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About Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1905)
j When you are ii need ol Smart Tlfillinerg UNDERWEAR AT "r'''. ; '",77 ; rn You will find tin- largest and lust line ever shown in Col I ap,' drove at olir store, (hit line- is complete in Ladies', Gent's, Hoy's, I'p'lo date I hi vers ; i r r ipiic k to rec ognize t In si lling merits of an ar ticle. We ask you to tal c advau ta.c of t lie many oppoi I unities ol Icred at our stoic IIEMENWAY & Corner Mivln 1L -.f'-A. 'tc' .''Ci-A v. x. ' ..-.,r.A:,:N The Ilodc Jijjs jivca icri .-.-1 scpar.ition JOHN A. TRAY LOR MINING 50H Mcl'hoe. (i Hfiir inC ',CI,,S Interest in and abtuil llUifltJ nCVVj Cottajje (irove and icinity. Subscrilic lor the Nugget. i A. II. Hubbatd went to 1'oitl.nul! Monday. Kiitfene Steam Laundry, Alli.-on and Hastings agents. Tlioimon'H is Hiu 1'lnce for good cigars, for hlutionnry, titc. Mm. William Kirk, ol Doieiui, weut to roithind Monday. (Ion. IJohtiiillll ih tin' ui- to-dale tailor. Look in hiH f ill humpies. i'tir nil kinds tit lohicen mi. I cigars call (it the Star Cunf.'etioiu iy. Heihtit Ivakin and wile went down to I'oriland and thu l air on Friday. !. I'l.uu I.' i.l l.i 1 1 i'l- l)nv was a K,cut HUiciHH. They havf a pto ' yiuHuivo set of merchants, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Fisher are getting located in the Herbert Fakin house noxt Harry Wynn's. J!eu Trygstad and wile returned from Port land and the Fair last week and are back again at the Oregon-Colorado. The principal business Iioiisih ol Eugene commenced on October lut to closo at 0 in the evening. A good move for Kugeue. Look around (he old jewehiy box and sec if jou can lind Home old gold and hilyer. That will answer for cash at SeholPs. G. H. Dunn, former wiipuiinlun dent of fichoolu here, is now located at I led Lodge, Minn., ft thriving town of about oUOU people. llev. F. F. Uillington will givo a Bhort talk at the Christian Church Thursday evening, October fth on t ho State work, ho being elected (ienoral Sccmlury of the Slut kourd fit tho liivt Turusrjoonvcntion. Misses' and Children BURKIIOLDER (ti 3rd Street MACHINKKY DKNVKR., COL SO Mr. Koy Woods letiirned fiom I'"""1 Suudiiy. l'oi mining mders we can't he heat. Meieali Hi tin. I. Mi . peloie.s lletnenway and wile have u turned lioin their vacation, Voo.l wanted I'ait of pay foi same t.. he in Mthsei iptiou to paper. Have you heeli to sec Mrs. lien m mi 's displ.iv ot new goods. lon't miss sueli an uppot (unity. Mis. Shvi wood, daughter and son went to Portland on Friday and will he gone lor two or three weeks. C.o to the Star Confectionery for anylhitiir in the line of stationary, fi r blank hooks and school suppht s, ' . Thornton, i'.o, A. H. Wood, T. K. Cumpbell and Mayor Vcateh rtturned on tho afteinoiiii train from the Develop ment League meeting at Eugene. Han vNoat of Saginaw, h as en tered the Wells Fargo & Company office an' a f-'tudent and will be the earlier of the Telegram and Oro- goniau. The llag contest is moving. Ouite a number of new votes aro coining in. Ask your merchants for coupons. The high school is getting theie. v Rev. 1). Iv. Olseu of tho Eugene Divinity School, will preach at tho Chilli. ui Chinch next Sunday, both morning and evening. All me coidiallv invited tube present. Mr. and Mis. W. T. Kayser re lumed from the Fair Friday night. They had a line tinm and would h ue staved o i for Poitliiinl day bill weie al'iaid ol rain interfering with thcii ei'.j.iynient of it, but aio Ki,i i tin didn't stay as the day tinned out dear, 1 ( 'orrcct Sty les at new shape shown able colorings. Medmictl)im0 I .. All Next Door p v'-. S-. -v '.', ''.i rti nun an ies a m t line oi li'ji km (Jet his priccH. l" . 1 . . 1 I ...... . ' . I . . . I . . I - ..t... I W. JI. Lerg at 1 1 vc I homo from I l . i' . 1 ., Alaska, Saturday. I , Sul'hciilxi fur tli- Farm in.. I Country .hamuli thioii;;h i i- '''. Alii-i. .Mltlo Join, on ittniiif.l lo Ik ,r I,..,,, iii 1 Inn ii 1 i ,1., I:i v ii i i :t foiv iInyM visit in 1 1i" ily . Ooly 2"(c in ml.litioii oil your huI hi ri .t iuti Hci.iiit'H tlii' I 'm in mi. I Country Journal lor n yrsr. A j.iiiinul tlii' ni0 of tlio Lulus I loin..' .J. mi mil and uii . i lli nl. p:i i It linn l' ( n (.;rr:ills t iilin i'i.l rui I nn .rov' l Irit lillv. Iln-'iil'l (iin i iiinciii' hiky Used in tin- lt allliunt "j tin- I'mti il s'' s ;ii in v ai"l iinvv sctVM'f, III o ill Iin- jilt ills III til" I'.i iilii'hi.( iiiiiuii i! 1 1 1 I. in I 1 1i. - 1 ll 1 ' st stiunl;iiit !.( ! ii''.! So!,! II, l.lllk .'M !ll'IV I ' to l':lj- MlOtll' I" Tlie Stale K-ilei at ion .l V. I i uf i.'illii will In.!, I its : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 ( on 'i II. ,11 .it l. M. V. C'li'lirl., l-.liela- jull tin- t'.'l, :i'"l "''I'. Willi t'Ollif ;o .I. ! s u .i lit i'lol. L'.e la C. Cmsoii and T:of. llmvi ..1 1,'nivei'jitv ol !;..,,! s ;,. j I .il.i-i ;it til ;l.' . , '. A reception w ;. . i , I I ! I I lo Li M ,t" - ,,Y!. ..'I M, ,.,:. 1 . Mi i , ' . . I lid .! Ml 1' 'iii'', ' I SlIi" I ll'l"M "I il.. .M r i in ' 1 1 s i , I. ' i . ii a 1 ! I . i.i . ; elii i MI :mI !Ik eiiuiili menil ii m ill In .Hi -i'l 1 I i i I 1. 1 In a lid e , ' ,,. O il I to I, I III III .1 II S la 111 I V II .' :l Iril W. I. oilli . J. II , col.' i at t ill, olli.e lasl w i Hud ,vave i.H some 1 1, iii esl uig I in-1 si concerning the cully history ol Culture ( rove, lie cimeto this section of ths country August, lit, ls,"lli and looks ii s' hah andlicaity as though it hud been 71, instead of fl when he cunin here. Ptoposals will be leceived ut the ollico of the Second Assistant Post Muster -General. Postoflico Depart ment, Washington, D. C., until I. .'JO p. in., Dec a, l'.'O."), for carrying the mails of thu United States on the, routes of the Stuto of Oregon. A list of tho dilTerint routes can be seen ut any postollieo. W understand that this effects every mail route in Oregon, so there will be a number to liguie upon. Thin wci k 11. M. White and Mr. Thurston, owners of the "Maid of tho Mist" on 'lhompson Creek, 21 miles from Grants Pass, have- sol I this properly to Wright V, Hawkins of Colorado, for $L",(K0. There is a two-foot ledge of free millin; pay ore opened up that assays from $10 to $1)00 to the ton. Tho develop ments consist of three tunnels, a shaft having .some 700 fett tunnel woik done in all. These parties are experienced miners, and have been watching the property for some time. Tim new owners intend lopiitoiia hoist and u small mill and keep up development --Grants Puss Journal. At (he Commercial Club meeting Monday nljjht, little business was transacted other than tho appoint ment ol a committee to entertain and welcome Mr, Fuller, when he conies Wednesday and Mo ai range for a apeciul meeting to be held after he ret urns from the mines at which lime both the club and Mr. Fuller will be in a better position to speak on smelter matters. It is desired that a large attendance of members be present at the club Wednesday night to meet Mr. Ful ler informally and show him their interest in smelter mallei r. The receptiou committee also has the power to appoint some pursou to accompany Mr. Fuller through tho district. ,, .. ,. .. George Martin Hull. George Mai tin Hull was boiu in Columbiana County, Ohio, Sept. -1 1S20 and died Sent l'.ton t 2.A, 129. :W' llRo -pi, -5, .on, the age ol 7h years, at the home ot his sou John II. Hull about two and a half miles south of Cottage .1., 1; .1. f i, , Grove on the Coast hoik of the Willaiueltc. lie was botu and rained u lariuer, lowest I'ricis. I.ymv in all the ino-t doir lrc,l Hals f to Post Office him i.oij;ui si nooi many j' iil.-iiiliiii' in voiitMnl mind, 'o!;l, t ..I 4 1 . . . 1 . . 1 . LI foundation I'.r manly iivfulness and ' I' I' I 1 1 1 ... 1 1 a 1 1 1 i ii nun l u.ii . . ' , , lying tin m ;or nr tiv nulies of hie ,. n., , ..iinl) in '..)',! aii.l i oini'.y ,., ,, , r: ( f ,,. ,,,,,,, ,1 1 1 1 I ...i: i, I il. ... M..t. at ( 1 1 ii lit City ?.!., hum. i i ,,i i-.iii j. i .x.a .n, i 1 1 i i i . i ,, .1. i . ... till!" I. ' M,.' l Oliiil I '. I'l ll ' 'l! ,il , t III! J I..- w i- ii, ,i i ii .1 lo Mai y 'l.ii.'' iKiii'Oii .Nov !'")-' I'V1 thry iiiovd to Mi '...uii. wlu-if: liin , iii- i!n i in i i . Mr flu!! v ii t!i 1 a!i. i ol seven cliiMn I. 'I,:, ' 'ii! .in,! iniii liny-, on I v t !i ' "' ' li .!') :n. Jiilii; II . i.' h r ,u i (V. of Wa-liui-.' l'i: . ai: I A i.r.i- ! :v, of Missouri All. i 1 . Mi .. ;. Ml, on-. ... . :i" !"'-'ll I ! ! .1 i'l i "i I I " ll' Ii- ' In i ii 1 1 Hull p.' in i " , ii' . !.-.! i ' ; !,!' , ii t . .! ail. . .;! d Mil. ','- i' 'ii.M-i .. iv. .i Id I. ! . ,1 -1 ii,. i' I. !:o':i .K t, i ; - i .1,1 ;.v v . 'il , lie t " 'V. a I'll m i ! n' ii t in ; i. 1 ill. o a!!. hi -r.t a t ii:),- u he n ( ur e.'e at.d In ill r.i s- wo' ii. ii' 'i to in :i;t.i ;ii n'.lit. Insci iin .! u i'ii :,is li i'. :,i t were the 1 1 1 1 j i , i ti.ilijt. j.jn:, jj : 1 ii-c'lolii. 'id .i '., ! i u . 1 i . I i . , , i I ie i ki:." in,'' .;. 1. il.d . .! I ik In! . i'l ! . ' I , i . ' i ' .oil! n i.' i ' .! : : 'I II : 0!, I : d II: !ov it iii 111 ii'i I. il'. Vlt. !) i.,.i i:..,,., K,,rA,.,,i I , . ' I 1 ""! l.'.aid at Ms lit.' Illl'.' I . ,. , , . , " i I us H..I' hi i.Vii h in mv;i" 1 JL. IIIJ1 Llti1 II TILL U. ' ' i i ,ii. 'i s. .. NekuM. 'i'!il:.i t 'ol ii' I j :il! ill,; tilllia.eof V"-' -lii'' si lioi ! j mid extra- .7 .".('.- 1'ullii' Si'li'1'! printing eomj :m , i.po!. I" oks, 7.:.. They also oi dei tii purchased for th Mi'plemet.t:ii couise the fol lowing books, at a cost of about $7. Primary plan woik, autumn, winUr and spring. Nature inj ths, Kinder garten stories, PouImou's child work, The Story Hour, and tho story of D'awatha. These looks ate to be ustd in the primary department. The lo. tid has next July to .-e'tct the list of books to bo pur chased iis a binary l r the .school-, under the Legislative act creating a library commission to sec that tl is work is canie I out in all public schools. If possible it would be a great benefit to have the library ourlier. Probate Court. Ill the matter of the estate of 11 1' Mills, deceased ; oidir grunting the widow, Mrs Ellen Mills, efituin as sets valued at Si 000 for her suppoil. Estate of Mary J'. Yarnell de ceased . Probable value of estate S-")0o. A L Yaiia I appointed ad ministrator in the sum of $."liOij bonds, J M StulTord, Will Seavcy and John Spores, appointed ap praisers. Guar liaiislup of Hairy L tur ned, minoi, Geo A Vatiiell up pointed with $000 bonds. The vote on the lla coupons that have been reported to date are us follows: Lack votes that have bet 11 held must be turned in at ouce to be counted Itallot boxinNuggit w indow. High School 1 I01 G. A. It W O. W Public School Junior Foresters of America M. W. A. K. of P II. T. 15 J. 0. O. F Maccabees Masons Methodist "V" 17 I' 3 2 I( 17 INSOMNIA AND INI'Hil STIo.N ci kpi. l.usi yen I had a v.-ry at la.-k of Imlij-cst i-n I could not sU,,'l' 111 "'-K iU"1 ",iieiv. j.pneiiUiim pains for three hour- .-uier em it meal. I was 1 101,1. led thi - way for about three mouth when I used haiubei laln s Stomach and Liver In blels, and receive. I im mediate re- .. J(m iN).,l( Tlliiam.uc. 1 omnilo, t'anadii. For sale by The j. Modern I'harmacy. i 1!.. ;i V' v AVtv' Shoes ; W men. Q L ' , H W" tfffifflfe ' : j .QualitSMe .andGmfbrt , y' ; ( .' J '. . .,' . , ' 1....... , 'i 5 1 1 ! - i 1 . i . 'H'l i-x - y ft. 3 p;7 - 5 p-k-': ?! t. I nn if ' Fl '? ' JM i-1 I'll The Idea! Millinery Store if- Is prepared to show- a nice line of dress Hats at all prices Good styles and all orders Men the best attention. Ida Frances Barrett j Ladies Read) to Wear and Made to Or der UolhiiiK. j I have a full line ol'snn.ples of all ! the Lit -t Weaves of i loih tor wiM-l ! wear, v.v. Chas. Stevens cc Eros. i ChK.;.;o. All late pattern mod iels for ' "th 1 ; li.'s and childieii. in ; suit-, oi 'aks, im-ireried and silk pt ttiec.os, tin ierwvai , shirtwaists, i corsi b - nil Ih.-ii'ic. l it laiarmi . teed. M i -. 1 i p ih I't'iison , Phi i. Mam 53, Ci It lgt Bora II AM : 'Til To Al Uainloth and wjk , 1 1 Sept. .'.vl. a o pound girl. Mo! 11. r ;it,d baby are both 'et tin;, along finely. j A Sensible Move. j Have Tom Aw hie;, wiite you up I a polii v on your home and furiii !tiue it t.'ii- Oregon Fir- K lief As ', social 1 'i ' you r sim k ot -oods m the .1-'.' ,1 1 1 nsill am t' Com p in V . 1 St-ic. Show A (iiea! Success. '1 he si i k 1 li" " w 1 u - 1 1 at s!K- I e. s Wer-li 1 11 lu . ed 1 s 1 o I i d aw 11 v 1 u i'iO'liv -h He ol l'.. I I 1. e moil".. . I'he -1 ,1 a I io' 11 !. i '! '. '..I- t lie li m - I . el' hel 1 in a ei 1 1 ' I''.,' ! oi IV. 1 iaiid w..i. lost iioii'.us j ill till !.!' S Will, 1:1 - I; ni I 1 ll'tll' ,1 ! belli;; dedal id 1 1 'id Chum pi. ill S!i,,ith"lli P. A l'Vdu i ,Si"ipoo:-e w i 'ii 1 ', i 1 1. e- out ol II 1 lo'stein.s wiii'iii,'. ovi r the i winners of the St. l,. ,"s Pun si io . Card of 1 hanks. We wj.'.h lo thank oil I many ll ielids who li la it u d so much aid in the sickness and death i 1 our fatlai. Your kindness will t'ver be remembered. John 11. Hiu. aud family. ITT W Ik- . m .. V j i for.Mon&Womend 4nfWn$ 0' wwwjs U B.J tiii: i ttim; i2i:ality of any tool i ahvayn ;i JillHrutHjH on.', luit of liiiportanee lu thf (lowi r of r.-tiiiuiiiK tlii.-i ijuality ho a not to i-iijuiri- too fri"iifiit Hharpen in. i'.y making your inirehaHeei of tli.- (irdlin - eateli Co. you iilways r'ri if your inoiii-y'H worth lu the I .. t 1 1 i . 1 1 i t - of tools fiinl cutlery ol ,ioiit1i teminTfil ntifl that la sure to In ild a II edu.'. Burned to Death. Herman Hoil Ellison, iDfant son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ellison, was burned to death at their home southeast of Cottage Grove, Sept. I I, inn."). The little one was play ing in the yard fid had gone out side where 'iere was a small bon tire, and thinking to put it out he stomped it ps he no doubt had seen others do and tlos started fresh iVuiits which caught in ln"s dress l uuiuig him badly uiuh ; the arm and it is thought he inhaled the Humes as in half an hour the dear little one was dead, befere the doc tor arrived. Tins lovely bud is young and fair Culled hence by early doom; Came to show how sweet a flower In paradise would bloom, Ero sin could hauu or sorrow fade Death came with friendly care, The opening bud to heaven conveyed And bade it blossom there. Miis. I. li. U. All p:l pel's please copy. I I'he Iv rune l-'air opens Wednes da. Diive over and see it it will jh'' a -nod fair. See what the county and l.oiano district in licular can do. pur- No I'l ri : OF I' I A I. Si; I' ITilOMKNT N. .1 ice i - heieiiv vea, I hat the lin oeiM-'iie.l adiuiiiisl rat, a- of Ilie late of I, i n. I liecker. .' a l.tvn lint.. es. npori, decea.sed, has tlle.l his limil .iceo'iiii willi the county clerk of I' count v , Oregon, u ml u n order l;a- been,' aiel entered of record directing; I his notice, and .-.ettln Moil. 'I.i.v.lhe llthday ot November, 11)05, ill the hour of 111 o'clock U. ill. for the hem in-- of object ions, if anv, to said account, mid for the linal nettle lueiit of s lid estate. Mated . it laigene. Oregon, thin .'iOtll day o! September, '.lo."i. Vn i.l . vi Laxdkks, Adiiiinisl ral or of tl ! I.eekel, mats I UVCIIport, ceased. Wuoneociv iv PotTicu, attorney tie. f eaten Co i. C tfw. ,