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About Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1899)
i' ft -v 1 ! hi HEART OF THE, WORLD. BY H. RIDER HAGGARD A Saw Story. Take From a Mexican Indian to His Ensttsbstan CjjrteM4. tSK.krK.Mfer Stored. hi ii mrt feat ok ' Boor. At tkk toe aeaae w niwl ' - ---nr w i"oce that iRMillr was broke Vv the di- ': ofi aod th M-md X beary bluer ahMrcrcd tpw mm soft absaee with sword twlkiim. TW awarderer mrt drtater their weajwa throag . laddoAfS. tbinkinjc that w slept beeesth them. Next rxmne wrkisoertBjrs sad Mattered oath, them, a tucc. Dob , Jcxe's. mM: : -Be tare aL the beds are empty." j Aaother iaaat caadles hot lit. toe , their light readied as through mhU , ear eras to these ire eoabl see all that i small reeoHt that was placed about tea passed is the roots. There before a j pet shove the floor of the chapel, aad. was Doa Jose. Dob South, aad foar oi ii)rC other places la this boa, so ar thelreoBsaaaioBs.alIarBed withkaires ranywl that the abbot or monk ia or aiacbetes. while fraated. a it were t xvtborit . wit boat bctar seen hbaself. in the wall, ia the place that had beea j onald ax" aad hear all that paued be- eeeapied by me ptetarr ot tae aooou j stood oar host. Dob Pedro, how tup a eaadle above his head, aad glaring- with his Safe-like ayes iato erery ooraer of the "Where are they? he said. "Where are the wizards? 'Find them quick and kill them.- 2fow the men ran to and fro aboat the room, dragia aside tbe beds aad star ing at the pietarcs on the walls as thoagh they expected to see as there. "They are goae." said Jose at length. "That 'Indian. Igaatio. has oonjarcd them away. lie is a deatoaio sad not a man. I thought it from the first. "Impossible!"' cried Dom Pedro, whe wai white with rage and fear. "The door has been watched ever since they entered it, aad do living thing eoahl force those bars. Search, search; the; must be bidden.1 "Search yourself." answered Don Smith sullenly, "they're not here. Per haps they discovered the .trick of the picture and escaped down the passage to the chapel." "It cannot be. said Don Pedro again, "for just now I was in the chapel and saw np signs of fLm. We have some traitor amongus 'Ko has led them from the house. By heaven, if I find him ontf and he uttered a fearful oath. "Shall we bring the dops?" asked Jose, and I trembled at his words. "They might smell their footing." "Fool! what is the use of dogs in a place where all of you have been tramping?" answered the father. "To morrow at dawn we will try them ont siiis, for these men must be found and killed or we are ruined. Tell those rascals to give up the search and go to j Deu; it is useless. inenuo you come finiet to mv room, and we tvill visit the Indian and his daughter. If we are to t get their secret out of them it must be done to-night, for, like a fool, I told that 'Englishman the story when the wine was in me, thinking that he would never live to repeat it." "Yes. yes, it must be done to-night, for to-morrow we may have to fly. But what if the brutes won't speak, father?" "We will find means to make them jpeak," answered the old man with a aideous chuckle; "but whether they jpeak or not. they must be silent after ward" and he drew his hand across his throat and added: "Come." An hour passed while we stood in the aolc trembling with excitement, hope, jnil fear, and then once more we heard ; racks, followed presently bv the sound jf a voice whispering' on the further tide of the panel. "Are you there, lord?"' the whisper aid. "It is I, Luisa." "Yes," I answered. Now she touched the spring and Dpened the door. "Listen," she said; "they have gone sleep, all of them, but before dawn ;hey will bs up again to search for you !ar and wide. Therefor you must do jne of two things lie hid here, perhaps !or days, or take your chance of escape it once." "How can we escape?" I asked. "There is but one way, lord, throng: !hc chapeL The door into it is locked, out I can show you a place from which Ac priests used to watch those below, ind thence, if you are brave, you can Irop to the ground beneath, for the aeight is not great. Once there vou :an escape into the garden through" the window over the altar, which is broken, as I have seen from without, though to io so perhaps you will have to climb upon each other's shoulders. Then vou must fly as swiftly as you can by the light of the moon, which has risen. The dogs have leen gorged and tied up, bQ, if the Heart is your friend you may yet go unharmed." iNow I spoke to the scnor, saying: "Although the woman docs not know It, 1 think it likely that we shall find sotnpany in thl chapel, seeing that the lndit.n and his daughter are imprisoned there, where Don Pedro and Jose have grone to visit them. The risk is great: ihaU we take it?" "Yes," answered the senor, after a moment's thought, "for it is better to take a risk than to perish by inches in this hole of starvation, or perhaps to be discovered and murdered in cold blood. Also we have traveled far and under gone much to find the Indian, and if we lose our chance of doing so we may get no other." Now one by one we climbed through the false panel, and by the light of tlie moon Luwa led us across the chamber to the spot between the beds where Jiangs the picture of the abbot This picture, which is on a painted slab of wood, proved to be nothing more than a cunningly devised door constructed to swing upon a pivot. nesting her knee on the threshold. uuisa fccrarnuicu inio ine passage Dc yonu, ana wnen me rest 01 us stood by herjwdefihe closed the panel, anu uiu- Manescript Beqt-eathcJ by. an Old Friend and Comrade, an Named Jeacs. Oml -. - iul. ae or la ?Med a tbrawra raHo-a yacHft tfll at k-sgth site whispered: "Re eaatiutts. aw. tor w comt to th ptece wbeaee ro drop iaW ih chapel, aad there Is a stairway toyoar riirfct-" Wepawaedth 4airway aad taraed the coraer. Lwisa sill kadtar. Next btstaat she stanrared back mi to r anas Jnnrnrartec: "Mother of fcearea! the gaols! the ghoster Ia decd. had I not held her she woald hare tied. StUl cla-wdaj- her haad. I poshed forward to find arell rtaadiar in a aeath hirx Of one thin? I a sare. that dariag all the generation that are gone by no sight than that which et -ar eves, The ehaiKX-l of the chapel was lft up by shafta of hrflltaat tsooaltgnt that poared throarh the broken window, anu uv a is Hip wnicn xiooa apoo ine stone altar. Within the circle of strong light throws by this lamp were four people, namely: Don Pedro, his son Dia Jose, aa niri Indian, and a girl. Oa cither side of the altar then, as now. rose two carrea pillars of sapote wood, the topi of which were fash ioaed iato the fijare of angels, and to tlwu mlanlM tit oiil Tmlijeri 3 Jul the women were tied, one to each column." t . : l.:. 1 I ... wcir HJimt uyuf; ifimi wxekim the hack of the pillars in such a man ner as to render them asolutcly help less. My eyes first rested upon the woatan. who was nearest to me. and seeing her even a she was then, dis horcllcd and worn with pain and hun ger, with her proud face distorted bj agony of miad aad impotent rage, I no longer wondered that both Molas and Don Pedro had raved about her beauty. anc was ao iwuan. uai sbcu an in- dian as I had never Kaown before, for in color she wasTilmt white, and her dark ami waring hair hung in masses to her knee, i Ipr fjec wa oral n.i . . . . .a . M 7tSSSMVmAtv' ItbinklcangetSL, J. StSVCJlS. dinging white robe she wore revealed the loveliness of her tall and delicate shape. Bad as was the girl's plight, that of the old man. her father, who was none other than the Zibalbay we bad come to seek, seemed even worse. He was. ' venr tall, with white hair and beard, to take them for me. Possibly you hawk-like eyes, and aquiline features, kn0lv nm. He's in the 14th." nor had Don I 'euro spoken more than ; . . , the truth when be said he looked like I Continuing -his letter under date a "What shall we try him with now?" of Decembe; 3. Mr. Landess says: said Don J--c. addressing Don Pedro; j "Well, the recruits are here look "hot steel or cold? Make an vonr mind. . c 1 . i .t. , for Jam getting tired. Well, if you ; E fine: but the- have all the ad woa't, jubt hand me that machete, will j vantage of US boys. This is the vou? Now friend," he went on, ad- , , , dressing the Indian, "for the last timo . cool season now, and we got here Ji y.-lin the hot and they were grain fed, pie full of gOid of which you spoke to ! 0 your daughter in my father's hearing?" 1 SO to speak. " ZSsSi5SS whitc man" ; Henr' of a number of the "Indeed, friend. Then will you ex- boys who have been ill, but one plain where you got those little ingots . c . . . ... . which we captured from the Indian who , infers by his letter that they are had been visitingyou. and whence came now convalescing. He speaks of this machete?" and he pointed to the ! . , . weanon in his hand. the pleasure the boys are ex it was a sword 01 great beauty, as I could sec, but of hardened copper, and having for a handle a female figure with outstretched arms fashioned in solid gold. "The machete was given to me by a friend," said the Indian. "I do not knotv where he got it." "Really," answered Jose with a, bru tal laugh; "perhaps you will remember presently. Here, father, warm the point of the machete in the lamp, will you, while I tell our guest how we arc going to serve him and his daughter.'- Don Pedro nodded, and taking the sword held the tip of it over the flame, while .Toc, bending forward, whispered into the Indian's ear, pointing from to time to the girl. "Are you white men. then, devils?" said the old man at length, with a groan that seemed to burst from tht bottom of hbi heart, "and is there nc law or justice among you?" "None at all, friend," answered Jose; "we are good fellows enough, but timet ire hard, nnd we must live. Now, onci more, will you guide us to the place whence that gold came, leaving your laughter here as hostage for oui wfety?" "Never!" cried the Indian. "Bcttci :hat we two should perish a hundred ;imcs than that the ancient secret oi ny people should pass to such as you.' "So you have secrets after all! Father, a the sword hot?" asked Jose. "One minute more," said the old man, aiming the point in the flame. This was the scene that wc witnessed, tnd these were the words that as xmished our ears, "It is time to interfere," muttered the senor, and, placing his hand upon ;he rail, he prepared to drop into the church. Now a thought struck me, and I drew him back to the passage. "Perhaps the door is open." I said. "Are you going in there?" asked the girl Luisa. "Certainly," I replied: "We must res me these people or die with them. "Then, scnor, farewell. I have done ill I can for you, and now the caints must be your guide, for Jf I am seen they will kill mo, and I have a child for whose sake I desire to live. Again, farewell," and she glided away like a FROM MANILA TOWN. Extracts Prom a Letter From One of Our Boys. Bohemia Nugget is indebted to a. m aa j Mr. Alt Walter for the WMOWta-, ; extracts from a very inJerearing letter from Henry Umte one of the Cottage Grove boys now at Manila doing Unde Sam duty over the seas, tinder date of Nov., jo: In the opening oftht letter Mr. Laadess tdb his friend Mr. Walker that be was much surprised to hoar ' from hira, but goes on to state that he has been even more surprised by two or three others. Mr. Walker, in writing to Mr. Landess, enclosed a remittance in consideration of which he requested Mr. Landess to send htm some KeepsaKe iromine 1 nnippnt. Re- ferric to this the writer from Ma- ' nila drops a very valuable hint to jj, who are desjrous that they . " procure something from the islands. Mr. Landess says: "I hardly know how to thank vou for your generous remem brance the V; and you are the only one wanting some souvenir , that seems to realize that our wages j are small, and every little thing is eagerly sought after, and we are! soon busted. I have been trying j for some time to get some of those j buffalo boms for Dan Harding, ; but can't send them by mail. One horn a nice one is nearly three feet long and seven or over - , ,.,, c tna -c Tt lnches through. So you see U I can get them at all, I will try and i , . , , ; get three or four pair, and send them and send them home by a fellow by the name of Parker from Pleasant Hill. His time will be out in about six weeks, and be is going Straight home, and promises periencing in looking forward to the arrival of the Xmas boxes speaks of the Ilollio trouble and of some detachments preparing to go. He speaks of the kindness of Mr. Wooley in fending them a couple of copies of bis paper, and remarks that the Messenger failed to put in an appearancs at all, and adds that the letters sent home for publication must have been highly (?) appreciated. Mr. Landess . speaks of sending Mr. Walker a Hawaiian nut, which he says takes a very high polish, and makes the very prettiest of watch charms, and which cost after being polished and carved, all the way from $5 to $20. Refeir ing to an account of a naval battle between Dewey and Augitialdo's ships, of which he read in some of the latest "home papers," he says it is all "news" to them, as "Auginaldo hasn't got a boat that will carry one good gun, and he hasn't got the gun if he had the boat, and his men are leaving him right along. Why, some Fillipinos have taken up arms against him and have captured three or four towns from him." Speaking of the possible benefits of the Philippine islands to the United States, he says: "I believe the retention of the islands by the United States and the construction of the Nicaragua canal by the United States will mark one of the greatest epochs in our country's history, and the opening up of the West." $40 CASH $40 For the BEST WHEEL Ever Built.. THU- jYext, to Urn 11 AMBLER FITTED WITH C. & J. TIRES. FredT. Morrill 105. 107, 109 SPOKANE, IDEAL TACOMA, Ralph Whipple, BUSINESS7 i PROPESSIONDL 5 ttvtkVvWVVV-yd s J. S. MEDLEY, Attorney At Law r Oflh-e On Main Wret, Cottage (trove, Orcyoit. J. E. Young, i ATTORNEY AT LAW, OfltrtOn Mln otrre, W We. Cottaye Grove, Oregon. -r Special attention given to Mining Business and Collections. Ecoknk .... . - - Ohkoox, Euin & Bi'Isioav, 1 1 1 TraiscicKi Gcncraal DanlUnu Business li all Us Branches. CiillaK" (Jrnvr, Orrjftin. E, UTE SHAVING PARLOR. Cottage Grove Ortgo J'rnp. G. E. Griffith, GO TO ' OSTJiHXDER & GULP, . . . TONSORAL PARLORS, For Hair Cutting, Shaving nnd Hot Baths. Cottaoi) finovK, On Mais Stiikkt. Cy. Hiller, General Blacksmithing. Two Doors North of Eakin & Uristow's, Cottage Grate, Oregon. Physician & Surgeon, Cottage Grove, - - Oregon. GO TO Mrs. Pet Sanford's, FOR Fashionable Dressmaking. Main Street, CottagoGrovc, Or. Good Performance. The Mertell'B Co, in "Wild Outs" gave a first class performance last Wednesday evening to a very slim house. It was even thus. A bum combination always manages to come nlon jua't about the time everybody Is show hungry, and rako in tlio good poople'u filthy lucre, and Bervo to disgust thorn so that when a eood thl tw hit a tlm town they let it elide unsupported. Fitted with SptcJ G. & J. TIRES, in Quality and Price is the $20. $25 S30. Cycle Co., nnd in Sixth St., Portland. Oregon. JIka.nchhs: SEATTLE. Ag Ccttaok Gkovh, Ok. tiU'lMO.VM. r. Carrln. I'UlnlllT. I Jame K. T MhtMlc I 34. Thottiarnl J. tt. i Itnudr, attMlnUtralttr f IlheMl K. I'. I Thttrn.AtreareHdet'aNla. I TuJamttttt. Itwrp. Mlunlr M. Thorp udj YV. (l.initr. flmlttl'tiator t( hraia . ( j in iko .name im id male ut uiwri 1'U a t hefebr iiHlre. iw a.(4r ami Mr tU rHaiMiai nip-i aiaiim j in ineaite t tltlen nlt iy lee MiM da ( fin 4 1 ho Mwnri e:iii m i nun hhM.mi . ibe . Hatta4(he'lme rrwrtLet In the orilcr f fnuiiniKii w iiik atiuitHiiHi. ni,a IHt ilar Mllltxnti Itrwh ilajr i.( Jlarrti. Ixv. an t B rim tan i hi lira r anl aner, wan herrtif. i4aNllfT Mlia,r imII I ohm u.t r lb HxeWittrr ( a r jrilH mtlirae et ul erf and irltveet lr K. I Ih.ri. luj . 'MHTilrnii Itielltti ilar ( April. lil Uit-uu ne imymeui nt a ilalH irnwlwrr li"' ie hr MUX V.. IMbori InmMJ tt ...t..Jr r I .,. .I e h, taajv. with lute til at he rate lei-er reitl vti atinnwi from matutltr am j m f.nar ir tear i.uri. c'he ' nwrl, ia .nern. .l Un ltmt halliif lot 3 in M.. kr .! In Ihiv and .:' A.MtlB l I'.'arr urure In Una mini). iiy..n. uhlrh MM inortKaxe ant ine H it lb Wh rfar ut Jaiiaarr. Iw, -iine-i i ioi Mainurr. Arm lor a ntrrte artinK ami hircm Htf timi and earh Oi 'ou mm anr alall tlchl. title nr Intrirf l.aa belli t Utr t mi M K. r 1 burp. In aFHl In uM real lulrtr aiHI ererr nan ihermf Thli (11111 m l iNMiherl l.r wder nl ths Hiki J tt' iaMllir.,JMlre i(thealive eulltled 'urt, aaiie jaHHnry i.n, ll"OT. J. K Vofjoi. Allr- '" llalnllir NOriCIi OF FOHI'KITL'Iti:. Col titgt; Grove, I.aiie County, OrrgMi. Junuary 11, hV.. To Ai.k.x Coxtxkii: You are h.'relty notified tlml we liave exMindi-d at leant I'.UO, in work 11 ml hilxir on each of the two mining claim known and record.) in the Milling Kocoril' of Hie llolicmlji Mining DUtriet in Iue coinity, Oregon, rot the "Drum Luiuond" and "Opjiorliinlly' iniiiinu' eliiiui-', an will appear by c-urtitleate filed January 13, lSoyintlio ntlieo of the County Clerk In naiil Iano iroiinty, in order to hold aaitl prcinifert under the provision of ncetion 2324 Ite- vii-ed Statutes of the United ritnlen, U-iug tlio amount required to hold the Haiti two t'liiiniH tor the yeni 1807 ami 1808, respectively, nnd if within ninety tlaye after the completion of tlio publi cation of thin notice, you fail, neg lect or reiiiKo to contribute your portion of ' xaitl expenditure as u eo-ownur, your intercut In the Mild chimin will lecotnu the property of tlio Hiib-uribers, under said section 2324. J. II. WlllTK. A. M. White. Athvc Solicitors Wanted Everywhere For" The Story of tlio Philippines" by Murat IlaUteatf, eouiinlitsiouetl by tlio Government a Official llistorinn to the War Denartment. The look wan written in army camps at San I'ranelsco, on wiu i-iiciiio Willi uunerul Jlerltt. in the hospital ot Honolulu, in liong Kong, in the American trenched at Manila, in the inmnvent eamn with Aciiindldo, on the deck of the Olympia with Dewey, ami in the roar of the bat tle at the fall of Manila, llonnnzu for agents. Iirhnfiil of original picture taken by goverfimcntvphotographers on the spot. Iirge booki low priceo. IHg profits. Freight paid. Crwlit given. Drop nil. traahy unofficial war books. Outfit free. Address, F. T. Uarber, Scc'y., Star Inaunineo llldg.. Chicago. Fur Sale. Oho half intorcHt in the Horso Shoo mino in tlio Bohemia gold mining dis trict. For terms and particulars call on, or address, 0. II. Wiujird, . Cottago Grovo, Or. For Bale or Trade. 120 acres of land; farm house, barn nnd other out buildiiies. situated 15 f miles west of Eugene. Good out range. Will trade for property in Cottage Grovo For further particulars, address S. R. Je.vki.vs, Eugene, Ore. baVt(pNN0M