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About Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1899)
HEART OF THE WORLD. BY H. RIDER A Strango Story, Taken From a Mexican Indian to Ills Englishman Copyrighted. 1891. by tonffwes, butsUIl tnoro nra u iow ioic lnjs. In the old (Sines, when they did not ask questions, it was otherwise, for then men of pluck wore ready for any thing1, from revolution down to the Rtringlnfr up of a coach land of fat mer chants, but now is tho day of small profits, and wo must bo thankful for such triilot, as providence sends us." "Snob as tho two Americans who (jot drunk and killed each other," suffocated the senor, whoso tongue was never or the most cautious. Instantly Don Pe.lro's face changed, tho sham geniality born of drink went out of it. and was replaced by a hard and cimn'n-r look. "I nm tired, senor," he siild. "as yon must bo also. and. if yon will exciuo me, I will ligiit another cifjnr and tnk a nap hi mv hammock. Perhaps you will u-nus3 "your.islf with the others, senor, till yo- wiih to go to rest," And, risin? , ho bowed and walked somewhat unsteadily t the lnmmoek that was suspended at tho far end of tho room. When Don Pe.lro hid retired to his hammock, whither tho Indian girl. Luisa, was summoned to swing him to sleep, I saw his son Jose and tho Atnsr Ijan outcast. Smith, both of whom, like the rest of the company, were more or less drunk, cmno to tho scmor and ask him to join in a gam j of cards. Guess ing that their object was to make him show what ca-sh ho had about him. ho also affected to be in liquor, and re plied nobily that he had lost all his money in the shipwreck, and was, more over, too full of wine to play. "Then you must have lost it on tho road, friend," said Don Jose, "for you forget that you made those sailors a present from a b?lt of gold which you wore about your middle. However, no gentleman shall be force I to play in this house, so come an 1 talk while the others have their little gam.-." "Yes, that will hi bettor." answered the senor, and he stiggercd to an empty chair, placed not far from the table nt which I remained, and was served with spirits and cigars. Hero ho sat watch ing the play and listened to tho conver sation of the gamblers. All thb while I sat at the little tabte where my dinner had been served, say ing nothing, for none spoke to me, but within hearing of everything that passed. There I sat quiet, my arms folded on my breast, listening atten tively to the tales of outrage, wrong, and murder practised by these wicked ones upon my countrymen. Presently Don Smith called out: "Look at that Indian rascal, friend; he b as proud as a turkey cock in spring time; why, he reminds me of the iigures of the king in that ruin where wo laid up last year waiting for the senora and her party. You remember the senora, don't you, Jose? I can hear her squeaks no w," and he laughed brutally, and add ed: "Come, King, and have a drinl-" "Gracious, senor," I answered, "I have drunk." "Then smoke a cigar, 0 king." "Gracious, senor, I do not smoke to night." "My lord cacique of all the Indians won't drink and won't smoke," said Don Smith, "so we will offer him in cense," and taking a plate he filled it with dry tobacco and cigarette paper, to which he set fire. Then he placed the nlatc on the table before me, to that the fumes of the tobacco roso into the air about my head. "There, now hclookslike a real god," said the Americano, clapping hb hands. "I say, Jose, lot us make a sacrifice t 'him. There is the girl who ran away last week, and whom we caught with the dogs " "No, no, comrade," broke in Jose; "none of your jokes to-night; you for get that wc have a visitor. Not bat what I should like to sacrifice this old domonio of an Indian himself," h added, in an outburst of drunken fury "Curse him! he insulted mo and my father and mother, yonder on board -the shin." "And are yoil going to put up wit'i that from this wooden old Indian g d? Why, if I were in your place, by now I would have filled him as full of holaj a a eolfee roaster, just tolct the lies out." "That's what I want to do'" said .lose flashing hb teeth; "ho has Insultet'. rae and threatened me, and ought ti pay for it, the black thief." And draw ing a large knife ho nourished it in in face. I did not shrink from it; I did not so much as suffer my eyelids to tremble: though the steel Hashed within an inch of them, for I knew that if once I showed fear he would strike. There fore I said calmly: "You are pleased to jest, senor, and your jests are somewhat rude, but 1 pass them by, for I know that you can not harm me because I am your guest, and those who kill a guest are not gen tlemen, but murderers, which the high born Don Joso Moreno could never be.'' "Stick tho pig, Jose," said Smith. "He is insulting you again. It wil save troublo afterward." Thon ns Don Joso again advanced up on me with the knife, of a sudden the senor sprang up from his chair and stood between us. "Come, friend," he said, "a joke is n joke, but you are carrying this too far. according to your custom," and seizing tho man by the shoulders, he pul oul all his great strength and svvun? him back with such force that, strikim against tho long table with hb thighs, ho rolled on to and over It, falling heav ily to the ground on tho further side, wlioncc ho rose cursing with rage. By now Don Pedro, who had wakened, or affected to waken from his sleep, thought that thft time had come to In- HAGGARD Manuscript Bequeathed by an Old Friend and Comrade, an Named Jones. II. Hlilcr llnecnnl tcrfore. , , "Peace, little ones, ponce l" ho cried sleepily from his hammock. "Uomem bor that the men aro guests, and cense brawling. Lot them go to bed; It Is time for them to go to bed, and they need rest, and by to-morrowyourdllTor-enees will be healed up forever." "I take the hint," said tho senor, with forced gayety, "Come, Ignatlo. let u sleep off ou.-host's good wine. Gentle men, Sweet dreams' to you." and he walked across tho room, followed by myself. At the door I turned my hoad and looked back. Every man In tho room was watching Intently, and it seemed to me that tho drunkenness hnd passed from their faces, scared away by a sense of some great wickedness waiting to bo worked. Don Smith was whisper ing Irfto the ear of Jose, who still held the knlfo in his hand, but tho rest were staring at us as pconlo stare at men passing to the scaffold. Even Don Pedro, wide awako now, sat up In the hammock nnd peered with his horny eyes while the Indian girl, Luisa, her hand upon the cord, watched our departure with some such fuco as mourners watch tho outbearing of a corpse. All thb I noted In a moment as I crossed the threshold aw 1 went for ward down tho passage, and as I went I shivered, for the scene was uncanny and fateful. Presently wo wer3 In the abbot's chamber, ovr sleeping place, and had locked the door behind us. Near tho waslwtand, on which burned a singfj candle, set m tho nojk of n bottlo, sat Molas, his face buried In his hands. "Have they brought you no supper that you look so sad?"' asked the senor. "The woman L-ii.w gave me to cat,' he answered. "Listen, lord, and you, Senor Strickland, our fears are. well founded; thero n a plot to murder us to-night; of this the woman Is sure, for she heard some yord- pass between Don Pedro and a white man called Smith; also she saw one of the half breeds fctih some spades from the gar den and place them in rca lincss, which spades aro to bo used ia thu hollowing of our graves beneath thb floor." "I am afraid tltat we have beon toe venturesornn In coming here," I said, "and unlc we can escape at once we must be prepared to pay the price of our folly with our lives." "Do not bo downcast, lord," said Molas, "for you ha vo not heard all the tale. The woman has shown me a means whereby you can save yourselves frosj death, at any rcte for to-night. Come here " and leading us across the room he knelt upon the floor at a spot almost opposite the picture of the ab bot and prc-iscd upon a panel in the low wainscoting of cedar wood with which the wall was clothed to a height of about three feet. The panel slid aside, leaving a space barely large enough for a man to pass. Through this opening wc crept one by one, and passed down four narrow hteps to find ourselves In a chamber hollowed out of the foundations of the wall, s small that there was only just room foi the three of us to stand in it, our head: being some inches above the level oi the floor. "How can we save ourselves by crouching here like rats in a wall?" I asked of .Molas. "Doubtless the secret of the hiding place is known to thcttc who live in the house, and they will drag us out and butcher us." "The woman Luisa says that it is known to none except herself, lord, for she declares that not two months ago she dbcovcrcd it for the first time by fie accident of the broom with whbh she was sweeping the floor striking aga nst the springs of the panel. And now let us come out for a while, for it b not yet eleven o'clock, and she says that there will be no danger till after midnight." "Has she any plan for our escape?" I asked. "She has a plan, though she is doubt ful of its success. When the murderers have been and found us gone they will think cither that we are wizards or that wo have made our way out of tho house, and will search no more till dawn. Meanwhile, if she can, Luisa will return and, entering the chamber by the secret entrance, will lead us to the chapel, whence n'.'-? tHnlc, '- . t-iy ' " "(iiicro is thb secret entrance, Molas?" "I do not know, lord; she had no time to tell me, but the murderers will como by It. She did tell me, however, that she believes that a man and a woman aro imprisoned near the chapel, though she knows nothing of them and never visits the place, because tho Indians be lieve it to be haunted. Doubtless these two are Zibalbay and hb daughter, so that If you live to come so far you may find them there and speak with them." Some minutes before midnight wo extinguished the light, and, creeping ohe by one through the hole In the pan cling, closed it behind us and took our stand in the little dungeon. Here the darkness was awful, nnd as the warmth of tho wine wc had drunk passed from our veins our fears gathered thick upon us and oppressed our souls. Finally it the senor touched me. "Harkr he whispered into my car, "I hear men creeping about the room." "For tho love of God bo silent," I an swered, gripping hb hand. 0IIAPTJ3B IX. THIS VUKh. Now wo placed our ears against tho panolllng and Jistoncd. First wo heard Cr!flIK tllflf. U'ini 1-,,rl In !. ..(111........ then soft heavy noUos suoh as aro mado ll.f rtnl ti.l..... 11 1 .... "j ti. nura juiu iroin aueigiitto tho ground, and a gentle rubbing as of If you wnut old exchanges for rending, or to stop the wind nwny cnll nt the Bohemia Nugget office. l'or sale cheap. There are nhout 30,000 men nt present actively engaged in mining smelting, nnd milling ore in Colo rado. In California there are about 20,000. The linker city Democrnt says that 0 single blast recently ex ploded in the Bonanza mine, nt n deptli of 500 lect, brought down I about 30 tons ot ore, of which 20 ! tons contained $63,000 the most of which was fine gold. Ike Guker, the discoverer of the famous Great Northern mine, near Canyon City has received from the j Trans-Missisippi exposition, nt Omaha, n beautiful silver mednl !nnd diploma, awarding him for his jfine display of wire gold, thread gold and gold bearing quartz taken I from his mine, the Great Northern. Oregon Mining Journal. The Salem Journal in that valuable paper's "X rays" column quotes Shnkespenrc ns having said "The good men do livenftcr them." As we nre not a Shakes pearean scholar, just for our per sonal .satisfaction we should be pleased to have the Journal 'X rays" man name the play, act and scene in which this quotation iper the Journal may be found. A Manila corespondent advises any "young man, if he has money, if he wants to make a fortune, to Jcome there at once." The advice maybe well intended, but if wc; j were a young man and "had j I money," we'd just stay right in. Cottage Grove. As we haven't got j the money we'll probably slay any , way, that is until we see some of jour good citizens coming toward j our office with a jug of molasses and a sack of goose feathers. N0TICK OF FOHFKITUKK. Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon January 11, 18i). To Alkx Contxkk: You aro ln'reby notified that vu Iihvo j expended at leant $200, in work tind labor on eaeli of tliu two mining 'clainiH known and record jd in the j Mining Keeordi of tlio Kolietiiiu Mining 1 DiHtrict in Lane county, Oregon, hh the "Drum Luniond" and "Opportunity" j iniiiint; elainiH, as will appear by 'certificate filed January l.'l, ISbOintlio . ofiicc of tho County Clerk in mid L:tu county, in order to hold n-.ud prcmiHCH 1 under the provinioim of section 2424 lie-! vised Statutes of tho United HtnlcH, beiiiK tho amount required to I old (he Huid two claims for tho yearn 1807 and J 1898, roHpectivoly, and if within ninety days after thu completion of the publi cation of tli Ih notice, -you fail, nv- icci or reniHO to contribute your portion of Haid expenditure aH a co-owner, your inlercHt in the eiild claimu will become the piopcrty of the subscriber!), under staid section L'324. J. II. Wiiitk, A.M. White. SUMMONS. J. P. Currln, 1'lnlntlir, Jnmo K. Thorp, Mlnitlo M. Thorp uml J. W. t. ucmuy, uiiininimnuor iif the cstnta of v.. l Thorp, (leccuc1jrunt8. I ToJowosK. lhorii,MIinlo M. ThurpuniU. "";ii wiiiinnirior ill inueaiiuu 01 I", iiiuiii, ueccnsen, iiciomianlH ubove Iininuil: , Inthealnp of tho Htuta of Orazoii, you hm neroiiy reqiitreil to appear mid uimwor the comiiriilrit III0.1 aualnstyou In theabnvo en titled gnit by tho ilrst day of thenoxt term of the above entitled Court following the ex liiratlon of tho time prenerlbed In the order for 1 '." uininonii, wnicn first nay will bo on thocth day of .March, 18'A and 11 you fall to no appear and aimwor, for want 2T.V!!' 'aintltr. will apply toeiild Court for " " "uuinnueii in nm complaint, to wit: For the foreelqauro of a certain mortgage exo. cutcdand delivered by 15. p. Thurp toj. W. Opwdyon thollth day of April, 1891, tonocuro tlio payment of a cortaln promissory nolo rVfi!Uatl K v- ,ThorJ' to wild J . Wabowily tliVWjPrf? A',r11 ". MM. with interest at ,nuwT 10 per cent per unnuin from maturity Hwi'V'w ',whlf,h .eul(l mortgage convoyed to ftt'a-iVit ? )'.orthat purine tho follow thnl?''e,' r,eV l"'0Port.,;' to- It:-Ix)t 1 and iZfilllVrtMi IK3 In Long and Landcss' Addition to Cottage Grovo In J,ano County, Oregon, which said mortgogo and .'ir,r? ?,.th0 , ,dttv ot January. JS-JU, assigned to this plalntlir. And for a docrcd barring and foreclosing you and ech of you from any and all right, tltlo or interests heirs at law of said u. P-Ihorp, In rand to said real proporty and ovory part thereof. This sum mons Is published by order of tho Hon. J, V. Harallion, Judge ofthoabovo entitled Court, mado January 19th, 18W. ' vuu"' j J. R, Youno. Atty. for Plutntllf. $40 CAS For the BEST WHEEL Ever Built.. Til mac Uftvncw "c"vr """" Next lo the U.'IM III IUI KlTTlvI) WITH C. & J. TIRES. FroclT. Merrill 105, 107, 109 Bkanchks: SPOKANIi, - - TACOMA, - - SKATYl.K. Ralph Whipple,. Ag't, COTTAOUGUOVK. C)U. J. S. Mlilll.liV, Attorney At Law, OUWo On MuliiMtivet, Vuttayu Ovovn, Orafon, Hri Thrill. When you want lino imbinct work (Ioihn furniture rt';ilrlii:, or llrcteliiM iMiiitltiir and liminini:. w Mr, Hldwell asi.t Son at "Cv" Mlllor'n lilm-kmnlih xhop. Thuv utiHmiitPo llioir work to lie I lift cliihii nnd tliuir iricin niu rixtyou it bin. No Air, No Life. Pneumonia suffocates, because the s v o 1 leu tubes get solid, and keep air from the lungs. Dr. j Acker's English Remedy j reduces the inflammation, so the j.-.ttteut breathes j freel', and is soon well. j Mi It. JUy.35 1 W.ssd St.,N.Y.. isays: "Wheu threatened with Ipimimonia, 1 took 0110 bo' tic of Dr. Aider's Ki mball Il me!y ami the: pai.i and toii;ii disappeared." i 3Uei, 25c iS'c.jfl. ATI Drr.f gist. ' 1 mr.r 31n,. iK 16 lini.nn' rHt . X.Y,: .............1 Re .dor, did y m e ver tako Himmon 'vr.n HnouiiAToit, tho "Kino 0 vnnMr.Diiwxl" Everybody need Ko a I.ver romcdy. It Ih a slupglfih c mchmsI liver tliat impalra d'gcstlo id catiacs constipation, when tho want Iion'd bo .carried off remains 1 .1 Ijo 'y nnd poiHons tho wholo Hyntom ''"t iill, heavy foaling in duo to iH llvor. UlliousnoHH, Headache i.a'aria and rndlgoHtion nro all llvo !.8m.ic3. Keop tho liver nctivo by ai ccasonal dosoof SimmoiiH Llvor itcg dator and you'll got rid of thoso trou lea, and givo tono to tho wholo cyr em. For a laxatlvo Simmons Llvo. 'ogulator Is iiottjir than Pium. I ioojno:grl,-o, nor weaken, hut grcath ofresho-j and Btrengthons. Hvry pnclcngo Iin.s tho Kcrt tamp on tlio wrnnpor. J. II ' 'Hi. .V:0o PJiilmlolphia. C. Y. Benjamin, editor mid pro pnetor of the Roseburg Plaiudealer since 1887. (l ed nt his ' - - - waaw All L. A. -w mai cuy January ir, 1800. Mr Benjamin since his connection with the Plaiudealer has made it one of the best county papers in uie state, and he enjoyed the reputation of an honorable, un- 1 i,-Xm&&-rr--z. right and conscientious man. H $40 It -V l'iitcd with Special xm.we. a, & j. tikes. m Quality and Prioc is , $20. $25 $30. Cycle go., nnd ill Sixth ,, Portland, Oregon SKCU'liT SOCIIvTll-S. OOTT.tflllUIIUyK mi :. so. m, a r., f. !. Mccti flrnl "ml llilnl Hiun1.rit well llllllllll, "101TA0K (IIIOVK I.OIMIK, K 0. T ill Jietin every iJiiirniitj- chiiiii. I I'VHNTro I.OIMIK. K.ilPl'.. NO MtW tj In OiM Ketluwi' lintl orvry Wrilmtb cvcnlnif. IOUHMMfAMI'. NO . i. W OKTIIUVJ McoU flut mill ilirlil Krli'.nji carli tiimilli C'T Valrntiki! C'lrrle. Xn. 121 ' t,l lncet ItioKceunil mnl Knuilh Mimilul immih. "10TT.WJK OIIOVP I.OIK.K. NO M. I O III V -Meet III 0-1il follow' li.ll ererv M ilny uvonlnif. "VTT.npnilOVKCIIAITKK, NO, 0,l vy k'oioyci- vim mm tin 1 iiiinjr 3; HItKKAll I.OWK SO. it, I O 1 1 . t Mecta liver flut nml llilnt 'rlf (jt'il llo'!iiil. lioM-'l.' I'rnYrnl I'liriiiiioiiln.' jH Yon art At iiwure that iinmSg nin nlwiiytj rumiltM from a cold orfnin iitliick of In trf. Dining lliceflili ii; of luTu'rljiiii' 11 few yitiri j tV"-i ninny ih(h reunited in iiit'iiiiniii j wjih obM'rved that tin attnek t u folluwed by llmt illeciixi' when Cfnin liiin'rt Conch Iteinedy wim iim-I, eoiiuliTiielH nny leiuleiicy of 1 coU Inripimto row ti It in that ilimfnm vim. It in tlh- Ih'hI rfiiaiji- in I worm lor bail eoIdH nnd I Kfry botllc warranted. Vvt nUi the lleiiooii I)rii Co.. Cotlii(o(.rc Joe I.yoiiH of Drain. Aclivc Sollciwrs Wanleil Uf For" The Story of the I'hillpi.liu.s M unit Hidrteiid, eiiiiiiiiiri'loiiHl by I Uiivcriiiiient iih Oll'ieiiil HlNtoriiii jlhe U nr l).iiirtineiit. The book written in nrinyeaiiipeiiit Sun I'm in on the I'lii'ifle with General Mntl the hospital nt llonohilii, hi II konjs. in tho Aiiicrleiin trnel(l Milium, in tno iiiHiiruent efinp I Aciliniildo, 011 the deck of th 0I) wim i;ewey, nml in the roar M lh Ileal the lull of Miinihi, II111111 iik-eiitrt. uriniliil ot orlu'inM pul tiiken by uoveriuneiit photoiiaplui 1 the npot. Iirue lKM)k; low ErieenJ prolltn. rri'iKht puid. Ciilll hoi) nil tniHhy iiiiolleinl Mar "lilt free. AddrecH. F. T III v'y., Star IiiHiiriuicu Hld4 Chiti H H II H ncs p. sk ;Cavcat, nml TmilcMarks obUltctl anil icniimiincifcunuuctcUior mooiratc Ti ;oun Of rice is opfooiti u.o, patc mtO nu wemnsreure pntent In Icil time tun remote from Waihlnirinn. . Send model, drawltur or nhoto.. with i tlon. We advlie. If i,alcntalle or not.ll charge. Our fee not due till patent liSWi A PAMCHLtT,. "How to OMaln Vtfatt, cot of same In the U.S. and foreli cei em iree. AUilreis, C.A.SNOWC( laiii'H Off. Patent Orncc, WabhiAtoi jOHHO. pvorld Wivory Eakiq gis o4 BANK. MS. I.I00 Ly TraiisacraQft-i'fdlinll i3usli6ss in aiupBrancncs. CotT" "rove, Or 8np roo lK a lib OfflPffldiln street, Mcit Hido, Von iu fill JlttJK-Jt c Of il inuiiy was oh Mollowi Icountc I Bripi tlio Hot All 1 library . Monday A first do ohcu Coffl drove, Orc(oiu