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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1917)
m 'm ♦ * -------^ _. Tgjgga * - earn ■ J V , . * ■ ,v-C a ■ V . ' ■J '-.»'- 1 PACE F IY I . ' I At FINANCIAL PREPAREDNESS "•gee-ronde a rc p of California ani State Comminaiimera Say the ' »oad fi Cees« Highway WIB Be § ____________ Pa*. te Omñoent City in Meet Womdurfel Owe. aad to placee It < From the Oregonian. Enthusiastic over thq poesibUittee of developing a world-eurpaseiag scenic read along «ho < pressed by 8. Benson, chairman o f the State Highway Commission, and John B. Yeon, roadmaster for Multnomah County, who returned to yesterday after a weak’s motor trip through the southwestern part o f tha state on which they wane led moot o f the distance by Governor Withycombo, State Highway sioner Adams and Amo Both Mr. Benson, Sr., and Mr. Yaoe are convinced that the coast road, aa well as the mountain routes from Grants Pam 'to Crescent City, C al, and from Roeeburg to Corn Bay will, when completed along standard lines, be instrumental to attracting many motor tourists to Oregon. They point out, too, that each of these reads is of tremendous economic importance, being needed to the full development of these communities. They feel that the coast road from Coos Bay to ths California line will be of scenic rather than significance and, therefore, It wait until the opportune time far Over and above alPetee they believe that the Pacific Highway and other main trunk roads must bars first con sideration add ths coabt aad scenic roads secondary consideration. “A fter tha scenic mad down the coast from Coos Bay to Crescent City U finished. I do not believe anything, in the world will surpass it,“ Chairman Ben an economic would not be o f the Curry county district being lam important, industrially, than its sis ter county on the north. Corn. Be cause o f the fact that the pfepoood coast road Is to be •of scenic rather mors important trunk ronds, such as the Pacific highway route, should re ceive consideration phsad o f i t , “I do not want to be understood as meaning that the proposed coast road will not be built, as it stoat certainly will be, bat it te to be dene gradually and in such a way aa not to interfere with the mem Important work. “The road from Grants Paas to Crescent City te to be a moat impor tant commercial highway, as is evi denced by the large amonwt o f travel which te already going that way. But the state should not, aad will not, spend its money on that routa until it io proparly located. “This matter is entirely up to the counties through which ths road runs, Josephine County, (fcwgoa, aad Dal Norte County, California, and them two counties have not thus far come together oa a right of way. Whoa they agree to meet oa a now toeattea and put their plans forward definitely the state than probably udO be to a position to do its share. _ “The road from Corn Bay to Roee burg ovet the Myrtle Potat-Camas Valley route is to fairly good shape, except about 20 mites over the me teins. Ths traffic over this road beea heavy and It has been eut up' rather badly. The state will work on this road to the near future and will also lay seam hard-surf aoe along ths newly completed grades be tween Marshfield and Coquille. This road from Corn Bay to Reaoburg te highly important, from a commercial stanrpoint.” If anything, Mr. Yoon is oven mom enthusiastic than Mr. Benson over the scenic poesibUittee o f road develop ment to the district covered by the road authorities oa the recent trip. “ Improvement o f the Coast routs from Coos Bay sooth will be ows ef the greatest assets Oregon could pos sibly possess,” said Mr. Yeon yéstar- day, "Futhermom, 1 think the com pletion o f this road along standard lines will corns quicksr than people now realise duo to ths demand and the recognised opportunity to make s tenstrike along scenic lines. “ Ones ths Pacific Highway te com pleted on a proper line and connected with a wonderful Coast road, includ ing the stretch from Coos Bay to Crescent City, the Pacific Coast will have a 1600-mils highway from Se attle through Washington and Ore gon to Los Angeles that will chal lenge the whole world for an This.route will embrace all e f cU state, some o f tbs finest mm try outdoors, ahd will pass through a country o f tremendous natural re sources and beauty. “ Tha completion o f thorn roads will, I predict, make Pert tend as important from a tourist standpoint in the sum mer as Los Angeles te to ths winter time. Good roads offer ths key to the great treasure stem o f touriste. Wo he vs ths greatest scenery in the world. AH wa need te ■ of eanysaa that m m to nd> down for mites below tha mad. Osar on ths coast mad them am also niflesnt views of ths same sort, ax- ospt th e Pacific Ocean rather than a gulch is at the bottom o f tlte picture. In some p from the road to ocean must be at 2000 feat.“ ‘ tives of ths IT B. government, one of the British, one o f the Italian, ami ene o f the Trench. A t this convention the United States officials announced that the government will have to have 117,000, 000 feet o f spruce timber for sera plane stock within the next twelve months. By does estimates, to secure this amount o f clear stock for asse- piflDus will require a cut o f 1,100,000,- 000 feet of logs as not more than 10ft War team, $87,00QJX)0,000; teas in dead and wounded, M/Wft.OW Man; kilted, 7,000,000; crippled far life, 000,000 men; tern through decrease ef birth rate to all belligerent countries, 0,000,000 men. ‘ The «old production o f the world daring the but 600 years amounted to $16,000,000,000, or teas than one-fifth o f the cost of tha awful world war," the pap«r continues. “ When the war begha the cans* »26,000,000,000 and now it is orar $ 112 , 000 , 000 , 000 . The British merchant fleet in 1914 represented a value of about $960,- 000,000. That is tees than th e --------1 interest England new has té pay for her war debt Before ths way Ger many exported goods to the amount o f $ 112 , 000,000 pm year to the Brit ish colonies. By cutting off this na in tha United States really began two years ago when the Federal Reserve System was organized. It will be complete' when every citizen Is doing his share towards the maintenance o f the system. By depositing your money with us yeu can help directly in developing and strengthening it, as we are required to keep on deposit with our Federal Reserve Bank in San Francisco a portion o f your balance with us. tflS \ . ¡4 4 !■ A t the same time, and without cost, you benefit di rectly from the protection the system affords us. First National Bank certified cheek for an amount equal to at least 6 pm cent, o f the total amount o f the bid. A corporate surety bond will be re quired for the faithful performance of the contract in a sum equal to one- half the total amount of the bid. tion for bidders may be obtained at the odUe o f the County Clerk o f said C<mnty, or at ths offiee o f the- Road- master, in the Court Houes, Coquille, ? QUICK’ S S e c o n d H an d S T O R I « Plana and specifications and forms ' J First and W illard Street! 5 place or may be obtained upon the deposit o f $16.00. The right is res sire J to reject any m all proposals or to accept tha pro posal or proposals deemed beet for DRESSERS STOVES COURT OF 0 0 0 8 COUNTY. • • 1 KITCHEN aad DINING TABLES BED SPRINGS, New aad OM HORSE COLLARS BEDSTEADS HARNESS • SADDLES BABBY BUGGIES GO-CARTS CREAM SEPARATORS CHURNS GREEN BONE CUTTERS SHEEP SHEARING MACHINE COMMODES GARDEN TOOLS *■ BTiMIM ■ ■ riBPVMTBB TM U l 1 and many other New and Second Hand Qood 6 Coquills, Oregon, able geode. A ba maha ape rial atm SCREEN DOORS aad WIN ' Bargain! l DOWS. NOTICE OF MEETING OF THE COUNTT BOARD OF EQUAL IZATION. The Cum County Board of Equali sation will meet at the Court House at Coquille, Oregon, on Monday, the 10th day o f September, 1017, and publicly examine the assessment rolls, and correct all errors in valuations, descriptions or qualities of lands, lots or other property aeaoeeed by me. It shall be the duty o f all persons inter ested to appear at the above place and time stated. Petitions car applications for the reduction of a particular as sessment shall be made in writing, verified by oath o f the applicant or his attorney'and be filed with the board The Myrtle Point Enterprise says: within fifteen days from the time it “ Fire in a lot o f slashings, the origin is byglaw required to meet; and any of which is unknown, endangerel the buildings on the Dement stock ranch it that the German government south V this city. White the flames M willingly pay mere for 200 Am got very cloee to even unter the big en leecmotlvm than fot all the Call and . See i., . . These 'T : vi i ‘W ’ M ■ 1 ' •M |H ■ TELEPHONE HELPS MAKE MILLIONS. The Oregon Voter teat week told of the lucent buefame caecemac o f Max H. Hauser and Robert N. Stanfield, each of whom am said to have made over two mi||ton dollars this year to the wheat and ehmp business respectively. The Voter m ys: “ Both mm am comparatively yeuag mm. BtaaleM has barely taiasd forty. Hamer |q „well under fifty. Both work night aad day. Beth got oat at four A. M. to the height e f the sm sm . Beth work the b a g distance tetepkeaa the mam oa a local merchant works his town phone." Hard work and. the intelligent use of the long distance telephone, are the great twin factors which 'contribute to the success in big undertakings. It may not be easy to work hard but tide company offers the excellent long distance telephone service Y which you need. ' C oos Professional Cards J. t WIB axdmage Guns, Phonographs, aad Kadaks for tehee mama AND , CURRY TELEPHONE C ompany . j| A. RICHMOND i - EH 11 1 1 A 1 ■ ' -.--I! il — Ijfl J_____ ■ |^ . J11 Z 1 T H E O N E I N D U S T R Y IN HY8ICIAN and SURGEON. Richmond-Barker Building. C O Q U IL L E 1 that has operated continuously since its establishment some fourteen yearn ago has been your Laundry. Rate or shtoa, good timm and bad, it has been on the job. Wo have a number of customers that have patronised it continually from beginning. We am grateful for this appreciation e f am service. Our aim te to improve the service every way paeeffite We wash every thing washable. tiio 1 [ I to &XHJILLE LAUNDRY * ICE COMPANY " w Str. Elizabeth to DR. C. W . ENDICOTT Banden San Francisco 1 1 ! 1 Far*, First class—$10. i. E. WALSTROM, Agate, Baadsa, J. J. STANLEY E. & E. T. Kruse, Mgr«., 24 Calif. S t, 8. F. J. E. Norton, Agent, Coquille, Ore 1 • • • ; A. J. SHERWOOD Dr. P. G. BUNCH s t • , t ii - I H A T I t I A T f l Ter reliable Abstracts o f Title and Informati! Ml A K x I k AI l \ about Coos County RsaJ Estate sro H D Û I I t H v l Û TITLE Otl AJI ANTEE fi ABSTRACT COM P Ah ■toteMM ani Caeams CRr. too. » Special attention paid to looking after ami «»men to and payment o f taxe rim * Marshfield Offien < Phone Coquilte OA M UJ HENRY 8KMG8TACKEN, Manager X 1 I Myrtle 19x4 1 • •to «« «• d -- ffi affi s Rt d sé* fi Æk Yonr Subscription Date Need Changüí? * a.-i 1 f