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About Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1899)
ii m , fan iff'- mi BOHEMIA NUGGET. C. J. HOWARD EDITOR. Entered nt tho jxvitnfflre nt Cottage Orove, Oregon i Second Claw mall niftttor. Huti.rrlptlnn price., In wlvnueo. AdvrrtloliiR rntoo inmlo known upon application. Friday, Jan 271899. Few, if any, are inclined to think the purchase of the rock crusher, bv the Lane county court was bad move. On the contrary! ..... everyone is iuuu m men puiuc the effective work being done on the county roads adjacent toEu - eene. auemcnted by the crusher. However, there are other roads be- sides those leading directly into the county seat, that need some attention, and some of them are up this way. It is to be hoped that as soon as the court can see its way clear to do so that this rock eating machine can be used in devouring some of the boulders in this part of the county. We are a few miles from Eugene it is true, but we ueed some attention, especially in the matter of roads, notwithstanding. The county court has been impar tial in its many transactions, and we have no reason to believe that we will not get material assistance on the "good roads" proposition that is bound to demand much at tention from our people from now on. James Smith, who was bound over in the sum of $500 in Justice Wintermeier's court at Phigene, for having stolen a couple of rifles, has given bail and is at large. This bail business is getting to be a nuisance. Of late it seems that, no matter what crime a man may commit there is a bail proviso and if he can liquidate said bail, he can get out and migrate to pastures new, and again commence a life of misdemeanor. This is wrong. If a man is caught in the act of steal ing, or if he is proved guilty of theft, let him be punished. This ljcensing a man to steal and other wise break the laws of our land is disgusting and should not be tolerated. Brother Amos of the Broad Axe lays down some ditections by which bald beaded editors an' sech, may again possess a luxurious crop of locks. In giving the directions for use, Jim says to apply the mixture to the hair by rubbing it on the scalp. Now Jim, what do you want to mix us up that way for? How's a fellow going to ap ply it to the hair by rubbing it on the scalp1, when his head is as smooth as a billiard ball, and there hasn't been a sign of bristle for 10 years or more? The Monitor-Miner, published at Medford and for some time un der the editorial management of E. E. Phipps, has changed hands, Mr. Pbipps having sold his stock and transferred his lease of the Monitor Miner to A. H. Chessmore and Rev. J. S. Cain. The Monitor Miner has been a good paper un der Mr. Phipp's management and we trtist his successors will keep it so. NOTICE TO CORRESPOND ENTS. The Bohemia Nugget is desirous of obtaining a good, regular, live correspondent, either lady or gentleman, in every neighborhood in this section. We want the news. All old correspondents to the Messenger will be retained in that capacity if they will notify us of their acceptance. We want a regular contribution once a week if possible,, j If you want to meet with success iti life, work to succeed in whatever channel you pursue. 1 The nconlc started the ball roll- I , ing, the house gave it a big push, ! the senate did the rest, and Cottage 1 Grove is the result. j Wc do not wish to appear vain, hut just the same we can't help but , appreciate the words of praise and ikindlv interest taken in the first 1 issue of Bohemia Nugget. While you are remembering some ! other things, don't forget to re- ttiimlifr flint Hbrarv association j ... ini lh u"" lwlU a Z00ii formcd here. It for advertisement 1 v-oragc uimu It shall not be said of Cottage Grove a year hence that poople arc obliged to remove to Eugene on account of not being able to procure houses in which to live. We'll take 'em in out of the wet uext winter. Tom Sharkey who recently whipped McCoy in the pugilistic ring, and Fitzsimmons Lanky Bob are about to arrange a 25 round mill. Marbles to chalk that the sailor lad gets the whipping of his life Jf he goes against the brawny blacksmith. Cottage Grove and the great Bo hemia country will be well adver tised throughout the United States this year. Each mail brings letters and postal cards asking for infor mation regarding this town and the mines, and a sample of the Bo hemia Nugget. Governor- Geer has been insulted already. A populist paper has already referred to him as "border ing on the doctrine of populism." Governor Geer is a man calculated to bear heavy burdens and his very makup indicates that he can stand most any kind of disparaging re marks but this is the unkiudest cut of all. The United States government is making arrangements as fast as possible to bring home the bodies of our soldier boys who have given up their lives in far away Manila. The body of every son will eventu ally find a resting place in his na tive land. What greater honor can a government of a mighty country confer upon its soldiers? When our legislators get through chewing the rag over salmon eggs and fish bate and laughing at their own sta'e jokes, for the want of something better to do they might enact a law, prohibiting bilk show companies, doing business in the state. The people need a little protection in this line as well as others. A company of players who fail to present the bill they have- advertised to the public, should be prosecuted. It is beyond dispute that there has been an immense amount of work put upon the streets of Cottage Grove, and it is quite as near be yond dispute that at present we have as muddy streets as any city in Oregon. It is not worth th while to heap gravel upon our streets with the view of improving them until we shall have provided a drainage system. As it is today there is no way whereby the sur face water can be removed from the streets other than by passing through the gravel upon the streets into the ground, the result of which is a softening up 'of the earth, and with the constant travel upon the gravel, causes the gravel to be crushed into the softened earth and the mud and water to ooze to the surface. If the streets are first pro vided with,, he proper drainage ' 7V Bo Ton Know Thai Wo Avo Through Tnnoioiiig Well, we are"-55 and we find that we have loo much stock and that it must he Greatly Reduced that we may make room for our immense slock of spring goods now on 30 Days For the Ne&t Thirty We will sell goods at prices that will system, then graded and thoroughly graveled they will stand, and in the end be a money saving proposition to the taxpayer. What is worth doing is worth doing well. John Clark an inmate of the soldiers' home at Dodge City, Kas., who had been buried because it is supposed he had died from typhoid fever, was exhumed after two days, and it was found he was only in a trance. He revived, and states that he was half concious of every thing that was going on, but was helpless to do anything to save himself from his impending fate. One ol the soldiers insisted that the mau was not dead and caused the exhumation with the result stated. HURRAH FOR GOV. GEER. He Signs the Charter for Greater Cottage Grove Other Notes. Salem, Jan., 24. Governor (icer this afternoon, pinned tho Coltagi, Urovo consolidated charter, and henceforth your people can bo ns one. W. II. livers coininnndnnt of the soldiers homo at Koeoburg hast been dismissed from the duties of that i(Iiee, Haiti dismissal to take ('licet January 1, 1809. Tho house today panned tho measure le galizing certain mfirriagi'J consummated within nix months after 0110 or lxith contracting parties had been divorced. Astoria and Portland arc having a hot time over the pilotage hill. It in virtually n direct issue between thiwe two cities. The houee point resolution wax adopted this morning by tho senate. This resolution provides for a constitu tional amendment, which authorize tho governor to veto any portion of the appropriation bill. The supreme court's great hubbub to nt an end and there iti liomo wailing and gnashing of teeth. Tho cry for more assistance on the bench failed to attract much attention, and ho the state will slide along another two yearn without an additional supremo fudge. However $1800 per year for clerical aid has been allowed. At the Poor Farm Sheriff WithcrH arrived in this city last Saturday aftern nnd Sunday took Mr. Geo. Downs to Eugono where tho gentleman was examined 'for insanity. The medical examiners did not deem it necessary to send Mr. Downs to the asylum and therefore turned him over to the poor farm authorities whero ho will bo cared for. ' Dance Postponed. The dance which was announced, nt the close of last Saturday night's party, to bo held this coming Saturday night at tho Mueonichall, has been indefinitely postponed on account of tho Woodman entertainment on that evening. Touch of High Life.. Eugene people are going to hnvo a touch of high life this year. Tho season opens with taxes at 30 mills. What's tho use of trying to keep up with Port land? L. J. Pitncr, mining expert for the Hartford Mining Company, arrived hero Thursday. It is understood that ho is boro to adjust the claims recently placed against tho mine. Mr. Pitner's headquarters are at Chicago. Announcement! astonish you I for THE fltVl VORK RACKET STORE, 1L. "W all & "Whixple Prop's 1' I- WLale.jfa.tla. ili 'le. sie. alt lc:l; alt-ak, .sir - The Fashion Stables. W. , I a First-Clasj Turnouts, Double or Single Cottage Grove, Oregon. to to GO TO J. P. CUKKIN, For Anything and Everything in the Druggist's Cine. KJall Paper, Paints, Oils, Tarnish Etc. as Wall Street Centrally Zorateil. Meet All Train h. Bohemia Strictly First Gloss. HEADQUARTERS FOR TRAVELING MEN. JtateH From $t. to 1'er Day. CITY MEAT MARKET P. W. RHODES, Prop. Is the place to meats, lard, etc. go to buy Everything FISH AND GAME IN SEASON. Seo Tlium, Whon VOII want Ann nnhlnnt. vnrr done, furniture repairing, or first class pnintinir and L'rainlnc. unit Air iu,i..,ii & Son nt "Cy" Mi ler's hlncltHmlHi shop. Thoy guarantee their work to bo 11 rut cIrss and their alio. ". the rond. Days 30 Days 9 t i-rV ;l-;i-i:i-iTnr. -,r. sit ,lt.Ui.itt ill tiuii-jit-iU. Jtit. tllirUnmn Wnn. I'fuprlrlwf, $ Proprietors of the Bohemia y. ...... r. Black Butte Stag ;e Lines, ft; Reasonadle Prices Vottitfit Grove. Special JtatcH For faiiiltte Ami The Week. Hotel, Foqg SiPfi, Prop SAMPLE ROOMS FREE. Main Street, CottagS drove. Ore. your fresh and smoked in the shop is first class. OI1UUOH NOTICES. CliniHTMN (mimcii, Services morning and evening nt tho Christian church Key. Robt. Copplo In tho pulpit. Other services as uHtinl., All welcome. I i