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About Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1899)
Wrlto It Down. I j i i i- frlto II HOWII III II UOHK, K(l JOU CM II H ovury day, tluit Ht. Jacoh Oil la iro to euro Ijiiiiio Uncle or Luuilinito foil wrlto It down. It doon Ita hunt i It and loavoH behind u euro Unit A r in ii i' of Mulitniiiir. Htrolcu of liulitnliiL' Iiiih been tlio itiH o( mi extraordinary nrcluudoKlo. llHfovcrv In Vnltnra. Jlio I lKt 1 Htnii'k an old nlno truo which aviicii mo nuininit oi n niiii nun tuu lor of tliu property ordorml tlio tree idown. When tlio workmen linuitn iK at tlio rootN tliuy iinonrtlmd n inlllrciit JiliruHcnii uriivo. it ton- id of ii Hpacloim v'JHilt supported by IiniMfii.Hi tilllnrK. All uroiiiul tliu iro ivoio Iiiiko niarblo tablotH, nnd iro them worn uniH placed In niches. Tb iinliUo nocropollH measured CU In loniftli mul -I u tout in wiatn. mood Money Rulcl Ouy Good Modlolno Thnt Will UrlnK Good Honlth. "in 1n".t iiii'illcliiu money can buy In Btl's Hiirs;ipitrlllit. This mt'dlfluo bring 5l health, because It iniikPN (rood blood. liri Hill rheum, scrofula, rlii'iiiniillMii, Ik l -l i. r iturrli mill other disease t tilt t Bli.ivo tin ir onui In bud blond. It prevents Kom, lever, piii-uiuoiiiii aim mo grip. lood's Sarsaparilla uncric h i Urt'ftti'M .Mrdlelue. I'rlce f I. IHflbrt'a Pills cure nil llvnr lilt. V cents. AN HISTORIC! HOUSE. Jliilldlnir Htlll Htimdlii Old Kentucky Mimic" Wim Written. OlIO Of tllO IIIOHt lllMtol'k' llOllll'M 111 Kentucky Ih tlio old Ilowun homo stetd, Hlliialcd about half n mile wnt of Ilnrdstown, mid known an "Federal 1IIII." Tlio old bonne, which Ih n com modioli Htrtietiiru of lirlolc, wiih erect ed In ni.t.l, itnd Ih one of the Hint three brick house erected In the State. Its Interior Ih (lnUliod In eolonlal Htyle, mid It Iiiih many itnlgno mid InteroMtliitf fen hum It lit nun-minded by nboiit II.'.O ricrcw of tlio IIiiohI Imid In that Hectloii of Kentucky. Tlio "Federal IIIII" fnrni wuh the property of Judge John Itowtin, who In IiIh day wiih a man of national prominence, nerving In many high olllclal portion. NotwllliHtandlnK "Kederal IIIII" Iiiih many claim for dlHttuctlon, ItH chief fame lien In the fact that It wiih within ItH precinct that .Stephen Collin Koh ter compoHed li Ih Inunorlal Hiitifc. ".My Old Keiitiiekyllonie," during si vltdt to JuiIko Howan, who wsih one of Foster' dearest frlendn. Tlio original iuuuu Hcrlpt of tho Hong wiih for many yearn In the tioKHCHNlon of tho Itowan family, tirui iiome, i no untiion, wnere no nnp nn nnnnmtn nimrn i nnti hoped to Hpend the remainder of h.H fl ft UBR 0 UU Ed LHd dayH (ib it gentleman ot lelnure. ) , I tilt IiIh nelgliboiH decreed otherwlHO. AlwayH u Httldent, .Mr. Morrill had iiiiih tered the tarllf and llnmielal (itiOHtlotiK then agitating tho country, and at Whig ineetlngH had fresiuently uddro. ed tho fnrineiH of tho vicinity. Now, upon IiIh retirement from IjiihIui-mh, they united him to accept si nomination to CoiigrcHH. He declined the honor, but thoy urged him. and ho finally accept ed, much agahiHt IiIh will. Dec. .'!, lf."5, he took IiIh neat In the House of llcprc HentatlvoH. Klnco then lie Iiiih nerved coutlniloiiHly In CougrcHft. Upon tho foriiiatlon of the IteMibllcsn party he cHpoiiHed ItH principle mid over after adhered to them. From tlio first tho quiet, reaervod foiigrcHHinnii wiih appreciated, and IiIh candor, common hchho mid all-around cleiir-headodneHH was recognized by CoiigrcHH, which placed blm on ItH moHt Important committee. He curried through tho Ti7 tarllf bill: In 53 framed ami carried through the Hoiihc tho llrnt mill -polygamy bill, and In the mime year f ruined and Introduced tho UrHt public land grant net, which was iiW Oriiuinriiliil 1'iiiml, K& now form of ornainontal panel de- KuTiied for interior or exterior. BiOflbraHoii or utility, Ih plncol upon a lUnTu of who network, on which tho pnnel Ih built up in relief In whatover nieslK" '"ay bo deHlroil. IBmi: or Ouif, citv or tolkdo, mm, i,i i An luuMTr. IrBAVK J. I HKM'.r iiihUm ontli l hit ho 1 tho tiller unrtcr ot the firm ot P. J. ciiiucr.y .t Co,. fjfjlnj; biinlnrni In lliu ( lly ot Tuletlo, County siutf-'nlo nfor.'talil, mul thnt until Arm will iar tU''ftimol O.NU Ht'NliKKI) IM1M.AKX for evfi ana every rnc oi untnrrn inni rmuiul lw curuo 1UC U0 01 IUS.1,'1 UATAHflll UTHC. r riCA.NK J. CIIKMIV. Torn to Wore me mul ulcrnU in mr tffiicc, ihli 6tli day of Ileevmlier, A. I). I'm. A. W. OI.KASOS'i llfiill'i CittArrh Cure Ii In ken Internallr mxl net directly on tlio IiIihmI mul iiiucoim mrlBcw of lyticiu, -enii ior ieiimoniaiii, irve. f V 1. CIIKNKV ii CO., ToloJo, 0. fftU'i Pamlly fill arc the bolt. ft ih reiHiried that there Ih n current lor.UCr In tho Pittsburg mutkot fot a I tout nSTpOUO toiiH o( ntcel raila fot Kant llntlla. When coiiilni: tj Hun Kraiiclnco tro to lirooklyu I lou I, 'JiK-l'J lliuh otreet. fApjencaii or Kuroiienu plan. Itoout nail trn ti.oj to m.w ier ony , rooms ij cunia IS1.00 tvr dnv: hIiil'Iu incnln 'ii cents. ee coach. Chan. Montgomery. ' EB Fir? T-yzz 'wa ' 1 rurm nr t trtl' t v- iiaihmi TIilo (liifNlloti I Often AkIcciI 1ij- tlio nuciUlc uvorivliclinlnic I'roof of Tliclr 1'criiuiiM-iii')'. To the Kdltor: Hay In your paper that Dr. Ijarrln cured me lx yenrg no of neiatlo rheurnatliim of yearn' utandlnic, ami I wliih thrtt other Mhould know It. Uleotrlclty cured me, and It had never returned. My ndrlreiw I Sl Mlnnenota avonue, Alhlna. F. W. CJODritKY. DlMoIuirKtiiK Hnri mill DcafnenM Cured. Dr. Darrln: Heven yeam ago you treat ed me for d!chan;lnv car and deaf no of 18 yearn' gtandlnnr. I wan totally deaf, You cured me In a hort time. I am glad to ee you back to Portland ngaln. Itefcr people to me at &M Cleve land avenue, Alhlna. MItH. HAMUEL ETTEIl. AmoCmt Soul Mndp Ifniipy. To tho Kdltor: For about one year prior to (join under Dr. Darrin'8 elec trical treatment, I had been troubled with kidney and llvf-r complaint, had frreat pain in my back o I .could not work during- that time. Dr. Darrln cured me In leax than one month. Kcfer any one to me at 23t gecond itrcet, Portland. A. V. GODWIN. Dr. Dnrrln'N I'hicc of Ilnnliirft. Dr. Darrln can be connulted at V3 Morrlion atreet, Portland, from 10 to 12: 2 to 5; 7 to 8. He treata all durable chronic, acute and private dlieanea, with electricity, and aclentlfle medical treat ment, nuch as Hye, lUieumatlgm, Asthma, Consumption, Catarrh, Dynpeptdn, Indl fteHtlon, Hcrofula, Female Weakness, Deaf nenB, Sexual DUeaaen, Lost Manhood, Ma laria, Urinary Trouble, Pile or any other curable dleae. Iow charges, witn In the reach of all, combined with the bent medical klll. A friendly talk may save you thouaand of dollar or years of auf fcrlnpt and perhapa your life. Youwr. middle-aged or old men suffering from the effects of follies and excesces restored to perfect hr-alth, manhood and vigor. Kach visitor seen privately, and all communi cations received In sacred confidence. Out-of-town patients can write for ques tion blanks and circulars free. Dy that means many may be saved the expense of a trip to Portland. "Ah I If our youthful idcaa could but bo realized I" "If they could wo would be circus actors, truck drivers or pirates, tho most us." Indianapolis Journal. I C.irbldo of calcium can bo mndo, ac cording to French authority, by the uso of puro oxygen with ordinary carbon as a fuel, for tho heat produced is sufficient. r ircat Drltain. Iioland not included, gun, according to the latent rctuniH, EDO.000 cnttlo and S0.UM.000 eheop. Ill vou waul tlio lieat wind mill, riuuins. tariks. iiIuwh. -.vacuus, bells of all size Ibollern, engines, or geucml machinery, sv orijvrlto JOHN POOI.H, foot of Morrikou jfatrett, Portland, Oregon. R is muiouncod that an oxtounive 3iper llel I lum tieen iliHcovured in tlio KolOiiy of Natal, .South Africa. t towns in Kansas Lost Springs Itomana liavo not an idlo man or or an unoccupied house, or a Kach town has a population of Slit 200. vetoed by President Huchnnan, but pasticd hi 'CJ. In war time ho had charge of nil the tariff mid tax bills, and was Chairman of the Ways mid Means Committee of the Thirty-ninth ; walking easy THY AIKEN'S FOOT-EASE, A powder to be shaken Into the shoes. At this season your feet feel swollen, ner vous and uncomfortable. If you have smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot-Ease. It rests and comforts; makes cures swollen and sweating WR$. PLN'KIIAM'S ADVICE. ita t Mrs. Noll Hurst baa to Say About It. )kati Mrtfl. I'inkham: When I wrote you I had not been well f or 11 vo yearsj id doctored nil tho time but got no tter. I had womb trouble very bnd. womb pressed backward, causing lest. I was In gucu mlserv I could pccly walk across the lloor. Men tation wns irregular nnd too pro fuse, was also troubled with leucorrhcca. I hod given up nil hopes of getting well; everybody thought I had consumption. After taking flvo bottles of Lydia E. Pink hnm's Vogeta blo Compound, I folt very much better d was able to do nenrly all my own rit. 1 continued the uso of yourmeul e, and feel thnt I owo my recovery to ou. I cannot thank you enough for your vico nnd your wonderful niedlclno. Why ono doubting my statement may pyrlto to mo nnd I will gladly answer Sjl inquiries. Mrs. Nell Huiist, Deep Iwatcr, Mo. Letters llko tlio forcrrolng, con- antly being received, contribute not llttlo to tho satisfaction folt by Mrs. nictiam Hint her mcdlelno nnd counsol o assisting women to bear their heavy ruens. Mrs. Plnlcham's address is Lynn, Mass. i Buirerlug women are invited to rlto to her for advtco, which will bo ven without charge It Is an ox- rienced woman's advlco to women. ClKl. I IIHJ WUIUL' All 111' uoit couuh Brrui). Timoii iniliiio. Hold br druKBliti. hut was destroyed by the burning of a portion of the old residence shortly before the war. This hlHtorle old homestead Is now the property of Mrs. Madge Howan Frost, a granddaughter of the original owner of Federal Hill, being a daugh ter of John Uownn, Jr., who was at one time United States minister to Italy, and was famous as a duelist. HIh most noted "affair of honor" wsih he had always been nn nuthority on itcd, o Itoy, N. Y with Thoinnn Mnrshnll. the noted Ken- ilnance nnd taxation. Ills Commission. I nl record Is unblemished bv unv hint of i 1,10 Jowisli year Congress. 'eet blisters and callous spots. Kelievcs Artertuelto years notable service In tain cure for Chilblains, Sweating, damp the lower house he wsih elected United or frosted feet. We have over thirty thou- Statcs Senator from Vermont, receiv- sa.nJ testimonials. Try ; it fodaw. Sold by in,, i,,..!,,,, i , ., 4 , , all druggists and shoo stores for 25c. Trial ng sucessUo re-electlonn. In thnt body raciaeobFKEK. Address. Allen S. Olm- tucky statesman. In this duel young Howan shot Marshall In the hip, ren tiering him n cripple for life. THE LATc JUSTIN S. MORRILL. Kciiiarldililc Career of the Nentor of the United StntcMyciintc. With the recent death of Justin Smith Morrill, of Vermont, the Nestor of the United States Senate and the tjlailHtotie of American polities, a re tnarkablo career Is closed. Senator Morrill did not enter public life until he was past middle nge. He hail re tlred to spend his declining years In inlet enjoyment .nnd rest, when his neighbors up among tho hills of Ver mont urged him to go to Congress. They wnnted to confer nn lwnor upon him by si term at Washington. That term began n Congressional career which has broken all records for con tinuous service. It wns the commence ment of his real llfework. In this re spect bin career Is ono of tho most unhue In American history. Mr. Morrill was bom In StrmTord, Vt., April U, 1S10. Ills boyhood was like that of most farmers sons district school, with work between whiles nnd JITSTIJf S. MOItniLT,. very llttlo play. At 15 ho became a clerk In n country store; nt IS ho went to Portland, Mo., nnd worked as a cleric threo years; nt 21 he becaino n partner In a inercniitllo business at StrmTord. Ills affability, honesty nnd Industry soon niudo Morrill's storo a center of trndo In that vicinity nnd tho proprie tors miinssed a fortune. At 45 ho con cluded thnt ho hnd onough money to en- tistlcs he tween whom nnd himself there were ninny other strong points of resem blance. Ho was In truth "a grand old man." Mr. Morrill wns a man of charm ing personality. He possessed a quiet elegance of person nnd mnnuer and n courteous dignity. He hnd n inngnlll ceut physique nnd n calm, kindly face. Dryinji Vegetables. The drying of vegetables Is a new CITf Fermsnently Cured. r msornervousnes rilo artor Ural dya uso or Dr. Kline's Urrat Nerve Itestorrr. Bend for i'ltKK aig.oo trail bottlo and tit fttlse. DR. 1U Ii, KLXKE, Ltd., W0 ArcU street, e hUadelphla. 1'a. A Spanish newspaper announces thnt tho Inst two descendants of Chris Taken Hold. Wo can wake up from sloop and find that soreness nnd stiffness hnvo taken hold of ua. Wo can uso St. Industry In California that promises to topher Columbus mo now occupants of become almost as Important as that of a poor-house nt Cadiz. drying iruit. vegetables like potatoes and carrots are poured Into the hopper of the cutting machine, where rotating knife blades cut them up Into slices a minctm ext mt Innt. tl.l.!. 4 Si !. sliced the tubers are slightly sulphured 1 Jnc,0 nn 80 t0 filep, a.,,d wak, UP in a wooden chamber. The next trans!-1 "nd nnd ourselves completely cured, tlon of the fruit Is to the evaporator, a TJ)ere ro 100 roads of ono kintl or sort of small I. errls wheel, consisting I nnotlier over tho Pyrencea betweon of a brick oven with g ass windows. FrnnCQ nn(1 g , bllt only threo 0, Til o Id fin'iltviil ilncn in g t i '"7 ,,u "UL t"!- 4r " these aro oassablo for carringes few hours. When this stage Is passed the potatoes resemblo dry chips, and It fakes six to seven pounds of the fresh to make ono pound of the dried. Onlous are so pungent that bacteria do not take kindly to them. They nre, there fore, only slightly sulphured before drying. The process shrivels them so much that It takes twoiify parts of fresh onions to make one of the dried. Carrots dry In the ratio of ono part of dried to nine parts of fresh vegetable. The Industry has proved very prolit-able. No household Is completo without a bot tlo of the famous Jesso Moore Whiskey. It is a pure and wholesome stimulant rec ommended by nil physicians. Don't ne glect this necessity. A stntuo of tho noted vidlinist, Olo Bull, desinged by Ilerr Slnding, of Copenhagen, is nbout to bo erected at Bergen. Piso's Curo for Consumption is our only medicine for coughs and colds. Mrs. 0. Iloltz, 4396th Ave., Denver, Col., Nov. 8' 03. For a number of years Great Brit ain's Imports of butter have shown nn THEY ALL WAEUT joy himself without working nnd re- bL)ml8 to fom tho stufllng of-n red tired from business. I our years before j t ulow fm. Ul0 b(lb ,H -nt tho ngo of -Jl-ho had married WlilslcorH for a I'lllow. That history repeats Itself has Just nnnunl gain of souio 200,000 hundred received another proof. Sonio years ; weights, ngo tho men of a Bavarian regiment, of , which Prluee Maximilian was chief, In order that they might show their de votion to him, cut oft' their mustaches nnd sent them to the piincoss, who had Just become n mother, that she might uso them is n pillow. Something very llko a repetition of this has Just taken plnco at Happolstweller, In Alsatla. Tho chief of the fire brlgndo wns a few days ago presented with Ills first child, a boy. The firemen thereupon called u meeting, nt which It was decided to mnko tho bnby boy tin honorary mem ber of tho corps, nnd tho men subse quently cut off their mustaches mid Ruth, daughter of a Massachusetts doc tor pained Swan, nud hud h''"' be?"- A family Is too largo If there are ton manj' In It to sit around the stove. THE '89 AGENCY FOK and IDEAL BICYCLES S40, 830, S23, S22.50, $20. If you wnnt a jnyliiir ngenoy write ot onco be fore all territory is taken. l'UKl) T. MKKUII.T. CYCLE CO., i-OUTLAND, OK. SPOKANE. TACOMA. 8EATTLE. book estimates Jobbery and wire-pulling, nnd the poll- thnt tl,ero ar0 in tno world nbont n' tlcian who "approached" Mr. Morrill to 000,000 of that race, more than half secure his Intluenco verj quickly real- beinB under Russian jurisdiction. Izod that he had made an unpardonable To euro did n. on uay error. In Ills knowledge of llnmielal Take Laiatlve Promo Quinine Tablets, legislation and his clear analysis of stst- All druggists refund money if it fails to reseniuieii uiudstone, be-, Lato Australian advicos report a wild "rush" to the now diamond mines 1 discovered nt Nullignno, in tlio North western part oi Western Australia. Kicked All Amend. A correspondence is being published in tho Times on tho subjoct ot "Fronoh Pooling Toward Englishmen." A Mr. Unckson has written to that paper to repent that at Caen recently n student went out of his way to publicly insult Great Britnin. As a boy I wns first for somo yoars at school in Paris. I wns then kicked for boing an Englishman; after I wns transferred to n school in England, whore I wns kicked for being a Frenchman. Comment is unneces sary. London Truth. Hllilll Porto Kin. Iln n Slntn. Our public men nre trying to decide what tctlon should he taken regarding the utatus of Torto lllco. Wo hare never before hsd to deal with aalmllnr condition whore nearly a million r t-fijde of n foreign tongue linve bron annexed. Nelllier have we ever hud before such n rellablo medicine for malaria, fever nnd ngua a IIos tetter's Stomneh Hitters. It drives the j.olsoni out of the system and established strength to rositt future attacks. Thero aro 13,000,000 primeval forest in Cuba. acres of Kiiny Chun ecu. . A slip may sprain, a thump mny brulso; easy chances for pain nnd trouble. An easy way to cure right off is to uso St. Jacobs Oil. It takes no chances and knows what it can do. Jin Wnaii't rirfTl. Giles I just heard thnt Hawkins ro ferred to me as a porfect idiot. Smiles Oh, don't mind what Haw kins says; ho always does exaggerate more or less. I'm sure no ono believes your aro perfect. Chicago Evening News. Schillings Es Jcpan Ceylon EngLsh Breakfast Oolong Ideal Blend Culiiiii Hallways. Two leading Cuban railways are owned and controlled by British enter prise. A few years ago, at least, no Spaniard or Cuban was in control of an engine. Tho building nnd management of machinery is yet but vaguely under stood bv tho Latin races. JOB PRINTER WANTED An excellent opportunity or a man with a Job printing outfit and fiX) in cash, to engage In a well-paying business In 1'ortland. Big money for the right man. Ca'l on or address jr. N.( care IMcinc Coast Novelty Co., 181f First Street, Portland, Or. ISSN were famous yeartoso-thelr fame f fS Mil grows every yur as the pctdi tlm Oil moat to be reliwl on as nlnais 1 1 lam ImV the best, lor aaie by Ituun.u UX'J VS per paper and a. nays nortli It. y V(Sb Insist on having them, Itun MS YOUR LIVi Is it Wrong? Get it Right Keep it Right Moore's Keveoled Jtcmoily willdolt. Threo doses will uako you feel better. Get It from, your druggist or any wholesale drug house, or Irom Stewart & Holmes UrugCo., Seattle. MACHINERY For Mill?, Mines, Shops nnd Farms; Steel tog, glngand Hoisting Engines; Hoe Chisel Tooth Saws. Albany Orense.cto. TATUSV3 &BOWEM 27 to 35 First Street 1'ortland, Or. Sl-SG Fremont Street, San Francisco. TEETH WITHOUT PLATES liootN Crowned, llrldeog 3tndo. l'ulnloss tlllluir nnd extraction. Dr. T. H. White, fS&TO CURE YOURSELF! l'o Dig it for unnatural illx'harge, iiillamuiutioni. ur mucous munbranw. - n j j , ,,u, naiitu ItheEvahs ChemicuCo. e01 or roisonom. k,CINCINNTI,O.BHa BO,u u STMIfBISIS, jjiflpr cnt In plain wraDcer. ..j caiivbb, pri'um, tor f 1.(10, ur S bottlos, tJ.75. circular seat on request. RUPTURE CURED. Wo guarantee to tit every case we undertake. Don't put it off; writo tor particulars at once. O. II. V(MIAKI & CO.. Uxmt Truss Fitters, 103 Second Street, I'ortlaud, Or. iw sol to muiurt. 1 Shm MnUflfls MB r - iiiih hi i RELIEF B FOR WOMEN DR. M ARTEL'S FRENCH FEMALE PILLS Particulars and tcstl moutals In plain sealed letter jumlku itukig. FRENCH DRUG CO., 38 1 & 383 Pearl St., New York N. 1". N. V. NO. 4-'0l. w IlKN -wrltlnc meuHub thl" iner. to advertisers pleassV