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About Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1905)
BOHEMIA NUGGET BOHEMIA NUtKILT PUBLISHING COMPANY. Make U oheckt yW to NwpBOt Put'. . Knterod t the ptompo fit t'nttfiKe irovc. Oregon Kceond cls uiil mutter. srnsnuPTiuN katks. 6 months M! lyenr..... ;. IS months -w If paid in advance. Clubbing Rates. im.. ti,i,,i Xtiuiret one J car I 11V A V.' I ' V ...... . with anv one of the following p Mentions one year for nmonnt opposite: ub- 81-1 L'.OO Weekly Oretfonlan ( Portland) u'nnii'f .lniirniil I l'urtland ) ? j.r.o L'.tX) Pailv Mlnlnjr Kecord (Denver) ? Weekly Mining Record 5- :..r.o Thi rrr is k,r on m bv T!1K A,MeU1" CAN MINING I'ONtiRKSS, ClnraluT ol l 'in ruarro UulMlng. Denver. Colo., where a rilr will b welcome to the nee of Die li rul ing papers from the Turioun tnttnna soiuoiis ol the toct,nientitlc library i"i"'.rl ex hibit. THIS FAl'KR in kept on file ut h. V. nrnko Advertlnlng Aeener, 64 ami V Merelmntu h x change, San Kraneisoo, California, where eon Tact lor advertising can be made for it. Wednesday, Octobkk 4. 1905 The pheasant hunting Beason is on and the hunters are joyous ex cept for the many trespass notices. It is strange 'hat such noliees are necessary, a true sportsman will ap preciate the courtesy ffhich permits him to hunt on anothers ground, and not abuse his privilege, as well as he respect the hunting laws, while others who call themselves sportsmen, respect neither private property or public laws, hence the trespass notice. The United States gold dollar contains 23.S troy grains. A troy pound contains 5,700 troy grains, but the ordinary pound of currency avoirdupois, vtsighs 7,000 trov grains. Therefore, $1,000,000 in United States gold coin weighs 3, 6S6.1 pounds avoirdupois. A United States standard silver dol lars weighs 412 o troy grains, and $1,000,000 in United States silver coin of the present standard weijjb 56,931 pounds avoirdupois, or uearly 2Si tens. The Takilma Smelting Company keeps a treight train of 45 wagons continually on the road between Grants Pass and the smelter at Waldo. The teams haul matter to Grants Pass and return with coke for the plant Five days are re quired for the rcund trip, it being 45 miles from the pass to Takilma. Mules are used principally in the teams, as they can stand the hot dusty road better than horses. Were it possible to team through the winter, the smelter would be operated continually, as the returns this summer have been very flatter ing, and have exceeded the highest expectations of the management. About 150 men are employed by the company. Without the promoter mining would not have progressed very rap idly in the western country and the industry would be a hundred years behind where it is now. The father of mining is the prospector, a proverbially unbubinesslike quan tity. He is a roving spirit, a man of the frontier, and one who is fond of adventure, the mountains and the open air. The builder of mines is the investing public, and the fiader and builder have mutual in terests at stake. It is the promoter, the useful middle man, who brings them together. The successful pro moter must be a man of many qual ities. He must be possessed of a general good knowledge of mine-? and mining, and must be ready to tramp the hills and rough it to a considerable extent. But he ruubt also be prepared to meet investors upon an equal footing, be an able correspondent and writer, and an all round good business man. In ninety-nine cases out of a hundred his experience enables him to secure mining properties at prices that are apparently considerably below their prospective worth, and he usually turnB them over to a 'corporation in exchange for stock and depends in a large measure upon the success ful outcome of the enterprise to reap any material benefit for his efforts. In onr opinion, the invest ing public is generally not inclined to give the promoter full credit for what he does, and what he proposes doing, and seems rather inclined to thinK that he Bhould work without remuneration or profit. Many pro moters have made the mistake of pandering to this feeling, whereas, they are undoubtedly fully entitled to recognition for their services, and the fact should be plainly stated and understood upon both sides. In this I think the promoter's attitudo is a mistaken one, but. it is nothing more than a poor business strategy, pnd there is nothing venal about it. , Continual from Ut piie. during the venr WC : HelnyiuK tn;in line from Sasmftw to Portland with new steel mils, es timate! cnsl, fl.rJ'.'.OOO. l',ri.ln lining, cost $1:17,000. Now steel bti.le. $02,000. A. R. llack spoke on the needs and hone 'tits to bo derived from ir ligation, nivir.j; as sonic of tho bene fits ihnt in the sections inij;ated it will more thnn quadruple the rurl population, very largely iuerenso the population of the towns, largely in crease the volume of business, more than quadruple the dairy output, increase the present intrinsic value of land, and transform Mich lauds into veritable gardens which w ill be a preat boon to mankind in the Wilhuuettc valley as Ions ns crops grow nud water runs It will larcely increase tuo yield of first class marketable fruit of nil kinds. I refer vou to tho fruit ex hibit at the Portland fair, and the excellence ana supeuoiuv cu 1111 fruit from the irrigated districts 01 the northwest. It will very largely in reuse the present average yield of wheat, oats, bailey, com, potatoes, doner, vetch and all kinds of garden or root crops. It will also insure the successful growth of al falfa on land above the low river litrtom. The present yield of al falfa from the very low river bottom land, after the plant has attained the age of from four to live years, and the roots have grown down te per manent moisture, or perhaps to water, h a good illustration and positive proof of the necessity of ir rigation for alfalfa on laud nlov the low river bottoms. It will also in crease the present average vield ol alfalfa frt 111 such low liver bottom land. Irrigation wiU also insure the suc cessful growth in this valley of beets rich in sugar. The people of the I'nitcd States annually pay out a very large amount of money for loreigu sugar. i:ksoi.i 1 ions OK THE I.KAtHK. F.ugeue, Or., Sept. :l) The fol lowing resolutions were adopted today by the Willamette Valley De velopment league : Resolved, That this convention indorses all (Torts hading to (he construction of railroads from (he Willamette valley into tl e great in tetior of our state and froui this val ley to the harbors 011 the Western Coast. Resolved, by the delegates in this convention assembled, That we be lieve there is suflietent population and business along the line of the blast Side railroad to warrant oper ating a daily local passenger train each way between Woodburn ana Springfield. Resolved, That we believe that the population and business of the Willamette Valley has advanced to sufficient numbers and volume to warrant extension of the West Side railroad from Corvallis to Junction City or Flugene. Resolved, That we heartily sus tain the initiation by the last legis lature of the undertaking to con. struct a model state highway from Portland through Western Oregon south to tho California line, with convict labor and the employment of such other labor as may be needed and the co operation of the state and county authorities, and we pledge the commission appointed by Gov ernor Chamberlain our heartiest sup port. Resolved, That in view of the in crease in population of the country tributary to and served by Coos Bay, the Willamette Valley Development League would, most earnestly sug gest to the federal government our convictions that this harbor should be improved by dredging the inner harbor channels and Ktrongthening and extending the jetties at the main entrance to the bay. lfurther, as the government has at this time the dredge Chinook lying out of commission at San Francisco, we would urgently recotnrnend that this dredge be sent to Coos Bay to dredge the inner channels of tho harbor. Resolved, That we urge upon the federal authorities the necessity for the improvement of Siuslaw harbor and that a committee be appointed to present this matter to the proper department. ROOSEVELT IX WASHINGTON. The President has returned to Washington once more and will begin the winters work. Great crowds have greeted him all the way from Oyster Bay to Washing ton. Rumor has it that a number of important appointments will be now be made. l'OL'K MORE MEN IN1UTED I OR CON NECTION WITH I,A N n EltAUDS. Chas. A. Graves, Ivrwin N. Wakefield, Ora L. Parker and Robt. B. Foster were indited Saturday morning by the grand jury of hav ing conspired on Oct. 2, 1902 with Williamson & Oesner to uelraud the Government. GRANIj Jl'ltV PRESENTS LETTER OE THANKS TO II KNEW The grand jury before adjourn ing prepared a letter of thanks for District Attorney lleney which was worded as follows. Portland, Ore., Sept. 29, 1905. Francis J. lleney, Ksq. United States Attorney, Portland, Oregon. Sir: We, the uudersigucd mem bns of the Federal grand jury, Dis trict of Oregon, beg to express to you our thanks for your uuiform courtesy and consideration during the weeks that this jury has been in session. We also wish to congratulate you upon your svicccsslul efforts to purge Oregon of the corruption in high places under which the state has been suffering for years, and to assure you that you have our hearty sympathy in your struggle to bring about better conditions throughout the United States. Hoping that your satisfaction in a duty well pertormcn will be aug- meuteil by further honor s at the hands of the people, we are, vory siucerely yours, A. C. Alexander, J. W. Partlow, William Schtncer. John Shannon. M. H. Wilds, J. R. Pearl, Jackson A. Hilveu. W. A. Jolly, George W. Bridewell, C. V.. Standard, John Murray, W. J. Ful lertou. Walter K. Taylor, Albert P. Vail, Ueorge K Hargreaves, Charles A. Morden, Frank W. Durbin, T. II. Feirey. J. W. Bailey, H. Russell Albec. RECOMM K NIDATION OV COMMITTEES Be it resolved. That the commit tee to draft rato law be instructed to prepare a maximum freight -law law to apply to railroad and trans portatious in this state, which shall ! be equitable to the railroads and 1 transportation lines and the people alike. That the committee be instructed to prepare a law fixing the passen ger fare on all railraods and trans portation lines in this state, the same to embrace tho following items: First-T'are to be not to exceed 2)i cents per mile on main lines (the price now charged commercial travelers for 3000-mile tickets) and 3 cents per mile on branch lines. Second Prohibiting the issuiug of free passes to any one. Third Prohibiting the printing of any contract on any ticket for transportation, except a time-limit on tickets sold at a less rate than allowed by law. Fourth Making all railroad and transportation tickets good until used by whomsoever presented, and allowing stopover privileges at any station between points of departure and destination on tickets which have paid the full tarriff rate. ASSESSMENT LAW ItECOM MENDED. First Fixed rate of valuation per mile upon railroads, based upon earnings and population. Second Telephone and tele graph companies to be assessed upon theii gross earnings. Third Railroads to be classified as first, second, third or fourth class, and a corresponding value fixed. Fourth First-class railroads to be assessed at not less than $10,000 a mile and other classes at lesser sums. Hunters Need Not Appear in Person. Salem, Ore. Attorney-General Crawford, in an opinion rendered on request of County clerk Smith, of Crook county, says it is not neces sary for a person to appear in per son before the clerk to obtain a hunter's license. The law says the clerk shall give description of li cense holder in license. Many clerks have insisted on applicants appear ing in person. This works hard ship in large interior counties. Tho Attorney-General says tho manner of obtaining description is optional with the-lerk, and suggests that clerks have printed blanks cov ering requirements which applicants can fill out and forward to the coonty seat. Salem School Troubles. Salem is having uite a squabble over teachers certificates to teach, also whether Salem has the right to maintain a High School under the laws of the State'charter. It seems to be about the same questions us was up here last year. Some teachers are teaching without ecr tificates and others with them. Washington Marble to the East. A contract has been secured by the Chewelah marble quarry owners, near Chewelah, Wash., for the do livery of $150,000 worth of marble in Minneapolis, Minn. Develop ment of the quarry has been in pro gress for a short time, most of the work being in a mottled colored marble, which seems to occur in large quantities. Slabs of great solidity have been broken and it is believed that after the quarry has been worked to a sufficient depth as good building marble can be found here as anywhere in the country. Royal Baking Powder is made of Grape Cream of -Tartar? Absolutely Piircl I Makes the; food I more Wholesome) and Delicious. THE AOEOF SUIM-RSTITION A (ircat Diifcrcinc Hcl ten I In ce t'cu Inrics Aim ntld Now . A few centuries )!;:" tllor ln practiced the art of 1 n i li u i and per funned even (In- imt common :-ui;'i cal operation;, wire bnle. upon with a certain 'le-n-e ..f Mixpi.-ion. iw llinii 'li i .'! i u. lh.' I'l'tailii'il I heir power in Hi 'I Inn- ! "u 'omc I supernal n i -i I Koni'ie. M'liii ! inn inyst li i -in si ill elm;'-; I Hi hii 'lu nl profession. I'ocii'l-. Mini -Hideous pp'llcl :il!.V seem In I'd i. elici- agallisl "mnUie.T t heir .t! i I i I ie Known in any other than I lie i .liu n m in lie!'. I -lit .1 ::ri';il 1 ' til- ha ! m en roiiiL; en I i 1 . in' re , o ' i. ill inl III the I i I oi. ii ' i ; i . : i .ii v .11 I In .ii;. I.' ' i l I oi speech all. I I Hi- .1. ll'Hl 'I ' I 1 1,1 ' '"': some si nil i r I i. ii'il i i!e U"' i1' -1' college is nut fli' -ii h In ".in' m .m tietlt Colllileliee i' th" .lI'M'H ol .1 yt ninv; ' I' "i "i of tui!i.n.' N .t Inn", short of practical e hm ieue. will 0" that. Tin- sii.r, 5 till pliv i' l "i an. I hi- ffitlli'"' b.V 'Unn.,- I he pa I I s. II" 'v ill Ii"' bi' .ill ai. I tu ,-e I en i-e In- . I ,' 1 ' o cure, 'ol h,- ha- .-,.,! ! n- ' '" In pi ' w el .-. I- in. ws w I: a ' ' ii : 11 i 1 1 1 1 1. 1 1 I - h : e. .ii ! a ! in e I . ' ' . call to tal.e !. i'it i"' "' ' ' and el" I'i -i!' '. i In- '-'l I . . I .1 pl,V-i e.ll' -. cln li - .'Liu I -mi .'i "h.-.ii" i ' v. I VVllV the i;;, l.i i I 1 1 i'ii -. ' h " Jie't I ail' lliei .ill.' v ill a I ii ce.-s. hill .1 I- plain : t ! a r, I pnlilic Ailvei t i ,n" linn t In patient - ami I In- pi a. -la III ''' ' taineil in ii" i a In ! i. Till' C.lse "f I IT . I ' :'-'"! I - i" point, lb adv et i i-e . : n-o i v w ii h the re-nlt that In- Ii '- I. ,m lie Is i. eases where ullel have -v. In liarriti .'has a i ep.itai urn e tal.ii I by yeal s i f pi'.u l ice u i'ui I l.iinl. ilnr IllK the euur-e i f w hiil tnael eha perforined many ciins, si.nie of which seem almost, m irveh ms an l to I Ml 1m'Hi'ii. eci pt hy Hi'"- vim have eon ailti'il lr. 1'arrin iluriu-.: tla past (piarter of a cent m v are tmlav living examples of I he Hire.- the has been able to clhco. Column .iltd column uf t stimoi.iata have ap peariHl lait the tentf; part han ii"l been told. Kellial Kahle eurcH have been performed in l'i n i land and tni vicinity and e Uibli-hed hi- n-pMa-tioli and he ha- le li .iddini'lo that reputation ever since. I he parlicu lai'H of niativ of tlief.eya" an mil allowed to " be.' d. but it l 8iiflieient to sli'.te thai the cures are ainost mlrae :!iiis in i ha i .n 'i r. . Tlin alllieted fiuiilil call illiuii Hi Darrin. I f t Iw ca-e is hopele - 1 1- ; will so inform the patient. If he j takestlu- case it is lai;V odd. that ! the patient will h" peiinaiieiii l.v j cured or at Ie;it relieved. ; lteineiuher Dp. Iiarrin will be at I the iSineedn H.otel Buene, until No vember 12 only . Kx.-uuinat ion is free aiul eliarp'H l a iinmth for time ! reipilred. Scholl will have a complete I neol holiday htock thiw year. Sick headaeiie ih cau.-ed by a ills ordered condition ol' t he stomach nud Is quickly cured by i 'ha in berhiin'H Stomach and Liver Tablets, l or sale byThe Mmlrni I'haiinaey. Natures Great Envention On ite Uitik ol ! Ain iun, l.u aw.iy, fur nwiy, W'iiar Ir. ;rri n tsilt Aiii;w.I I I. nvi i s t ) ilii il.i y ; All iii-ki'l ilnsi- flim-i-l in Aiin-t in nlr I'eiil, An alilu1 J'ki- a V iinki -I', uli liai'. t In- il.'ii stiM JAllK,lst I'lower is the oal,' medicine (free from alcohulic stiiiiiil.ini: ) that lri i been (iiiccessful in keeping the entiie thirty-two feet of dijistive npparat us in a norma! condition, ami ,e, i-.tiii;.' n.tltin 's jjrocesM-s of li;i".t ion, si'par.itinii and ah Borption -- lor hiiililinj; and rc-l.'iildiuy, by preveiitiiiji a I, I, ii regular or unualural cauwes which interrupt heallhy feet natural processc-i Mini result in intes tinal indigestion, catarrhal affcitioie. (causing apjit'inlicitis ".toiipuja- of the feill (hict), leriiielitatloii of unhealthy foods, in rvous dyi pi psi i, le ailaelic, eon Htinatiou and olhi r i oaiplaiuls, such an colic, hiliou .iii -.s, jaundice, etc. t J.tlHiisl l lowi r i nature's intended na,' ulutor. Two si s, 7v. All dniyyist-s. lleDHUa'b l'liuiinuey. 19 N t (fpfft Cottage Grove Flour Mills MAM' I 'AtM'l Flour and heed Remember lht. Iho Collage (hove Flour in Mold t- merits, at lowest living prieew W me - n,r cent hard wheal in our Pride of Oregon brand Thin Flour will piodueo more b. ra l per nack than tho cheap variolic now olTeicd. Try it once ami bo convinced, nn.l at (ho- Hanio time eiicoitrago a lmiiie eiilerpriHO : : : : : IIEL1 IS KEEP THE WHEELS TURNING HARTUNG .i s. mi i. sr. MILNE & ATKINSON R15AL KSTAT15 TimlKT 1. amis, .Minos am! Alining Stock. TimU-i land ami lioini'sti'atls located. A choice list of City, Country and Timber lin-U for sale. JIoum-m for reiii in the different part of the city Kent collected for mm resident ,,! is oim.v ,...,,: i.ui.n.v,. coTT.;mi;oT., okk. Knowles & Gettys Bohemia, Oregon. Knowles & Gettys Oiseco, Oregon. Miners Supplies at reasonable prices. Our Good Goods at General Merchandise Miners fools hmf sf.X., - C'vVTij -i i - .(t'rt'il - l'i . It V mm mm k- -Aim FtiMi t 1 V . I PIPER & VAN DENBERG DON" I I.OKUOW TUOl T'.Li:. 1 1 is a bad habil to but row uliy HniiK. bill the worst thine,' you can possibly borrow, is (rouble. When sick, Ko'rc, heavy, weary and worn out by Hie pains nud poisons of ii v ipep.sia, liilli mi snt'HH. I'.riht'ri din en e, and similar tntenuil dl -lordcrM, '"n't nit. down and brood over your . inpl oins, but lly for relief to Klec lii. i;il(iri. Ilereyini willliiid Hiire n ml pei'iiiatieiil. loiell'iilni HS of nil your troubles, ami your 'bud.',' will not be burdened by a load of debt, diseaiio. At I'.fllHOIl'H I'harinacy. Pi lenolie (.'.iiarantoed. b'or Sale. jou b'.ishch cheat seed at John Hull's, i miles South of Culture; Grovu tf PLANS TOtiKT men nte i if Lc ii l'l UHtrated liy Midden break down, due to dyspepsia or constipa tion. Prate up und take Dr. KIiik'h New lilfu I'lllrt. They take out the materlalH which nro eloh'K your enei-ieH, and lv ym. u new Hturt. in o heaiUiehe und (HzzIneH.4 too. At I'.eiiHon'a teed. riiurujucy. t'5c, guurun- ' KI'.US Ol & HANSEN i!l:il. A I KINsllS Motto: Reasonable Prices. I and Anumitions ,.N.V...- Vc are Av.eiits h i Bridge & Beach STOVES AND RANGES 'l lie Jh'.st Stoves Made lvvcrythiii in the II aid ware, l'lovvs, Ilartows. etc. iMILBURN FARIV1 WAGONS AIL KINDS MININli SUTI.IIS VVIIlWtS Oream Vermifuge THE GUARANTEED i W REMEDY THE CHILDRLN S f AV0RITE TONIO. hiwoki or imitstioh. thi atHuiNC eniPiiiD oniv ay Hallard'Snow Liniment Co. ST, LUUltD, rviu. Hold uiut loiiDiiiimiiiilnil liy I'luinuao Ni:V (T ltK J'Olt CANCI'lU. All Hitrfaeeeaiieers are now known to lie eitrubli' by liueklen'H Arnlcii Snlvo. .1 as. Walters, of Dullield, Vii., wrlten: "I had a cancer on my. Hp for .yeai'H, that Heemed Incurable, till r.ucklen'H Arnica Halve healed U, ami now it Ih perfectly well." (hmraiileed euro for ctitH and bunitf, U.c ut Lou boii'h rhuriiiivcy. 14