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About Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1899)
mim io raff D003 Vol Aooopt Amer ican Rulo. ?N. MILLER REPLIES TO LOPEZ Lullnr Huyi I'lilllipliin Ilnvnlti. Itliniiiry t vnrniiiMt KxUIimI lloforr ill" 1'nrU I'i'iiiiii Trimly. Manila, .Ihii. 2'.. President Lopez lio VlHiiyiiii federation, iiiim replied iuhlont .MoKIiiIov'h piouliiinittion in Otli. I lu olut in h tlutt tint luvolu. Wy government nntodiitoH tho Jitri y by over two yours. J hi Hays jiu itivor boon officially notllliKl of tint i'iico of tliu treaty, and Unit there ho declines to recognize American ioi Ity, mill rofusoH to nllow Amorl- to diHombaik In force, without ox- m orders from tlio government lit oIoh. General Miller, tlio corn ier of tliu American expedition, It'll Hint tlio Americans cminot roc zo President Lopoz'H authority, ho. V tlio Filipino roiiiililii Ih not roo- ojjtflzcd by tlio powers. Ho also ex iffcVod regret at tlio ilotoriiilimlloii of FIIIpiiioH lo resist jtiNt claims. Milter' Tr(ni' I.itiided. ow York, Jim. 21. -A special to World from Wnuli liiKton uayn: on trul Miller's expedition Iiiih IiiikIuiI nTGulmaraH iHlaml, tlirou iiiIIoh from 1 01 Ho, without oppoNition, General 8 rubles from .Manila. Landing was t'cmiry bocaiiHO of tlio crowded con- on of tlio troops on tliu tiaiiHportn. Jxperlonco Iiiih provod that soldlcra spirit ami fighting qualities when nlinud long on board Hlilp, no tlio war Ipartini'iit asked General OtlH to iih riain If It wiih possible for Uunural Sillier to Inml It Ih expedition intar Ilo Um Ho cahlod that It wiih, and wan i instructed to order a landing. t wan duomod inadvlHablo to advise expedition to return to Manila' tout having landed, because it whh red tlio nativoflof Luzon would think Filipinos ut Ho Ho repulned tliu erica iih. IEVENUE CUTTER ASHORE. Oinorra mill Crew llnri nil Kxpnrl- tflietl (III Ull Iallllld. rptiH Christ!, Tox., Jan. 24. Tho ted BtatoH rovontiu outter Alma wnx on on Padro island about 15 miloa tout 1 1 of horu Wednesday during a slbrm.and all on board escaped to land, rljoro were Hovurul rovenuo officers fiSgqrd. Tho party divided and each wandered over tho Island looking for ii mil. JatiieH A. Mchnery, special troas Irttagont of tho district of Tuxiih, and iJeufcrd Sharp, of Han Antonio, assist- l nltod HtatoH diHtriot attorney, ted a oraft and signalled it and cjtaken off tho island and brought to ifhipyard nt CorpiiM Fiuh. 'loony tla r vessel was sent to l'adro island ok for tho rest of tho AIiiiu'h pas TH, Ailtulriil fervent' Wiitrb, I'-bita, Kan., Jan. 21. Admiral ra'fl watch, it ih claimed, Ih owned Lieutenant Bolts, eompany h, nty-tlitnl Kansas voltiutuurH, n ic'firo, who Ih homo from Cuba. It Ihii Wa gold watcli, tho caaa sot with ffiffiionds and rubioH. IiihUIo "Puschul jgfvera" is engraved. Tho watch wiih uuwruu uy uous, ucconiiiiK io iiih b", from a Spanish pilot tho man guided Curvera'H Hlilp out of Ban ago harbor July U. Ah a rewind Cur- gavo him tli f h watch. Hulng in nitened ciroiinifltanceH and wanting o home, hu Bold it to Holts for $62. Iteof fur Manila Soldier. an Fninciflco, Jan. 21. Tlio trnnn- h Scandia and Morgan City, which is t-oou to Hail for Manila, will carry rgu supply of California moat to ll tho HoldlorH Htationed in tlio Phil- ni'H. On tho Morgan City, -1,000 h of canned meatH havu been ofd, whilo 10,000 pounds of frozen i will be put on board tho Scandia wst Sunday morning. Dyniiniltn.Atluiiipt. Joiitli Omaha, Jan. 21. About !! lotl: tli Ih morning an attempt waa do to blow un with dynamite tlio lidenco of 1 H. Towlo, tho inaiiagor : tlio Omaha racking Company, A tkering light on tho porch attracted J)anserby, who stamped tho llro out. jiimination developed that it was n go connootou with a package contain- Bi,x Hticks of dynamite. Anotlitir lllir Tnut, Milwaukee Wis.. Jan. 21. Tho ktional Enamolina & Stamnlmr Com. uy will bo tho namo of tho Granlto- iro triiBt, which includoa tho Kieck- lifer Company, of tins eltv. Tho jnpany will ho organized nndor tho va of Now Jorsoy. with n canital Jok of $10,000,000 BQVon nor cent nr. jred atock and $20,000,000 oommon JOK, L'limniliiloiieri Vrutn Aculmililo, . t. Louia, Jan. 21. Laaodn Maiti rgoa and J. Lunaa, comniisaloned rosontatlvoa of AKulnnldo. tho in- Kent loader of tho Philirinlno ;"id8, pnasod 20 minutes in St. Louis ny, OH rOUto to Wlishinutnn. 'I'linlr fHion Is to poiauado Undo Sam to ro- 'luian ma hold on tho Philinnlno .nnda. HAULED DOWN A SPANI8H FLAG I'liplnln KiiIiim, of tlm Itrnoliiln, llo- nut mi I ii it 1 1 . Now York, Jan, 2(5 A dispatch from Havana miyi: Captain Katun, of tho auxiliary orulnor Itumiluto, captured a 20-foot HpanlHh Hag in tho harbor ami Incidentally taught tho SpaniardH u lea boh In uiatiuerH A K pa u I nh Rchooticr of about 7U,tonH milled iilongHidc tho Honolulu, where it hovu to, and with a cheer of defiance from tliu men aboard, an immutiBo Bpanlnh (lag was run up to tho miiHt head, with tlio Cubiin flag beneath it. Captain Katon whh fotced to recognize tho iiiHiilt, and ordered Naval Cadet N'trrant and Marino Oil) cor Thorpe, with a fllo of murines into a Hteam launch, which npeedlly overtook tho Spaniard. The captain rufiidod to obey tliu order to lower tho flag, whereupon the marines went aboard and took fore ihlo poKHCHftioii of the Bpanlah flag, leaving tho Cuban Hag flying at tho i uiaHthead. I Tho occupants of tlio echooncr woro thou completed to give throe cheers for tho Cuban and American flags, after which tliu vesKol was allowed to pro ceed. Tho captured ling will bo hold .is a prlzo. WANTS RECOGNITION. AbuIiiiiIiIo In Nitxr Hliovrlng 111 Ifurnt ltriiitt to tlm VittlrBii. Madrid, Jan. 25. Premier Sagastn lectures that Agulnnldo has made tlio liberation of Spanish prisoners in tlio Philippines conditional upon Spain rec ognizing tiio Philippine lepuhlic, and allying hersolf thereto. Agulnnldo, it is added, has similarly demanded tho Vatican's recognition of the Philippine republic. A dispatch from Manila says, "Tiino in which insurgents have al lowed Americans to recoguizo their Independence expires tomorrow, and himtiliticj uro expected to open." Agiiinaldo has icquoiiled thu Vatican to Rend a 'commission to negotiate fur tlio release of thu clericals. Mint Act C'ltiilliiiinly. London, Jan. 25. The Madrid cor-, resdomlent of tho Standard says: '"Aguinaldo'H attitude regarding tho prisoners in tiiu Philippines obliges the government to act cautiously in order to avoid a conflict with tho United States. Whilo endeavoring not to make tho condition of tho captives worse, thu authorities do not liko to , countenance tliu private direct efforts , of tlio families who aro disposed to jflor ransoms for imprisoned friends." , Nortlirru Pnclllc Itcntrll. Washington, Jan. 25. In tho United States supremo court today, Justice MoIConna handed down an opinion in 1 tho cvmi of thu Northern Pacillo Hail-, way Company vs. tho Tteasuror of , Jefferson County, Mont. Tho cmo in-' volvos thu right of statu authorities to I tax railroad lauds within tho Northern ' Pacific grant which aro unpatented be cause their character with reference to , mineral has not yet been determined. Thu railroad company contended that such right had not existed but thu de cision of thu circuit court was against tliu company, and tho supremo court uphold tliis opinion. Urewor, Shiias, : Whilo and Pockham dissented. Allrll Kxrlmloll I.imv. Victor in, H. C., Jan. 25. At a moot ing tonight in suppoit of tho govern ment candidates for parliament, Attorney-General Hun. Joseph Martin said thuro was a possibility of tliu Do minion government disallowing the alien exclusion law. Ho Intimated that oven in tliu face of such a disal lowance, the provincial government would persist in their right to mako laws for the host interests of tho piov. Incu, regardless of what might bo dono by tho Dominion government in ail at tempt to gain concessions in tho joint high commission. llult-iuo or Civil l'rUoiKira. Madrid, Jan. 25. A telegram re ceived hero from Manila says the in surgent congress at Malolos has author ized the reioato of all civil prisoners, and will shortly cause to ho liberated thu military prisoners held by tho ruvolutionsts. The Spanish steamer Stilus Tregul, from Havana, lias ar rived nt Cadiz with repatriated Span ish troopa on board. DUtiirbiiiicfi In llitluliliii. Brussels, Jan. 26. According to the Patrioto, sorious disturbances havo arisen betweon King Leopold and some of thu ministers on the question of thu introduction of tho uni-nominal doc toral system, which tho king advocated. It ia rumorod that tho premier, M. Do Smot Do Naoyor, will resign tomorrow, and that tliu cabinot will be recon structed. Olumlilownr' Strlku Threatened. Millvillo, N. J., Jan. 25. An official of tho Greon Glassblowors' Association, Btated that 3,000 nonunion South Jor Boy blowora would strike this week if tlio 11 rm s ro fused to pay tlio union wngOB. Meotlngs woro hold in tho dif ferent towna today, and tho workorg havo dooldod to1 join tho union. Hiiwitlliiu Navigation I.nw. Washington, Jan, 25. Tho sonate comuiittoo on commoroo today author ized Sonator Nolson io n a favor- ablo ropoit on tlio bi'l ..tending our navigation lows to h , , Tho com inittoo amended tlio b.n ns to make it inaludo not only tho hva relating to navigation, but also those oouooruiiiff commerce r.nd morohant soamon. OANAL BILL PASSES SENATE. I'lioro Wrrn Only 81 V,jto AkiiIoH It In Tli ut Doily. . Washington, Jan. 24. Tho Nicara Ilia canal measure, known as tho Mor gan bill, has passed tho Henato by n vote of '18 to 0. An impoitanl ainond niont was first adopted which is as follows: "That if tho president shnll ho un ahlo to secure from tho governments of Nicaragua and Costa Kicn such concos oIoiih aH will onablo tho United States to build, and perpetually own and control said canal, tho president is mithorizcd to negotlato for a control of or a right to construct, maintain and perpetually control some other canal connecting tho Atlantic and Pacific oceans, and tho president is required to negotiate for the abrogation or mod Id eation of any and all treaty obligations, if such exist, an shall in any way in teifero with tho construction, owner fchip and perpetual control ol any such canal; provided that no payments uliall be made under tho provisions of this act to or for tho benefit of tho stockholder of tho Maritime Canal j Company, or for any of its property, unless tho president shall decide to keep thu eanal under tlio granted to said company." concessions GLOOMY OUTLOOK AT DAWSON IfonplliiU Flllcil to OvcrUfHrliig With liiillBolit Nick. Dawson, via Port TowriHcnd, Jan Tho situation hero is gloomy, number of sick is increasing, and . 24. Tho tho six hospitals aro full. Tho mounted polico havo donated for Hie helti of flirt nnnr Hiiinn ft'tO flfin in cash from their treasury. This leaves! them with but $4,030 cash on hand. Commissioner Ogilvio called a meet ing to decide on ways and means for relieving tho situation, and a memorial asking foi aid will be sent to Wash ington. It is estimated that $0,000 a month will ho required to pay for tho treatment of indigent patients. Tho deatli rato this wintor has been almost as great as in tho summer. Several stampedes to now fields havo recently occurred, but in each caso tho goldBeekcra weio disappointed. Or. 1.1 HtiiiKliird lllll. Washington, Jan. 24. Tho houso coinage, weights and measures commit too by strictly a party voto ordered a 1 favorable report on tho substitute forj house bill to fix tho standard of value in the United States and for other pur poses. Tho bill provides in substance, that tho standard of valuo in tlio United States shall ho tho gold dollar; that all contracts existing and in u-' turo thall bo computed in reference to tho standard; that thero shall bo estnb-' lishcd a treasury department of issue and redemption; that greenbacks shall ' bo retired and that upon their retire-1 munt gold bills shall bo substituted thorcfor. Arcliltlaliiip Irnlnml Wlin. Washington, Jan. 24. The secretary of the interior lias affirmed tho decision of tiie coiiimissioner-goneral of tho land offlco in the famous case of Archbishop Ireland, involving title to 83,178 acres of land in Minnesota. Ho holds that under thu first contract mado with the St. Paul, Minnesota & Manitoba Hail road Company, July 17, 1880, Ireland was not thu puichasor, but that under tho second contract, adopted Marcli 30, 1883, lie was tliu purchaser. Accord ingly tiie lauds covered by the first contract will not go to Ireland, while ho will receivo tlioso covered by tht second cent a t. ltiortMl Murder of Kniiilnh Olllcer.i. Labium, Island of Labnun, British Bornoo.Jan. 24. She Bteamor Labaun, which has returned fiom tliu island ol Palawan, in tho southwestern pottion of tlio Philippine nichipelago, reports that tho Spanish governor of tlio island and a number of Spanish oflicors wore murdered by tliu natives while issuing from church. The natives thon ie tired to thu hills, taking tlio women and children and some men as prison ers. Killed In Mine. Baker City, Or.. Jan. 24. S. W. Johnson was instantly killed by a pre maturo blast of giant powdor in the May Queen mine, near the Red Boy in i no, today. Johnson wiih aged 47 years, and lately came from Indiana. Ilia wifu is at tlio May Queen mine, and lie left two brothers and other rel atives in Indiana, Memorial Tablet to Uiigley. Annapolis, Md., Jan. 24. The memorial tablet placed in the naval academy chapel in momory of Ensign Worth Bagley, who waa killed on the Wiualow off Cardonas in the late war, waa unvoiled today in tho prosonco ol n largo number of naval oflicors and otliors. Cluy ton-lliiler Trenty. London, Jan. 24. Tho Daily Nowi editorially today says: "Tho Clayton. Bulwor treaty is a singular document, signed by a woak American adminis tration in peculiar circumstances, and for Lord Salisbury to insist upon itt unconditional observance now would be noithor gracious nor wise." A Denial From Hume, Homo, Jan. 24. Tho Tribuno an nouncqs tliat tho Italian oruisors Elba and Etna aro shortly going to China, but that tlio rumor of tho Italian gov ernment's intontion to soizo a Chinos? port is premntuio. PACIFIC COAST TRADE, Hoiillli) Mitrkot. Onions, 8500o per 100 pounds. Potatoes, 20$20. Hoote, per sack, 75c. Turnips, per mick, 50 75c. GurrofH, per Hack, '1300c. Parsnips, per sack, $1. Cauliflower, 50200o per doz. Celery. 85Q40C Cabbage, native and California ?1.001.50 per 100 pounds. Apples, 115 50c per box. Pears, 50e(g$l.r,0 per box. Prunes, 50c per box. Hutter Creamery, 27c per pound; dairy and ranch, 1822c per pound. Kggs, 27c. Choose Natlvo, 1212c. Poultry Old hens, Mc per pound; spring chickens, 14c; turkeys, 10c. Fresh meats Choice dressed beef steers, prime, 0j7c; cows, prime, 0c; mutton, 7c; pork, 0g7c; voal, 002 8c. Wheat Feed wheat, 823. Oats Choice, per ton, $24. Hay Paget Sound mixed, $0.00 11; choice Eastern Washington tim othy, $15. Corn Whole. $23.50: cracked. 24: ; feed meal. $23.00. Hurley Moiled or ground, per ton, ifafjsao; wholo, $22. Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.50; straiuhts, $3.25: California brrnds, 3.25; buckwheat flour, $3.75; graham, per barrel, $3.00; wholo wheat flour, $3.75; rye Hour, $1. MillBtuflH Bran, per ton, $14; shorts, per ton, $10. Feed Chopped feed, $20 22 per ton; middlings, per ton, $17; oil cako ulca1' l'or ton ?35' I'ortlunil Market. Wheat Walla Walla, 59c; Valley, Glc; Bltioatem, G2o per bushel. Flour Best grades, $3.20; graham, $2.05; superfine, $2.15 per barrel. Oats Choice whito, 4l42c; choice gray, 3040c per bushel. Barley Feed barley, $2224; brow ing, $23.50 per ton. Millstuffs Bran, $17 per ton; mid dlings, $22; shorts, $18; chop, $10.00 per ton. Hay Timothy, $010; clover, $7 (38; Oregon wild hay, $0 per ton. Butter Fancy creamery, 50 55c; ecconds, 4550c; dairy, 4045o store, 25 30c. Cheese Oregon full cream, 12c; Young America, 15c; new cheese, 10c per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $2.253 per dozen; hens, $3.50-1.00; springs, $1.253; geese, $0.007.00 for old. $4.505 for young; ducks, $5.00 5.50 per dozen; turkeys, live, 15 10c per pound. Potatoes 05 70c per suck; sweets, 2c pur trfjund. Vegetables Beets, 00c; turnips, 76c per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab bage, 11.25 per 100 pounds; cauli flower, 75o per dozen; parsnips, 75c per sack; beans, 3c per pound; celery 70 75c per dozen; cucumbers, 60c ptr box; peas, 3(33c per pound. Onions Oregon, 75c $1 per Back. Hops 1517c; 1897 crop, 40c. Wool Valley, 1012o per pound; Eastern Oregon, 812c; mohair, 20c per pound. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and ewos, 4c; dressed mutton, 7c; spring lambs, 7c per lb. Hogs Gross, clioico heavy, $4.25; light and feeders, $3.004.00; dressed, $5.00(35.60 per 100 pounds. Beef Gross, top steers, 3.50$3.75; cows, $2. 50 3. 00; dressed beef, 50c per pound. Veal Large, 0Q7c; small, 78c por pound. Situ Francisco Market. Wool Spring Nevada, 1012c pet pound; Oregon, Eastern, 1012o; Val ley, 1517c; Northern, 0llc. Millstuffs Middlings, $22 24.00; bran, $20.60(321.60 per 'n Onions Silverskin,50(5 75cper sack. Butter Fancy creamery, 24o; do seconds, 2123c; fancy dairy, 22o; do soconds, 18 20c por pound. Eggs Store, 2728o; fancy ranch, 2931o. Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia, $3 2.50; Mexican limes, $U0.60; Cali fornia lomons, $2.00. 800; do choice, $3.604.50; per box. II rave Girl. "It's a drondful thing," ho said, with a gloomy nir, "that ice cream makers are getting so unscrupulous that tiioy put gluo in tho frozon mix turo to givo it firmness." Tho pretty girl sot her lips together for an instant. "That nioy be true," alio responded, rubbing the spoon suggestively ovoi hor empty pinto, "but I do not believo ono dish of it ovor would mako anybody stuck up." And ho had to order a second, allow ance. N. Y. Recorder. Strucelei of tho Younc Mind. Tho following aro extracts from ex amination papers presented by pupila nt a prominent privato school in this neighborhood: In history Q.: "What was thu olmraotor of Homy VIII?" A.: "Henry VIII waa a congonial libertine." In rhotoric Q.: "What is an epigram I" A.: "An epigram is a figure of spooch sometimes used in n joke and somo times on tombstones," Definitions "A myth isn lialf fish and half woman." "Tho vowels aro fivo u, o, i, o, and u, and sometimes w and y." Now York Tribune. ALONG THE COAST lteina of Gnnnrnl Intni-nut Glontied From the Thriving 1'iiclfin Hliitix. Cruelty on tlm Hlcli Bmtii. At Portland, Or., on tlio 18th, sailors on tho German ship Margarctha told startling stories of alleged cruel treat ment on tho part of Captain Hasch. Tho Bailors, to a man, relate a series of outrages perpetrated since tho vessel left her homo port somo eight months ago, that if true, whether committed with or without cause, aro exceedingly startling, cruel and inhuman. They allege that over since thoy Btarted out they havo been In danger of getting killed ono way or another, and they as sert that not for anything could they bo induced to again go to sea under command of Captain Hasch. Tho crow, 25 men all told, havo laid their complaint beforo tho German vice consul. I'ortland n Itenervr City. Portland is now a reserve city, and thousands of dollars heretofore kept in San Francisco and New York by the bankers of Oregon, Washington and Idaho will como to Portland. Tho con dition imposed upon national banks in rese'vo cities is that thoy shall carry 25 per cent of tlioir doposits in avail able funds, instead of 15 per cent. Portland banks havo been carrying from 30 to 00 per cent ever ainco the panio of 1802 and '93, and tho new condition will not be a liaiship to them. Strelliemt Salmon Scarce. Steelhead salmon aro becoming scarcer as vhe season draws to a close. So fow aro being taken that the cold storage plants at Astoria havo refused to receive any more, and tho quantities delivered of late were eo small that they did not pay lor tlio trouble of handling them. Privato buyers are paying 5 and 0 cents a pound, but tho supply is only sufficient for local demand. The season ends Februaiy 15. I'ucet Sound Unlverdty. Tho new management of the Puget Sound university, of Tacoma, proposo to pay the debts of the university and endow it under a subscription scheme, to bo known as the 20th century fund. All endowment notes givon will be mado payable within 10 years, and will draw interest nt the rate of 5 per cent per annum. It will require but $50,000 to settle all debts and put the. college in good financial condition. Vaterwork for Klein. II. V. Gates, of Hillaboro, haa con tracted to put in a gravity water sya teni and an electric light plant in El gin, Or., construction soon to com mence. Tho water will bo carried through a flume for a distanco of over two miles. A part of this power will be used in running a largo flouring mill. Mr. Gates has contracted to em ploy local labor in tho construction of tho plant. Geo. AV. Dent Dead. Georgo W. Dent, brother-in-law ot General U. S. Grant, and uncle of U. S. Grant, jr., candidate for United States senator, died at Oakland, Cal. He was 79 years of ago. For 10 years Mr. Dent was appraiser of customs at San Francisco. Ho was appointed by President Grant, and held office until retired by. President Cleveland. Mr. Dent came to California in 1852. Herring FUIiIhe nt Fort Townsend. On the 18th the docks of Port Town Bend were lined with people watching anglers catching herring, which were so plentiful in tlio bay that in a singlo haul of tlio jigger ono to four herring were landed. Tiie fishermen enjoyed tlio sport, whilo the onlookers secured a mess of herring by simply picking them up off the dock. A Thief CnuRht. About a week ago $500 in coin ind somo valuablo articles woro stolen from nn old man named John Weaver, near Cauyonviile, Or. Curtis Hattline, 23 yeara of age, was arrested thero by Con stablo T. J. Butohor on a charge of having stolen tlio money. After hia arrest Hartlino admitted hia guilt and was held to answer. Hocus Make Itevelnt Inns. Ex-Treasurer Bogga testified in court recently that about $70,000 of tho war rants involved in tho warrant suit against tlio city wero not signod by him whilo ho was troasurer of tho city, but wore signed tliroo days after his term expired. Soldier From Wnll TVnllrt Send. F. J. Carlylo, of Walla Walla, re ceived a telegram from Manila, inform ing him of tho death of Allon Carlyle, hia brothor. The deceased was a mem ber of company I, Washington volun teers, now at Manila, His death waa ascribed to typhoid fever. The Aitorla Fuili Club. Secretary Lyman, of tho Astoria Push Club, has boon authorized to visit tho oroamorios at Albany, Hainior and Skamokawa for tho purpose of making observations and reporting to tho creamery coruuiitteo of the association Flrit Columbia Itlvor Smelt. The first Columbia river smolt of the season woro offorod for salo in an Astoria market on the 18th. Thoy woro taken at Cathlamet, and tho con signment did not oxoeed ovor 50 pounds.