiaky harrul heforu you aw the anuku." I I.nuulia nt $5 I'.nch. InaultliiK behavior" Im a very elaa- lic cnare in Australia. It may cover anything from pltrh and tosa to man- Niaiigiiter. its latest application comes from lieiullgo. In that golden city, where the late ManjiiU of Sallhhury tried hla luck n9 a dlKger, the au,thoritle of a Meth odist Church, decided to HUpprcKH Ju venile giggling. They Introduced u po liceman In plain clothcx, and he de tected a couple of Kinall boys laughing during the evening nerlce. Tlie hoy.s were hrought Into court on n charge of "Insulting behavior" and Dinil $.1 each. London Chronicle. For forty year's I'lstra Cur for Con auui)tion tins cured coughs una colds. At druggists. Prlro 1!5 cents. Nomnwhat IllfTrrent. "What la the prico of that antlipio ehairV" aked the lady ahopper. ".Nineteen dollars, inuilaui," replied tli new clerk. "Aren't you mistaken ?" epieried the bnrgiiu hunter. "It certululy can't he World that much." "Madam," aald th conselentiouH young man, "it Is prohnhly worth about (J.50, hut you asked the prion." i 75 I'lHMANI NT tuiliiry Hint i xpenn'H ,n,l ri 1. nt ill-1 1 ii n, oo m,ile of I lie nt y ; pipit -a ut Work . II. Ilt'iiker, ri oia .i, I:.' t 7th ht , 1 1, Mian, I. A Telling ltrlort. A telling retort waa made by a eoin merclnl truveler to an unkind remark made by a young woman whom he had met ut the house of u frietid. The young woman, of New Knglund origin, Inquired the occupation of the young man. "I am a commercial traveler," quiet ly remarked the young man. "Ah, Indeed!" ahe returned, In n very patronizing manner. "Do you know that in my part of the country com mercial truvolera ure not received In Kod aoelety?" "Nor are they here, madam," qulsk ly replied the young man, bowlug politely. Couch Wum Mot I in nortant IllllllCH of K('ltiuUK. Ttie couch wan one of the mot Im- jKirtant plecin of furniture In the homi-H of the lieonlp of ancient FtrvnL It waa used at meal timea to tin-line upon, aa wrll aa nt night for a bed. I'roUibly the ifirllest mention of the bed Im to be found In 11. Klnea Iv. chapter, of the (lid Teatament, when Fllahn visited the Shumenlte nlwiut ti5 II. C, nnd we are tild of the preparatlona for the reception of the prophet, "Iet us make n little cham ber. I prny thee, on the wnll, nnd let ua net for him there a bed, nnd n table, nnd n Mood and a candlestick," nnd another Incident la nlmut 4-0 jenra Inter, In the "txiok of Esther, " when upon alluding to the grandeur of the palace of Ahaauerus, we lire enabled to entch a glimpse of Eastern magnificence In the deacrlptlon of the court of the garden of the king's pnl nco, "where were white, green and blue hniiglnga, fastened with cords of tine linen and purple to allver rings ROMAN CoircH. . ihfrlai JuiAi . lta r : V i :7 VA m m Tlm Kind You Huvo Always J (ought Jius borne the signa ture, of Clms. II. Fletcher, and lias been inado under hi lersouai Mipervision lor over no ears. Allow no ono o tleeeivo you in thin. Counterfeits, Imitations nnd Just-aM-g'ood' nro hut lxperiineuts, anil endanger tho health of Children Kxperienco against l!ieriuieiit. What fs CASTORIA Casforia U n harinless It uto for Castor Oil, Paro. Rorle, Drops and Noot hliijr .Syinps. It is JMeasant. It contaliiH neither Opium, IMorphlno nor other Js'areotlo fciihstanee. Its ao is its Kiiaraiiteo. It destroys AVornis nod allays Wverishness. It cures Diarrluea and AVind Coli'. It relieves 'rei thliifr Troubles, eures Constipation and I'Matiilenev. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Nloniaeli and Itnwels, ivinc liealthyaud natural bleep. Tho Children's l'anacea Tho Mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signaturo of m m- M n i n is In Use For Over 30 Years. and pillars of marble; the beds were of gold and silver, upon a pavement of red nnd blue, nnd white and black marble." The beds of Uie masses then consisted of coarse stuffed pil lows or cushions thrown or piled In a corner of the room or placed around Its aides nnd used for seats by day and beds by night. There were a great many hend rests In vogue at that tliua, used In connection with a large straw sack, ujon which they slept. Later a platform a little higher than a seat, was built up at one end of the room and the bed was prepared for tlia alecper by placing cushions around It, The Egyptians were the first people to make movable beds. With the advent of the Greeks, "who received their first rudiments of art from the Egyptlana," came changes and elaborations of the old forma. The furniture and utensllt of the early Grecian house could not compare with that of modern times In completeness and variety, yet they were by no menus wanting In design and construc tion. Couches were ofteu richly ndornod and frequently were cant of bronze or made of wood and Inlaid with Ivory and allver, the feet grace fully formed, of bold design and elo gant proportions, ending usually In lion's paws. Figures of men and ani mals froyuently appear In these, deco ra tions. I'ecullarly rich and ornument al were the chairs nnd couches, tho former being used by tho women and fho latter by the men, who loved to rend, write and take their me4ils as tho Evyptlnns lieforo them In a re clining position. Tho couch, which lu daytime was used chiefly by the men, hnd ns a bed stend a kind of liench, either with out a lxick or with a low headboard; a footboard being not no common. Tho covers which were lnld over It, and which were afterwurd superseded by cushions filled with feather, were of various kinds, rough or smooth, heavy or light, sometimes woven la colorwl designs or embnUderod with gold or liver, and trimmed with fringes and tassels; and a similar drapery often surrounded th lower part of tho couch and concealed the feet. They werv uaod on the couches for reclin ing, as well as for the bed, which only differed from the former tn hav ing a coverlid and sheets of linen. Early reference to Greek furniture Is made by Homer, who describes cover- cessories of a great man's residence centuries before the period which we recognize as the "meridian" of Greek art. llii. txvldiug was never kept In large presses or closets, but In chests of the same form as the caskets for cosmetics and Jewelry. With the for mation of the ltornnn empire, which was founded ".Ml 15. C, came the fourth great empire of antiquity. For want of an artistic style of their own they were dependent nt first uimhi the Greeks, but Instead of following the simplicity of that style they exag gerated the decorative treatment. In accordance with their love for splen dor. Their !eds were mnde with es trnordlnnry lxauty nnd costliness. They had mattresses stuffed with swansdown, woolen blankets nnd rich ly embroidered sheets. After the fall of Home lieds and nil other articles of furniture returned to the most primi tive forms, the household goods of the ninsses consisting of nothing but a lcnch. a chest nnd a few skins. The chest wns used aa a tnble by day, and with the skins thrown over It as n led by night. About the eleventh century furniture became more gen erally used, and the people of the Anglo-Saxon race begnn to build al coves or recesses In the walls of their homes nnd sacks of fresh straw wero lnld on a bench or rnlsed boards nnd curtnlns were hung to conceal the same from the rooms,. Goat and bar skins were then used as coverlets. Cincinnati Enquirer. j WET WEATHER. WI5D0M! THE ORIGINAL I HOWINTU SLICKER ft WILL KEEP YOU DRY NOTHING ELSE WILL TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE CATALOGUES CRCC L LINC OF CAHMCNTI ANO HATfc. TOWER CO., BOSTON, MASS., U.S.A. LTD., TORONTO. CANADA, A. J TOW t R CANADIAN CO I$7 IifT.!rent I'atlis. Hanker Young man, I began at ths bottom and worked my way up to whers I am. Genial Itiirglar I got in a room above and worked my way down. ' Mother will fln1 lrn. Wlnsiow's Soothing Byrup tha ben remedy loose lor their children, durlog the teething jrlod. , Pertinent Onery. Him I see your social rival, Miss Uudd, has her picture in to-day's pa per. Her Indeed! What was she cured of? CUMS HU ALL iLil fAILS. uen ixiiiiia syrup, ' L . I J TUM Good. LTs 8ild br drni?(0ni. i teA c'n r.i'i' Olp lhl out. return to us with the names and addresses of yourself and two of your friends, and the date when you will probably enter a business college, and we will credit you with 15.00 on our $i3.0O scholarship. , Our school offers exceptional advantages to students of Business, Shorthand, English, etc Best Instruction Lowest Tuition MITE f0 CAtALOCUt 10 IT'S full THE MULTNOMAH BUSINESS institute: M. A. ALBIN, PRCS, ss sixth st. PORTLAND, ORE. P. N. a No. 40-1 905 WHEN writing- to advertisers pleas mention this paper. I DR. W. A. WISE We do crown anil brlrlgfworlt wlihuut ,a n. Our IS yi-ars' i-xpi-rifnci' In plaie work n iiles un to fit yi ur mouili comfortutily. Ir. W. A. Wine has fnund a safe way to ejttraH tcfth absolutely wliliout pain. Iir. T. 1. Wise is an export at gold tilting and crown and bridg.'worlc. Extracting tr. wtieu plates or bridges are ordt r-d. WISE BROS. DENTISTS Falling Bldg., Third and Washlnirton Stn. Open evenings till 9 oVIook. Sundays frum to II. Or Ma n SsJU. ( till - -:- - i.'i DR. T. P. WISE. WILD AND WOOLLY WEST. Antics of m Steer M-iyl Furl her Mnddle ICuBtern Ideas. It Is much to be regretted that news got abroad of the uteer running aumek in the streets of Alton, since the in telligence is likely further to embar rass us in our efforts to convince the effete nnd obtuse east that our uiid eountry western metropolis are alto gether civilized and Enfe. It Is with no little difficulty even at this late day that the confined con servatism of New England admits that we are on the mnp ts real cities and not us mere rough centers of the wild life of the plains. Tenaciously a good many people "over east" still cling to the notion that everything this side of the Alleghaules Is a sort of vaguo beyond, peopled principally by buffalo, Indians, range cattle, cow punchers, snge hens and prnlrle dogs, and occasionally enlivened by the more conspicuous types of a Huffalo Rill or a Koosevelt, but wholly Im possible as a habitat It Is discouraging, therefore, to ave It go out over the wires that "n steer brought up from St. Louis to Alton Wednesday held the streets un til 11 p. in., terorlzing the citizens nnd cutting up pranks. At North Alton, among other things, the steer ran Into II. Wutzler's store door, but backed out again without doing uny damage. Then it run Into a horse nnd cnrrlnge. Tho occupants fortunately Jumped from the vehicle. Finally Ed. Adams succeeded In roping the mil mal." It Is a reflection of additional dis comfort to us that the steer hailed from St, Louis. When this city shall have streng thened a little further as a financial center so that It can supply funds not only to idl the aouthwest, but to the Middle States us well, and consequent ly no longer feel the need of borrow ing money from tha Easterners In Wull street und elsewhere, wo shan't take tho trouble to puncturt their thickly reluctant Intelligences with tha truth about our eivilizedness and even cosmoiKUlte culture and polish; but In the meantime wo ought either to lay a great deal of stress on facts about our finished conditions of living or to fence up our stock. St Louis Republic. -ft NOTHING WILL FATTEN HOGS ivVll rll So qaickly and well as Prussian Stock Food added jHi?- ' . to the feed. It will put them in the l est conrlitiou 3V j l IUI.UICH ia,iu,j. aouncua j aliening ime. n c cun VV"1 truthfully say from our exiiericnce I'russian Stock roou Bnnncns xiic iniicnin penon at least one fourth. Wcconstdcrit imlispcnsibirin fat tenine hops and cattle. J.W. WILLIAMS. PRUSSIAN STOCK POOD Pares irrain by asltfttne diet-iflnn. irettine all the irm-xi out of tha f"Od consumed. K VKHY UWHit ol horsed, ruwi. hot or Packntre. W 1 (w. t Ih nail. K-o feeds. S.LS0. PRUSSIAN POULTRY FOO D. a irrtut Fuir Producer and Cholera Cure. PRUSSIAN HEAVE POWDERS. "ure luav.s. PRUSSIAN LICE POWDER for I keon I'.n.ov m.d Cuttle. Ak f!,r our stm k or l'oultrr Eoi.k. PRUSSIAN REMEDY CO St. I'nul. Slinn. iheep will fln1 It payi. PORTLAND SEED CO., Portland. Oregon, Coast Agents s THE NEW CASE GANG Keeps the Ground It don't buck up behind when vou plow down hill. It i properly balanced on its axles. Never nec essary to pull the team up hill when plowing side hills. Clevi-1 ad justable up, down and s.dewuys. . Long lovers in easy reach. Third plow put on or taken oil' in a moment. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO. first and Taylor Sts., Portland, Ore. SPOKANE. BOISE. MEDFORD. SALEM. When you nnd there is nothing la your "doctrine," now foolish you jjij SEATTLE ,,.iiMii 'fl iM" iiip i Mill pm j i i,ii nimMsip vvr Just eat common r sense tor breakfast ' m.ii'rj-j- L 'TJAt 1 A tremendously nutritive, pure white wheat food, with a flavor that will make you pass your plate for more. s. Jt ' f. - - ' - Two Honest Pounds In Every Package. PRICE 20 CENTS ASK YOUR GROCER. Ml.bury.Wiihburn Hour Mltll Cl.. Mlaoitpolii, Mian. ttds of djed wool as part of the ac